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How Dangerous Are Cholesterol Medications?- Interview with Dr. Jack Wolfson
Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist; his book about natural heart health titled The Paleo Cardiologist was an Amazon #1 best-seller in 2015. He has been named one of America’s Top Functional Medicine Doctors and is a five-time winner of the Natural Choice Awards as a holistic doctor. Over 100 media outlets have covered his work; he founded Natural Heart Doctor, his heart health practice, and his online informational website. In this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, Dr. Wolfson uncovered some myths about cholesterol and the dangers of Cholesterol medications.

I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!- Interview with Dr. Shannon Kroner
Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Master’s in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy. She has been working with special needs families in both a private practice and within the classroom since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled, Childhood Vaccinations: The Development of an Educational Manual, provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children. She Published her first book Children’s book this year titled I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK which can be found on Amazon. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the Medical Truth Podcast my Guest Dr. Shannon Kroner

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Issues and The Corrupt Pharma Cartel- Interview with Hedley Rees
You receive a prescription from your healthcare provider and go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription, only to have the pharmacist tell you that your life-saving maintenance medication is on backorder for 2-3 weeks or is no longer available. The question is, why? Hedley Rees has been a zealous advocate for 40 years in the modernization of the Pharma industry and a managing consultant at Pharmaflow Ltd. A U.K.-based consultancy company specializing in pharmaceuticals clinical trial operations and supply chain management.

“The Price of Panic”- Interview with Dr. William M. Briggs
Dr. William Briggs is a Statistician, writer, philosopher, and itinerant scientist who lives far from Experts. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University (before it became Woke). He studies the philosophy of science, the use and misuse of uncertainty, the corruption of science, and the uselessness of most predictions. He wrote several books, and his most recent book is titled The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. (2020) and “Everything You Believe is Wrong” (2021). He maintains an active and lively blog at and also on Substack, where he can be found at https://www.

What Are Your Constitutional Rights When it Comes to Your Health and Mandates- Interview with Jonathan Emord, Esq
Jonathan Emord is a renowned constitutional law and litigation attorney; he has successfully stood up to the federal bureaucracy for over 37 years. He holds the record for winning the most federal court cases against the Food and Drug Administration in the history of America. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews attorney Jonathan Emord about your Constitutional Rights regarding mandates.

“Transcend Fear”- Interview with Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo
There was a time (Pre-COVID in 2020) when medical experts who had differences of opinion would have healthy debates and conversations about the cause and effect of a particular ailment, disease, or medication, backing it up with “real science,” or did this ever exist? Fast forward to 2020, during the pandemic, when draconian lockdowns by uninformed, hypocritical bully lawmakers implemented mask mandates and social distancing. Now, the vaccine bio-weapon is the tall order of the day. My guest knows all too well about medical censorship, Freedom of speech, and what “Real” science and medicine is all about. James Egidio, the Medical Truth Podcast host, interviews Florida’s Surgeon General, Author of the Book Transcend Fear, Dr. Joseph Ladapo

Vax-UnVax; What is the CDC Not Telling Us? – Interview with Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Brian is a biochemical engineer whose son has autism. He believes the MMR Vaccine caused his son’s autism. In August 2014, he released a video of a recorded phone conversation with Dr. William Thompson, a researcher at the CDC. Dr. Thompson claimed to have evidence that the CDC altered the rules of data collection for a study to omit data. This was highlighted in a popular documentary called Vaxxed, posted on the Free Resources page of the My guest has recently collaborated with Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., where he co-wrote a book called Vax-Unvaxxed

Post COVID Vaccine and Turbo Cancer- Interview with Dr. David Rasnick
Listen to this interview with Dr. David Rasnick, a biomedical research scientist with over 40 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. His areas of expertise are in AIDS, Cancer, Arthritis, Emphysema, parasites, drug design, and clinical diagnostics. Our first interview discussed what HIV and COVID have in common. In this episode, Dr. Rasnick weighs in on a hotly debated topic: cancer, especially post-vaccination “turbo cancer.”?

An Immunologist Perspective on Vaccines Part II – Interview with Dr. J.J. Couey, PhD
Dr. J.J. Couey, Ph.D., is one of the scientist biologists who was fired from his job at a major university and censored. He has recently been appointed to work with the Children’s Health Defense and is getting ready to publish a book in November of 2023 that he co-wrote with presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.. In part II of this 2 part series host James Egidio interviews Dr. J.J. Couey about Vaccines

An Immunologist Perspective on COVID Part I – Interview with Dr. J.J. Couey, PhD
Dr. J.J. Couey, Ph.D., is one of the scientist biologists who was fired from his job at a major university and censored. He has recently been appointed to work with the Children’s Health Defense and is getting ready to publish a book in November of 2023 that he co-wrote with presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.. In part I of this 2 part series host James Egidio interviews Dr. J.J. Couey about the COVID virus

The Very Real Consequences of Breast Implant Illness- Interview with Shaher Khan, M.D.
For more than a decade, between 2006 and 2019. Breast augmentation surgery was the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States. According to recent statistics, there were 364,753 breast augmentation surgeries in the United States in 2021. They are making it second only to liposuction in popularity. In the United States, some plastic surgeons make breast implant surgery the primary focus of their medical practice. They are spending thousands of advertising dollars per month to drum up business. My guest is a double-boarded plastic surgeon who stands against his peers, The FDA, And the doctor organizations who all claim breast implants are harmless.

Update on the September 20, 2023 WHO and UN General Assembly Meeting- Interview with James Roguski
On June 20th of 2023, I interviewed James Roguski a diligent Substack Journalist who is well versed in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) 4-pronged approach to global tyranny that will forever change not only cities, towns, states, and countries but the entire world when it comes to “pandemic response”, climate change, and the way we buy and sell goods and services. The WHO and UN reconvened on September 20th, 2023, to discuss and update what is happening and how much time is left in this sinister game of Government control. James Roguski

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