Vax-UnVax; What is the CDC Not Telling Us? – Interview with Dr. Brian Hooker

Dr. Brian is a biochemical engineer whose son has autism. He believes the MMR Vaccine caused his son’s autism. In August 2014, he released a video of a recorded phone conversation with Dr. William Thompson, a researcher at the CDC. Dr. Thompson claimed to have evidence that the CDC altered the rules of data collection for a study to omit data. This was highlighted in a popular documentary called Vaxxed, posted on the Free Resources page of the My guest has recently collaborated with Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., where he co-wrote a book called Vax-Unvaxxed

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James. your host of the medical truth podcast. The podcast. Tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. My guest is a biomedical engineer whose son has autism. He believes his son’s autism is caused by the MMR vaccine. In August the 2014, he released a video of a recorded phone conversation with Dr. William Thompson, a researcher at the CDC. Dr. Thompson claimed to have evidence that the CDC altered the rules of data collection for a study in order to omit data. This was highlighted in the popular documentary called Vaxxed, which is posted on the free resources page at the My guest has also recently collaborated with children’s health defense, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Where he wrote a book. Called Vax-Unvaxxed it is an honor to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest, Dr. Brian Hooker. Dr. Hooker, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing today? I’m doing
Dr. Brian Hooker:
great, James. It’s a real pleasure to be on your show. Thank you for
James Egidio:
having me. Absolutely. Absolutely. Please share with the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast about a who you are and what you do and your story.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
I currently serve as Chief Scientific Officer of Children’s Health Defense, and that’s an organization that was started by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Back in 2016, 2017, and I am a biochemical engineer by training. I also was up until May, a university professor at a small university in Redding, California, and I’ve since retired. So now I can work full time at Children’s Health Defense. I’ve been involved in biotechnology research and biological research. for 35 years since I received my PhD back in 1990. And I have devoted the past 20 years of my life looking at the epidemiology of vaccine injury. And my primary reason for doing that is because my own son was injured by his infant vaccines. When he was just 15 months old and sustained a very profound vaccine injury. And so that really changed sort of the trajectory of my life. And my research work formerly more into sort of biotech applied plant, molecular biology, applied fungal molecular biology, and now just looking primarily at vaccine injury epidemiology.
James Egidio:
What inspired you to, because you did mention that your son has autism, correct? That is correct. Yes. So what, that’s, I take it, that’s what inspired you to do some research? And what did you discover?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Very early on, I I contacted CDC scientists directly because there was so little that was known about vaccines and autism and so little information, first of all, I was seething angry because Many of the vaccines that my son received had mercury in them and I had no idea, that’s not on that’s not on a vaccine informed consent sheet. And so I was very angry about that. Why would you put a neurotoxin vaccines in the first place? And so I called out CDC researchers starting in 2001. I, I had. Alphabet soup behind my name, so I thought I might as well, call some other scientists with letters behind their name and let’s get to the bottom of this and CDC through denial and deception has stated that there’s no relationship between vaccines and autism, and that’s absolutely preposterous. There’s nothing further from the truth. And I’ve seen it in my own research time and time again, whether you’re looking at vaccine components or vaccines themselves or the entire vaccination schedule, there is a very strong link between vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. And it was very personal for me. But I wanted to back away and do very good science and very robust science. And what I found was that the science that the CDC was doing was duplicitous. And quite frankly very lacking, very pedestrian and was meant more to manipulate the public than it was to really inform people of what the truth was. Yeah,
James Egidio:
so you did this research and it led to you, I believe contacting personally contacting the CDC, but you had to do it in such a roundabout way. In fact, I actually have a video that actually talks about that discussion and how you had to do that. I’ll go ahead and I’ll play that here and we’ll go from there.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Right now we’re residing in the state of California. California is what’s called a two party permission state. So both individuals talking on the phone have to give consent before a phone call is recorded. There are also what are called one party states. And in this instance, only one of the parties has to give consent. And it just so happened that Oregon was a one party state. I couldn’t just on an ad hoc basis Record a phone call. I had to plan ahead, make a calculated decision, make the drive up to Oregon, record the phone call, and then come back. The first time I recorded a phone call was probably the most bizarre experience I think I’ve ever had in my entire life. I drove up to Ashland, Oregon, stayed in a Super 8 motel. We were on the phone for about an hour. I was sweating bullets. Ultimately, I did reveal to Bill Thompson that I did record the phone conversations. It was almost like he was in denial. And it wasn’t until a second phone conversation that he said, you had no right to record these phone conversations illegally. You live in California, you cannot record phone conversations without the other party’s consent. And I said, yeah, I know. That’s why I drove up to Oregon. And he laughed uproariously. He thought that was the funniest thing. And all of a sudden I was off the hook. He said, Brian, you do what you’ve got to do.
James Egidio:
So that conversation, how did that transpire, the actual, with this Mr. Thompson from the CDC? You contact him and what happens?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
It’s interesting because I contacted Dr. Thompson originally back in 2001 and he was very brusque and he blew off my concerns. Said essentially my daughter got all the same vaccines as your son and she’s absolutely fine, which is one of the least scientific statements I think I’ve ever heard in my entire life and absolutely, very callous. But incidentally, then, there was a long gap of correspondence with Dr. Thompson, and then he called me back in 2013 and told a very different story. He called me privately. We were using our, personal cell phones not a CDC work address. We were corresponding. And then he started to reveal to me the depth of the fraud and the depth of the malfeasance at the CDC. And I wanted some record of that. He was sending me emails. He was sending me records from the CDC, things that I would have normally gotten from the Freedom of Information Act but I felt compelled to record the phone calls because what he was saying was that they were taking information and destroying it. They were taking federal records, showing the link between vaccines and autism and destroying those federal records, which is a crime. And, you’re not supposed to destroy federal information. There’s a way of disposition of federal information. And I knew that he was also destroying this information that could control and could influence public policy around vaccination and could have saved many lives of individuals who did regress into autism. If it would have been appropriately released at the time. So I ended up recording a four hour long phone conversations with him. Wow.
James Egidio:
So in other words, he didn’t know you were recording him, correct? No,
Dr. Brian Hooker:
he did not know at the time. No. So it was a one party state. I just, I live in Northern California, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to go up to Oregon.
James Egidio:
Sure. So you were able to do that through this loophole by going to Oregon. You tape him, you have several conversations. They’re all, I take it all take place in Oregon, correct?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Most of them take, took place in Oregon. I was also on travel and there were others, there were other states where I was, happened to be at the time because I was traveling that were one party consent state. So I would, I would take that opportunity as well to schedule a phone call with Dr. Thompson.
James Egidio:
Yeah, so you collect this data and then what do you do with this data at that point?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
It’s interesting, Dr. Thompson showed me a way that I could get the actual raw data from the studies that they were using, that CDC was using to indemnify vaccines. scenes from the autism epidemic. And so I reanalyzed that information and I found what he found. He was the head epidemiologist in the study. And back in 2001, he saw that African American males, when they got the MMR on time. were three times more likely to get an autism diagnosis than if you just delay the MMR until after three years of age. And they buried that information. So I redid the analysis, got the same results as him ultimately published this into an, in a scientific paper in a journal. Dr. Thompson then revealed, he came public in August of 2014. And as soon as he came public, then the journal in which I published all this information retracted my article. And so they took it down. It was really, it was preposterous. I tried to get. Solid rationale for why are you taking down my paper? Why, and I never really got a straight answer. So I went to a different journal and I republished everything later in 2018.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. I saw where there was a another paper that was written that’s online where rebutted. Some of your research and what you did. And then you have a forward or an actual testimonial by Dr. Paul Thomas, who I’ve actually interviewed in the past. Who actually lost his license because of what you did. He took it even further though, in terms of collecting the data and having a friend of his, who’s a neonatologist put together the data. and then even extrapolating that data based on patient visits at his office. And then he presents it to the CDC and he presents it to the Oregon board of medicine and they take his license away.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Incredible. And yeah, I’m good friends with Dr. Tom Thomas. And he he, all he was doing was showing that the vaccine friendly plan that, the Oregon Medical Board had earlier challenged him if this is such a good plan, if it’s such a good plan to delay vaccination and Children are such a good plan to not vaccinate Children, prove it scientifically. And so he did it right. Or can Oregon Medical Board had said, prove it. He proved it and he was paid, by that by proving it by getting his license suspended. In an emergency suspension, and that was literally hours after that paper was published.
James Egidio:
So there’s obviously a cover up from what you’re saying. then with this whole MMR vaccination tied to autism, correct?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Yeah, it goes much further than just the MMR vaccine. The CDC has only looked at two things regarding the autism epidemic and vaccines, and that’s the MMR. And It’s also the mercury containing preservative. The Marisol that is still in the flu shot that’s given to infants and pregnant women. And there, the CDC has only looked at those things, but when you look at the collective vaccination schedule, which I have done. Which Dr. Thomas has done, which Anthony Mawson, James Lyons, Weiler, we’ve all done. You see something very similar. You see a relationship between vaccines and autism.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And when I was talking to Dr. Thomas, he had mentioned that the not only the ties in the connection to autism, but. He was, when he was extrapolating the data, he was seeing more childhood illnesses in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated, so without any doubt in his mind these vaccines cause more harm than good.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
I can echo that I’ve done two different studies that are published in the peer reviewed scientific literature, and the first one, we looked at actual data from three different medical practices in different locations across the country, and we saw increases in infections, increases in developmental delays, increases in gastrointestinal disorders, increases in asthma. Thank you. And those were then echoed. I, the first study that I did based on the medical practices was based only on vaccines given in the first year of life. And then we expanded the study and looked at the entire vaccination schedule. for those Children who are completely unvaccinated versus those completely vaccinated. And we saw ear infections, respiratory infections, allergies, asthma, autism, A.H. D. All were much, much higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated group. And literally, the results have jumped off the page. I’ve seen it. Dr. Thomas has seen it. Anthony Mawson has seen it. There, there are several studies that date back as early as 2005, where they’ve seen allergies and asthma. And in much, much higher levels, it’s upwards to 10 11 times higher in vaccinated Children versus those who just who are unvaccinated.
James Egidio:
So and what and how is the C.D.C. Responding to any of this?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Really crickets, they’re they’re choosing not to respond. And it’s very Troubling James, because the CDC has never done this type of study. They’ve never looked at the cumulative effect of the entire vaccination schedule. And so if anything, they should be doing this study themselves. And in fact, I’ve implored the CDC for 20 years. Mr. Kennedy has implored the CDC for nearly 20 years to do this study. To just look at what are the long term health impacts of giving children, 73 vaccines between ages zero and 18. And they just refuse to do the study. So independent researchers among, with me and among my colleagues have done the job instead. And this is what we found.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it seems like they just keep pushing the narrative and now, of course, with the COVID vaccine, the bio, I call it the bio weapon they just keep pushing that and that kind of pushes the childhood vaccinations aside. It’s more of a distraction for, okay, and now we’re going to compound the vaccination program with this new messenger RNA technology. And it’s the parents who want, don’t want the kids vaccinated, have no choice at times because, the schools and the school districts are saying no, you have to have the vaccines in order for it to, for your kids to, to go to school. So what where does that, where do you draw the line if you’re a parent?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
A lot of school districts and a lot of states will flat out lie to parents. About the vaccination status, in 45 states in the United States, you can get either a religious exemption or a personal belief exemption or what’s called a philosophical exemption to vaccination. And if you live in those 45 states then you have recourse and you can simply opt out of the vaccination schedule for your children. That’s a, that’s a secret. Unfortunately, in many school districts will purport that vaccines are required, they must be, you must be adhered to but for 40, 45 states, that is not the truth for the 5 states that remain. That would be California. New York, West Virginia, Connecticut, and Maine, then you are required a medical exemption. You, we, the only type of exemption would be if it’s medically necessary that you don’t get that vaccine. So those are parents that have to make really tough choices. And we found refugees from the state of California because of that, that would dirty little fact and, from the other states because parents don’t want to vaccinate their children and they want to have the bodily autonomy in order to have their children participate in public school, participate in private school. So they ended up, I know many families who have moved out of state. Yeah.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I’m sure it’s also pushing a lot of parents to homeschool their Children too. Correct? Absolutely.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
And I’m, I’m a homeschool fan. I, I homeschooled my wife and I homeschooled my son. It’s a little bit of a different situation because of his developmental delay. There were other compounding factors and we did live in a state where we could have opted out of vaccination. But, I, yeah. If that’s an option. If families have that option, I find it to be very enriching very fulfilling. But I also understand that some families, they just don’t have choices. They don’t have these options, unfortunately.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting too. Like I was saying they’re pushing these vaccines. And one of the, of course, as we all know, the big proponents of the vaccine program, and all of a sudden he’s he’s the, he’s a scientist is this is Bill Gates. In fact, I actually have some video footage of him and talking about the vaccine programs and the future vaccine programs and what needs to be done or he thinks needs to be done.
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Pockets and significant pockets of the country where vaccines aren’t happening. Because of those, the anti vaxxers, or whatever you want to call them, who have made significant headway in trying to convince parents they shouldn’t vaccinate children. I was just looking at new data today from Orange County, California, with more than a few schools showing between 40 and 60 percent children not vaccinated. You could say this is a, we’re a victim of success. In the countries where you have measles all the time, nobody gets confused about this. Do you get mad about it? I get more mad about the deaths we’re not avoiding. I spend, my time on the countries where you still have, in the case of measles, over 300, 000 kids dying a year. In the case of diarrheal diseases, over a million a year. There’s six million kids a year still dying. Why aren’t we getting vaccines out in Africa? For diarrhea, for respiratory disease. Why don’t we have a vaccine for malaria? Those are the things that I I push forward. I wouldn’t say I get angry, but I’m really impatient that we’re not moving as fast as I’d like. You can catch the full interview this weekend on
James Egidio:
one. So that’s Dr. Gates, Bill Gates, right? He went to medical school and he knows a lot about the effects of not being able to have a vaccine. And so I guess he could diagnose and treat now, right?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
That’s called practicing medicine without a license. Last I heard he was a Harvard dropout. And he knows nothing about medicine. He doesn’t have an MD, he doesn’t have a PhD, he has not done the biological research. And the things that he talks about, he talks about these deaths. He never, it’s, it seems like the vaccine injured. Somehow just don’t exist in his mind and there have been reports. I follow a researcher by the name of Mark Skidmore out of Michigan State University, and he published a seminal paper that showed that under his estimates, 300,000 people in the United States died. Due to the COVID 19 vaccine, 300,000. Okay. So 300. And there are other analysts that say that estimate is actually conservative and peg it at more of a million deaths in the United States associated with the COVID 19 shot. And yet, we can talk about, you children dying of measles. We can talk about children dying of diarrheal disease, but we never talk about vaccine injury or vaccine death. And it’s much, much more prevalent than anybody in the medical establishment would really lead you to believe.
James Egidio:
You’re a biologist, right? Yes, we talk about all this stuff about vaccines and nothing ever gets mentioned about the immune system, not even during covid in 2020 was once was the immune system ever mentioned. And when it was mentioned, it was censored. Why?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Because the immune system is wonderfully complex and vaccines are akin to hitting the immune system with a hammer and then expecting it to work properly. And it doesn’t when you look at what vaccine stimulate to say, if you say, if you take vaccine injury off the table, just we’re taking it off the table. We’re not even considering it. We’re just looking at vaccine efficacy vaccines really focus on about 5 percent of the entire immune system. And that’s. Of segment of immunology called B cells big at cells called plasma cells that produce antibodies and then antibodies tag the pathogens and can in some instances eliminate them for destruction. That’s only 5 percent of how the immune system works. The innate immune system, which is a very. Much larger component of the immune system is the first line of defense and then you have another part of the acquired immune system called T cells. T cells are not stimulated by vaccination. And neither do they participate in the reactions that would be associated with vaccination? And you’re looking at such a small portion of the immune system that was developed When we knew so little about the immune system, and yet that technology has not progressed, it’s not gotten better it’s not gotten more efficacious, it’s just that, the safety issues and the lack of efficacy over the years have been just swept under the rug.
James Egidio:
Yeah, what is it going to come down to? Because it seems like they just want to continue to push the narrative on vaccines as far as making the mandatory or, what’s it going to come down to? I
Dr. Brian Hooker:
think with some of what we saw, James was really played out during the COVID 19 pandemic because a lot of the information that came out regarding the COVID 19 vaccines and the rollout, operation warp speed was operation cut corners and many more people woke up to that and saw that, wait a minute we’re taking a booster. That’s never been tested on humans. We’re taking a booster. Yeah. Or we’re approving a vaccine that was tested on less than 2000 Children over a period of less than two months. And there was no true placebo control because they gave the control group the actual vaccine four months into the clinical trial. So they destroyed the placebo control and a lot of more, a lot more people are really, starting to be concerned are starting to connect the dots. Hey, this is a new technology. Why are we rolling out a completely new technology and foisting it on? 7, 8 billion people that we want to vaccinate over and over again. And so I think that, there, if there is a silver lining to, this whole pandemic or whatever it is that more and more people are waking up and more and more people. are voting with their feet and resisting. And I saw a statistic about the latest booster that only 1.3 percent of the U. S. Population has received that latest booster. Which incidentally was never tested on humans.
James Egidio:
I believe it was like a, was it a, I think they used a population of about a thousand when they did the actual study. When I was interviewing Warner Mendenhall, we were talking about that because he had mentioned his client is he has a client that was a whistleblower for Pfizer. And Brooke Jackson, right? Yeah. And they were talking about, I think it was like only 1000 people they use. Then the other thing about controls is, you had these people that were parading in the politics and entertainment. That we’re getting so called vaccinations on television. I don’t buy it. I don’t believe they were getting the actual vaccine or getting any of that. I have a little bit of a different theory on this whole vaccination program. And I’m sure, as well, and I’ve been around the medical industry for all my life practically is instead of they called it emergency use authorization. I call it experimental use authorization is what I call it, right? And that’s what it was. And then the topic of a hot lots came up. Hot lots is a researcher’s term in the vaccination industry where I, this is my theory. And it could be, I can be totally off base on it since it was under experimental use authorization. And the vaccine manufacturers had no responsibility for any liability with death or injury. They, of course, with all vaccinations, and this is for the listeners and viewers as well, the Medical Truth podcast, every single vaccination, you can look on a vaccination card if you had the vaccination, has a lot number on it. And that lot number is attached to the actual batches as to where they go geographically speaking. And on my website, under free resources, I have some VAERS data and some some tools that, that the listener and viewer can go to and they can type in the lot number and see where certain, what the injuries were based on that lot number or deaths or whatever. But I think what they did is they’ve. It was under, it was like one big global experiment besides this thing about Gates always talking about depopulation, right? And what they did is I think they manufactured each and every lot differently for different geographic areas based on the concentrations and they even have their. Their actual controlled doses in those lots. And then they had a higher concentration of whatever they were putting in there, a lot of, messenger RNA and the hydrogels and the nanoparticles and all that. And and then they basically measure the response based on that. Manufacturing practice. That’s what I believe.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
You raise a really good point and there was a study that came out of Denmark that looked at the rate of adverse events by lot number and by lot size. And there were three different trends that came out. There were hot lots, there were medium lots, and then there were what you might call placebo lots. Okay. And the placebo lots had, virtually no deaths very few adverse events. And, but as opposed to the hot lots that were, generally smaller lots but they had many adverse events and many deaths associated with them. And there were three linear trends in that paper that showed, in an increase in death rates And precipitous increase in death rate in these really hot lots, with a number of vaccines distributed. And, we’ve at CHD we’re getting ready to submit a paper for publication where we can actually see where the hot lots went in the United States. Yeah. And and it’s really it’s very telling. It’s very different. I, I hesitate, as a scientist, I don’t really go into like the geopolitical trends but it’s stunning in some of the areas where you see, where these thoughts were distributed, you see so many more deaths, so many more injuries. So many more deaths specifically like in South Dakota injuries in Kentucky and Tennessee really stood out. And and it’s odd why so much variability in terms of the number of injuries per vaccine lot.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And you mentioned geopolitical and the thing is I, that’s one thing I don’t try to do on this podcast is I don’t want to politicize anything. I look at it like, you’re a scientist the scientific method of having a control group and having, certain population using, certain concentrations. I know when I did my undergraduate research, we did, we use the Ussing chamber and we measured the opening and closing potential sodium and potassium channels and all that other stuff and we use different concentrations. It’s the same thing here except and I think this is the reason why the government and the manufacturers didn’t want to take any liability. Because as I said, it’s the I called it the not the emergency use authorization, but the experimental use authorization is what I call it. And that’s the reason why they didn’t want to take any liability as well. Because again, it was a big experiment with these messenger RNA vaccines. I don’t think COVID was about, COVID in 2020 was about COVID. It was about the vaccine is what it was, right? Because nothing made sense from the very beginning with COVID in terms of mask mandates and social distancing and contact tracing. They didn’t start talking about contact tracing until. I don’t know, five or six, seven months afterwards. You don’t talk about contact tracing five or six months out. Contact tracing takes place. A.S.A.P. Right away. You start to track the first spreader, the first vector of that particular virus, and then you start keeping track of it. And they had the resources for that, but they had to cover their butts by coming up with all these different narratives in the middle of the game. So the right hand never knew what the left hand was doing. Even Fauci was talking about mask don’t wear a mask. And I even did a little short segment on that is that it was a sick and twisted game of Simon says of take off the mask, put the mask back on. So it was a big joke. It was a really big joke and we had gone through COVID in the out in with SARS sudden acute respiratory syndrome. When I had the medical house call practice back in the fall of 2003 and four, we went through what was a COVID outbreak, which was SARS. It was a flu season that year.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
And when you look at when you look at the intent. In 2020, we were, it was like we were, and I’m going to borrow your term, we played this game of science, Simon says and, but everything then pointed out to, vaccinate vaccinate, roll out the vaccine. And, obviously that was a ploy and it was a ploy to marginalize things that would work like zinc and vitamin C and vitamin D3, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, all of those were marginalized because that would take away the emergency use authorization, the ability to authorize it. a vaccine and that’s all they were going to do and that’s all they really wanted to do. And why in the heck did they use a new technology that had never been used in a vaccine in the first place?
James Egidio:
Exactly. I got another clip of Bill Gates and I’ll tell you something in a minute when I’m after this. Okay.
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To fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, he announced that his project called CEPI, or the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations has 460 million. He sat down with CBS to talk about how that money will go to preparing for the next great epidemic. The idea is to take in a new way of building vaccines that could let us develop in less than a year, a novel vaccine called DNA, RNA vaccines. And so we’ll fund a few projects to build specific vaccines, but not only will we get that, we’ll prove out that these platforms can work. We’ll understand the regulatory issues and it gives us a chance of. Being able to respond in time when the next epidemic hits. We’re in the same situations we were in before, where it takes years to build a new vaccine, but the scientific idea of these new platforms could radically change that so that A lot of the steps are sitting there ready. The factory piece, understanding the regulatory piece, and you just have to plug in some information, do some quick safety profiles, and then you can get into manufacturing quite rapidly. We need vaccines for a lot of things, not just epidemics. We need a HIV vaccine, a tuberculosis vaccine, a malaria vaccine. All of those things are in the works. And over the next decade, I think most of those we’ll get solutions for.
James Egidio:
So this is the Goliath we’re up against.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
It is. And, unfortunately. You find these individuals, including Gates and including Fauci giddy over the opportunity to use this pandemic preparedness, to test out this vaccine platform and you have to ask yourself what, what came first, they were doing pandemic simulation simulations of around a Corona virus, right? In the fall in September of 2019, and they were talking about how it would be SARS CoV that would be the next pandemic and they were right, these prognosticators and so you have to ask yourself and then it’s followed up by the Wuhan lab leak. Which, was verboten. Nobody would talk about that. And of course you were unscientific if you talked about the lab leak. But now, yet in hindsight we know that the evidence so strongly supports that, it’s in, in patient zero actually came from the Wuhan lab. Things are looking mighty, mighty suspicious. And when, when I see clips of Bill Gates, now he’s, he’s rubbing his hands together in anticipation, talking about Marburg. Yeah.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I know. I know. He’s a very, I think there’s something wrong with this individual. He’s got, if anybody else did this, they’d throw him in a rubber room with a. Straight jacket on. Or years ago, they would have arrested somebody like that, put him in a federal penitentiary for many years.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
This is a menace. This is somebody, it’s like having a three year old with a loaded gun. You just, you cannot do this. And when you look at his, his expertise or his lack of expertise in this particular domain. And yet he’s, he’s setting policy With the big wigs and flying private jets to Davos and figuring out what they’re going to do with the proletariat, while while, the pandemic was the one, the, hugest redistribution of wealth on record. It’s just absolutely preposterous.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And this can be stopped because if you look at this and I tell everybody, and again, I. Design this podcast and I keep the politics out of it as I and I parroted so many times on this podcast when it comes to these vaccines, take the politics out of it. You have a God given right to choose what you want to do with your body. You don’t need Joe Biden. You don’t need. Donald Trump, you don’t need any of these people to tell you that you got to get this vaccine. Not even Bill Gates, not Soros, not any of these people. They don’t rule your body, you do. And it’s your God given right to get to take the vaccine if you want. And listen, I don’t begrudge people that want to wear a mask. You want to wear a mask, have 20 of them. But don’t throw it down, shove it down my throat that I got to wear it. Or take a vaccine that’s gonna kill me or give me some kind of illness, right?’cause I’m, it’s not gonna happen. And I tell people, take the politics outta it. And this has caused so much division and this is both sides of the political spectrum, by the way. This is not just any one side, right? Because they’re all in, on, in, on it together. And this is to divide and conquer people. That’s what this is all about, is to divide. All these distractions are to divide us, to divide and conquer and it’s a club. And we’re not in this club. Is
Dr. Brian Hooker:
what it is. No, we’re not in the club. And I will, I will echo your sentiment of taking the politics out of vaccination. We’re always told that we need to do things for the greater good. And there was so much, jingoistic slogans about taking the vaccine. And it was an American thing to do and people were virtue signaling on social media when they got the COVID 19 shot. Yeah. Take it from somebody that has a vaccine injured child. It goes down to the individual. You make these decisions based on your own bodily autonomy and based on the individual nobody gets a pass. It’s not like vaccine injury just picks certain people and you are somehow exempt from doing it. Nobody really gets a pass and anybody is susceptible to having some type of life changing vaccine reaction.
James Egidio:
Exactly. So your book Vaxxed Un Vaxxed, what is that about? You want to share that with the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
What we did is we looked for the studies that were hiding in plain sight that the government refused to do. And this was precipitated by a meeting that Mr. Kennedy had with Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins in 2017. And the specific reason for the meeting was to ask them where are the Vax Unvaxed studies. They could produce none, Fauci swore up and down during the meeting, yes these studies exist, they even wheeled in carts that had papers on them, and they looked through them, and when they determined that none of these were really vax un vax studies, then Fauci threw up his hands and said, I’ll just email them to you, and of course that’s the last that they heard from Fauci. But then Bobby contacted me in 2019 and said, let’s look for these studies. Let’s look and, we’ll look on the national library of medicine, other reputable web services, like the ISI world of science, and we will find studies where they had unvaccinated control groups and we will, and we started featuring them on Bobby’s Instagram account. And I thought, when he called me in 2019, I thought, Oh, we’ll get a dozen or so, we’ll get. few, we’ll find a few of these studies that are, that I knew of a few just off of the top of my head, but boy, 60 studies later, even prior to the pandemic and vaccine injuries associated with the COVID 19 shot in 60 Instagram posts later, Bobby gets the platform from Instagram and we decided to write a book. And so we kept on doing research, did research for two more years, and filled in the COVID 19 chapter. And here we have a book that has over 100 studies where they have an unvaccinated control group. And so we wanted to highlight what happens when you have a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study. What has the government been trying to cover up? What have they been lying about? And when we find these studies hiding in plain sight, what do they say?
James Egidio:
Yeah, there’s a, you mentioned something about 12 points about the vaxxed unvaxxed and that’s right. What are some of those just to briefly go over those?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
One of the, one of the issues is that the FDA does not do placebo controlled clinical trials for vaccines. Very rarely will they use a true saline placebo, of course, the placebo is what you give the control group and any experiment they, you give them some substance and then they’re blinded in that they don’t know whether it’s the vaccine or the placebo but vaccines get a pass, the placebo controlled study is the gold standard for the FDA for drugs and biologics, but somehow for vaccines, You can use other vaccines as a control. In fact when they approved the Gardasil mine vaccine, which is the vaccine that is purported to prevent cervical cancer. When they tested that out for the FDA clinical trials. They use the original Gardasil form formulation as the control. And so FDA does not do, and we were higher press. We went through FDA clinical trial after clinical trial. We could find no placebo control clinical trials. They were all done using other vaccines as the control, other vaccine components as the control, and it was done basically to minimize the difference between the adverse events in the experimental group, the vaccinated group, and the adverse events in the control group. You could bring up that control group and, what should have been a floor of a saline placebo, they move it up and then the vaccines don’t look so bad. Compared to a control, but you had these control groups that had myriad adverse events, these in, and even with the COVID 19 shot, people will arguably say, yeah, they used a saline placebo. They turned around, within four months of the start of the experiment and they started giving the control group vaccines. they actually started giving the control group COVID shots. So they destroyed the control group and we have no long term safety studies. We have no long term data because there is no control group left over for the Pfizer. There is no control group left over for the Moderna. And I dare say I don’t know as much about Novavax, but I dare say they’ve done the same thing.
James Egidio:
So they’re pretty much a full court press on all these vaccines. Then I’m just basically giving them at will the way they want to. The other thing is I interviewed Dr. William Makis as he’s a radiological oncologist out of Canada. And we had a discussion in detail about these new technology that they are using for all vaccines, all messenger RNA vaccines. And now they’re saying that the messenger RNA is going to even is entering into the food supply with Livestock with cattle and pork and and even poultry. So I don’t know how true that is.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
This is a ubiquitous platform, and this is the, when you hear Gates talk about, using messenger RNA as a delivery system or as a delivery cassette for making transgenic humans. Basically, essentially what you’re doing. We, the technology that they used for making these vaccines and they, and I have heard the same studies I haven’t confirmed yet, but I’ve heard the same stories about, delivering the MRNA into livestock that, presumably would be consumed, but it’s the laboratory to transfect cells. To do genetic modification of cells, but yet they’ve told us, no, oh, no, it’s not going to integrate into the genome, even though we know that’s wrong. It’s been already been disproven that it can go and can and will go into the genome. And, when I was in graduate school, we used the liposomal formulation in order to transfect human cells. It looked a lot like the lipid nanoparticle, and so you can’t tell me that we haven’t created genetically modified humans through this experiment.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I was talking, I just had a interviewed Dr. JJ Couey. He’s also a bio biochemist and a researcher in immunology and neurobiology. And he was with the University of Pittsburgh. He got fired for being vocal about this whole. Thing with COVID and he used the term transfection. I’m sorry, transfection. Correct. Transfection.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
That’s where I got it. I’m friends with Jay.
James Egidio:
Okay. So transfection. Yeah. And he got into detail about that. And so again, the nanoparticle is that used to protect and encase the messenger RNA. Is that what that’s doing?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
It protects and encases the messenger RNA, but it also provides direct delivery through the cell membrane. And so what happens is when the lipid nanoparticle membrane it’s like watching, if you ever see two bubbles. that are basically membrane, soap membranes interact and they come together and they form one, right? That’s the same thing that happens with the lipid nanoparticle, is that it becomes one with the cell membrane and then it delivers its payload into the cell. It can do the same thing into the nucleus through the nuclear membrane. And so it can get into the nucleus. There’s no reason why it can’t. And that reason why it’s made of lipid is it mimics the same composition of lipid nanoparticles. Of cell membranes and then that way they can deliver the payload or the messenger rna directly into cells, right?
James Egidio:
In other words because the cell membrane as I remember being having a biology background is a lipid bilayer, right? So when you get this nanoparticle that’s injected it goes into the body it disperses through the bloodstream right and it starts scavengering around looking for different cells in different parts of different organs and then it penetrates that Lipid bilayers of that particular cell, whether it’s hepatocytes or whatever, the cells
Dr. Brian Hooker:
may be right circulatory, circulatory endothelium, whatever. Yeah
James Egidio:
so then it goes from what transcription to translation of what the spike protein, is that what it’s doing? It’s producing actual
Dr. Brian Hooker:
spike translating the spike protein. But now we know. That not only is there messenger RNA for the spike protein in there, which is strengthened, usually mRNA is degraded very quickly by the cell because mRNA is pro inflammatory, it causes inflammation. High concentrations of mRNA should not be tolerated by cells. Neither should we be getting them through our vaccines. It’s inflammatory. But this has been this has been fortified with a, an artificial nucleotide called pseudouridine. And so it persists longer, and then in addition, there’s carryover of DNA contaminants, and that’s been verified by looking at different lots of vaccine, lots of vaccines and DNA carryover, and that DNA can directly transcribe, will directly go into the genome. Of the human cell. And in addition, the mRNA can reverse transcribe happens all the time and you can get the DNA that codes the spike protein in the human genome. In the human DNA integration human reverse transcription of messenger RNA and integration of DNA it happens all the time.
James Egidio:
So is it actually producing these spikes to when it does Go from transcription or was a transcription. Translation. I’m
Dr. Brian Hooker:
sorry. Translation. Excuse me. Yes. So it’s
James Egidio:
actually producing the spikes to correct.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
So it is producing this. That was the intent of the vaccine was to produce a spike protein and then the immune system would raise up a response to the spike protein. And once it did raise up the response, then that would be the vaccination, and the quote unquote immunization. The unfortunate part of that is that people who are suffering vaccine injuries, they’re producing spike proteins for periods of up to six months. That’s just not good for you. The spike protein is toxic. We were told that it was going to stay in the upper arm. for two weeks, right? But that’s not the case, and even these six month studies that they’ve done around, production of spike protein in humans usually you would expect that the spike protein could be produced for a longer period of time because usually after six months is when they terminate the study.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So when this spike protein circulates it, because I know there’s also the theory that it tears up the endothelial cells in the cardiovascular system, especially in the micro vascular system around the vessels that peripherate around the colon, because I know a lot of people have had necrosis of the colon. There was also Certain parts of the colon. There is a necrosis of people who have diabetes had just raging diabetic neuropathy and circulatory issues with their lower extremities, particularly in their feet where the microvascular system is innervated a lot. There’s a lot of innervation in the, in the foot and the lower extremities. So is that what’s the spikes are just basically causing a lot of these clots? Is that what’s happening?
Dr. Brian Hooker:
That’s one of the things that’s happening in and if you look at the spike protein and the interaction with a spike protein with what’s called the ACE2 receptor ACE2 receptor are on human blood cells and especially a cell type called platelets and platelets are what activates clotting. And so you introduce the spike protein into the circulatory system, it activates the platelets, then you get micro clotting, then you get larger and larger clotting. And then that begats these circulatory disorders and, clots have been shown to build up due to hyperexposure to the spike protein and, physiologically it makes perfect sense. They interact with the platelets. The platelets are responsible for clotting. As soon as you have an activated platelet, then you get clotting events. And I dare say, even those people that have like subclinical injuries. They probably have micro circulatory disorders because of the preponderance of clots. You can take any individual and you can look at a clotting assay after they receive the vaccine and their clotting parameters go way up. Yeah.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I know. I’ve said this on many episodes. I know eight people personally that have died from this vaccine. Wow. Yeah. And one as young as 30. 30 years old. He dropped dead from cardiac arrest. His brother found him dead in the bathroom in his home. And friends that died of cardiac issues shortly after getting the vaccine. One girl I know, she died of liver cancer right away and she was healthy. Basically they now, Dr. Rasnick about that. Turbo, turbo cancers.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Absolutely horrible. Absolutely horrible. And you’re hearing more and more about it. There are case studies now in the literature of lymphoma that is developing mere weeks after vaccination. It starts. It starts out looking swollen lymph nodes, just lymphadenopathy. And then, they go back and check. And lymphoma starts to occur. And you, I’ve seen biopsy tissue. I’ve seen, photographic evidence of lymphoma, right under the skin in the lymph nodes. And these cancers are very fast. They’re very aggressive. And it’s interesting in some of the medical literature that’s more pro pharma, they talk about treatable cancers. It’s come on, cancer is cancer. Yeah, no, you can’t brush this off like you tried to brush off myocarditis, right?
James Egidio:
And they’re doing that. They’re trying to do that. Oh,
Dr. Brian Hooker:
exactly. They’re trying to normalize it.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And it’s not normal. I don’t remember. Young teenage kids dying on a ball field ever. That was unheard of,
Dr. Brian Hooker:
with inflamed biocardium. Incredible, absolutely incredible. And yet now, we have we have these disorders. There was even I can’t remember the name of the hospital in New York that had a public service promo about. the how common myocarditis was in Children and how you could come to the hospital and they would treat your myocarditis and you’d be all better.
James Egidio:
Unbelievable. Unbelievable. What advice do you have for parents out there that have Children that are going to be vaccinated? Or have been vaccinated for that matter.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
I want I want as many people to get this book and read it and really read it. It’s got very clear graphics. It distills down the science into what I believe and what Mr Kennedy believes are understandable terms. So you can look at it. This is what happens with the vaccinated group. This is what happens with the unvaccinated group. It’s we tried to make it as clear as that. And so I hope that that many parents, new parents, people considering becoming parents will look at this book, read it, read the book and then take their book. to the, their medical practitioners, buy them a copy too, and have frank conversations about what vaccines are doing, and what the scientific evidence shows. The vast majority of the studies that are in the book are in well established traditional medical literature. It’s not, it’s not fly by night journals and, and in predatory journals or what are they going to call them this week? These are papers that have been. Published, in the Journal of Pediatrics that’s associated with the American Academy of Pediatrics, New England Journal of Medicine other reputable journals, Lancet and these are, so they’re, they’re not talked about very much, but they’re hiding in plain sight. So I hope as many people will read the book. And will and this will be gap more and more conversations with their practitioners so they can make really informed decisions. I’m not a medical professional. So I don’t tell people whether to vaccinate or not. But I do want them to know what the science says.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and that’s just it. This data that’s presented by professionals. This is not conspiracy theory. These are facts. This is, it’s, these are actual events of, The consequences of getting these vaccines, so this data that’s accumulated is not made up, cause they’ll say we’re a conspiracy theorist. You’re going to spend your time to be a conspiracy theorist and waste your time. What, what do you have to gain? You’re not,
Dr. Brian Hooker:
not a whole lot, not a whole lot of money in conspiracy theories.
James Egidio:
No, but there is for bill Gates to be pushing these vaccines.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Absolutely. Absolutely. And, when you look at somebody that talks about vaccination and one breath and population control and the other breath, it makes you wonder.
James Egidio:
It does. Do you have a copy of the book? I didn’t
Dr. Brian Hooker:
have a, I do. I have a copy of the book right here. It’s standing next to me. It’s called Vax-Unvaxxed let the science speak. I can do that without getting a big glare on it. Yeah, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And myself it’s not a difficult read. We wanted and we wanted eye popping graphics that, you could show your friends, you can show your practitioners and we want the message really just to jump off the
James Egidio:
page. Yeah, it could also be found on skyhorsepublishing. com. That’s skyhorsepublishing. com. It’s not on, is it on Amazon too? It is on
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Amazon still. It’s still on Amazon. And yeah, so you can get on Amazon. You can get it on barnesandnoble. com. Some local booksellers are selling it as well.
James Egidio:
Yeah, Sky Horse Publishing. And I’ll also put on my sub stack. That’s substack. com/medicaltruthpodcast. I’ll post this recording and I’ll even put an image of the book and a direct link to the to SkyHorsePublishing for that.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Absolutely. I appreciate it. Thank you so much,
James Egidio:
James. Dr. Hooker, thank you so much for being on the medical truth podcast. I really appreciate it.
Dr. Brian Hooker:
Thank you so much. It’s been my pleasure. What a wonderful conversation. Thank you. Absolutely.
James Egidio:
Thank you, sir. Appreciate it.
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