“We’ve Been Played”, Exposing The Tyranny- Interview With Scott Jensen, M.D.

Scott Jensen, M.D. was born and raised in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota and graduated with honors from College and Medical School. He was voted Family Practice Physician of the year in 2016 and served as a Senator of Minnesota up until 2016. In 2020 during the COVID Pandemic his life was turned upside down when he was coerced by hospitals in his area to falsify death certificates stating that COVID was the final cause of death. When he went public with his concern about COVID policies the Minnesota Board of Medicine started to investigate him and threatened to take away his license to practice medicine. Dr. Jensen also authored a book called “We’ve Been Played, Exposing the Triad of Tyranny” it can be purchased at his website which is www.DrScottJensen.com

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States Healthcare System. With your host of the Medical Truth Podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I am James Egidio your of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the US healthcare system. Just a disclaimer to put out before we get started, this podcast, it’s associated content, websites, articles, provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects, the information and other content provided in this podcast blog website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, please consult with your personal physician. My guest received his undergraduate degree in physiology from the University of Minnesota with a BA in Physiology, Magna Kum Lata and Phi Beta Kappa. He went to receive his medical degree in 1981 from the University of Minnesota, as well as clinical associate professor at the University of Minnesota Family Practice Department. He is the author of a new book called We’ve Been Played, Exposing The Triad of Tyranny. He was the 2016 Minnesota Family Physician of the Year, as well as ran for Governor of Minnesota in 2022. It is my pleasure and honor and a blessing to introduce my. On the Medical Truth Podcast, Dr. Scott Jensen. Hi, Dr. Jensen. How are you?
Dr. Jensen:
Hello James. Thank you for having me on your show.
James Egidio:
Thank you very much. Just just a little bit about introduce yourself to the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast about who you are and where you’re at today and with what you’re doing
Dr. Jensen:
I’m a kid born in a small town in southern Minnesota called Sleepy Eye a wonderful community to grow up in. I think in that community we lived out that old adage, it takes a village to raise a child. My mom and dad had five kids. I was a middle child of five. I had three brothers and a sister, and I went to the public high school in Sleepy Eye and played a bunch of sports and graduated valedictorian. I went to the University of Minnesota and studied physiology. My intention was to be a dentist and to go into orthodontics. But along the way, I got sidetracked. My mom died in her late forties of colon cancer and she was my best friend that took my world upside down pretty big time. And just then I was in dental school and I was president of the class and found that I just did not have a love affair with teeth. So I requested a leave of absence. I attended a Lutheran seminary for a year and made a couple of big decisions. I had been dating this wonderful young lady and I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. And we’ve been married 45 years and I made the decision to go into medicine. So I went into medicine and I was committed right from the get-go, to be a family practice doctor. I’d been a family doctor for about 40 years. I have been a faculty instructor, a clinical associate professor, adjunct associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School. I’ve had a wonderful career. I practiced in a small community of about 4,000 people in Watertown. I built that office in 2001 and in 2018 we built and we, opened another office in Chaska, Minnesota. There’s seven providers in our organization and. I have been a very blessed man. I have three children. My two daughters are physicians, an anesthesiologist and a family doctor. And my wife is a veterinarian. And my son, I don’t know quite what happened with him, but he’s not a doctor, he’s a lawyer, and we love him just as much as we love anybody else. And that’s a family joke. My dad was a lawyer and a judge, so we always wondered what happened to my son? How come he’s a lawyer? But he’s been really good.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So tell listeners and viewers a little bit about some of the changes that have taken place in your life in the last, let’s say three years now.
Dr. Jensen:
we’d almost have to go back. Eight years. It was in 15. In 2015, my wife and I just returned from perhaps the most impactful vacation we’d ever had. We went to Israel for two weeks with the church group, and we came back just absolutely touched by the land of Israel. And I would say that we were perhaps in a state where our hearts were softened. We were impressed with the bigness and the diversity of the world, and we’ve always been a faith-based family. But we were in a specifically tender place and five days after we got back, I was recruited to run for the, a Senate seat in the Minnesota Senate. And for two months we said, no thank you, but we were flattered that people in the community thought that I might be equipped to do that. But after two months of steady recruitment efforts, my wife and I made the decision to run for the Senate. 15 months later, we were elected on the election day in November of 2016, I received more votes than any other Republican senator in the state of Minnesota. We had four years in the Senate and that was interesting. There were things that were if you will, challenging and interesting, and there were things that were disillusioning and disappointing. I think that people have every right to be frustrated with the way legislatures operate. I think there’s a far too much gridlock and not nearly enough attempt at having open candid conversations whereby we try to find common ground so that both people on the right and the left side of the aisle can come together and get the work done. But that isn’t what happens most of the time. In 2019, my wife was having some health issues. We knew she was gonna have multiple surgeries, and I made the challenging decision to not run for reelection. Four months later COVID 19 hit our nation in 2020. My last year in the Senate ended up being a very topsy turvy kind of year. We all saw what happened during Covid 19, and as vice chair of the Health and Human Services Committee in the Minnesota Senate, I had a, if you will, a birds eye view of all that was happening four months into 2020 I made the comment based on reading some emails from the Minnesota Department of Health to the Center for Disease Control. I made comments that I was being asked as a physician to modify the way I was doing death certificates, and I’d never seen this happen previously. I’ve taught medical students and residents for decades. But in this situation, I was being asked that if I thought Covid 19 was contributing cause to a person’s journey to death, then I should put it down as a cause of death. Generally, a contributing condition should be placed in the part two contributing condition box in a death certificate. But that was being changed. We were being coached to do it Differently I commented on that on local television and within two days I was on national television with Laura Ingram and I ended up becoming a regular, perhaps being on their show two, three dozen times and I wasn’t trying to do anything. James, other than the Express, my typical skeptical view of the. And provide context for what was happening. I had access to information that many people did not have, and so I think I was a reasonable source for information. I tried to do everything I did with respect, but I really wanted to address what I considered an emerging epidemic of fear and for my trouble. I didn’t get a response from the Department of Health or the cdc. What I got three months later was for the first time in my career, an investigation letter from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and since then James, I’ve gotten six letters in total from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice with some 18 allegations. These allegations do not come from people that received healthcare services from me. These are allegations from people who don’t know me but don’t like my politics, don’t like my position on any given issue, whether we’re talking about whether we’re talking about off-label prescribing, whether we’re talking about lockdowns or lock-ins or lockouts or one size fits all policies, whether we’re talking about what we’ve done to our nursing home patients, moving goal posts, models, mandates, testing, tracing, doesn’t really matter. I think as a senator, I had a reasonable position and perspective to speak to these issues, and when I finished up my term in the Senate at the end of 2020, I decided to run for Governor Minnesota, and so I was then for the next two years, speaking on policy matters as a major gubernatorial candidate for the Republican party.
James Egidio:
What what grounds did they have or did they ever explain to you why they were investigating your judgment and practice, or they just took this draconian policy to just basically, Send letters to you and threaten you to take your license away.
Dr. Jensen:
James. One thing I tried to do throughout my time in the Senate and even running for governors, I don’t try to identify or announce anyone else’s motivation for what they do. My understanding is the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is there to ensure. Physicians are engaging in professional conduct, meeting the standard of care, but the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is at a very significant level, a board that is available to the public to make certain that the public isn’t being harmed. And so when a complaint comes in, the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice takes it very seriously that they need to investigate such complaints. The problem is, over the last few years, we’ve seen political activists. We’ve seen people who are frustrated with someone else’s perspective on a healthcare matter or a political matter, and these people have chosen to. The webpage of a Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, and all you have to do is type out your complain on a internet platform and submit it. You don’t have to demonstrate any due diligence. You could basically say, I didn’t like what Dr. Scott Jensen had to say about social distancing. I didn’t like it that he did this or did that. I didn’t like it that he wore pink and blue on top of yellow and green. You could say that you don’t like the legibility of my handwriting. You could say that you didn’t like the way I filled out my curriculum vita. any of these kinds of complaints have generally been investigated by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice. In short, James, what we’re seeing is we’re seeing a government agency, a licensing agency, weaponized by people, and you can do it and your anonymity deserved. I never get to know who you are, what your beef was, but I am called on the carpet and that’s what happened. And it’s happened, like I said, six times 18 allegations. The allegations, comment on masks, comment on vaccines, comment on my willingness to submit an affidavit in a given lawsuit that I was not a plaintiff, but I was, if you will, an expert who can speak to what might happen if we don’t have such and such legal action occur. I have submitted affidavits and I have also in a limited fashion prescribed off-label prescribing and when I thought that it was appropriate, all of these are things that basically have been submitted to the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and problems with the way I practice medicine.
James Egidio:
Let’s take a step back. Before 2020 and the whole covid situation, what was it like for you in your professional career to practice medicine in Minnesota? Cuz I read your bio you’re born and bred in Minnesota, you went to school in Minnesota. You are actively involved with the community where, Family physician of the year in 2016 in Minnesota. What was life like prior to Covid as a physician for you,
Dr. Jensen:
James I often tease my family about Jimmy Stewart in the movie. It’s a wonderful life because I feel like if you take that Jimmy Stewart character, that’s me I’ve had a wonderful life. I’ve had a chance to. Practice medicine and almost a Marcus Wellbe kind of model. I do house calls. I’ve been nursing home directors. I’ve been a medical director for fire departments, for ambulance services. I’ve been deputy coroner in Carver County in the past. I’ve just had a very fun practice. I’ve been honored in many ways, and I appreciate that and have been humbled by that. My wife is a veterinarian, has given me perspective on how things can be done in this manner or that manner because veterinarians and their model is much different than the very. Heavily insurance driven model of human care, right? So I, prior to 2020, I have had just a wonderful life. And because I started my own practice 22 years ago, I’ve had a chance to really have the best boss in the world. My boss is always the patient. I’m working for the patient, and if there’s a third party payer, that’s fine, but my boss is my patient and that’s the way I want it because if I can demonstrate to my. That I am their advocate, that I’m in their corner, that I’m gonna be there for them through thick and thin. Then what happens is my patient builds trust in me. And then you get this really magical spiral going around where advocacy leads to more trust, which leads to more advocacy. And for me as a family doctor at 68 years of age, I feel like I’ve been given the gift of longevity. People ask me when we’ll I retire. I said when I have my 80th birthday, I’m willing to have a conversation about it, but I don’t wanna retire. I love what I’m doing and it’s been a bittersweet experience to have the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice weaponized against me. And had I not gone into politics, I am quite certain that this would never have happened. And yet I live my life by the words of Esther 4:14. Have you considered, you’re in the position you’re in for such as this and that’s why I’m here for such a time as this.
James Egidio:
So what you’re saying is then prior to 2020 you never received a letter never reprimanded by the board in Minnesota or anything like that. Correct.
Dr. Jensen:
Never. And in fact in two I, I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic. I think James, that as a general rule, we use too many pills in medicine. As a general rule, I don’t care if you’re, if you have a life coach, a nutritionist, a chiropractor, a support person, I think people are best served if they have a team of people around them, and I’m just one of that team now. I may be a highly regarded member of that team based on my educational background, but it’s possible that I could be a very smart MD, but I could be perhaps deficient in common sense. In 2015, I wrote a book, and that book was called Relationship Matters, and the reason I wrote it was because I was convinced that the relationship between patient and doctor was fracturing. It was fracturing for a variety of reasons, and clearly Covid wasn’t on the scene at the time. But what was on the scene was an emerging growing juggernaut called Big Pharma. We were seeing insurance have more and more to do with the very intricacies of patient care, whether or not a patient could stay on the medicine they’d been on for years successfully, or whether they had to change because the insurance company took on a contract with a different pharmacy Benefit Manager or prescription benefit manager. These kinds of changes were having a powerful impact. Big government was getting more involved and I said, enough is enough. Patients need to understand what’s happening in their universe of being cared for. And so I wrote the book, Relationship Matters, and it’s a bunch of chapters giving the reader, if you will, a bird’s eye view. Of that interaction I had with that patient that would provide a parable or a story or a lesson from which the patient might understand something that had always been confusing to them before. That’s why I did that, because I am so powerfully convinced that if we want patients to get the best care and we want physicians to have the best career, we need to, intersect that advocacy and trust spiral or it’s not gonna happen. And the only way we can do that is to honor the patient-doctor relationship.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And it, it seems like too to me, since 2020 These are isolated incidences where doctors are getting reprimanded for their protocol. And the states that come to my mind are states like California with the draconian lockdowns. And it’s really, it’s at the top level of government in each of these states. You have these governors who implemented these draconian measures. For lockdowns, for mask mandates, for reprimanding physicians. Gavin Newsom in California. Gretchen in Michigan. Wolf, in Pennsylvania. And then you have states like Florida, where I’m at, where DeSantis had it right the whole time and really, says, okay, this is the way I’m gonna run things. And look at the results. And Christie Noam in South Dakota. And no issues at all. The state was run. Perfect. I wanna share with the viewers and listeners of something that just happened here recently with the Dr. Littel in Sarasota, Florida hospital in Sarasota, Florida where he showed up to this meeting, a board meeting at the hospital and he was escorted outta the meeting. For his protocol for treating with Ivermectin. I’ll just go ahead and we’ll go to that real quick here and share with the viewers this video.
Video Clip Audio:
What were the outcomes that we had? And we used independent third party who basically said we had 24% better outcomes than our peer group. Just wanted to let her know I’m wearing this white coat. I’m not employed, I’m not a contracted physician. I’m able to speak my mind, that’s why I asked. Thank you for your time, for patience. This is how done here. All right. Second thing was is to follow the My Empiracal Numbers Guide. And did the hospital benefit or was there. Sir allowed, you’re not allowed to. You’re not allowed to record that. You can videotape publicly. Sorry, can’t videotape him, but he doing end. Interesting. He said, I can’t video what’s happening out there. Doctor, the patient and any doctor that wanted to prescribe Ivermectin or any medical treatment that they thought was best for the patient was not block from the hospital.
James Egidio:
And I think that’s doc, let me ask you something. How much longer do you think that this type of mandates on physicians gonna last
Dr. Jensen:
I think President Biden has indicated that May 11th is gonna be his day. Ends the pandemic response to Covid, and I think it’s gonna be a trickle down system. Thereafter, I think already we’re seeing, if you will, enough new information come to four that some of the things that people have been so sharply critical of me in regards to have been demonstrative that I was not wrong, that masks do NOT prevent you from potentially getting covid 19, that the vaccines don’t eliminate your ability to transmit the disease, nor do they necessarily keep you a hundred percent of the time from hospitalization or death, and nor do they necessarily give you a level of immunity as good as natural immunity. There have been so many of these things, James, that I think people are starting to just step back a little bit and say, okay, we’re gonna have to reappraise where we’ve been. And I think that’s a healthy thing, but I think it’s gonna take months. And I think to really get to the level of accountability we have to get to, it’s gonna take years because we need to have, at some level, an audit done I think there were some hospitals that benefited mightily from understanding early on how to, if you will, play the game of following the money and being able to support the hospital operations by being ambitious or aggressive in terms of using ICD diagnostic codes. Grabbing onto the various COVID 19 subset of codes, those hospitals may have been the beneficiaries of lots of dollars while other hospitals. We’re not. And those other hospitals may be hurting right now, but they may have been trying to play it by the letter of the law, and that’s not fair. So I think that we need some level of accountability, whether we’re just trying to identify how many people actually died because of Covid or how many people. Happened to have it with, or had it happened to have a positive PCR test that might have been cycled 44 times and very possibly could be a false positive, how many of those deaths were occurring? And I think we have to ask a hard question too, James, and a lot of people are not interested in this, but I think we have to ask ourselves how many quality living years were lost with each of the deaths. In other words, if a person was 104 years old and has on their death certificate covid 19, how many years of life were lost versus if a person were 22 years old and had Covid 19 listed as a constenent, how many quality years were lost? people might say that’s a huge value judgment you’re gonna be making, but we have this abbreviation called Q A L Y, quality adjusted Living years, and we have that capacity to ask ourselves those questions. That’s why I think Tony Fauci was a little bit duplicitous when he was asked regarding gain of about gain of function. He said something, I think that he wasn’t involved in research that was trying to make covid 19 more transmissible or more virulent But what he didn’t speak to was the issue of trying to make COVID 19 perhaps target a different population. We know that Covid 19 targeted the elderly and the frail. We also know that the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic targeted people 20 to 40. That’s a totally different kind of process then We were in the 1918, 1919, 1920 period of time, we were losing hundreds of thousands and millions of people that were between 20 and 40. If you look at what happened to Covid 19, it looks like the skew on the graphs were this disease targeted. The elderly frail with multiple underlying conditions. that makes a difference. We need to have that conversation and that may be years before we have the kind of data as well as the courage to speak to those issues. Because if people don’t let us speak to those issues because they’re not politically correct, we’re going to miss out on a lot of the lessons we can learn from this covid 19 pandemic
James Egidio:
yeah, it seems to me though too is it became a political football. From the very beginning. I remember when it first broke one of the statistics that came out, and nobody’s answered this yet with any type of a valid answer there was a 98.5% chance that if you got covid, you would survive. Okay. So with that being said, most individuals who are relatively healthy are gonna get basically a flu-like symptoms with this virus, and they’re gonna survive it and they’re gonna have to ride it out. And that’s pretty much it. So why the Draconian lockdowns, why Implement Mask months later? If this was as serious as they says it was? then shouldn’t mask have been implemented like from the very beginning, especially when they were thrown around the word it’s a variant and they don’t know much about the virus. And I can remember in 2003 and four, in the fall of 2003 and going into the winter of 2004, when SARS broke, we were doing medical house calls at that time and we lost a lot of the elderly population back then and a lot of children. And all we got back then was a letter from the Health department where I was located in Vegas. And they said make sure everybody just gets their flu shot. And that was a SARS virus at that time.. So why all the hoopla now and all these unanswered questions? Why is Bill Gates involved with the vaccine all of a sudden, why the push for the vaccine and why lockdowns it doesn’t pass the sniff test to me personally.
Dr. Jensen:
That’s a lot bundled into a few questions, and we could speak on that for days, but I think a couple of things. First off, we have to remember that in the first weeks and months of the pandemic, this covid 19 virus was transmitted aggressively. It moved around the world faster than almost imaginable. And we had people dying, we had a lot of people dying over the age of 80. We didn’t have any specific treatments that seemed to be working initially. We used ventilators and increased the pressure to try to force oxygenated air into the lungs and people were dying on a ventilator to 70% to 80% rate, where typically a ventilator usage might involve a 30, 30 to 40% death rate. So what we were doing wasn’t working. So there was fear and I think that fear was ginned up in so many ways. It was almost as if there was a preconceived strategy. Okay, this is what we’ll do to get everybody’s attention. And that’s where I think as some of the decisions came out, the obvious flip flop. It seemed like whack-a-mole where someone would say we’re gonna do this, and this. And someone would hammer it down with That doesn’t work. That doesn’t work. We were throwing mud on the wall to see what would stick. We had some of our leaders in the country coming out in the first month or two saying, there’s no reason to wear masks. Masks don’t work. And the reason they were saying that was because from 2002, with SARS to 2020, It wasn’t as if we were sitting around idle. We were doing studies across the world, scientists, physicians, researchers. And the fact is, and was that masks would not prevent you from necessarily getting the disease or transmitting it. And if you were going to use a mask, it was most sensible to use a well-fitted N 95 mask that has the capacity to filter out point three micron particles or greater. But even there, because the virus particle itself is 0.1 micron, we knew that even the N 95 mask could not be. Given the status of 100% protection. So I think that was the scenario we were in. And so it was literally throwing mud on the wall we’re gonna lock down businesses, we’re gonna lock in nursing home patients, even if the nursing home facility is infested with active viral transmission. We’re going to lock out kids from schools. We’re going to do six feet. Social distancing, but we had people calling for 12 feet or 32 feet, but we’ve always used as a rule, social distancing of one meter in Europe, which is 39 inches, which is three feet, essentially, not six feet. We were grabbing at straws and we took all the research from 2002 to 2020, and in our panic, we threw it out the window and said we gotta do everything we can, even if it doesn’t work.
James Egidio:
Dr. Jensen:
When you do that, what you do is you fracture the public trust. We had businesses such as hardware stores had to lock down. They couldn’t sell a hammer to the customer that walks in once an hour, but you could go to a big box store, stand in the tool aisle with 25 other people and handle and fondle screwdrivers and hammers and everything else, and purchase those kinds of tools. People could burn.
James Egidio:
Yeah, you could burn down a city in 2020 in Minneapolis without a mask,
Dr. Jensen:
a city, and not have to wear masks, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t go to church. So I think this was the scenario that we were in. I think it was a full court press. Panic, because that’s the way the people will be most malleable. And I think that’s what happened. And ultimately, yeah, the Big Loser was public health. It was the FDA. It was the CDC. It was the World Health Organization.
James Egidio:
Yeah. They had their grips of power on this, and th to me this was a big power play because they never once mentioned anything about the immune system. And then when the immune system was mentioned, you were like told to just move on and not worry about, the immune system because the immune system’s not gonna work. But going to McDonald’s and eating their food is okay, or gone to any other place to eat their food is okay. to me it was totally a big power play, a big control play, and it was a big fraudulent move, and it still is. It’s still a big fraudulent move because they’re still not doling out good advice. They’re still pushing vaccines that are still creating vaccine injuries.
Dr. Jensen:
James, remember when I came out and I did a video and I said, get off the couch and take a walk and commit to losing 10 pounds. Right? Get on vitamin C, get on vitamin D, take a plant. Flavonoid called Quercetin. Which, potentially help function as an Iodophore for oral, supplemental zinc to get in and retard the ability of the virus to take over a cell to generate continued copies of the virus. This is something that I remember coming out and saying. There was nobody piggybacking on top of my comments in the public health arena. They were saying, oh no, that’s not what you do. You do this, and this. And I was branded as some sort of whack job. Frankly it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that our immune systems work better. when we’re somewhat at peace, when our blood pressures are more in the normal range, rather than being jazzed up because we’re scared to death, right? When we’re exercising and living life normally and connecting with other people. We’ve certainly seen how upside down human lives become when we’re anxious, suicidal, depressed. I read a study earlier today, more than 10% of physicians in the last year. Have considered or thought about suicide? We’re not a mentally well society right now. No. Covid-19 had a profound impact on us. All of us. And fear does nothing to get us through this. No.
James Egidio:
No. And that’s what they play on though. That’s what this is all about. I personally feel it’s spiritual warfare. I don’t I think that we’re beyond repair with this situation. I think they’re gonna bring it on even more. Cuz they’ll only know what they need to do the hot buttons, to push and there will be probably pushback, but I think we’ve just seen the beginning. That’s the, I think we’ve seen the dress rehearsal for all this and I think there’s a lot of reason it’s a multi-layered issue as to why they want to do this. I think that they, this will give them an excuse for digital currency. I think it’s an excuse for. potentially vaccine passports and the WHO controlling the narrative for now on, on a worldwide basis. There’s a lot of things going on right now, and they don’t give a darn about physicians anymore. physicians have to walk in lock step with what these boards want and with the forces that have brought this on want, and it’s
Dr. Jensen:
James. I think that one of the things we saw happen as this pandemic evolved is there were certain players, certain stakeholders that you could see had a tremendous amount of authority and power take big pharma in many ways was given an opportunity to generate dollars in an unprecedented manner. Who was there to cover the back of big pharma, you had big government. You had government, whether there was a CDC and FDA, there was this connection between big pharma and big government, and then you had big tech and you could see people literally squashed in terms of their voice if it was too far outside the guardrails, we saw the Twitter files released recently after Elon Musk purchased Twitter, right? That’s when I wrote this second book called We’ve Been Played Exposing the Triad of Tyranny. What I was saying in there is, whether we recognize it or not, our lives have been indelibly changed by this connection of big. And big government and big pharma and I’m a big believer that if we don’t recognize a problem, James, there’s no way we can solve it. So the first thing we have to do is recognize that when you have these three behemoth forces coming together to protect one another and to expand their sphere of power and control things are so upside down. The only way we rectify this is we literally have to one at a time, spread the message around the globe that individuals matter. Each one of us has the ability to engage and think through this. One thing I learned through this whole thing, James goes, I was so struck by the fact that some of the most sage voices during the covid pandemic. They did not have MD or even PhD behind their name. Exactly. The ordinary, common person. I listened to Joe Rogan on his podcast the other day and he made some comment. I thought it was quite compelling. He said, when you think of the Democratic Party over the years, you would think that they would not be the party that’s out there defending big pharma. Okay with censorship that’s doing this or that. These are not platform issues that the Democratic Party would’ve necessarily grabbed on, but they have in so many ways, censorship, big pharma, potentially abusing its power and its authority, violating some of the basic tenants of what needs to take place in research before a product can come to the marketplace where it’s. Administered to everyday patients, these kinds of things. Joe Rogan said, where does this come from? It was one of the most brilliant, straightforward insights, and this is what we all need to do, is recognize that Joe Rogan isn’t telling people, listen, you gotta listen to me because I’m the only guy that can analyze this. Joe Rogan is telling everybody you can be your own best analyst. You get to be in charge of your life, your health, and the fact is it goes beyond just getting to, you must do it. Because that’s where we’re at right now, James, is you asked, how long is this gonna take? And I said, this is gonna be months or years. But the only way we really glean what we need to learn from this whole three years of our globe, our planet, are every earthling. Our lives were turned upside down in a way that has never happened. In the history of man.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Here’s, I think that the linchpin to this whole covid thing was the the dress rehearsal of knowing that, okay, we can control the masses of people, right? I think that what’s gonna happen from here is that it’s gonna be a continued issue this whole thing with pandemics the Art of War Sun Tzu says, know who your enemy is and how they think. What’s happened now is that the government, I believe, Is going to use this to take away our liberties. I just had an interview with Dr. Resnick, David Resnick, and he was a biochemist researcher. And pharmaceutical did pharmaceutical research. And we have this conversation and right now it’s preservation of liberty and freedom. And I think that the whole covid thing was just a test to see how much freedom they could take away from us, the government. And I think it’s just gonna continue. before it gets better. It’s gonna continue in a sense that the, it’s both parties. It’s not just the Democrats. I think it’s, we have to take the optics of politics out of this whole covid situation, take a step back and take a deep breath and really see it for what it is it’s about now. It’s about self-preservation and your. We know the government’s not gonna give us good advice on our health because they’re shutting us down. They’re trying to take away our freedom and our liberties. If you look at how this country was settled and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it was based on biblical principles, right? United, we stand divided, we fall. We have our freedoms through biblical principles. You have to. Like the enemy. The enemy wants to take our rights away. Those freedoms away. So if you can shut us down, shut down churches, And not give us the freedom anymore to express how we feel as free individuals or so-called free individuals. We don’t live in a free society anymore. I have a friend of mine whose father and uncle did 10 years in a Cuban prison in communism, and he remembers in 1969 when the Cuban government knocked on his door as a child and took his father out of the house and put him in prison. And the first things they took away were the Bibles, and the guns. That’s what they took away from people in Cuba in 1969. And my buddy will tell you that’s exactly what’s happening now here. It’s a, it’s just a, it’s a mirror image of what happened in Cuba.
Dr. Jensen:
I think the many people would absolutely resonate with this thought that when a rubber band is stretched beyond its limits, it never returns to its original form. And I think that’s what has so many people worried. The idea that fear could be used to magnify power and control troubles so many deeply. And James, I do have to run, but I did wanna mention that this is why people like you and I are having these conversations and exhorting others. Please don’t give up hope. Don’t disengage. Don’t if you will, slide away from the arena of being involved onto the sidelines or sitting in the spectator seats. This is the time where all of us have to absolutely stay engaged. We need to find a way to be able to talk to our neighbors and our family, and our friends, and the people we work with in our jobs. To be able to talk to people that we don’t necessarily agree with. We cannot be jumping. To holding someone who disagrees with us in contempt, right? We have to work harder than ever, right? To find common ground because it’s in finding the common ground that we can start to collectively say, yes, we need to audit so that we can hold people accountable, right? We need to audit so that we can really put a better plan together If a pandemic occurs five years or 10 years. So James, if I could, a year from now I would just like to tell the audience that these are the two books wrote and you can get them by just going to the website, www.DrScottJensenBook.com. www.Dr.ScottJensenBoo k.com. They’re about 20 bucks a piece plus postage and handling. And James, what you’re doing is you’re sort of that John the Baptist. It will happen again. We know that. Yeah. And the question is what have we learned from this time around, right? And what can we do to make certain that never again is Constitution so violated and our basic liberties so stolen from us. Yeah. This is,
James Egidio:
like I said, it’s not a political issue. It’s not a Democrat or Republican thing. People need to take their, get away from the optics of the politics of this and look at personal health and safety and what’s good for them and their mental wellbeing and become united instead of divided and not let something like this divide them through fear.
Dr. Jensen:
Yes, absolutely. I think fear at the base level is the common denominator of so many things that occurred. Thanks, James. Yeah,
James Egidio:
thank you sir. Appreciate it. God bless. Have a good day. Thanks.
Dr. Jensen:
Thank you.
James Egidio:
All right.
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