“What Do HIV and COVID Have in Common”- Interview with David Rasnick, PhD

Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as Host James Egidio interviews Dr. David Rasnick, PhD who unpacks the similarities between the AIDS epidemic and COVID-19. Dr. Rasnick has over 40 years experience as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry and is the Co-Founder of viral forensics from 2015-2017 and his area of expertise include AIDS, Arthritis, Cancer, Emphysema, and Parasites. He is also credited for working on the Presidential AIDS Advisory panel in South Africa and wrote a popular paper titled “Tyrany of Dogma” in 2015 that describes how medical science has gone rogue since 1981 and prior. In 2020 when the COVID pandemic broke he noticed the same inconsistencies in the “Science” of both outbreaks and started to investigate it in detail along with Robert F. Kennedy and Journalist John Rappaport as well as various other credible scientist. go to www.MedicalTruthPodcast.com for this and previous episodes

Meet The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare System. Just to put out a disclaimer before we get started, this podcast and it’s associated content, that’s the websites articles, provides general information and discussions about health and related articles and subjects. The information and other content provided in the podcast, blog, website, or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your personal physician now that we got that out of the way. My guest has a long history working in the pharmaceutical industry. He has over 40 years experience as a scientist. He is the co-founder of Viral Forensics from 2015 to 17. His areas of expertise include AIDS, arthritis, cancer, drug design, and clinical diagnostics. He was a participant in the presidential AIDS advisory panel in South Africa, as well as the author of a multitude of scientific articles and books, In the fall of 2015, he wrote an article titled Tyranny of Dogma, which is a must read if you wanna understand just when and how science died in our country. This is an uncensored and intelligent conversation in regard to the truth about the Covid Pandemic in the state of the scientific and medical community when it comes to disease and what has evolved in the last three years. It is my pleasure and an honor to introduce my guests on the Medical Truth Podcast, Dr. David Rasnick. Hi, Dr. Rasnick. How are you today?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Hi it’s a pleasure to be with you. I also worked on emphysema, arthritis and Parasites as well as Cancer and AIDS. Yeah.
James Egidio:
So what I wanna do before we get started, because you did write a paper in the fall of 2015 titled, the Tyranny of Dogma.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. The Tyranny of Dogma,
James Egidio:
and this was written in the fall of 2015, for those of you that are listening and watching this, and what’s interesting is you were, seemed like you’re way ahead of the, of what’s unfolded in the last three years with Covid, and I just wanna read the first two sentences of that. And this is how it starts. It starts with the resistance to the correction of error in scholarly publications is merely a symptom of a much larger systemic cancer corrupting professional and governmental institutions. Indeed, all of institutional science research is driven not by a desire to determine objectively whether a hypothesis is valid, but rather by the will to make hypothesis appear true. by, the pervasive problem of misconduct and biomedical sciences. And then it goes on to say the scale of the problem is such that any meaningful correction is impossible in retraction would wipe out well over half of the published scientific literature of the past half century. So my question is, where, how and why did we arrive where we are at with science and medicine today?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Okay. That’s a long story and I will get into that. But for your viewers and listeners, let me direct them to my website because it has that article that you mentioned among a whole host of other things Sure. That they might find useful and helpful. www.DavidRasnick.com. That’s just my name, DavidRasnick.com. And I have those things on the homepage. A lot of stuff on the homepage. There’s about 40 years worth of material on my website and have it broken down into different categories and things. So you can actually download the Tyranny of Dogma. You can download couple of my books. Also Peter Duesberg’s book two of his books on AIDS. And there’s a lot of stuff there, lots of videos and everything else. a lot of our cancer stuff’s on there. And so if you feel like during the course of our conversation here, your audience and they want to dig in and find out a little bit more and be talking a little fast here. And what did he say? You can go to my website, and there’s like I say, tons and tons of stuff, and I have an email that you can contact me with any questions. my picture is on the upper right hand corner of my home page, the left, I was a little envelope. That’s my email address. Click on that’s my email address. And you can ask me questions or whatever, and I can direct you to help you find the answers, that sort of thing. So I just wanted to let your listeners know that, not to worry if you missed something or if you have other questions there. There’s a way to, to drill down on this stuff. So we’ll go ahead let you go ahead and ask me that question again.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So getting back you did the AIDS research back in the seventies and eighties. And what I wanted to talk about is how and why did we arrive where we are at Yeah. With science and medicine today and, and how does your research with HIV in the eighties, parallel with Covid, actually the eighties and the nineties but that’s, was it eighties
David Rasnick, PhD:
I got my PhD Georgia Tech in 1978. And I was one of two chemists hired by Abbott Laboratories to set up the chemistry group in their diagnostics division. So I learned about a lot about clinical diagnostics while I was there. And I left there in I think it was the fall of 1980, moved to San Francisco and started my first company, relocated. One actually from Indianapolis with a co-partner there. to the San Francisco Bay Area. And of course in 1980 was when the what we eventually came to know as AIDS had actually been starting in New York, San Francisco and LA among gay men, primarily back in the seventies. But we didn’t really get it publicly known too much until the 1980s there. I was one of the hotbeds of it in the San Francisco Bay area. Scientists would get to meet academics companies, all different kinds of professionals. Once a month we’d go to a seminar, and then after that, we’d go to a Chinese restaurant afterwards. That’s the primary reason why a lot of us went, and then we would talk to each other, share our what our expertises are. And we talked about AIDS. We’d always talk about AIDS because it was a brand new thing. It wasn’t even in the media at that time but it was like an alien disease. It was so bizarre. And of course, there it was in San Francisco and we all wanted to work on it. And we talked about this a lot. And then in 1984, it was April 23rd, 1984. It was the it was the election year end of Reagan’s first term in office. And he hadn’t mentioned a word about aids. And in order to keep the Democrats from turning aids into a campaign issue they called secretary of Health and Human Services called a press conference, Margaret Heckler on April 23rd, and brought out Robert Gallo. And basically they set U.S. Policy on that day that aids was caused by one of Gallo’ viruses. A retrovirus was started in Africa, sexually transmitted and is invariably fatal, and that is AIDS dogma to this day an official government policy. And on April 23rd, there was not a word of this published anywhere, any scientific medical journal all the world that was paying attention, including the scientists. We’ve never heard a word about this before except on that press conference. Okay. So that’s shocking right there. Now, I didn’t know that at the moment, I only learned that later those specific details about, there was no publications or anything. I just figured it must be published some place until you go back and you try to find it and there’s nothing there. And I then about a year later, 1985 I real, it looked like AIDS wasn’t behaving anything like a contagious disease, sticking strictly to these gay men primarily and only causing certain types of pathology, like kaposi sarcoma in them. And then it would be like some sort of other kind of pneumocystic screening and pneumonia. and IV drug users and something different hemophilia. So something different all over and women weren’t getting it at all, I said I started raising this question with that group of professionals that I’d mentioned there in the Bay Area University of California, San Francisco, Berkeley, a lot of little biotech companies that were there that I said, this isn’t behaving like a contagious disease. And this is when my light bulb moment happened was when the, my colleagues I had been talking to for all, any kind of thing for four or five years refused to talk to me about AIDS. In fact, they were afraid to talk about it. And the, my best collaboration that I had was with a parasitologist. And we did not want to lose our collaboration. So we mutually agreed he didn’t want to talk about AIDS. We mutually agreed that we wouldn’t talk about AIDS in order to keep our collaboration a alive. So I lost a lot of colleagues. potential collaborations and other sorts of things. Now, that was very strange. And that’s when I started looking into what is this phenomenon? And I came across a digging deep in all sorts of ways, looking into the gay community. I got this book Disciplined Minds by Jeff Schmidt. It’s a great, great book, disciplined Minds by Jeff Schmidt, who basically can answer the question that you raise but I can give it from my own personal experience. How is it that these professionals academics clinicians could be journalists, that could be anybody that has the potential to influence a large number of people, for example how it is that they’ve gotten. Constrained, brainwashed the inability to talk about certain dangerous topics, like the HIV hypothesis, or a coronavirus like Covid 19, and SARS. The similarities between the story about AIDS that I’m gonna tell you about is almost a, all the difference between that and COVID. There are two differences. One, the names are difference. Instead of AIDS, it’s COVID 19. Yeah. Instead of retrovirus, it’s a coronavirus, and instead of being limit restricted to IV drug users and gay men, now it’s global right? But the entire infrastructure that is destroying the world to this day was put into place during the AIDS scare of the eighties and nineties. I witnessed it firsthand. All right. And that, that was the first thing. Now, a lot of this, I didn’t know all these details immediately as I’m saying. you’re getting about 40 years of my background, and stuff that I’ve learned since then. How to put this stuff together. And and in 1987, professor Peter Duesberg at University of California Berkeley, right across the bay from where I was he publish us an article in cancer research. He’s the World Authority on retroviruses. HIV is a retrovirus. And he, it was like a legal document. It was a scientific report, but it’s like a point for point. How it is retroviruses in particular and in general, and HIV in particular do not cause disease. Cannot cause disease. They’re not sexually transmitted. And he totally destroyed the whole thing. And since he didn’t keep quiet about that he hasn’t, once that came published he never had a grant proposal turned down prior to that publication. He never had another one. Granted, since that publication. The pressure that you can put on a guy who’s a member of the National Academy of Sciences was on the road to getting a Nobel Prize and all that was destroyed because he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut and his criticism of the HIV hypothesis, all right, that means science is dead. When you cannot ask questions. Science does not, no longer exists without questions. Science is dead. That’s why I tell people, I witnessed firsthand the death of science in 1984, certainly mid eighties dead. It is death there if you have any politically significant science anywhere in the United States, probably in the world it is not science. It’s just dogma. And there it’s just to commercialized things and to try to make money or do whatever it is. The certain areas that aren’t politically significant I imagine that they’re fairly free. The that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good scientists, individual scientists, but. their numbers are fewer and fewer because they’re scared to death. If they have to write a grant proposal, which comes from the government money it’s taxpayer money. Anthony Fauci, he’s no longer there, but he was the one that checks it off. You got it, nick it, or whatever. They know the game. And that’s what they’ve literally used those words. The people that that stay, Peter Duesberg, they say, did not know how to play the game and get punished by now. This was in the 1980s. Now the Covid thing is the AIDS scare on steroids. It’s even worse than that. Global, there are no adjectives, really. I can’t think of any adjectives that satisfactorily capture what we’re in the midst of right now, and yeah. So I tell you what, I’m just rambling on here. Why don’t I give you a chance to
James Egidio:
No, it’s interesting you say that because I’m thinking, as you’re talking, that we even have, as you said, back then in the eighties. This goes back as far as the eighties; you would think this was something new. As far as the science being, the science that it is because we all know that the narratives are being led by the media, which, as I was telling you earlier before we even started this podcast, that’s what incentivized me to get this podcast going was, having been in the medical field for 24 years, like I have personally, hands-on practice manager owner, that I’m seeing people like yourself and Dr. Mikovits and doctor Dr. McCullough and people that are very well versed and have done a lot of research in medicine, get censored. It gets censo,red and it was so obvious, but you talked about the AIDS virus and the research that was done and covid, and it’s so interesting that coincidentally, I believe Anthony Fauci was involved with both, right?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yes.Alll the ones in between with the Ebola, the Zika, and all the other stuff. All the other phony, phony plagues in between.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So what I want to do today is I want to unpack a little bit the parallel between you as a researcher, which you’ve witnessed, maybe side by side or parallel the similarities between the COVID and H.IV
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah, as I mentioned earlier there is the supposed cause, Or viru; a, a retrovirus is for HIV and coronaviruses for covid; they have the idea of these viruses. They, as I said before, these retroviruses are harmless. We all have, I forget what sizable fraction of our genome have retroviral sequences in it. They’re probably us. They’re not even transmissible, they’re not sexually transmissible at all. But they have these gene sequences with these particular enzymes that are very useful to us. In fact, they found the, what they call the human versions of these things that do the same thing as these retroviruses. That’s why I think they’re probably the human viruses anyway, or the mouse virus or whatever. We have these enzymes that help us move genes around and communicate from cell to cell in our bodies, and I think they’ve misinterpreted this idea of a retrovirus, like HIV. HIV nobody’s ever found it in a human being. By the way, the only place I know of personally that exists is in the laboratory. I think that my personal feeling is now that I’ve looked at it over the decades and studied it a lot, and go back to the old literature Robert Gallo. Basically it’s a laboratory artifact. Think, look at it this way, HIV this is the hypothesis. This retrovirus infects your T helper cells. It’s the type of immune cell. This is the theory, the dogma actually. And then because of that, your immune system conks out 10 years later, you die of all these sort sorts of diseases. All right? Now the thing is, nobody’s ever found these things in a human being. But Robert Gallo, who got the sample, he basically eventually took it and kept it as his own it came from Luke Montier France. Luke Montier got Nobel Prize for discovering HIV, but not for the discovering the cause of AIDS, curiously, and Robert Gallo turned that sample. He tried to culture this this virus from this patient sample in human T-cells. And of course, they would not grow in human T-cells. He couldn’t culture it in in human cells at all. Which right there is a first sign that there’s a problem. If the theory says it infects these cells and it cause kills the cells and it disrupts your immune system and you can’t grow with them T-cells, that’s a problem. So Gallo eventually wound up searching for different cell lines. He came with, let’s see, I think it was a leukemia cell line. And he forced it mixed it with that sample from Luke Montier put in lots of chemicals and everything, really stressed the cells. And the cells as they’re being stressed, they produce these things called exosomes, which is very well known in, biology when people do cell culture and we, our normal body produces these exosomes, basically what it is are these little vesicles that leave your cell and they have encapsulated them some proteins, maybe some enzymes and some nucleic acids. And then they’re out there circulating around. In fact, on a normal, healthy situation they help you communicate from different parts of your body, but he generated these things in a non-natural setting in the laboratory, and he have these things and he calls them HIV. Originally he called ’em HTLV-III because Gallo had been trying to find these retroviruses as a. Source of disease for years. HTLV stands for Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus. So he was looking for a virus cause of AIDS. He was working at the National Cancer Institute and under the theory that viruses cause cancer, which they do not by the way. But so he, but he did in a very similar way, generated these pseudo viruses. HTLV 1, HTLV 2, none of them caused cancer. And then he had his HTLV 3 was what later became called HIV for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It was just one of the latest of his little things, and it fit in perfectly with the story that the federal government wanted. All right, in 1984, and it took off, it made Gallo famous Fauci became the director of National Institute’s Allergy Infectious Disease, November of 1984. he pushed the AZT a very toxic drug that probably killed a journalist Lawrenson estimated 330,000 gay men between the late eighties and early nineties. And we have with her in remdisivir that Fauci is pushing for SARS Cov-II, who knows how many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, who knows how many people he’s injured and killed with Remdizivir. And the parallels are absolutely astounding from one to the other.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting you say that because if I remember correctly, I was still just getting outta high school in 81 and when this was all being ramped up with HIV they were talking about, I guess the original vector was a monkey or something in Africa,
David Rasnick, PhD:
And I don’t know if that’s exact, but. It’s always this, these things always come from Africa or Asia or something like that. There’s never a red, white, and blue virus,
James Egidio:
and then again, the parallel with the China virus, because it’s from China Yeah. Is that it was from a bat at a wet market. So the, then, now it’s all coming out now about the whole thing being this gain of function. So are you saying that the HIV virus as well, or the a supposed AIDS virus was manufactured in a lab or just never existed? Or what’s the theory on that?
David Rasnick, PhD:
It, it was like my story said, I think Gallo, I know a lot of people, I even used to accept this notion of viral diseases no longer. I don’t think there is such a thing as a viral disease when I go back and it took me decades to come to that conclusion because I was looking at each viral disease like polio, whooping cough, so on and so on down the list. And when I looked at each one of those, there never was a viral cause there. And they, when they had the vaccine for each one of these diseases, they, the, it had already had completely gone away. Like measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, whooping cough, I don’t care. You can take the whole list where they had all these vaccines. They’re taking the credit for the fact that these things have disappeared. They’ve given the credit to the vaccines, but they were, had almost always gone away completely before the vaccines came out. Each, every, in, every one of those. So then I couldn’t find an example of a vaccine that actually did what vaccines are said to do. Protect you against a viral disease. All right. It’s bogus. That story goes back a long time. And this goes back before AIDS, right?
James Egidio:
Yeah. Why do you suppose that is that these viruses and diseases or these seasons of these viruses have dissipated before the vaccine was even able to be effective?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. Okay. The, when I came across all this stuff and I learned, I wanted to know that too, and you go back and you learn what’s happening in a society where these things are popping up. Almost all of these plagues and things happen when there’s massive social turmoil like wars, right? Like World War II, World War I, the American Civil War, all the wars throughout Europe, when the Romans were, there’s always well, they destroy the food supply, the population, the quality of the water. They disrupt. They disrupt a normal, healthy society. And guess what happens? When you disrupt a normal healthy society, people aren’t fed properly or the water’s contaminated or whatever, they get sick And then when the wars are over with, or the catastrophe, even if it’s like a hurricane or a flood, the same thing happens. People get sick, as a consequence of the destruction of their environment, and then at some point they either die they get better and it goes away. In all of these plagues that we’re talking about, there was some great social turmoil at the time and certainly for the ones that I was looking at.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I also think too, the other thing that was really underplayed a lot going into 2020, cuz this all started in 2019. I remember, when we had the clinic we had patients that were getting sick real bad with a flu. Was the immune system, the natural immune system. They never ever mentioned anything about, taking care of yourself with, proper diet, nutrition, exercise, and the things that a good, healthy immune system. They just played that down completely. And then they started with the mask back in, July or June of 2020 at least where I was in Vegas. So masks weren’t even implemented right out of the get-go when they says this is a novel virus, it’s unknown. There was just too many inconsistencies. And even one of the biggest inconsistencies to me to this day, and everybody that I interview, is with a virus where if you contracted it and got sick with it you had a 98.5% chance of surviving. Okay. 98.5% chance of surviving. If I get in my car to go to the gym, my chances of getting into a fatal auto accident and getting killed in a car are much greater than catching the COVID virus and dying from it. Am I right?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. The let, let me tell You’re right. What you’re saying is right. I don’t want to get off track there. Let me tell you just to cut to the chase. Remember the AIDS thing was a drug disease, that was based, it was recreational drugs. That was really, that’s why, that explains why it was limited to gay men at that era back in the seventies. They were using nitrite, inhalants. I’m a chemist. They’re very toxic, carcinogenic things. I would not open a bottle of that stuff outside of a fume hood. These guys were like it to go to the nightclub. They’d inhale like about 15 milliliters. And they’re do it on a regular basis, and that’s why they got this Kapsi Sarcoma in the lungs and throat and the face and stuff. And then the IV drug users, in fact, the CDC understood as early as 1982, that AIDS in the United States was primarily a drug disease, chronic drug use. And then of course that changed in 1984. They just totally erased that and just kept and kept going. The, so the contagious disease that they claim claimed AIDS was a contagious disease, was a lie. It was not a contagious disease, never was alright. The idea that COVID even existed, that there was such a thing as COVID 19 is a lie. Absolutely. A total complete lie. If you go back and you look at the statistics of when the pandemic started. And you look at the all cause mortality the death of any cause in the United States, the total number of deaths in 2020 was less than the previous five years, But we had no pandemic. All right? So where was the pandemic? And you pointed out you got a 99.8% or whatever it was, Ability. There that it was totally bogus. And let me tell you, I’ll tell you what’s going on right now. Might as well spit it out real early. there’s all this hoopla about they still wanna maintain pandemics. Even though they’re phony, even though they’re absolutely totally phony, they don’t mind, they’re willing to sacrifice the idea that it was innocent. So they’re willing to say, okay, it was a, it was an engineered virus. That sort of thing. So they don’t want the virus to, to go away. They don’t want the notion that was a totally harmless virus that nobody to this day has. There’s no SARS COV-II in a bottle anywhere in the world. Even the CDC admitted early on, they didn’t have a sample of it to use as a reference for their PCR test. And in fact, people have looked for it, the scientific literature. Nobody has SARS COV-II, just like nobody had HIV, but at least least they had this Frankenstein, HIV that only existed in the laboratory. Robert Gallo’ thing that you can actually get, that FDA will give it to you, the NIH will actually give it to researchers for free so they can do research on it, but you, it doesn’t exist in people. It’s not contagious and it doesn’t cause any disease. The same thing is true with SARS COV-II, except it’s even less, they even have less information about it than they did HIV at least with HIV, they had these artificial exosomes in the bottle that you can get, and you can see them under Electromicroscope. But they don’t even have that for SARS COV-II. They don’t even have the phony little virus itself. SARS COV-II you know what, the only place it exists is in computers.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Let me ask you, let me ask you a question, though. I remember back in 2003, we were confronted with, in the fall of 2003 going into four, the SARS. Yeah, it’s an Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Yeah. Which was a COVID virus, supposedly.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yep, it was.
James Egidio:
That was a coronavirus, right?
David Rasnick, PhD:
That’s what they said. Yeah.
James Egidio:
So that caused basically the same symptoms and the same illnesses as H1N1 and all the other upper respiratory tract infections that are contracted through these viruses. Bad flu season, basically. Yeah. So are you saying that these viruses don’t exist at all?
David Rasnick, PhD:
I’m saying the viral diseases do not exist.
James Egidio:
The diseases don’t exist.
David Rasnick, PhD:
And I can say for a fact, HIV does not exist except in a laboratory. I know that for a fact. All right.
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
And I can say that SARS COV II doesn’t even exist in the laboratory. They don’t even have it in the laboratory. They just have a gene sequences. Guess how many genes, unique gene sequences, there are right now I know it’s over 15 million. And there’s only 30,000 nucleotides, supposedly in a coronavirus. 30,000 nucleotides. The nucleic acids in there, they have 15,000. Every time you sequence that, you go to sequence, they don’t have a virus to sequence, by the way. this may come astounding to you. They, what they do is they take, they, oh, the story. God, if I started from scratch to tell you a whole story, you can make a movie about this.
James Egidio:
You could absolutely.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I know. The first, and I did, I looked at the publications of everybody who so supposedly isolated or identified SARS COV-2 from the very beginning, from China was the first place. It was China. can’t remember. I think Seattle might have been the second one. Then there was. South Korea and there’s a, I don’t remember, but China was first and Seattle, Washington was in their close, and they always guess what they did. It’s amazing. Think of it. They took a single person with some symptoms. And now let me go back a moment. The symptoms according to the CDC of COVID 19 and the flu are identical. Are identical, right? So the only way that you could distinguish between the flu and Covid 19 is with a bogus test, So it allows you to name something else, that’s and what they did with AIDS and so many other things. They call they renamed drug diseases as an infectious diseases AIDS. They’ve renamed A flu, a seasonal flu that now they call it with a test, they call it COVID 19. The trick. They did that with the SARS, MERS,, the Zika, the Ebola, the same trick. It’s just they just create these things out, out of thin air. Now the, and when they do the, when they, so what did they do? They take a single patient. Single patient with symptoms, flu symptoms, all and they don’t take a controlled patient, somebody healthy, and they take a sample of this person. Typically, at the beginning, it was a lung sample because it’s like a pneumonia type of stuff. And then they take it to pieces. They have chemicals and enzymes that just chop all, chop, every, all the nucleic acids in the, in that gimish chop ’em all up into tiny pieces. hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of fragments. All right. Then they have these machines, these computers. They’ll sequence these things. Hundreds of millions of these things. and then they get, might read ’em off like the A, T, G, C and if it’s Right. DNA. All right. And then they have these little fragments, then they’ll have computers that will overlap ’em just in the computer, and they have, Gillions of these things. And then they’ll, they basically, they already know what they wanna find before they get started. They wanna find a coronavirus. All right? So then they use the sequences. Remember they’ve been working with Coronaviruses in general for decades, like you said, the first SARS and so on. they’ve already decided what a coronavirus genome looks like. They’ve have all these lists. So then they look for the sequences. Low and behold, they can find it. The thing is that they didn’t have a healthy control to demonstrate that the sequences are not in a healthy person. Yeah. Every one of those cases that I looked at, every one of ’em from China, from the United States and South Korea, and I think it was Australia, was the place and eventually just stopped looking because they all did the same thing. They all did the same. A single patient and no control patient. All right. Yeah. They broken every rule you can do with trying to for a contagious disease with isolation purification and the fact that they’re using all this technology and, and it’s been billions of dollars on all this stuff, and it’s totally bogus. It’s total fraud.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting you say that because what it sounds like you were saying too earlier when you allude to the AZT drugs and what not, is that the AZT and the mRNA vaccine, these are all like the lynch pins by the pharmaceutical industry to create these drugs to basically make money the big pharma to make money. And it also, what’s interesting too with these vaccines, what we saw was they were rushed under what’s called emergency use authorization. The whole thing on both sides of the political spectrum was used as a political football, just basically to politicize it at the expense and health of people. And now that everything’s shaken out after the last three years, we have people that are testament to the efficacy of these vaccines and what they’re doing to people. by now, there’s this relationship between big pharma and the Corona Virus then I don’t know what to tell people. Where do you begin?
David Rasnick, PhD:
That article that you mentioned that I wrote called Tyranny of Dogma on my website, people could download it. That tells that the story Marcia Engel and a whole bunch of other people, professionals in the pharmaceutical industry or in the medical journals and things that saw this early on, really early, that wrote books about it, and they talked about it. There’s nothing new here. It’s just a doesn’t, public doesn’t know about it. The pharmaceutical industry is a very dangerous industry. They don’t live if people are they have no business if people are healthy. When I was in the pharmaceutical industry before I left in the mid nineties, the vast majority of the new drugs that we’re working on, where to treat the diseases caused by other drugs, and, and now and that, that makes, that’s what money is made of is incurable disease. Yeah. here it is at Little Greensboro North Carolina, it’s not that big a city. But you should see all of the healthcare, these massive healthcare places, they’re all over the place here. And the the human beings is certainly an industrialized world. It’s always been true in places like Africa and poor places. But that was because they were poor and they were starving and they had, didn’t have governments that really gave a damn about ’em or, but in the western world, we’re basically just poisoning ourselves to death. Yeah. And we’re taking, with the pollution that’s around with the crummy food that people eat and the, if all the drugs and the pharmaceuticals that people, this, these drugs are dangerous. Yeah. I, there’s probably not any good ones there. If they are good ones, they’re a handful. I guarantee you there’s only a handful of ’em. These things, like every, all I think there was 20 something anti HIV drugs. There might even have been 30, I forget the exact number. They all come with a black box warning label of what? The, what the, that comes with the the instructions or the the thing that come with the drug that doctors don’t read. And the black box warning label is the highest warning that the FDA puts out before they take a, the drug off the market. All right. But they, there’s not one off the market, and now I don’t even think they use a black box warning labels for other drugs anymore. The pharmaceutical industry is creating their own business by making people sick. And worse than that, they’re killing people.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I heard an interesting statistic. that if you get, I don’t even know, like even five adverse reactions that lead to death with a vaccination right away it should be investigated and looked at.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Oh, it would’ve been stopped.
James Egidio:
It stopped, yeah. And again, they freed the pharmaceutical companies from liability with the vaccines. They used it under emergency use authorization, which basically in essence made the public, the Guinea pigs in the experiment. And they’re still pushing it to this day. They’re still pushing it. And I guess my question to you is, as a scientist with your years of experience, where do you see this all going in the future? And I know you don’t have a crystal ball, but where do you see it going?
David Rasnick, PhD:
Oh lord. That’s a biggie. I’m glad you asked it because I’ve been thinking about it actually since 2020. Basically, these institutions are so corrupt. They’re not fixable. Yeah. The pharmaceutical industry needs to be basically bulldozed. All right. The federal government is criminal. The pharmaceuticals are criminal, but all of these mega unaccountable institutions, they’re totally unaccountable. It, it’s basic. The weapon that’s being used, always used against humanity is concentrated unaccountable wealth. Always. Yeah. You don’t have these big wars if you don’t have like kings, and and big governments and with industry pouring money, when people realize that the same in industries were funding both. The Nazis and the Americans and the British at the same time during War II to war I, even in the Civil War once they see that war is what money is made of, yeah. The whole point of it is destruction. And guess what? When you have destruction you have to pay for the things that cause this structure, and then you have then you have to pay to replace it, so there’s always money going around. And those people, that’s what’s going on right now. Yeah. I really, truly believe that this, that we’re in the midst World War III right now, and for the, but it’s global this time. Literally global, yeah. And weapons are the weapons they’ve always used plus new high technology, yeah. So I think we’re basically in a global urban renewal thing where you go in and you bull down, bulldoze as much stuff as you can. You want the airplanes to fall outta the air, which they haven’t yet. I’m really surprised. Basically, the pilots themselves, are refusing to fly if they’ve been injected. That’s why we haven’t had these huge catastrophe. A lot of pilots now are pulling out, even though the FAA would allow them to fly, they changed their rules, right? To allow sick pilots to fly, reason we haven’t had planes fallen outta the air in the United States, it probably around the world, is because of pilots pulling themselves out, right? And not flying these things. But that’s probably not gonna last long. But we haven’t, when I moved to North Carolina when we moved here in 2017 it, I might hear one to two sirens a month. Now I’m hearing anywhere from four to 10 a day. A day fifth two years, Now that that’s nuts. And all the signs are there. All the signs of the insanity. All the signs of it, of planned intention. To kill people, destroy society. If you can’t see it right now, after three years, you’ll never see it. I don’t, I’m afraid.
James Egidio:
I know. I have three, I know three people personally that died from the vaccination personally. Now do I know anybody that died from COVID? No, I do not. I have family members. My sister got it. I know people that got it in my family, the COVID virus or got sick, got the flu, I should say. But I know three people who got the vaccination personally and died. One was 30, 50 and one was 65, and they were all healthy. especially the 30 year old. 30 year old just supposedly dropped dead from a heart attack.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. I don’t know. There’s probably million. I could, I, there’re probably millions already dead. Just from these injections around. Yeah. My guess is there’s probably at least a million in the United States have already been killed just by the injections a alone. Yeah. That include the millions that are dying from they lost their jobs they might commit suicide or who knows what else is going on cause of the insanity that’s going on. And this is by design. You know how I’ve been able to look at this, and once you take this perspective, I think you understand things better. Back in, like I say, 2020, when John Rappaport called me on the phone, said, Dave, you’ve gotta join this fight. Is that once you know what the intention is, the intention now is to destroy the world and take it over. Take all the resources, all of the the property that people own and everything. Once you know that, and you don’t want the people to know it, because the thing is, we outnumber these people by a million to one, the ones that are behind this. So they have to. Have to slowly gotta kill you off. If they killed you off too quickly, you’d know it really quickly and you’d probably take some sort of action, And then they totally own the media. You know this story. They totally own the media, own the government, they own basically everything. They’ve been doing this for decades and that’s where all that money’s gone to own these things and bribe these people. Now, what would you do? What would you do? If the goal, the stated goal of some of these lunatics is to reduce the world population down to about 500 million people. Little more than, half again as much as the United States,
James Egidio:
yeah. And Gates made that clear too. He said that he, that’s another thing that really gets me is this stuff is so obvious. It’s like right out there. You were, like I say, in the hotbed of the AIDS epidemic back in the eighties and nineties, there was no dissemination of information like we have today at our fingertips, literally with smartphones, you basically have a computer in your hand. And back then you didn’t have that. And of course you had a smaller population of segmented population that was affected by this disease. But today we have so much information on our fingertips, so much, and yet people are still buying into it. And they’re still getting their information from CN N and MSNBC, and Fox, and all these other outlets. And it’s, you talk about the misinformation. That’s the misinformation. And they’re scoffing at, physicians and people that are credible in the industry and censoring them. It’s obvious that when you’re censoring someone that’s an expert in something, then they’re doing the right thing. They know what they’re talking about.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. I actually think you, everything you said is true. But I think people these are tools, and these tools can be used weapon against you or for you but people are learning, after three years now of this insanity, a lot of people are waking up, I think,
James Egidio:
I hope so.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Third of the United States, which is huge number, and they’re not fighting back real strong yet. I think it’s gonna have to take more of a crisis. For that, unfortunately. But I think they think they, they know the scam. There’s a large number of people, maybe a third that. I don’t think they’re, you can help those poor folks, Maybe not even that many, right now. Yeah. And we are communicating. There are two good things that come from a crisis like this. There’s only, I can only think of one of ’em with it was the AIDS thing, but now with the global thing with COVID, I’ve actually thought of it another one. It’s the wonderful people that you get to meet, like you and I, we would’ve never gotten together.
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
Thing and all of the other people, I’ve worked with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Helped book, and I’m working with lawyers on four continents and sure. All kinds of people. We get to in know each other, learn about the economic parts of the world Catherine Austin Fitz, and these other people, we get to. So it’s these absolutely wonderful people and these interactions. That, that we get to have and we wouldn’t have otherwise. And what we’re learning is a consequence of that. Think of all the things I’m learning more now in, I think in this past three years than I could ever remember before. you know
James Egidio:
Exactly your whole career
David Rasnick, PhD:
of this stuff. Think about that. Yeah. That I is what these people are trying to control the world do not want to happen.
James Egidio:
No, of course not.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Of course it’s happening Cause of the same technology.
James Egidio:
Yeah, absolutely.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Stuff. I’m talking about getting out there and talking.
James Egidio:
Absolutely, and I don’t care what anybody’s audience size is. I think the sheer numbers of going on to different podcast episodes and different television shows or whatever, you gotta get on to get the word out there because you got some deep pockets behind these huge media companies that are just trying to squash this. And the thing that I wanna say to anybody that’s listening to this podcast and any future podcast episodes and watching it that I put out there in the future, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me, is that take a step back and don’t look at this from the optics of politics, cuz this is not a political issue, it’s not it’s a health issue. It’s a personal issue. It’s an issue that can affect someone and yourself, whoever’s listening and watching this physically. It can literally kill you. This is not politics.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I have to say this. not a Republican and Democrat,
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
politic issue, but is political in the sense of power.
James Egidio:
Oh yeah, absolutely. But I’m saying don’t
David Rasnick, PhD:
idea is to rob us of any kind of power.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Don’t take So listen, I, I see people who still wear masks to this day. Yeah. There’s people still running out and getting vaccinated. And the only thing I could tell anybody that’s doing that, and I’m not doling out any medical advice, is just take a deep breath and take a couple steps back and really look at the entire optics of the entire situation. Don’t just listen to Fauci or or any of these clowns that have been putting this information out, because that’s what they have been. Listen to the professionals, the people that have been in the industry such as yourself, such as Dr. Judy, Mikovitz Kennedy, and everybody else that’s credible, that’s done some research and backed it up with research.
David Rasnick, PhD:
There’s a lot of good journalists out there. There’s a lot of good professionals of what I mean by professionals. I don’t, people that know what they’re doing. They have a good, solid foundation in areas that you know that they’re, that they work in. And these people are extraordinary resource and they’re not stupid. No, even I’m be associated with them.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I, listen, I never would’ve started this podcast if I had never seen a patient in my life and had owned a medical practice or anything, because then I wouldn’t know what I was talking about. Yeah. Firsthand knowledge of, like I say, professors, researchers and doctors and people that are, you don’t go to your shoe repair man to take care of your medical condition. You go to people who have experience with these things. Yeah. That are in the know.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. And you use your own judgment. Yeah. It is important that people compare what’s what they’re experiencing now with years of experience in the past, to get a sense of how weird things are now,
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
And that’s what astounds me is that, that seem, that attribute seemed to have been waning. Yeah. In 2020 and 2021. I think it started waking up in 2022 substantially, and so believe it or not, the worst, we haven’t seen the worst yet.
James Egidio:
No, I don’t think so either.
David Rasnick, PhD:
One thing I’m confident of, that these idiots, these lunatics that have more money than brains, by far, they cannot pull off what they want to. They can destroy, they’re good. It’s much easier to destroy things than it is to build things.
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
And these people can use their money to cause a great deal of harm and destruction in death. And they are, they already have. And it’s going to increase and industrialized world, I’m. afraid that the economics is the next weapon they’re going to use at it. They’re gonna blow the economics the livelihoods away from people.
James Egidio:
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
David Rasnick, PhD:
And gonna use every tool of destruction they can think of.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. And nobody wins in the end. Man, destroys man.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. I mean, it’s, there’s no rationale it’s pure evil
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
I remember when, back in 2020, when I thought about this stuff and I was, right after I talked with John Rappaport on the phone, I realized immediately that this was a spiritual war.
James Egidio:
I’ve said that
David Rasnick, PhD:
a religious. I’m talking about a spiritual war, which everybody of any faith or non-faith or whatever, any artist, any human being, I think right. Animals, when you look at it, they know good versus evil.
James Egidio:
Yeah, this is good versus evil. I’ve said that in many podcast episodes for sure. Yeah. There’s no question about it. We’re not fighting against blood and flesh enemies, but against principalities and spirits. And that’s what this is. These people are horrible. They’re possessed, but it catches up to ’em. It will, it’ll catch up.
David Rasnick, PhD:
They’re already let me tell you another thing that occurred to me. Just think about this. I see if you, if it makes any sense to you. A lot of people say when they said it, when this first started with isolation and the mask and all that, the people were talking about how isolation makes people mentally have problems. And they can take nuts and stuff. Think about some of the billionaires, think of the people that have whole huge amounts of money. All right. Guess what? These people are self isolated. They do not come in contact with you and me and regular people. They don’t. They don’t have anything in common with us. That’s why they don’t care. It’s like how humans have treated animals a lot, except for people that lived around animals a lot and really cherish them. They discount them, it doesn’t matter if they die or if they, whatever they do to ’em. That’s why you think about us, because they nothing, they’re insane relative to the rest of humanity.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah.
David Rasnick, PhD:
They don’t know how to behave otherwise.
James Egidio:
Yeah. There’s a saying. It’s lonely at the top.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. It’s it’s lunacy at the top.
James Egidio:
It’s that too. I interviewed Dr. Peter Breggan. He wrote a book called Covid 19 and the Global Predators. We Are the Prey. He’s, he was really interesting too, and he has the same perspective on this whole thing. Oh yeah. I just don’t think it’s going away. I think we’re in for, especially next year with, election year.
David Rasnick, PhD:
This year worse this year and this year is going, is gonna be ultimately worse than last year.
James Egidio:
Yeah. 2020 was just their dress rehearsal, I think. Yeah. For all this stuff to come because they’re making it clear. The world economic forum and this Klaus Schwab and his sidekick, Yari Harari, whatever his name is, these people are not done. This we’re just, we’re in their playground is what we’re in. The thing is I think as individuals collectively, we have to look at this for what it is. We have to take a step back and there’s more of us than there are of them. And that’s what we have to realize. The power is in the people. It’s not in these lunatic clowns, it’s in the people. We collectively make up more as a number of us than them. So people have to be United. United, we Stand, Divided we Fall. That’s what that means. Yeah. So people have to become united and they, like I said, they gotta take the politics out of this on both sides. This is not a Democrat or Republican or independent thing. This is just sound intelligent thinking and taking a couple deep breaths and stepping away and looking at it for what it really truly is. And it’s evil. It’s evil. There’s no question about it. You don’t have to be a political person to see that. And I think they, that, that was the problem is, and I even mentioned that on my website, medical Truth podcast, is that this became a big political football is what it became over time.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I agreed what you’re saying was right, right on the money. The reason why they’re intentionally trying to kill us in large numbers is because we outnumber them so much. And the only way to get control is if our numbers are 90% or 95% reduced.
James Egidio:
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Realize that. They’re really afraid of us and the only way they can do it is if we’re gone by and large.
James Egidio:
And if you look at the political side of things, and I hate to get political cause I don’t want to, but the Republicans and the Democrats are not doing anything about it for any of us. They’re not in, neither one of the, neither side is, has our best interest. You can see that. It’s been obvious. Yeah. They, it all falls on deaf ears a lot of times.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Are you surprised?
James Egidio:
No. I’m not surprised. I’m not.
David Rasnick, PhD:
You’re never working for us.
James Egidio:
They never were.
David Rasnick, PhD:
No, they’ve never, they work for the people who support them financially to get an office. The people that keep ’em in office, it’s exactly like the FDA and the CDC. Yeah. I think 75% are approximately of the FDA’s money comes from the pharmaceutical industry.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Price And that’s where I gotta see people. That’s where I tell people, you gotta see it for what it really truly is. Again, it’s not, this is not a political issue. This is good versus evil and you’ve got both sides colluding against the people and it’s just really one party. It’s a big illusion is what it is. And it has been and always will be. And they’re game. Their evil game is to divide people. That’s what Satan wants to do. Satan is. Famous for deceiving, lying, dividing and destroying. That’s what Satan does. He deceives, divides and destroys that. That’s it. And if you know that here,
David Rasnick, PhD:
nothing new that
James Egidio:
then there’s noth, right? There’s nothing new under the sun.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah, divide and conquer,
James Egidio:
divide and conquer. And we’re just the, we’re the pawns if we let our, allow ourselves to be the pawns
David Rasnick, PhD:
yeah. Yeah. I just feel sorry. You can’t help but feel sorry for the people who have basically allowed themselves to be tortured and killed. They weren’t consciously allowing themselves to be tortured and killed. They just we’re in a daze,
James Egidio:
yeah. And I understand it. I get it. And I’ll tell you the reason why I get it only for the simple fact that you’ve got so much money being thrown at, like we said earlier, the media. All this the powers for them is in the information and the squashing of information and trying to censor people like me and you. And they’ll even use the words gaslight, they’ll call us conspiracy theorist. How could you be a conspiracy theorist? You’ve been a scientist your whole life. I’m, you gotta know some truth about something in science. Doctors have to know some truth about. And I think that’s the, that’s where things like I say, are shaking out now, where you have people that are li have lived through this, have been vaccine injured, or some people have died. People that I know have died that are proof that this is not a conspiracy theory. Yeah. It’s not a conspiracy.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Conspiracy. I think what’s what a lot of people now have witnessed the harms. and and so the thing is that they under they know what’s going on. thing that troubles me is there’s not a big. Counter push it’s like people are still just getting along with their lives. They don’t get injected and they’re just trying to feed themselves and all that. I wish there was some way for us to get together and say no and to push back. I’ve been trying that now for three years here in North Carolina and gotten zero. I just can’t get anywhere. Yeah. The Gilford Patriots and good bunch of people and everything, but they were too hung up on the typical well election, political stuff. We’ll vote for the right person, it totally has absolutely no effect.
James Egidio:
None at all. That’s what I keep saying. It’s not a political situation,
David Rasnick, PhD:
And there are some little co-ops starting to grow here. We’ve been, my wife and I, she plants the garden. I pick it and cook it. neighbors have done a big one over here and other people are doing that and and there’s these other little co-ops that are starting up, but that’s good. And I’m all for that. I’ve always been wanting to, to have a public display. Public display. I’m a real believer in examples. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do that really counts. People want to, instead of voting and all that, go out and demonstrate or to City Hall and to these other places. I was the one, my wife and I, she would have the camera and all that. I was the one person in 2020 walking around with the signs and the t-shirts and all this, going off various places.
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
People would say, yeah. Honk their horns and everything, but nobody would join me, yeah. And still that has not happened here, yeah. And I’d like to put pressure on the local newspaper, put pressure on city hall, put pressure on the governor, who’s a crook.
James Egidio:
Yeah. you got the fox watching the hen house. How you gonna ye It’s like Ray run to, that’s why I say collectively people have to get on board, like you said, and get with the plan because, and then we’ve got so many other things, the virus and the vaccine thing is one thing. Then, a lot of people
David Rasnick, PhD:
that’s a total diversion, but people don’t know that it’s a total
James Egidio:
it is. And there’s a lot of like I said, gaslighting and distractions that they push on left and right for people to be distracted. But then the other thing that I’ve investigated by just simply looking up at the sky are these chem trails. And that’s a real thing. Yeah, that’s a real thing. You got con trails and chem trails, and that’s a whole nother subject that we can talk about later. Yeah.
David Rasnick, PhD:
But the, you get bogged down. One of the things that I’ve noticed with lots of folks, they get bogged down in a niche area. Vaccines or the schools or this, those are important things.
James Egidio:
They are,
David Rasnick, PhD:
especially for the kids, should really protest. You should go out there with the teacher, parent, teacher associations, whatever. We should do that. So do they agree with that? But you, some of them just get so focused, like right now, this virus stuff and all distracting, and keep from joining together and it, and as a bunch of warriors, and I, that’s what I have been trying and. Yeah. Waiting, soon as I see folks, I’m with them, but I don’t see ’em going out there and here.
James Egidio:
Yeah. It reminds me of the shell game is what this all is. You got global warming, you got the vaccines, you got the virus, and then they’re just moving the shells around. Yeah. And we’re just like looking and we’re just so discombobulated by all this stuff. And then of course, you gotta feed your family keep your job pay the mortgage and pay the electric bill.
David Rasnick, PhD:
if we really believed in our constitution, in our country and all the stuff that we thought we knew about ourselves, the number one thing, you can leave all that technical stuff, behind and realize the number one thing is our freedom, our. Yes. Give me death, that sort of thing. And that’s where we’re at right now. People Yeah. Have to real, I know it. I knew that instantly. In 2020, this is a war to the end, to the death.
James Egidio:
It is. And it’s so funny. What’s interesting, doc, is I was thinking not a couple weeks ago, I said to myself, I was sitting there and I’m shaving in my bathroom and I says, he says, the Amish really have it figured out, man.
David Rasnick, PhD:
They haven’t figured out long time together.
James Egidio:
They have it figured out. Because here you have a group of people that are united, right? They build a house together. They farm together, they do all these things together. They’re united. They don’t use cell phones. They got a horse and buggy. They don’t have to worry about gas and electric cars.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah, we have those Amish communities here in North Carolina. We visited one recently.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And we’re the ones that are sitting, we’re the, I I don’t wanna use the word, but we’re the dummies that we, we got ourselves so caught up, but all these, this stuff, and oh my gosh, I think I’m gonna throw my cell phone away after we get done with this
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. I don’t have a smartphone. I just have a flip phone.
James Egidio:
Good for you. You’re smart.
David Rasnick, PhD:
And I wish I didn’t have that but tech technology is like any tool, you can use a hammer to build a house or hit somebody over the head and kill ’em.
James Egidio:
That’s true.
David Rasnick, PhD:
You can turn any useful thing into a weapon. I hate the excess. There’s too much technology. You could, it said excess, like we have an excess You have an, we have an excess of. most everything. And the, it’s the excess, the imbalance. You know that, that is very dangerous and destruct. Destructive.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah.
David Rasnick, PhD:
And that balance has to be, that’s one other thing I guess about the Amish. They have, they knew about balance.
James Egidio:
They did. Yes. Yes. And that’s what I was saying earlier about this whole thing, is that we’re just, why, I understand why people ran out and got the vaccines. They were sold on a lot of that, and they were coerced into that.
David Rasnick, PhD:
It’s also, what’s that? It’s also habitual.
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
It’s been following instructions for a long time. They had all, they follow all the vaccines scheduled for themselves, for the kids. It’s habitual. It’s, Not thinking it’s habit, and I understand that it doesn’t mean,
James Egidio:
yeah, me too.
David Rasnick, PhD:
Because a lot of the people that now, a lot of the parents that I’ve seen this with, the mothers over the decades. they would went into it and then they saw what the vaccines did to their kids. And boy, they’re warriors. The women are the warrior. I swear, honest to God, the women are the warriors.
James Egidio:
They are. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
David Rasnick, PhD:
And they see this stuff really fast and boy, they, they’ll fight it and they’ll do anything. Protect those kids. Basically I think most that’s what we’re basically, I think before we get to where I wanna be, there’s gonna be a lot of suffering that has to happen. Before Peter’s enough. Unfortunately, I think that’s what it’s gonna take.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I agree. I was I interviewed Dr. Paul Thomas, and he’s a pediatrician who actually Yeah. And he brought in a numbers guy, a neonatologist friend of his statistician into his office. Before they took his license, Oregon took his license over that. Yeah. And it was interesting because. he found that the non-vaccinated versus the vaccinated were much healthier. So he brought this data to the Board of medicine in Oregon as well as the CDC presented it to them and they took his license away.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I know.
James Egidio:
And that didn’t surprise me.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I know. They can’t allow that. You you know you’re on the right track with they
James Egidio:
David Rasnick, PhD:
News. This guy was world authority on these retroviruses of, one of which is HIV is saying it’s totally bogus.
James Egidio:
And then Dr. Peter McCullough
David Rasnick, PhD:
that are victimized right off the bat. There’s a lot of truth behind that.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And this all gets back again to one thing. We all have to just get on the same page and be united. We have to. It’s us against them
David Rasnick, PhD:
page, you talked about the same page. To me, liberty is the page. Is that page Don’t mean that there are other things like your kids and stuff. You have to take care of that. But if you focus on the vaccines or you focus on this or focus on that’s not the page to unite everybody on. It has to be Liberty. Liberty. Liberty have to be, I don’t want this, and I want that, and I get to say, and all of us together, everybody who wants to say out loud, I’m in control
James Egidio:
Give me liberty or give me death. And not death from the vaccine
David Rasnick, PhD:
Yeah. Really it, basically that’s what it is. you only see it when it gets serious enough. You say right now you think it’s go on over there. It’s happening over there. It’s not happening right here, right now. But when it does happen right here, right now, what are you gonna do?
James Egidio:
Yeah., Thank you so much for unpacking this and clarifying a lot of the misnomers about and paralleling the HIV situation and COVID and all that. It’s really wonderful to have you on this podcast of the Medical Truth Podcast. I’d like to have you back on again and keep me updated and keep the audience updated on your work and what you’re doing.
David Rasnick, PhD:
I’m happy. It would be wonderful. It’s a privilege honor to be with you, and I
James Egidio:
thank you
David Rasnick, PhD:
and I’ll be with you anytime, man. And
James Egidio:
thank you. Thanks. So thanks, doc. And again, what’s your go ahead and mention to the audience, your, my website.
David Rasnick, PhD:
My website is David Rasnick, www.DavidRasnick.com, and there’s tons and tons of material on there. You can go to my little email thing if you have any questions, and I’m happy to I try not to say no. People send me emails. They call me up, I talk to ’em, and I do as much as I can. To help you along. There’s a reason. There’s lots of information on there. It should be useful. I hope so. Anyway, yeah.
James Egidio:
Thank you so much again, Dr. Rasnick.