Podcast Episodes

8 Things to Look for in a Good Doctor or Healthcare Provider
In this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, host James Egidio discusses eight essential attributes to look for in a good doctor or healthcare provider for your healthcare. James shares this advice with 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner in which he has managed over 40 physicians in 3 niche medical practices.

Looking Back at COVID Treatments 3 Years Later- Interview with Dr. Alan Bain
In 2020 the COVID pandemic exposed the American Healthcare System for what it is; a greedy, profit-driven, power-hungry money machine at the expense of human health and life. Early on, off-labeled benign and safe life-saving medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine suddenly became illegal at the local, state, national, and international levels. However, some physicians stepped up at the risk of losing their medical licenses and livelihoods; Dr. Alan Bain did just that. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio unleashes his professional opinion and 24 years of experience in the medical industry by interviewing Dr. Bain about the treatment protocols 3.5 years post-COVID.

How Dangerous is Internet Pornography?- Interview with Eddie Capparucci, PhD
With over 106 large porn sites on the internet and millions of websites directly or indirectly operating in this type of business, internet pornography has become a 100 billion dollar per year industry. Porn websites get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined, and in one year, a single porn website gets 4.5 billion downloads. My guest specializes in treating problematic sexual behaviors, including pornography. Among his many clients have been professional athletes, including NFL and MLB players and television personalities. He has written several books. His latest book is “Understanding Your Inner Child and Overcoming Addiction.”

What is The World Health Organizations Pandemic Treaty CA+?- Interview with James Roguski
In episode number 19, I interviewed. Epoch Times journalist Alex Newman. Concerning the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Agreement on their path to tyranny. To change any future pandemic response. In this episode titled What is the world health organization’s pandemic treaty CA Plus. I interviewed and got more in-depth about the nefarious motives of the World Health Organization and the United Nations with James Roguski. Who’s a diligence Substacker?

How Safe is Your Home? The Invisible Killer- Interview With Oram Miller
Over the last 40 years, technological advances with everyday standard devices such as smart phones, Televisions and computers with Wi-Fi routers have made significant strides in making our lives easy and convenient as well as dependent on these devices; however, with that convenience comes consequences, So much so that it has taken a toll on our overall health and well-being in the way we feel and function. In this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast Host James Egidio interviews Building Biologist Oram Miller about the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation and 5G

How to Get Vaccine Injury Help- Interview with Joel Wallskog, M.D.
Dr. Joel Wallskog was a healthy, successful orthopedic surgeon for over 20 years in Milwaukee, WI. Then in December of 2020, with the pandemic thinking that he was doing the right thing under the first trial (1A Group) under Emergency Use Authorization of the vaccine roll, he volunteered to get his first dose of the Moderna mRNA vaccine within one week he became so ill from the vaccine that and had no choice but to walk away from his surgical practice; today more than two years later and disabled from the vaccine, Dr. Wallskog is on a mission to help individuals who are vaccine injured with his non-profit www.React19.org. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast to hear Dr. Wallskog’s story and how his organization may be able to help you or a loved one who may have become vaccine injured

Grace Schara Hospital Death Update- Interview with Scott Schara
Scott felt that Grace was in good hands until October 13th, of 2021 when the doctors and nurses gave Grace a lethal cocktail of sedatives and pushed an illegal do not resuscitate (DNR) order only to have her sister Jessica watch Grace die in her presence and Grace’ parent’ witness this on Face Time as it was happening. Here to update the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast is Grace’s father, Scott Schara

Post Vaccine Injury- Interview with William Makis, M.D.
Dr. William Makis is a Canadian Nuclear Medicine Physician with training in oncology, radiation therapy, and immunology; he is a University of Toronto Scholar and an author of over 100 peer-reviewed medical publications. He has discovered an increase in cancer as it may be tied to the COVID vaccine and post-vaccination sudden deaths.

“Post COVID Legal Aftermath- Interview with Attorney Warner Mendenhall
Attorney Warner Mendenhall has been practicing law for more than 20+ years in Akron, OH; he received the 2022 top attorney award, which goes to the top 5% of all attorneys, and he is currently representing the courageous Pfizer Whistleblower Brook Jackson, who came forward about the dangers of the COVID vaccine.

“Warrior Mom” Interview with Tracy Slepcevic
On July 14th, 2005 after giving birth to her son Noah, Tracy Slepcevic has been on an interesting but unexpected journey that she never anticipated; as she states in her book titled “Warrior Mom” that can be found on Amazon she receives her strength and courage through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. She has recently been appointed to newly announced presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s organization Children’s Health Defense for the State of California

“What is VAERS When it Comes to Vaccine Injury- Interview Deb Conrad, PA-C
Deb Conrad has been a practicing physician assistant for over 20 years in upstate New York; right after the start of the Pandemic in 2020 and going into 2021 with the rollout of the COVID vaccine, she started to notice an uptick in more illnesses from the Vaccine; doing her due diligence and reporting what she believed and now knows with certainty that the diseases and injuries where coming from the Vaccine, she reported this to VAERS which stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Thinking that she was doing the right thing as a health care professional little did she know that she was placing a “target” on her back and was considered a whistleblower.

“Preserving Free Speech”- Interview with Tony Lyons from SkyHorsePublishing.com
In 1984 George Orwell’s fictional novel 1984 features intense government censorship from the government of Oceania, a totalitarian regime that monitors its citizens for any subversive acts or thoughts; fast forward to the year 2023 and a fictional novel becomes reality. In 2006 my guest started one of the fastest growing independent publishing companies called Sky Horse Publishing which can be found at www.SkyHorsePublishing.com

James Egidio
About The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast. Read More