“The World Health Organization’ (WHO) Path to Tyranny- Interview with Alex Newman

May 3, 2023 | Podcasts, World Health Organization Podcast Episodes

Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and podcaster Alex Newman of the Epoch Times as they discuss “The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) Path to global tyranny to lead the narrative for future health crises’.

Meet The Host

James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript


Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States Healthcare System. With your host of The Medical Truth Podcast, James Egidio.

James Egidio:

I’m James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the American Healthcare System. My guest is an award-winning journalist, educator, author, podcaster, and most notably, a devoted father of five children who puts God first in everything he does. He’s also written for numerous Florida and National Publications, His work has been featured at Drudge Breitbart and Fox News. He currently writes as a freelance journalist for the Epoch Times, and he can be found online at LibertySentinel.org. It is an honor and a blessing to introduce my guest on the Medical Truth Podcast, Mr. Alex Newman. Hi Alex. How are you?

Alex Newman:

I’m doing great. Thank you so much, James. It’s an honor to be here.

James Egidio:

Thank you. Thank you very much. What I wanted to do Is just to get right to, what we’re gonna talk about today is get into a article that you wrote on the Epoch times. Last year, June 5th. It was dated of 2022 and it was titled Who Now Working on Far-Reaching Amendments to Global Rules After Setback. And then just last week on April 11th of this year, last week, that was, you did an in-depth. UN seeks vast new powers for global emergencies. Just walk the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth podcast about this sanction that the UN and the who the World Health Organization wants to implement.

Alex Newman:

Yeah they’re happy to do it, James. This World Health Organization issue is a subset of the broader issue. So we’ll start with the WHO and then move to the full UN. The WHO has been trying to centralize and usurp more and more power over nations and over people for its entire existence. So has the United Nations. But during this covid crisis this agenda has really come out into the open. They’re moving very rapidly. So there, there’s actually two tracks that they’re pursuing right now. Both of them are highly significant. The first one they were calling it the International Pandemic Treaty until it dawned on them that there’s no way this is gonna get ratified by the US Senate, two thirds of US Senators as required. And so they they’re now calling it the International Pandemic Accord which is exactly the same thing, except Biden thinks he’s gonna implement this one by executive decree, rather than having the Senate approve it and ratify it as required by our constitution. They’re constantly shifting the drafts around and so on. But what we know so far is that this grant’s enormous powers, or I should say purports to grant enormous powers and authorities to the World Health Organization, far beyond even what they exercised over the last three years in coordinating the global lockdowns, the global injection campaigns, the global propaganda, the global face mask policies that they did over the last three years. This basically gives the WHO. The primary decision making authority when it comes to issues they call ’em public health emergencies of international concerns. Issues supposedly involving public health that involve more than one nation or potentially even the world itself. Now to understand how significant that is. It’s also important to understand that the UN and the WHO are now calling everything a global public health crisis. I was in Egypt just a few months ago for the UN Climate Summit and the head of the World Health Organization who happens to be a former member of the Central Committee of a mass murdering ethno Marxist terrorist organization. Says climate change is a global public health crisis. So we’ve got climate change is a global public health crisis. They’ve repeatedly said gun violence is a global public health crisis. They’ve repeatedly said that racism is a public health crisis. In other words, everything and anything is a public health crisis. And the WHO is to have primary decision making authority over anything that might remotely resemble a health crisis. This would effectively turn the WHO into a CDC, department of Health and Human Services, FDA on super steroids at the global level run by at the moment, a man who we know is a communist, a man who we know was put there by the most murder dictatorship in human history. I refer to the regime in Beijing. So that’s troubling in and of itself. The other track that they’re using James, is the amendments to the International Health Regulations. The International Health Regulations govern the WHO response to international emergencies and other things. And so they’re trying to change these regulations to radically empower the WHO to basically give the director general of the WHO effectively unlimited authority in the distribution of medical resources and supplies in terms of policy decisions when it comes to dealing with health crises. So two tracks here, both aimed at the same objective, giving the WHO total control over anything having to do with public health.

James Egidio:

It’s interesting you’re unpacking this the way you are. My question is cuz it, it sounds so hauntingly familiar to. The agenda that the World Economic Forum has, is this related to the world economic Forum?

Alex Newman:

It absolutely is. And there’s. In 2015, the UN General Assembly passed something they called Agenda 2030. It’s also known as the Sustainable Development Goals. The president of the General Assembly at that time, Peter Thompson of Fiji actually described this as the Master Plan for Humanity. And it deals with health. It deals with abortion, it deals with mental health, it deals with education, it deals with agriculture, it deals with government, it deals with law. It deals with every area of life that you can think of. So this was approved by every national government on planet Earth. Once it was approved, the Communist Party of China boasted that they had played a crucial role in developing it. And of course, Barack Obama signed on for the US government and the world economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, which primarily historically has been an organization for businesses, right? They’ve got the Fortune 1000, all their CEOs come together. And so the World Economic Forum actually signed an official, what they called a strategic partnership with the United Nations in the implementation of Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals. So you’ve got the nation, states of the world, all have agreed to this. You’ve got through the World Economic Forum, the major businesses of the world have agreed to this and now through another little known organization, also funded and backed by the United Nations, the Religions for Peace. You’ve got the major religious leaders of the world also signing up their religious denominations, their religious organizations to they actually committed themself in their words to human development as set forth in the sustainable development goals or agenda 2030. So you’ve got the religions, the governments, and the businesses of the world all moving in unison on Agenda 2030. Health is one kind of sub-component of that. But it all ties in together. And health, of course, as Lennon has reported to have said is the keystone of socialism, right? It’s the central element, the one that brings everything else together when it comes to controlling people, removing their freedoms and maker micro managing their lives. Because if. If it’s for your health, then you can’t eat that. You can’t wear that. You can’t go there. You can’t drive that. You can’t cook on a gas stove, right? Everything and anything then comes under the purview of the Would be controllers. And so the WEF is a big part of this. The WHO is a big part of this, and ultimately it’s all aimed to reduce humanity to really what is effectively global surf.

James Egidio:

Wow. You’ve unpack so many areas of life that are including faith. Let’s just start with health with this treaty. And I guess my question would be what, are the specific measures the who in the UN would implement from a health perspective with this agenda.

Alex Newman:

One of the things that they want to do is they want to have a much more centralized coordination of health policy. They don’t want a situation where every nation state or the people of that nation state or whatever form of government they have, are making these decisions on their own. They want that all coordinated at the central level. And as you read these documents that are coming out from the WHO they’re actually very openly talking about massive redistribution of resources, right? They’re saying that One of the big problems during the Covid pandemic was that the WHO didn’t have any mechanism to say, take vaccines. If you wanna call ’em that now they’re obviously a totally new technology, but if they wanted to take that and redistribute it to the world, right? They’re acting like it was some kind of big crisis that Africans didn’t have enough. COVID mRNA injections. Of course, we know in retrospect that was hugely beneficial for Africans not to have had that. The WHO’s own data shows that Africans did massively better than people in Europe, people in the United States during this covid thing. I think one of the reasons because they didn’t have these medical countermeasures. But under the WHO plan, under the guise of what they call equity which whenever you hear equity, just think communism, right? They’re open about the idea that this is equality of outcomes. They wanna be able to say hey, Americans have these factories that can produce these vaccines, which, ignore the fact that these things are dangerous and deadly pronounced. But Americans can produce these things. Americans developed that intellectual property, that’s not fair. The WHO needs to come in and confiscate some of those so that we can have vaccine equity and share it among all the people of the world who maybe don’t have that intellectual property or who don’t have the manufacturing facilities to produce that. Not only does it deal with health policy, it also deals with economic policy, it deals with social policy, it deals with educational policy and again, it effectively makes the WHO into the global. Health dictatorship with powers far beyond anything that our Department of Health and Human Services or our CDC ever even contemplated usurping for themselves. And so I think the important point to make here, James, even though this all sounds overwhelming, it sounds scary, none of this is constitutional right. The federal government was given a few powers from our states. The states created the federal government. They delegated a small list of authorities to this federal government. You can find most of them in Article one, section eight of the Constitution. And then they authorized this federal government to exercise those powers. Nowhere in that list of powers do we see anything about, telling Americans what they should do for their health, whether they should wear a face mask, whether they need to take a vaccine. These things would’ve been inconceivable. To our founding father. So the federal government doesn’t have these authorities to begin with. If they don’t have these authorities to begin with, they certainly cannot be delegating authorities that they don’t possess to an organization like the WHO run by a fake doctor with a long history of activism in the Communist movement it’s preposterous as ludicrous. No American state is bound to obey these absurdities. And yes, on paper this looks alarming. This looks insane. But in practice, none of this stuff should be regarded as legal. No state should obey this. No local government should obey this. And we, because of the wisdom and foresight of America’s founding fathers, we have a lot going for us when it comes to resisting this evil agenda that they’re trying to impose on us.

James Egidio:

Yeah, because that was gonna be one of my questions to you is that what does this mean for the United States and abroad specifically when it comes to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? And you, I think you’ve answered that question, but it just seems to me that this is like a multi-layered issue with the players that are involved, right? You got guys like Bill Gates, right? The World Economic Forum in the Harari or Harari and all these people who have set this up for, this was planned a long time ago. I think personally, I’ve have been in the medical field for all my life or most of my life, and it seems like that when 2020 came around, the fix was in, There’s no question that this was planned a long time ago, especially with the vaccines because they’ve been working on messenger RNA vaccines and all this for a long time. I just read it, read an article recently and been doing a little bit of a dive into what’s called quantum tattoos, right? And this gets to vaccine passports. Rice University down in Texas has been doing some research Dr. Mchugh who was actually talking about in this article back in 2015 about these quantum tattoos in Luciferian dye and being able to use these four vaccine passports. So they were talking about vaccine passports, what, six, seven years ago? From what I’ve. Have done some research on so far, and I’m sure they’ve been working on this for even longer than that. So it just seems like it’s like this grand plan, and they’ve gotten caught in this snag with people who have and a lot of people have courageously become forward, like Dr. Peter McCullough. And Dr. Mercola and a lot of other doctors, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, who have lifted the lid on this and you have people who, participate in this out of fear, right? Which you can understand why, who are now coming around. So it’s like the curtain with OZ pulling the levers has finally been revealed. So they seem to be still wanting to go through with the narrative, right? And there’s a lot of money at stake on that side of it these people like Tedros and Gates and the World Economic Forum, and they’re still pushing this agenda. So my guess my question is, where do you see all this going now that it’s been partially revealed and they still have this agenda that they want to push?

Alex Newman:

Yeah. Good questions, James. And, to echo what you’re saying there, this was absolutely plotted out in advance. We’ve got the Rockefeller Foundation document from 2010 with the lockstep scenario where they imagined a new virus coming out of Asia that would require for the first time in human history, quarantining people mandating face masks, shutting down the economy, forcing people to take vaccines. All this digital stuff. Then we had in another exercise. It was called the SPARS exercise. Also very revealing about what they were doing. This came just a few years after that. It took place also at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Another one of these future pandemic scenarios. Again, it was a coronavirus. They called it the SPARS Covid. Virus. Coming out of Asia, they warned that people would be questioning the government narrative on social media, that there’d be conspiracy theories that the government needed to force everybody to take these vaccines. And interestingly, in this exercise, they actually imagine, whoops, the vaccines caused a bunch of neurological damage to a bunch of people that we forced it on. What do we do now? And then their solution in that scenario was give people a bunch of tax money and make ’em shut up and go away. Then we saw event 201 sponsored by the World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also at Johns Hopkins, the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Where they in October of 2019, just a few months before anybody else heard of a covid, they said we might have this novel coronavirus coming outta China. We’d have to lock down the world. We’d have to silence people on social media. We’d have to prosecute people who put out misinformation exactly what we then saw. So they have a tendency to war game these things out before they actually move on them. And they’re at the point now where they’re gonna have to move very rapidly because people are waking up so rapidly to this. Just in the last three years millions and millions of people who are otherwise totally asleep at the wheel are now awake. They’re now activated. They’re now actively seeking more information. So they’re gonna have to move quickly. One of the things that they have been plotting and we know because they’re doing these kind of war game exercises is the possibility of what Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, calls a cyber pandemic. That’s what makes that covid look like a smallest ovens by compel that could they use a cyber pandemic? Could they shut down the internet? Could they shut down power for a week or two weeks or a year with an EMP? Absolutely. Might they do that? Absolutely. We’ve got the former head of the CDC coming out and saying publicly I think Covid was just a warmup. The next big pandemic that’s gonna be a bird flu and it’s going to kill huge numbers of people. They were doing a, another exercise where they imagined a virus that would affect children. And again, would require this global totalitarian system. So I think we should expect in the probably not too distant future, more and more crises to be unleashed against us, not just health crises, economic crises, social crisis. I think there’s a deliberate agenda to stir up a civil war in this country. Right now, there, there’s operatives for the government going in to, to tell people, Hey it’s white people that are the problem. You should shoot them. And there’s people going to tell dumb white people, it’s black people that are a problem. They, they’re, or that it’s Democrats or it’s Republicans, right? Anything to get us going to war with each other. So all these different crises that they’re working on, Are coming toward us like a series of tsunamis, and we need to get prepared. The next one may not necessarily be health focused. So folks get prepared. Don’t be caught off guard when they unleash the next one.

James Egidio:

Yeah, and I keep saying that too, and I said this on many episodes with physicians that I’ve interviewed and whatnot, is that for the people that are listening and watching, this is. Don’t make any of this stuff a political issue, especially when it comes to the pandemic. And there’s not gonna be any one person that’s gonna save anybody. It’s not gonna be Donald Trump. It’s not gonna be anybody that’s gonna save us from any of this the only the only person we need to turn to in this whole situation is Jesus Christ in faith. That’s it. That’s where the answers are from Genesis to Revelation. That’s where the truth is. It’s in the Bible and I keep telling people that now’s the time to. If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ’s Lord and Savior, now is the time to do it. Because it’s not gonna be any politician, and it’s not gonna be me, and it’s not gonna be any of us. It’s gonna be in the Bible. That’s where all the answers are. Don’t you agree?

Alex Newman:

I agree 100%, James. Yeah. That is ultimately the only security we have. The Bible says over and over again, don’t put your trust in princes. Don’t put your trust in men. Don’t put your trust in your wealth or anything like that. None of that. Ultimately our only security is in Jesus Christ. And and all these problems that we’re dealing with that seem like political problems or health problems or educational problems, they’re ultimately, as, as far as I’m concerned, these are spiritual problems. We as a nation, we’ve turned away from God. We have rejected his commands his righteous laws, the statutes, and decreased and we’re reaping what we have sown as a nation. When you turn your back on God and you defy him. Terrible things happen. And that’s true for America. Just like it was true for French ancient Israel, just like true for the French and the South Africans. Anywhere in the world, if you follow God’s commands, if you God is the author of family, we ought to look to the Bible for how family should operate. God is the author of civil government. We ought to look to the Bible for how civil government should operate and even of church, right? God is the creator of church. God is the Lord of the church. We should look at the Bible for instructions on how the church should operate. And even as individuals, there’s nothing more important for you as an individual than your eternal salvation. And then trying to do what God has created you to do to be made right with Him, to be redeemed. And I just echo 100% what you said. I couldn’t agree with you more. James.

James Egidio:

Yeah. And it’s interesting because I was watching a video of this harari who works with Klaus Schwab, and they’re, he is talking about, what he foresees in the future in this transhumanism experiment and. Basically people being dependent on God and he’s basically poo in that and saying that, that’s not the answer anymore. It’s more of, this transhumanism agenda because all this stuff is all tied in with the vaccines and with vaccine passports and this luciferian dye and this quantum dot tattoos, these that they wanna inject under the skin and use that through with digital currency and medical information. So they want to streamline and make everybody basically a cyborg type robot is what they want to do. And then, like you said they throw all these distractions and all this other stuff, the social issues about, the homosexuality thing and theran and the transgender agenda and. Getting back to, people just need to lean into God. And there’s a couple verses in Leviticus about homosexuality and even about influencing kids with this transgender agenda, right? I’ll even read it. It’s in Matthew chapter 18 where Jesus is talking about Tempting little ones into sin Children. And it makes me think about this transgender agenda. And this drag queen read hour, or what they do. And he says, and anyone who seek, who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf, is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trust in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea, and when I listen to that verse and when I read it, I, Think about this agenda this, these drag queen hour, reading hours and all this, and tempting little children into sin. And these are the things that the government wants people to get away from the Bible because they know the answers are all in the Bible. And when you look back at Carl Marx and you look at Stalin and you look at all these communist regimes, The first thing they took away was faith in God, right? So they obviously fear people being in faith, and this is why I think they want to. Move people away from faith and having faith in God and have more dependence on the government. Does that sound about right?

Alex Newman:

Absolutely. A absolutely. And the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter six, lays out in, I think, the clearest language in the entire Bible. What we’re really confronted with here the Apostle Paul says starting in verse 12, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against principalities, against spiritual wickedness and darkness in high places. He’s talking about the demonic, the, from the pit of hell and you talked about Marxists and some of the communist regimes. One of the most important books I ever read in my life, other than the 66 books that we find in scripture is a book by a pastor who was ruthlessly persecuted for something like nine years. He was tortured by communist barbarians and savages in Romania. His name was Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, and his hypothesis was, this must be satanic. This is just absolutely wicked. In, in the truest sense of the term. So he gets out and he starts researching. He finds out, wow, it, it was actually even more correct than he realized. The book is called Marx and Satan, and what he shows is that this idea that Marx was some kind of atheist who ridiculed religion as the opiate of the masses, which of course was a term that Marx actually used. That’s just a cover story. If you actually, this distill Marxism down to its essence. It is a total repudiation of everything that God has commanded from the very first commands he gave us, all the way up to the very end. It is an inversion of the moral principles that God revealed to man. Through Moses at Mount Sinai and the 10 Commandments and all the way down through the ages, through scripture, and even what is written in our own hearts. And so it turns out Karl Mars was not an atheist. Now, if you read his poetry, which is quoted extensively in the book, this is a man who knew there was a God who very much hated God, and specifically spoke about destroying what God had created, destroying what God had built. This is a man who said in one of his poems, he struck a deal with Satan. He was involved in the occult just like Adolf Hitler, just so many of these monstrous barbarians who have slaughtered so many hundreds of millions of people just over the last hundred years to say nothing of what came before that. So this really is. A struggle between good and evil. We as Christians know that God is already victorious. He’s not like waiting back to say, oh, what’s gonna happen? Am I gonna turn out? Is simply ridiculous. And it’s not something new either. I go back to the Psalms regularly, thousands of years ago the Psalmist David actually wrote in Psalm two in verse two, that the kings of the earth were conspiring together. Other versions use take counsel together against the Lord and his anointed one. And you see this in other Psalms as well, so even thousands of years ago, the powerful the kings the rulers of this world were taking counsel together against God. They were conspiring against God. And God laughs at them. So yes, the scriptures des describe Satan as the God of this world. In First John chapter five, we read that the whole world is in the power of the evil one, but ultimately God is absolutely sovereign. Satan is a created being. He’s not a God. He’s not a legitimate counterpart to God. It’s not like God’s waiting to find out what way this is gonna go. The Victory’s already won. You just wanna make sure you’re on the right team when it all goes down.

James Egidio:

And it is going down. I think it’s unfolding a little by little every day, and it’s obvious the way things are unfolding. I actually have a verse that I call the covid verse. And it’s actually in Psalm 91 and it reads those who live in the. And the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty that I declare about the Lord. He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. He is my God and I trust him for He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday, though a thousand fall at your side, though 10,000 are dying around you. These evils will not touch you. Just open your eyes. And see how the wicked are punished. If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the most high, your shelter, no evil will conquer you. No plague will come near your home for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. You will be, you will trample upon lions. In cobras, you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. The Lord says, I will rescue you those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation. So that pretty much explains it all about, as far as I’m concerned the Covid crisis, if that’s what you want to call her. The pandemic.

Alex Newman:

Yeah. And a verse that I’ve actually preached on regularly after a series of verses, these come out of. Daniel, you have the story of Shara, Misha and Abbe Nigo. And I think all Christians really should be familiarizing themselves with these doctrines, right? Because yes, as Christians we are required to obey the government, but as the Apostle Paul put it, in Acts chapter five verse 29, it’s better to obey God than men. And when there’s a conflict between the two, the answer is very simple. For the Christian, we will obey God and not man, no, we won’t take an injection with genetic code engineered by human beings, by fallen men. It to hijack the machinery of ourselves to mass produce whatever it is, spike proteins or anything else? No, we will not take injections that were made with the bodies of victims of abortion. And that’s very simple. And so you go back to Daniel, you read about this story of Sha Bendigo the Hebrews for some context, for those who aren’t familiar with scripture the Hebrews at this time are captive in captives in Babylon l and the king of Bobyland, l King Nebuchadnezzar, who God was using as his instrument, even though he may not have fully understood that at the time. He gets this big, giant golden statue built of himself and he commands that everybody has to bow down to this crazy statue when the music starts. And so Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego say, look, we’re not, we honor you king, but look, we’re not gonna bow and your silly statue. That’s just the end of the story. And they say this, and I love this. Our God can protect you, can protect us from you, but even if he doesn’t protect us even if he doesn’t actively intervene in a supernatural way to protect us, we’re still not bowing down to your ridiculous golden idol. And that’s, The end of the story. And so the king gets furious and he casts ’em into the fiery furnace and he orders that the fiery furnace be made seven times hotter than it normally is. And the guys throwing them in get burned up. And yet they go in the fire and another appears in the fire, and then they come out totally unscathed. They don’t even smell like fire. And so what happens? Because they were faithful, because they trusted in God, because their security was in God, not in obedience to some lunatic emperor. God protected them. And God even used that to bring this goofy emperor to proper understanding. He said, wow, whatever God you people serve, that must be the true God. I’ve never seen something like this before. And then he ordered that everybody honor and respect the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego. And the Bible was filled with stories like this of God’s people defying evil, unrighteous decre mean. In Exodus chapter one, I think it is you read about the Hebrew midwives, Pharaoh commanded them to murder the baby boys. And and the Hebrew midwives say, no, we’re not gonna do that. They don’t murder the baby boys. And it says, God dealt well with them because they feared the Lord rather than this lunatic Pharaoh who thought it would be appropriate to murder a bunch of babies. And so I think as Christians as we need to really familiarize ourself with the teachings of scripture because we’re headed into some really weird times and you don’t want to be trying to cram it all in the night before the test. Make sure you know this stuff now before you have to make these kinds of decisions.

James Egidio:

Absolutely. Amen. The other thing too is even for non-Christians I say, just pick up a Bible and even, go to the gospels. But also there’s a concordance in the back of every Bible where you can look up a key word based on whatever it is, depression whatever. And it’s in accord with a lot of verses. That are related to that particular key word, but it’s just, if you look at the parallel between what’s going on right now in society, you get into the word, it really gives you a lot of discernment and clarity about what’s happening. And it, it makes a lot of sense that this agenda, these agendas actually have to happen in a way we’re living in a. Living this out in real time of the things that were mentioned in the Bible and the things that are going on right now, especially more, more now than ever. More now than ever. I think as Americans especially, we’ve been in such a comfort zone for so long. And we’ve had things so easy, and I think this is just the beginning. I think we’re living in easy times now compared to what’s ahead of us. If you go to Matthew 24 where Jesus predicts the future, he talks about there’s gonna be wars and there’s gonna be threats of wars, there’s gonna be famines, there’s gonna be pestilence. And I don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news, but this is what Jesus talks about in Matthew 24. And we have to be, when I say we have to be prepared, we have to be in the word, and like you said, we have to take a side. And the side that we have to choose is the side with God, with Jesus Christ, that now’s the time to do that. And I think that a lot of people are looking for answers. They’re like, oh my gosh. What’s the answer? Is it gonna be Donald Trump that’s gonna save us, or is it gonna be this guy that’s gonna save us? So that guy that’s gonna save us is gonna be, Robert F. Kennedy, is it gonna be whoever? No it’s right here. It’s right here. Amen. That’s where the answer is. And he’s gonna give us the peace that we need no matter what. And like you says, we don’t have to worry about that. We put on the full armor of God as it mentions in Ephesians 6. But getting back to this thing about where you see some of this going in terms of the United States and abroad. What’s your conclusion on this?

Alex Newman:

I reached out to the State Department for my article that was on the front page of the Epic Times last week about the UN trying to consolidate power over global emergencies. And the Biden State Department made very clear that they’re on board with this agenda. So with the US government on board and with the other national governments of the world on board I think it’s very probable that the UN will try to consolidate power in this way. But that doesn’t mean that even the political fight is over. We live in a nation of 50 sovereign states that delegated a few powers to the federal government. But they didn’t delegate all powers. In fact, none of this stuff can be enforced without the help of state and local governments. And so you and I, James, we’re in Florida. We’re blessed to have a pretty decent governor Yeah. Who has already shown that he will resist some of this madness. I’ve talked to multiple legislators in Tallahassee and they actually committed to me that they would in introduce and move legislation that would protect the state of Florida from these kinds of WHO decrees. And it’s a very simple thing. Just get a state law passed that says no state or employee or resource or any employee or resource of any subdivision thereof. So no county or local government may participate in any way in the enforcement of any of these crazy W h O policies and directives. They’re unconstitutional, they’re illegal. And no government employee or no government car, no government building in this state may be used to help enforce that. Talk to your sheriff. And if somebody comes around and starts trying to enforce crazy WHO policies on you, it should be the job of your sheriff to arrest them and to take them to jail. Every sheriff in this country, at least with a handful of exceptions, put their hand on a Bible and they swore they were gonna uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and of their state. Our state constitution and our federal constitution are clear. They don’t permit this kind of tyranny. And so we have multiple checks at every level. And we saw this so clearly during Covid, where I stay right here in my little part of Florida. We didn’t have any of these crazy mandates. I didn’t, my life didn’t change at all. Except for seeing some wearing masks at the grocery store. We didn’t have any mandate. And you’re going on airplanes. We didn’t have any of that here. I think they closed our beach for one day and nobody obeyed it. And they just opened it up the next day. And so it makes a big difference, right? Develop those relationships now with your city commissioners, with your county commissioners, with your state legislators, with your governor, so that when the time comes, everybody will know what to do, that we’re not participating in this, at least in the great state of Florida or the great state of Oklahoma or wherever you are. That is not gonna fly. We’re gonna maintain our freedoms here. We’ve gotta do that. We’ve gotta get busy. Cuz these globalists are moving full speed ahead on this.

James Egidio:

They are. And we’re very, like you said, we’re very blessed because I just saw recently where Ron DeSantis, governor DeSantis I was basically turning down the CBDC, the Central Bank Digital currency proposal by the Biden administration, which is awesome. It’s just that on a federal level, I, I don’t know which way it’s gonna go, if it’s anything like the Obama care website, this whole CBDC and this rollout of the CBDC, it’s gonna be a complete disaster because Obamacare is just a total disaster. But I also, I personally think that if push comes to shove, we’re gonna start seeing states secede from the federal government, they’re just gonna basically, like Texas already talked about something like that as well at one time.

Alex Newman:

Yeah. I think we’re gonna see some things that we never would’ve imagined. And I think there, there is so much happening so quickly we need to be very active in this process because as Christians, as decent people who value true exit the field, you just leave that for the evil ones the wicked ones the. Disciples of evil to take over. And so we need to be active. We need to have a say, a voice in these things that are coming. And one very powerful thing that we can do is work at the state and local level to protect our freedoms and to make it clear that even if somebody comes in from Washington, DC with a fancy costume this is still America. The Constitution is still in place. We are not slaves. We have God-given rights. God gave them to us. You didn’t give them to us. Therefore, you can’t take them away from us. And and that’s how it’s gonna be. And we can do a lot of that at the state and local level. Yeah, I think we’re gonna see some interesting things in the years ahead. I think we’re gonna have some serious turbulence, but if you’re secure in Christ that doesn’t scare you. Yeah, God did not send us a spirit of fear. So be ready, be praying. Be in the scriptures and be active. And when Jesus comes back, make sure he finds you busy.

James Egidio:

Absolutely. Amen. Alex, you’re thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast. I really appreciate it and clarifying that situation there with the who and the United Nations and that article. Keep up the good work and keep the word out. Again, it’s Alex Newman Could be found at www.LibertySentinel.org. That’s www.LibertySentinel.org. Thank you so much again for your time. Appreciate it.

Alex Newman:

Hey, thank you so much for having me, James. Really appreciate it.

James Egidio:

Thanks. All right, bye.


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