“Post COVID Legal Aftermath- Interview with Attorney Warner Mendenhall

Attorney Warner Mendenhall has been practicing law for more than 20+ years in Akron, OH; he received the 2022 top attorney award, which goes to the top 5% of all attorneys, and he is currently representing the courageous Pfizer Whistleblower Brook Jackson, who came forward about the dangers of the COVID vaccine.

Meet The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio your host of the medical truth podcast, the podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. My guest has been practicing law for more than 20 plus years in Akron, Ohio. He received the 2022 top attorney award, which goes to the top 5% of all attorneys. He’s currently representing the courageous Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson, who came forward about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast as a guest. Mr. Warner Mendenhall thank you Mr. Mendenhall how are you doing today
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
I’m doing great. Thanks for having me on.
James Egidio:
Great. So what I wanted to do is, I just wanted to unpack because a lot of the listeners and viewers for the last three years have been hearing a lot about the medical side of things when it comes to the whole covid mandates and the lockdowns and all this other stuff, but I wanted Have you present more of a legal side of things that are developing as we speak and one of my questions to you and I know it’s a case that’s pending Brook Jackson the Pfizer whistleblower. But some of the things that you discovered about the Pfizer Covid vaccination
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
we could probably do a whole show on that, but I’ll try to give rundown. First of all, her stepping forward showed that what is supposed to happen in clinical trials is not happening and. For one, many of the people were unblinded. So this was not a blinded clinical trial in the first place. We know that the people who were running the clinical trial didn’t know what they were doing in terms of running Clinical trial and following all the protocols that you would have to follow to have valid data. So right off the bat, we know the data is very skewed. And let me give you, I call it sort of Pfizer by the numbers. There’s approximately 44,000 people in the Pfizer clinical trial. It was split into two arms, 22,000 in the vaccine arm and 22,000 in the placebo arm. And when you look at the raw numbers of that, The incidence of Covid was roughly the same. So there was really, if you just look at the raw numbers. So the only way they got to efficacy was to really massage those numbers. And the ultimate number of people that this entire program injecting billions of people is based on, is just 170 people. And of those one hundred and seventy people, Eight remained in the vaccine arm and 162 were in the placebo arm that ended up getting covid. That’s what they narrowed it down to. So the whole thing is based on 170 people out of 44,000. So it was very rare that people, I, I don’t, but roughly, if you look at the gross numbers, it was roughly the same. Only when they boiled it down to the 162 versus the eight, did they get to this 90 some percent efficacy, supposedly. And then if we look at those numbers, of those one 70. About 40 of them came from an Argentine site. And that’s the site where a young man named a Augusto Ru was injured. He’s an attorney in Argentina. His injury was not reported. There was another death, I believe down there that was not reported. And so the risks were not properly analyzed, and we can see that massaging of the data. And then of course, in Brooke’s site. They’ve said her site doesn’t matter because it was only 3% of the, of that 170 at her site. That’s, 3% is what, five, six people. But the point is when you look at who is in that one 70, you begin to see that many of those people should not have been in the clinical trial. Their situation should not have been counted. And if you eliminate them further from the 170, you get actually below a level of statistical significance. The level of statistical significance that they had to meet was 164 people. They barely got over that threshold and we can see through the data that they really they really didn’t meet that threshold to even begin to apply for an emergency use authorization. So that’s sort of Pfizer by the numbers. I hope that made sense.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So let me ask you the whole thing with the clinical trials. That was that, when did that take place?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
This was back in 2020. This was in the summer and fall of 2020 leading up to the approval in December of 2020. And then they started injecting the public at large in January of 2021.
James Egidio:
Okay. Because I. From what I understand, this whole project is what it basically boiled down to this whole, I say this Covid project wasn’t even pretty much led by the CDC or the FDA, but by the Department of Defense. Is that correct?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
That’s correct. I’ll go into that a little bit. One of the reasons, we’re fighting this in a district court in Texas, in Beaumont, Texas, and one of the reason, and we just got dismissed we’re, we filed a notice of appeal last week actually, but we got dismissed in the district court and the reason we got dismissed in the district court is because the actual contract was signed with the Department of Defense. And that contract was signed prior to the clinical trials. So the clinical trials, the judge says did not, this came after the signing. And his logic is, and we’re alleging something called fraud in the inducement. So fraud in the inducement of entering into the contract. The judge’s logic is you couldn’t have induced them through fraud because the fraud happened. If it happened according to him, the fraud happened after they entered into the contract. So the fraud couldn’t have induced them into entering the contract. But we are saying that the EUA that was entered into, sorry the EUA that was entered into They had to get an EUA from the FDA for that contract to become effective. So we’re saying the inducement to begin payment was that they got the emergency use authorization, the e u a, and that application was based on a fraud.
James Egidio:
Okay. So I guess my other question is If this was any other type of program for vaccinations, let’s say, what would have been the outcome based on what we now know with. Vaccine injury and even death.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Oh, I, it would absolutely be stopped. A absolutely. We know enough now. There’s so many things I’ll stick with the d o d contract a little bit. What was contracted for, and I don’t think you know, Sasha Latypova Katherine Watt, they’re talking about this a little bit and have been really good about spreading the word about this. But what was contracted for was a prototype. And we all know the English language. A prototype is an experimental vehicle or an experimental product or an, something that’s not finished. It’s just a prototype. I often draw the analogy to Detroit. I’m close to the. To Detroit, they’ll sculpt a car out of clay. And that’s a prototype design for a car. That car does nothing or it’s not effective. You should certainly couldn’t put it on the highway or anything. So this prototype that they contracted for is really unfinished. And then the other thing that the DOD contract makes very clear is there are no ongoing requirements for quality control. Testing anything. And even though, and we’re arguing about this a little bit because we think that the, we think that there should be, but the judge said no. Nope. It doesn’t matter. So there is no post, post-release control system in place. There is no testing. And David Gortler uses a car analogy as well. In some of his talks, he says, look, this is a product that’s rolling down the highway with no brakes, no steering wheel, and the gas is floored. That, that’s where we are and I think people are starting to wake up to it within their own families. They’re seeing injuries and deaths, and I think they’re starting to wake up to how dangerous this really is. Sure. But that’s what’s got us sideways here, is that we are in a military project. This is technically classified as a countermeasure prototype. The problem is you’re taking this prototype and injecting it into billions of people’s arms. And, I wish people would understand that and just stop. But yeah, any other vaccine would’ve been stopped long ago and this is not a vaccine, they had to redefine vaccine to even get it classified that way.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What’s really perplexing, I think for a lot of the listeners and viewers too and may, they may or may not know. But was there a 75 year law or something on the books? About 75 years for anything to be revealed or any pushback on, with lawsuits or anything like that? Is that true?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
What happened is there was a FOIA request that Aaron Siri made and followed up on. So there is no 75 year law. Pfizer was asking for it to be sealed for 75 years to not release their trial documents, at least to the public through the foia effort. But they failed at that. And thank God for our justice system because to some extent, I know there’s lots of. Problems there, but to some extent, without our justice system, with our, without what are called Article three of the Constitution federal courts, we would’ve never seen this. And the court forced them to release the documents and what’s in those documents, and it’s been a rolling release. What’s in those documents is just astounding and it is absolutely backing up what we knew from the clinical trial data and the clinical trial experience of my client. Brooke Jackson. And it is that there are horrific damages to people, especially especially to young men, especially to young men and women who wanna have babies. You’re, we are absolutely destroying people’s ability to reproduce at probably, at a very high level at higher than we’ve ever seen before. So there certainly is gonna be a population reduction. Whether that was the plan or not, that’s what’s happening and people need to wake up to that. I’m a granddad. I don’t know whether you’re a dad or granddad, I’ve got kids, I’ve got grandkids. And I gotta tell you, they are the absolutely a bundle of joy. They’re the light of my life. And they’re why I’m doing this because, that’s what we are here for. Whatever other social stuff people are into, we’re ultimately here to have babies and continue our society and take care of our families. That’s our purpose. And to say there’s, I certainly, we do other things. We make music and we make laws and we make literature and and make art. And that’s fantastic, but we’re really here to have babies and continue the species. And this is clearly interrupting that process.
James Egidio:
Sure. So it seems too that the pharmaceutical companies freed themselves from any liability. Is that true?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah. In dealing with Pfizer and in dealing with looking at these contracts, what is really. It is really an evil brilliance in terms of what they have done through the years and, you do have to go back decades and look at public health and how it’s expanded and how this has been really a Trojan horse to gain control of population, of our, of the population to gain information about our genetics, our genetic. Information, our health information. This Trojan horse has been being built over decades and these contracts are very slippery. It’s very slippery and it, like I say, it’s an, they’re like evil genius lawyers over there. Who have done everything possible to avoid any liability for their companies. I think that the way around it though, and that’s why Brook Jackson’s lawsuit is so dangerous to them, when you have fraud and if we are able to prove fraud that vitiates the contracts, that means those contracts never existed if they’re based on fraud and then there is no liability protection. So they’ve almost. They’ve got this, they’ve built in all these protections, but they don’t work if they’re, if it’s fraud. And I think the American public is waking up to the fact that it is fraud. And I do think that the more people that wake up and the more our society reacts to the death and destruction that’s been caused the more likely it is that the courts are gonna start to turn their head and try to find, who’s responsible for this disaster.
James Egidio:
Yeah. In, in getting to that as far as more people waking up it gets to, and what reminds me of what Biden Joe Biden, president Biden implemented were mandates versus laws, and for the people that are listening and viewing this podcast episode. What is the difference between a mandate and a law for the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah, and this was really hard for people to understand what happened, but I will tell you that it’s actually contractual as well. If you look at the federal spending, the billions and billions in federal spending that went out trillions really. If you look at the trillions of dollars that went out what is in the fine print of those contracts for your schools, your universities, even the companies is that they will file, if they take the money at your local high school, for example, they have agreed in the contract for those millions that your local high school got, they’ve agreed to follow CDC guidelines. So that’s what we, that was a mystery to me. We solved that a while ago, but, it’s, so they’ve con they’ve contracted away your civil rights and they’ve agreed to impose mask mandates, quarantine orders, things like that due to contract. It does say to the extent practicable is the wording in the contract. It says to the extent practicable, and what I’ve argued to the boards of education that I’ve addressed is that it’s not practicable to violate the constitution and people’s civil rights. So that to me was a way out of that. That requirement to follow CDC guidelines cuz it’s just not practicable. But that’s why when parents showed up at school boards to protest the masking, the quarantining, all of that stuff, they would get blank stares by the school board members. I’ve experienced this directly. And the blank stairs were, because they were, they took millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars sometimes. Our school district here took 250 million. So that explains why they weren’t responsive, because they were scared. And they had been scared by the big firm attorneys that told them, look, you got a liability here and you’re gonna have to pay this money back if you don’t tow the line. That’s why it was, that’s why it was done this way. That’s the answer. We had one company. And in the company actually once we discovered it, the company backed down and they actually said they weren’t gonna go along with this. But we found an agreement with the Department of Defense and the company, department of Energy. The agreement had built in a couple million dollars of bonus money if they got their employees to 90% vaxxed. So there was a straight up bribe. Buy our own taxpayer money to the company to get to 90%. Once we, obviously, once you expose that, it’s highly embarrassing, but it was, they were literally bribing the companies to get to vaccination rates that they wanted. You gotta ask yourself what you know if the shot is so good, why do you have to bribe companies to implement these policies? Why do you have to coerce people? Why do you have to fire them if they won’t take it? They’re clearly an agenda here that they just wanted this substance in everybody’s body. That’s just that. That was the goal. Whatever it’s doing which it’s not protecting from Covid, but whatever else is doing, they clearly wanted everyone to get the shot.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it just seems like they’re not letting off the gas either. They’re just continuing this narrative. And then there was this whole collective thinking where they were pitting people against each other and they’re using the media, big tech, was vax versus un vax mask versus unmasked. And now we’re getting into so many other areas that are violating people’s civil rights, it seems and for the people that truly wanna say, look, I’m not gonna sign up for any of this. There are people that even lost jobs over this, and you can use any choice of words you want with consent versus force. But to me it seemed like it was, they were basically forcing people. It’s either you earn, you lose your means of income, or you get the shot. So is there any legal recourse against companies out there that were. Basically making it mandatory for their employees to get vaccinated.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yes. And in Ohio it’s it’s a crime to coerce somebody into a medical treatment. And we have been working, now let me go back a minute. I’m having to sue under the civil statutes and the common law. But we have a mechanism in Ohio if a crime has been committed. That we can file that count in our complaint and we can ask the judge to declare that a crime occurred. So we’ve been working, we’ve been trying to get the judges to do that. They really, you can imagine that’s not a line, that’s not a road they want to go down, but we have filed numerous lawsuits with that count in the complaint, along with the other civil rights violations. The other thing is, of course, if a prosecutor was willing to do it, they could be charging people with the crime of coercion. So that’s, but we have to, that’s not gonna happen until there’s a general outcry among the population.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it just seems like it’s so well orchestrated because like I said, you have the media involved with the coverup and they’re still continuing to cover up for anyone that’s out there and that’s vocal about it and they’re being, getting censored. But I think we’re The word that comes to mind with a lot of this, for, especially for the viewers and listeners of this podcast, is informed consent and how important is it?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Informed consent is obviously the, it’s the critical piece here. And, we learned this. People get upset, when I raised the issue of what they were doing in Nazi Germany and Nuremberg. But Nuremberg taught us a lesson. And that lesson was then ingrained and threaded through our federal codes in terms of use of experimental drugs and devices. And this is a prototype is a synonymous with experimental. So let’s go back to that. So we have this prototype, this experiment that’s being run. And it really, if you’re, if you have. Something that’s experimental, something we don’t know the outcomes of, then that is where choice becomes absolutely critical. And informed consent is absolutely critical. And. One of the things that I certainly believe at this point is no one can even have informed consent unless you know that, hey, 20% of the women are gonna lose their babies. If you’re a man your in, your chances of genital cancer just went through the roof. Your chances of cerebral hemorrhage or especially with young men, the myocarditis with the old men, other kinds of cancers, loss of organs, because this substance seems to attack the weakest organ in your body, whatever it is. So maybe it’s a. Artery in your brain. Maybe it’s your kidney, maybe it’s your liver, whatever. It’s gonna, maybe it’s your lungs. I have a, an elderly gentleman whose lungs are basically crystallized. He’s still alive but they basically got crystallized after you took the shot. So it has this multiplicity of actions in your body, depending on your own individual condition. But nobody was informed of this. And then, if you look at the Pfizer documents, so on the 44,000 people now, They have nine pages of adverse reactions, a single face type that they identified, that’s thousands of adverse reactions. Right there thousands of adverse reactions among the 44,000 people who were involved in the trial. And remember, initially only 22,000 of them got the shot. They wiped out the control group later by giving them the shot or offering the shot to them. But that’s thousands among the 22,000. And I think that it’s actually I think it’s very revealing. I think that probably about 20% of the people who got the shot got some kind of adverse reaction that they noticed. And you can look at the numbers of hospitalizations. You can look at the deaths, you can look at all these other things. And the other scary thing about it for me is, This is just short term. What happens in five years to folks who took it? I think that’s, I think that’s terrifying to people who took the shot. And I think that the doctors are working on some ways to address the spike protein running around the body. I’ve heard them talking about various supplements and things that seem to help, but we really need to have a massive. Program to counteract whatever the spike protein’s doing and whatever this contamination is doing to our bodies. And that, that’s an immediate need. And thank God for doctors like McCullough, Korey Malone, who are out there trying to figure this stuff out.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Now they’re talking. I interviewed Dr. Anna Maria Mahelcia and she was talking about. Like literally bringing meat home and testing it and finding it in our food sources now. So now they’re injecting it into our poultry, into the meat sources, into pork. And they’re finding this into the, in the food sources.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
I’m in an agricultural state. The Ohio State University is here and they have a huge agricultural research center, and I can tell you they’ve been on, they’ve been working on lipid nanoparticle vaccines for well over a decade. The other thing that I know about their experiments and their work, and it very similarly parallels what happened with this human process, is that the data was manipulated in those studies as well to show efficacy with the pigs, for example. And so they basically fall, there’s false data in the research that was happening there as well. This is obviously I know Tom Renz is talking a lot about food supply and we need to pay attention to it. One thing that I have always thought through the years is that the way we treat the animals we eat is a way that kind of desensitizes to us to how we treat ourselves and that we have now, we are now looking, and I certainly think the elites look at the population literally as just stock that needs to get vaccinated, needs to get fed, and we’re all in this, cattle shoot literally of the vaccine. So I, just in my head, I draw those analogies a little bit. That we are, we’re treating human beings now, like we’re chickens in the chicken coup, and and we’ve been mistreating animals in terms of how we raise them anyway. I think everybody’s seen the horrific scenes of the pigs that are penned up for their entire lives and can’t move around. Chickens the same way, cattle the same way. Just this terrible way we’ve decided to treat industrially deal with our food stocks.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the global elites also have to be aware that there’s gonna be attorneys that are gonna get in the way of that, such as yourself.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Everything we can, we need more of us. I’ve got the hundreds that I know that are working very hard, but we need thousands. We need an army of attorneys.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting we’re having this conversation because I interviewed Dr. Scott Jensen and a lot of physicians right now. Are in a self-preservation mode for, they want to step out, they don’t wanna lose their jobs, they don’t wanna lose their careers cuz they really know what’s going on behind the scenes, with this vaccine. And then even their licenses are being threatened. So we’ve got, a whole new shift in the way physicians and hospitals are being managed with this whole covid thing. So it’s really shifted things in a very awkward manor where again they’re censoring doctors and if they’re threatening ’em with their jobs.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
We saw this huge change in the medical pro profession, where previously doctors had their independent practices or independent group practices, and Obamacare really accelerated this. And I, I honestly didn’t see it at the time that Obamacare was passed. But Obamacare came in and has consolidated the doctors and the practices under these big systems like Cleveland Clinic Henry Ford. Like Rochester regional, so they’ve bought up, they, the, and the big systems have bought up all the smaller systems. So Cleveland Clinic has bought up local community hospitals all over the country. Really? And then they’ve bought up doctor practices all over the country. I’ve seen that happen. And then the protocols are no longer being developed by the physician and the patient. A physician who’s in practice. It’s the art of medicine who’s sensitive to the patient. That’s no longer happening. What we have is a protocol that’s developed administratively now at the CDC, the FDA, or through the hospital administration that’s imposed on the doctor, and they’re told, if you don’t do that, You violated the standard of care and you’re gonna create liability. So they’ve really and on top of that, I know this from some lawsuits that we’ve done, the doctors that are brought into these systems are so well rewarded that they don’t wanna leave ’em. They’re paid. They were, they’re being paid far more than they were making in their, Independent practices. Yeah. Part of that is because once you come in under the auspices of a hospital, the hospital jacks those bills up and they can charge what’s called a facilities fee. many of your listeners will be familiar with this, whereas before you go, it’s a hundred bucks to see the doctor. Now you go, it’s a hundred bucks to see the doctor. Plus $400 facility fee. So that’s how they were able to jack the wages up, get these doctors bribed to come into these big systems. The doctors have sacrificed their freedom over this. And our doctors are slaves, essentially to these big systems. And unfortunately, that’s about 80% of ’em at this point.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Dr. Jensen, when I interviewed him, he had mentioned that I think it’s 10% of the physicians. That are actively working have contemplated suicide. 10% have contemplated suicide in the last two, to three years.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Oh, that’s a stunning number. I wonder. That’s a stunning number. I can, yeah. I can see why though, you have this terrible disconnect between what you’re seeing in terms of I, and we can do the whole thing, the Remdesivir treatment, which was killing people, the shot. And Remdesivir is still killing people. I still hear from people almost weekly about Remdesivir treatment. So the Remdesivir, the hospital protocols were killing people. Antibiotic use was cut in half and the antibiotics I think would’ve helped quite a bit. Many people pneumonia on top of the virus. And then and then the shots themselves. So they’re seeing this. And they’re unable to respond in any artful way. They’re unable to practice the art of medicine and they’re unable to make decisions on their own what’s right for even themselves and their families, because of course they’re being coerced as well, which is already destroying our medical profession.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And Dr. Richard Bartlett at the very beginning down in Texas. Dr. Bartlett is where he is located. Talked about his silver bullet treatment of using budesonide, nebulized budesonide, which is a steroid, and Z-Pac. And that was his, what he called his silver bullet treatment. And right from the get-go back in March of 2020. Cause I was following him back then. They censored him. They censored him because of that.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
It’s I’ve got some interesting stories. One of the interesting stories I have is Henry Ford Henry Ford. The Henry Ford system in Michigan immediately did in March of 2020, immediately did some a study on hydroxychloroquine. I don’t know if you remember that course, but of course, Henry Ford found this to be a very effective treatment in their study. That thing was shut down as soon as they decided to go down and get this operation warp speed going and get the shots developed. That thing was shut down in June of 2020, that whole program. And I, and I was following all that very closely cuz like everybody, I was very worried about what was, what this was, how dangerous was this disease? I’ve got a big family. Are we gonna lose people? So I had the same fear as everybody did at that point. But what I saw were doctors like Dr. Bartlet Pierre Korey, Paul Merrick. Ryan Cole, people who stepped up and were developing various effective medicines or, and treatments that would deal with this. And in fact, by April, I had decided to bring my staff back. I’ve got 10 employees here. I was like, Guys come back we gotta keep working here. And they’ve solved it. I thought this was the most amazing grassroots effort to solve a problem and get a treatment spun up that I’ve ever seen, between all these doctors and Henry Ford. And then mines rise. Everybody’s getting suppressed. So you, that’s where my awareness, dawn, that there was a real problem here was in April of May of 2020.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Because of the suppression of treatments that clearly worked. Yeah. Yeah. I still owned a medical practice up till December of 2020, so we were still, and I owned a medical house call practice that I started in 97, 98, up until 2009. Then I transitioned it to a office-based practice, and I remember in the fall of 20. 2003 and going into four, cuz that’s primarily around the flu season. Usually the fall going into the winter. We had a real bad Covid outbreak with sars, sudden acute respiratory syndrome, and we had an elderly population of all Medicare patients that we would go in and see them in their home. And that was nasty. That was a really nasty flu season that year, and that’s what it was. It was a covid virus, the sudden acute respiratory syndrome was a covid virus and we lost a lot of seniors and there even a lot of children. And we didn’t get anything but memo from the health department in the city I was at the time. Saying make sure that, children and seniors get their flu shot. And that was it. That was it. It was just never played up like this was, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. I. Yeah.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
James Egidio:
But speaking of Remdesivir I have a question about that. Are, is there legal recourse or does anyone have a legal recourse if they’re injured? By the vaccine? The covid vaccine, remdesivir, or even hospital neglect.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
I would put those in three very different buckets.
James Egidio:
I figured that.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah. And the vaccine, I, we are I, we’re looking for pathways on the vaccine. We’ve got some. Possibly under the Federal Tort Claims Act and some other things. There was a duty to warn once the FDA knew there was so much damage and they failed in their duty to warn. So I’m I would like to bring a lawsuit about the fact that they didn’t do their duty at all. Because when they have these signals, they’re required by law. To tell the public about these signals and they didn’t do it on the Remdesivir. The Remdesivir was for a while under an emergency use authorization. So that’s one period of time. It was then approved, I think it was the first approved drug to fight coronavirus. And so that’s another period of time. But I’m gonna give your audience and the, and maybe hopefully a couple of lawyers an idea here. One is that in many patients, Remdesivir is contraindicated. So if that patient came in and had preexisting kidney or liver disease, that is malpractice to give them Remdesivir, it’s contraindicated. It’s also fraud because it’s a it’s an unnecessary, unneeded. Medical treatment that they then bill the federal government for through Medicare, Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of dollars. So I so look at, if somebody comes in, don’t just brush ’em off out of hand because look and see if it was contraindicated for that patient. I think it’s contraindicated in about 20 to 25% of the people that come in. That doesn’t mean it’s. Was good for the other, or 75 or 80. It wasn’t. I think this is a drug you wanna stay away from if you wanna save your life. But look at the contraindication. That’s one way in. The second way in is that what we found is some of the people come to the hospital by the time they get there, they’re actually past the Covid 19 illness that’s done. They’ve gotten through it. It’s 10 days. And they should not be being hit with Remdesivir. And frequently what we’re seeing in the medical record is what’s happened is they’ve developed bacterial pneumonia, so they come into the hospital. They get classes. A covid patient, they get this covid protocol, but it’s not at all effective. What they needed was the bacterial pneumonia protocol, and if you get a covid protocol, you’re gonna die if you’ve got that bacterial pneumonia. It’s just not, it’s gonna lower your immune system. You’re gonna go into sepsis. We see this over and over. I’m not a medical guy and I’m fusing, and yet we’ve seen this process so much that it’s, sure, it’s really astounding. So for the lawyer, look for that in the patient as well. Were they really over the covid? Was it really bacterial pneumonia that they weren’t treated for? And I have a terrible case on this, and it was a. A young lady who worked in healthcare, and she came in and she told the doctors, it’s in the record, she’s dead now. By the way, I’ll just cut to the chase. She died. But in the record, she says, I’m over covid. I’ve passed the number of days. I have bacterial pneumonia. I need antibiotics. She’s telling the doctors cuz she knows medicine, she’s a nurse,
James Egidio:
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
She’s telling ’em this is what I need. They put her right down. That same covid protocol killed her and she had, and she ended up with sepsis and died within days.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I know I have a gentleman I know here in Florida too as well, who same experience, but he survived it. But he went into the hospital. He was over Covid, but they says, oh, he has covid. They put him on Remdesivir. The nurse even whispered in his ear, die, she said, you’re gonna die. She basically said that and they gave him the Remdesivir and his kidneys and liver went into failure. They had a airlift to Orlando from where we live here in Palm Coast, Florida. And he was very blessed in the sense that they were able to do a liver and kidney transplant on ’em. Oh, and how he got a liver and kidney transplant. I’ll never know after putting him on Remdesivir cuz he figured they wanted to basically finish him off, but they didn’t. But he was blessed in that sense and he to this day says it was the grace of God that saved him.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah. I have heard many stories like that, unfortunately. And thankfully many people did survive and they are angry. Yeah. So I’m trying to help people who understand that process, make sure that this doesn’t happen again, and we gotta hold some people responsible for it. Sure. I. I am at the, I am of the opinion after some of the records, and I’ve said this before, I had some, I had a little quotation, go a little viral, but I am of the opinion that what’s happened here is actually medical murder. Okay. And we have actually got enough conscious, reckless knowing behavior that killed patients that I think there need to actually be some prosecutions. Yeah, that’s where I be. I’ve come and I and I just, I don’t think I ever expected this. Doctors are supposed to be the good guys. Lawyers are supposed to be the bad guys. That’s how we’re set up, isn’t it?
James Egidio:
Yeah, no, it’s true. And I, we’re familiar with Scott Sherra and I even interviewed Laura Bartlett and it’s, you have to almost fear for your life to go into a hospital for anything anymore, and the other question is too, is. Obtaining records. I’m sure these paper shredders or some of ’em are working overtime right now, correct?
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah, that’s correct. We see a lot of manipulation of the records. You just have to be, they have an obligation. The hospital system has an obligation to preserve those records. So records need to be requested. We need them to review the cases. You need to make sure that. You’d be very aggressive about the records. If we have evidence that the records have been tampered with, which we do have in some cases, then it is an additional count against that defendant. So it’s called spoliation of evidence. That means they’ve destroyed. Evidence of their crime or negligence. So when they’ve destroyed it, what happens is you as the plaintiff in that case, you get an inference in your favor, but you do have to prove that they’ve destroyed those records, which we’ve done in some cases. And juries understand that.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What about VAERS? Does that play a role in vaccine injury with someone who is Let’s say vaccine injured from the Covid vaccine, filing VAERS report.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Every, every person who’s been vaccinated and injured and I use vaccinated in the, with the quotes you’ve gotten a shot and you’ve been injured. Please submit a VAERS Report. That’s the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. We are looking at that as well because institutionally, the institutions that gave the shots are criminally liable. And civilly liable if they fail to, make a VAERS Report, and you and I both know that every single institution in this country that was given the shot has failed in its responsibility under law to properly submit these VAERS reports. That is like an en endless stream of cases. I think all 2,800 or so hospitals in this country have failed in their duty to upload the VAERS reports and indicate the injuries that have occurred in their patient and and also the employee population.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I just interviewed Deb Conrad from Upstate New York, and she was a whistleblower physician assistant who after the vaccine rollout started to notice. Vaccine deaths from the jab, from the bio weapon. And she started to submit Theves reports herself for her patients. And she was called down by the administration and questioned about filling out these VAERS reports for these patients. And then finally they just escorted her out of the hospital and fired her. And she even mentioned on the podcast episode that. Theirs reports can even be filled out by an individual patient and submitted to HHS.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah, they can. So if you’ve been injured, I would encourage you, whoever you are listening to this, to upload a report about your own injury. So we, this is, this is a signal to the, to everyone, that something’s gone badly wrong. There’s tens of thousand, millions really. There’s over a million injuries right now in the various system, I believe with tens of thousands of deaths. But it’s important that we document what’s happened to us in this process. Let’s just, let’s create this record, even if it’s not effective right now. It, we need this historical record to be created as to what’s been done and what happened to us. This will serve as a warning probably for future generations. But people like Deb Conrad are real heroes to me. People who stood up and literally all the millions literally who’ve either been fired or left jobs. In this country, every one of them is an, is a hero, an individual hero. And they all took a stand for what was right. And attorneys like me can’t even work unless we have people like that who’ve stood up who need representation. That’s my job. That’s what I do. Thank you to all those heroes out there, the millions of you who are helping to save our country and our sovereignty.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And one last thing where do you see the legal medical fallout of Covid? In the next year, three years and five years from now.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Unfortunately my view of this is that I’ll end my life in this fight. We have got we’ve got decades to write this ship. The federal government has gone so off, so has gone so out of control that we’ve gotta literally rebuild our government and we need to start by raising the FDA the CDC frankly, the CIA the Defense Department, this, we need to start over. And our defense department in particular, it is so worrisome. They have absolutely destroyed the morale of our soldiers. They have destroyed our military readiness. I think about about 10% of our force has left over these policies, and these are your most patriotic. Most gung ho young men and women that have left over this because they understood that this was a violation of the of the Nuernberg principles, the principles of informed consent, of violation of their constitutional rights, and they were there to defend these constitutional rights. So we’ve taken our most constitutionally thoughtful people out of government. We’ve taken him out of the military and we’ve got to restore that somehow. Yeah. I spoke with Theresa Long about the horrible injuries on her base, young men with the the cancers. Testicular cancer that she’d never seen before in her fighting force. The numbers of young men that got myocarditis and were mustered out over the myocarditis. So this is, what’s the word? It’s, it’s treasonous what they’ve done. This decision was a treasonous decision. I don’t say this, I don’t say any of this slightly.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And I tell people as many podcast episodes, just take the optics of politics out of this. This is not a Democrat or Republican thing, because they did such a great job of dividing people. This is a good versus evil fight is what this is. This is good verse evil. This is a very satanic attack on on people.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
Yeah. And those are not words that I, I’m 61 years old. I, those weren’t really words that I viewed as what I was engaged in here at my law office. I was fighting bad guys, but, bad guys, I don’t, just cause somebody commits a crime or commits a fraud, and it doesn’t mean they’re evil. It just means they’re, they’re, I have a differentiation in my head. With that what’s happened here crossed that threshold into evil, and I, it led me down a road. I, never expected to be going down. I honestly, at my age, I was hoping to slow down. Work half a day, take care of my grand babies and enjoy life a little more. But instead, here I am gearing up, working as much as I possibly can in any given week. It’s usually seven days a week. but They will succeed over my dead body. And I know a lot of people feel that way and yeah. Cause of the intensity of the feeling because of the knowledge and the, and frankly, the intelligence that we’ve got on our side. I, we’re gonna win this. It’s just gonna take a long time. And I do see this as a fight of decades. Because they’ve so messed up the place of the United States and the world. I don’t know that we can ever get back there, but we have gotta make sure that we’re in a free society, that we’re a sovereign society and a sovereign people. Yeah. Amen. And that’s, that is my mission in life.
James Egidio:
Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast Warner, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
No it’s my pleasure. Thank you for doing this.
James Egidio:
continue to fight the good fight. I appreciate it
Attorney Warner Mendenhall:
and I’m happy to come back on at any point, maybe every few months if you want. I’ll kinda update Absolutely. Status of things is okay.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you.