“Our Amazing Grace, A Fathers Tragic Story- Interview with Scott Schara

Scott Schara had all the confidence in the U.S. Healthcare System; in October of 2021 he took his “Best Buddy” Grace his 19 year old daughter with down syndrome to the hospital with what he believed was COVID; what happened after that turned into a tragedy; however Scott is sharing his story for all to hear as a wake up call for something much deeper and more sinister than what appears on the outside. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as Scott Schara shares his story.

Meet The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript
Host James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. Data from a national partnership for healthcare and hospice innovation, NPHI Nationwide survey shows that 82% of Americans believe the US healthcare system puts profits ahead of people. My guest is about to share his tragic story of one of many hospitals that put profit over the life of his 19 year old daughter. However, he is sharing his story for all to hear as a wake up call for something much deeper and more sinister than what appears on the outside. He has discovered a spiritual battle of good versus evil. In the Bible Ephesians 6:12 reads, for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the Medical Truth Podcast, Mr. Scott Shara. Hi Scott. How are you doing, sir?
Guest Scott Schara:
Oh, I’m doing well. That was a very nice introduction. This idea that you started with, I’ll just comment on that quickly. 82% of Americans believe medical facilities put profit over people, yet if they really believe that the source of all of our actions are beliefs. So if they really believe that we could shut this thing down in a half a second, so they really don’t believe it. That’s what they checked on a survey, but the, their feet don’t show it because they keep going. We’ve been programmed to believe the white coats, and until that, until you deprogram yourself literally inside in your heart, your actions aren’t gonna change. So anyway, that’s, I’d like to comment when I can because I don’t want to leave things on the table like that. It’s a big deal. And, I’m out here sharing Grace’s story and then what I’ve learned, because the goal is to change people’s belief. If you can change the belief, ultimately you’ve changed the person and of, and I don’t have any power to change somebody’s belief. Of course only our Lord can do that. And. But anyway, I just wanted to comment on your open.
Host James Egidio:
No problem. Scott please share with the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast, your story.
Guest Scott Schara:
So the story starts back on September 22nd, 2002. That’s the day my, my best buddy was born. My best buddy’s name was Grace. We named her after God’s Grace. Grace had Down Syndrome. When she came out, I was in the, I was in the delivery room and I said to my wife, I think she has Down Syndrome. We had never done any of the testing or anything like that. And after a short while, the doctors came back in and said, we suspect your daughter has Down Syndrome. Do you want to keep. And that, that comment at that time, I had it welled up in anger inside of me at that time, but I really didn’t understand this in the context that I do today. I didn’t realize Down Syndrome kids are aborted, 67% of Down Syndrome children are murdered before they’re born in the United States. But I didn’t understand any of that at the time. I just thought, what are you guys even talking about? Of course we’re gonna keep her. So anyway that that day set in motion, a change in our life. That was fantastic. That little stinker our whole life circled around her. She was as we walked through the stages with her, once she turned about 10 in that range, 10, 12, she just stayed that age even though she was 19 when she was murdered. The reality is she just stayed that young age, and so she kept me young. Since she’s passed, I’ve aged a ton. She just, she was just that bundle of joy all the time, from a perspective of her love chromosome, that’s what they call the Down syndrome extra chromosome, the 21st chromosome. She knew she had a love that was different. You and I are going to be judgmental in all the crazy things that, that humans do, but Grace wasn’t like that. She just loved everybody unconditionally. And, as I said at her funeral, she loved me even when I was a jerk, which is most of the time, she just and she got things. She knew our heavenly father. She called me Earthly dad. She called my wife earthly mom. Who does that? She just did that on her own. we never told her that she was extremely high functioning. We never vaccinated her with anything. So that I think is part of it. God made her that way, of course, that’s the biggest part of it. And then my wife homeschooled her, and that was a huge part of it. Grace could read and write grace could drive a car. I taught her how to drive a car. She rode horse, she played violin. And she had a sense of humor that was, it’s, from a day-to-day basis, it’s what I missed the most. She got my stupid, literal humor. I taught You, if you get literal humor, things through a different lens and so like when you, she saw the crosswalk with the, the stick figure and then the bike above the stick figure. And when she saw that the first time, she said, Hey dad, look at that. Look at that sign. I said, what do you think it means? And she was taking that literal humor. She said, it means watch out for Falling Bikes, so that’s gets you a perspective. She was a sharp kid. Yeah. People think Down syndrome, children, that they’re not they’re not all there or whatever, but, grace was all there and then some because she had the gift that we’re all supposed to exemplify, which is love. As we, so that’s how everything started. That was, in a real short view our life with her and, so now I’m sharing the story because I would like people to wake up as to what’s happening not just for their physical life, which of course the story will help you save your life if you get into a hospital situation, but then spiritually, which is way more important than physically. So we were following this isn’t the setting of what I’m gonna tell you next is October of 2021, we were following the FLCC protocol. We were aware in wake of COVID, we bought into the propaganda at the beginning, three weeks to flatten the curve. And that lie, we didn’t realize it was a lie at that time, before, before Grace died, I was not awake. Meaning, meaning my view of the world, from the world we live in. is, I was a conservative who had a healthy distrust for the government, but I never would’ve expected that they’re gonna outright, lie outright, try to kill us. All those things that I’ve learned now, I’m awake to that and I shouldn’t say awake from the point of view that it’s a period, it’s awake, because I’m continuing to wake up and deprogram myself as I learn more. So anyway, we were on the FLCC protocol and this is really the first mistake that was made. And it isn’t because using that protocol was wrong. It’s relying on it that was wrong. So I was relying on men, the men who wrote the FLC C protocol versus the brain that God gave. If I would’ve relied on that and relied on God, grace would be here today. And I’ll give you a very specific example. That protocol told us to buy a pulse ox. So that’s a oxygen meter that you put on your finger that records your oxygen saturation. So we bought that, we’re, we were recording grace’s oxygen saturation on October 6th that dropped down to 88 and 89%. And the protocol said if it drops below 94%, go to the emergency room and admit yourself to the hospital. So we had a fear based on following that protocol and what it said. So when I say I didn’t use my brain, just think through this. We didn’t have a baseline. We had never owned a pulse ox before. So if grace was sick a half a dozen times in her life, and we would’ve had a pulse ox and knew what happens with grace when she gets a cold or the flu. we would’ve thought I don’t care what FLCC says, grace is fine. But we had no baseline and we just accepted that. So you know that’s a big deal for people to realize. You do not put your trust in any man. You put your trust in only the one that can save us, which is Jesus Christ.
Host James Egidio:
Guest Scott Schara:
And if you put your trust in anything else, mistakes are going to happen. My daughter is not here because of the mistake I made in trusting men. So now as we go forward we admitted grace to the hospital. I was in the hospital with Grace. Even though families, loved ones are not allowed in the hospital with this whole Covid agenda. But when the ER doctor recommended, admitting Grace to the hospital, I said, I’ll be staying with her. And they immediately said, you can’t. I said, I’ll be taking Grace home then. And of course I wish they would’ve said, then take her home. But they had a meeting with their higher ups and two hours later came in the ER and said, we decided you could stay. So I was with Grace from October 6th until the 10th, at which time I was taken out by an armed guard. Then we had to hire an attorney to get a replacement advocate in my wife couldn’t do it cuz she had covid. So my daughter Jessica became the replacement advocate 44 hours later. So now we go forward. Grace was in the hospital from the 6th of October, 2021. Her last day on Earth was October 13th, 2021. So she was only in the hospital seven days. During that time, if they would’ve only done what they said they were going to do, which was put her on oxygen and a steroid, grace would be alive today. There’s many things you can look and say. I know she would be alive today, and that was one of them. Similarly when I was taken out by the armed guard, we had never left Grace alone in our lifetime, if I would’ve just said, I’m taking grace with me. Instead, I’d let her be there alone. If I would’ve taken her with me, grace would be alive today. And I know this stuff with a hundred percent certainty because God put me in a different hospital three days after Grace died and I just about died on October 16th, 2021. I was in really bad shape. It takes a lot for a man to enter a hospital willingly, but I had a hard time breathing and my oxygen dropped into the low seventies. And, ultimately that hospital turned me around in 24 hours. And it’s because they had a completely different attitude of care and they did not buy into the protocols dictated by the government. They wanted me to live versus the other hospital with Grace had the perspective that. We know what we’re doing, don’t be telling us what we should be doing and they just had an overall bias. And I’m just gonna connect the dots on that bias. I’m gonna share something with you. This is from the doctor who was the covid expert. The first day Grace’s first full day in the hospital was October 7th. And what happens is the doctors are required to write a report every time they go into a patient’s room. So this is the report from the Covid expert. October 7th, the first full day, they reference that Grace had Down syndrome four times. This one doctor in one report, in the 22 reports over the time that Grace was in the hospital for seven days, they referenced she had Down Syndrome 36 different times. That makes no sense. That would be like, they write that I’m a white male, 36 different times. Does that matter? Makes no difference. They reference that we’re Christian twice. They reference that we’re following the frontline doctor’s misinformation campaign twice. And that Grace was not vaccinated twice. In fact, on his final statement on that report, he wrote, I think the patient probably would not be here if she had been fully vaccinated. So you can see there was a bias, there’s quite a bias towards our family and toward Grace having Down Syndrome. Now when I’ve connected the dots afterward, I can I see it all. So now we get into what actually killed Grace and, so her last day, October 13th, that day started with the doctor calling Cindy and I at home. He wanted to get our pre-authorization to put Grace on a ventilator just in case if, just in case means, in the context of, of a ventilator that he said these type of things tend to happen in the middle of the night when we can’t get ahold of the family. So I’d like to have your approval so that if this becomes necessary, we can do it. After the fact, after I, I have a couple thousand hours of research now into this. But in about three months after Grace, grace died, I got exposed to the financial agenda behind this and I learned that ventilators are about a $300,000 payday to the hospital. So that became their motivation for a ventilator. A ventilator should never be used for covid. It ventilators have a 90% kill rate. with COVID, but you can see, why would they keep, and this is still happening today, by the way, the public health emergency was re-upped on January 11th, 2023. We’re 36 months into this. The population thinks COVID is over. There’s literally a thousand people a day right now, today being murdered in hospitals following the protocol of Remdesivir and ventilators. It’s still happening. That’s why I keep sharing the story with anybody who will have me on. I want to warn people. So we said, no, this phone call happens. We say no. He immediately switched gears and said grace had such a good day yesterday. We should work on nutrition she was malnourished and I don’t even go on that rabbit trail, but so we approved a feeding tube, and. it’s it’s sick. What happened next? So now we, and we knew Grace had a good day cuz Jessica’s with her, she reported her oxygen level at 98 and 99% the entire night before. It’s surprising that Grace was having such a good day because they started sedating her four days earlier with a drug called Precedex. A package insert for that drug says to not use it for more than 24 hours. So at this point she’s already been sedated for four days in spite of the package. Insert the package, insert warning, we’re, we became aware of this of course in studying the records after the fact. So while, so now we get done with this phone call and we’re thinking, he says, we’ll get Grace out of bed today in a chair and, we gotta get things working so we can get her outta here in the next few days. So this is, we’re thinking. Okay, let’s go. That’s why we approve the feeding tube. Now Jessica tells the nurse she’s gonna take a shower. There’s a shower right in the room. When I was in the room, they insisted I not leave. So I took a shower in the room. The nurse said, you can’t take a shower here, Jessica objected, because she said, my, you let my dad take a shower here. And she said, I don’t care what we did for your dad. You can’t take a shower here. So Jessica asked Grace if it’s okay, she’s back inside of an hour. She lives right in town. A couple minutes away, she’s back. When she got back, they had already, just in this hour, they strapped Grace down to the bed. They made her poop in the bed. They increased the dose. Precedex to 14 times the dose they started her on four and a half days earlier, and this literally is the first cause of death, which they were truthful about. On Grace’s death certificate, it says specifically first cause of death. Acute respiratory failure with hypoxemia. That’s a direct cause of using Precedex for more than 24 hours. So anybody that, if you’re familiar at all with the drugs that are being used in the hospital, make sure your loved one doesn’t get on Precedex unless you have informed consent. And that is a major piece of why I’m out here. I was an advocate for Grace. My daughter Jessica, was an advocate for Grace, but we thought we’re there to keep, Grace, comfortable, have fun with her, so it’s not lonely in the hospital. Advocacy today. So remember we started out talking about beliefs. So if your belief is, if your loved one goes into the hospital, you’re an advocate, you’re there to hold their hand, keep ’em comfortable, read to them, watch movies together so they can make the hospital stay short. I’m telling you, that’s not the deal anymore. You have to go in as if you’re there to save somebody’s life. And we won’t. Talk about that today, unless we have time. But we were involved with a rescue of a disabled man on November 5th of 2022, just three months ago where we physically removed him. They were trying to kill him with Remdesivir. My wife and I physically removed him out of the hospital and saved his life because of Grace’s case. That’s what advocacy has gotten to today. So the first cause of death was truthful. We found, so now at 10:48 a.m. In the morning, remember I told you the day started with the doctor calling us. So this was just two and a half hours later. She went from We Grace had such a good day. Let’s get her out of bed. Let’s get things going to near maxidation. Eight minutes after that, they put an illegal do not resuscitate order on her. We did not know that until, we knew it that evening, which I’ll explain, but we found out the details of when by going through the records. So that’s, that becomes the third cause of death, which will connect at the end. Now they combined precedex with lorazepam and morphine in a 29 minute window. You and I could not have survived that. Nobody could have survived that. So that’s the true. Second cause of death is combining in 29 minutes. Protex, lorazepam, and morphine. The morphine package insert these package inserts are, the rules are supposed to follow. It lays it right out. It says, did not combine those meds because they cause death. And if you do combine them, because it’s such an egregious combination, you’re supposed to have the reversal drug bedside and directly monitor the patient. None of that happened after they gave Grace morphine at six 15 in the evening, no doctor or nurse stepped foot into her room. Jessica felt Grace getting cold. She asked the nurse for help. She said, that’s normal. Just cover her with a blanket. Jessica called Cindy and I at 7:20 p.m., so it’s an hour and five minutes after the morphine is delivered. They dad Grace’s numbers are dropping like crazy. I said, get the nurses in. She said, I’ve been trying. They refused to come in. She estimated 30 nurses in the hallway at this point because of the shift change. So Cindy and I start screaming, this is on a FaceTime call. We start screaming, save our daughter, and they holler back from outside the room. She’s DNR that’s when we learned she’s DNR and we holler back. She’s not DNR, save our daughter, and they refused. We watched her die at 7:27 p.m., 7 minutes later on a FaceTime call. So it’s 11 hours after a phone call with the doctor in the morning saying such he, she’s having such a good day. So you think, how could this possibly happen? So there’s, so why did it happen that day? I, this is speculation, the how is a lot bigger picture, but I’ll just cover the why very quickly. So this is speculation on my part but it’s speculation with evidence. So I dug into, I’ve done a deep dive into these records and I found out that the hospital was at maximum capacity that day that they took grace out and the emergency room was at max capacity. So when I found that out, I found out that they received a $13,000 death bonus for listing as the second cause of death COVID 19 pneumonia. Remember, the first cause of death was the truth. The second cause of death was not the truth, but the hospital received a bonus. And so when I showed that to my wife, she said grace was worth more dead than alive, which is true in when I found out the amount of money relative to ventilators, I found out, oh my gosh. Now when we said no to the ventilator pre-authorization request for the fifth time, we wrote Grace’ death certificate for that day, if we would’ve approved a ventilator, I can guarantee you Grace would’ve been on a ventilator sometime during that day because of the financial motivation. So then she would’ve died two or three weeks later after the hospital received her $300,000. So that’s my speculative reason as to why I think she died on October 13th, but the how behind it, this has been set up for decades. There’s, what helped me understand it is doing an analysis with what happened in Nazi Germany. And, in that process I have had the benefit of meeting a Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. Her and I have done about 25 interviews together, and she really helped me see the parallels. I had been studying the Holocaust for what, a month in June, and I saw, oh my gosh, there’s about 50 literal parallels that are happening today. And a lady by the name of Hannah Arendt was studying the Adolph Eichman trial and she coined the phrase, banality of evil. And that really helped me understand how they could possibly do this. So the banality of evil I did somewhat of an introduction to that when we were talking about Grace’s birth at the beginning. So Down Syndrome people and disabled people in general. There’s banality means commonplace. So evil is common relative to society’s view of those people. So when the young couple gets pregnant, they go in and see the doctor, and the doctor congratulates them and then he says let’s schedule your amniocentesis. So they schedule that. They don’t even ask any questions. There’s no informed consent that amniocentesis comes back we think your son is gonna have Down syndrome. I think we should schedule an abortion. They don’t have any roots, so they just follow the white coat. They have an abortion. And as I said, right now, statistically 67% of Down syndrome children are murdered in the United States. I’m just gonna give you one more parallel because the number one and number two, causes of death with COVID in a hospital for the last three years is number one, elderly, number two, disabled. Those are not comorbidities. Those are just facts. There’s absolutely no reason why those two population groups should be number one and number two, other than the banality of evil. So with the elderly, I’m a generation that care of our parents. don’t just shuffle them off as soon as the mom, doesn’t get the mail one day and pretty soon she’s in a home for dementia. My generation took care of the parents, but now nursing homes are common. Those are the, that’s the banality of evil. You just get these people outta your life, don’t let ’em burden you. So now you get into a hospital setting, which has already been programmed to believe in collectivism, which is the good of the state versus the good of the individual. These young people already would think, relative to their parents, they’d put ’em in a home relative to the disabled. They would’ve never had somebody like Grace. So it’s very easy for them to take out. These people that are the first ones that were taken out in World War II are the first ones taken out in this worldwide holocaust that’s happening today. So anyway, you asked me about Grace’s story. That’s the shorter version of the story, but that allows us to talk a lot more. So do you have any questions right now, James?
Host James Egidio:
I don’t, I’m just lost for words. And what you’re telling me that a hospital that she was in can be blatantly reckless like they were. It’s just amazing.
Guest Scott Schara:
It’s hard to, it’s hard to grasp.
Host James Egidio:
It is.
Guest Scott Schara:
There’s, when we decided to jump in, we there was a re we were watching or not watching, we were listening to our radio program so early on. so we realized Grace was killed. We had sent our report. A doctor helped me go through every, all of Grace’s records. And when she did, this was then just a month after Grace actually it was just a couple weeks after Grace died, and she’s, she wrote me and said, there’s not even a question as to intent. That’s how bad this was. And so I summarized everything, wrote it into the form of a report. I sent it to the hospital requesting a meeting with the doctor and the c e o because that was my biblical responsibility. So that was on November 8th. On December 2nd, they rejected that request. And so I thought that’s a door got, God kept me from saying anything about this publicly until I had that door open. So then they reject the meeting that door open. So that day I wrote, a, I don’t know anything about public relations. I’m, I own a business, I don’t know, it’s just a small business. I don’t know anything about how do you get this message out. But I just went on the internet and found, a generic account for Fox and Newsmax and I sent an email to both and NewsMax called me a week later and said, would you wanna be on national TV? To tell what happened. And so I said, sure. So that was on December 13th, 2021. Of course, I was a nervous wreck. That’s the first time I was ever on tv. But that, that’s just a side story. But that little clip, so that little seven minute clip launched a a number of opportunities, but one, it’s surprising. We’re listening to Jan Markel, who has, she’s a syndicated radio Christian host. She has she’s on a thousand stations every weekend. We’re listening to her. and my wife said, you gotta come in and listen to this. It sounds a lot like what we experienced with Grace. And then, so we’re listening together and she says before break I want to play this clip of a dad who lost his his down syndrome girl. And so we’re looking at each other what? So she plays it, she played the entire Newsmax clip. So we saw that as, okay, God is telling us, jump into the game. And so when we jumped in, we just said, you know what? Whatever doors you choose to open, we’ll walk through if you close doors, we’ll stop. And he keeps opening up door after door and the, so Vera, I mentioned about Vera, that, that made the Holocaust connection about that time. So studying the Holocaust, I came across this term that I had never heard of, called the Hegelian Dialectic. As I learned about that more, I realized, oh my gosh, there’s a. There’s dialectics going on all over the place, and most of them are esoteric, which means we’re aware of them if you’re paying attention. But there’s also an esoteric dialectic going on, which is spiritual. And, so I, that became that was probably the thing that took up the most time. I’ve worked on that and worked on it, and worked on it. And as I just released a paper on it on February one, I started writing that paper and the thoughts, I started taking notes and you start, so I started writing that paper probably in, in October after I, it percolated through my head what’s going on. And then I, I felt that I knew enough about the topic and I thought God put this on my heart for a reason. I’ve gotta release it. I don’t care if people are offended by it or not. So in that process then I also learned about the literal agenda that the United States Health and Human Services secretary, empowered by Congress, can literally kill its citizens. And I wrote a paper on that date of January 11th. I had released that one before the one about the Satanic agenda, even though the Satanic agenda was written beforehand. But I just wasn’t comfortable releasing it. I had to tweak some things yet. So anyway this agenda to kill Americans, I’ll just hit the high points of that very quick because people would think, oh, this guy has, he’s completely lost it. I haven’t lost it. I am, God made me analytical. He made me for a time such as this. And if you spend the time reading the paper, it’s about 35 minutes. Long reading it. Actually, I read it on my Deprogramming podcast, so it’s about 35 minutes if you listen to it, and, you can tell I don’t talk fast. You can listen to it at one and a half speed, and you’ll burn through it pretty quick. And yeah, it lays out the, all the specifics relative to how the government can legally kill us. And I’ll just give you one just to to give you a teaser. So Brooke Jackson, if you’re not familiar with her, she’s a whistleblower. She used to work for Pfizer. She realized Pfizer, Pfizer did not do any testing of the jab. And so she quit. She decided to be a whistleblower, and so she files a false claims act against Pfizer. I have all this in the paper, including the document that I’m gonna reference here at the end. So she filed the False Claims Act. Pfizer’s defense was, we have a contract with the government, the depart, and they produced what’s called an other authority. Agreement, which was a contract with the Department of Defense that said that they’re only supposed to produce a prototype. It was never a vaccine. So because it was a prototype, it didn’t require any testing On October 4th, I think it was, you can see this in the paper, the United States government came in behind Pfizer and said, yes, what Pfizer said is true. And they said we’re, we want to have a motion to dismiss this case. That motion, by the way, is gonna be heard in Texas on March 1st, just coming up here now in another week and a half. So we’re gonna know, the judge allows that to proceed through discovery. But people still have to be willing to look at it. But if you just look at what I presented in my paper, it’s enough. If I thought, when I saw this, I thought if every single American in the United States saw with their own eyes what I just saw, this would all be over. So that’s why I put it out there. Of course, people. they really don’t have interest in the truth as you well know. So now we move on to the last discussion about the Satanic agenda. And what I see happening is that we have evils being exposed daily. I’m well sharing Grace’s story is exposing evil. Okay, so what’s, what, why would Satan want evil exposed and why Satan wants evil exposed is because Satan only cares about souls. And as things get worse, they’ve already been doing predictive programming for food shortages for power grids going down. All these things. It’s gonna get progressively worse until we’re clamoring for security and comfort that is what’s inside of all men. We want the easy way out. We want somebody to promise something and we just, we fall trapped to it. And I think Satan is going to reinvent himself from the evil that we’re seeing now to an angel of light and provide a security and comfort solution. And, if we’re not awake to it, then we’re not one of God’s. We’re gonna fall trapped to it. And, and his goal, he doesn’t care if he takes us out via evil or less evil. So I’m not gonna call it good because the only thing that’s good comes from God. So he has us believing in less evil solutions. And I’ll just give you a simple example. When we vote, we either vote for Democrat or Republican. So when you see this, that, okay, most people, when even before I was awake, I would’ve said, yeah, I’m voting for the lesser of two evils. So you just have this intuition that says it’s the lesser of two evils. Now I’m here to tell you, it literally is the lesser of two evils. And I don’t know by how much, cuz they’re, both of, both parties are in on this hook, line and sinker!, right? Absolutely. So it might be, it’s really the perception of the lesser of two evils. So that dialectic that Satan has got us all buying into, sets up the idea that when something comes that’s supposedly good, like NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act), which just lays out point by point all these great things to make our society back the way we would all want it. It’s gonna come with hooks, I don’t know what that looks like. Maybe that’s what we get chipped digital currency monitoring. I don’t know what it looks like. I, it, that’s not my. that’s not where my mind is, but I know I, I’m confident it’s coming because that’s what God put on my heart. And so in that regard, if that’s what’s coming, we’ve gotta be prepared because we’re all gonna be suckers for security and comfort and, so stop focusing on all the evil’s gonna keep getting worse. And what’s happening right now is we’re really just getting exposed to it. It’s been happening for a long time. So it isn’t like when you learn something new, like I, over the weekend I was listening to the black market for organ harvesting. It’s oh my gosh, this is the worst evil I’ve ever heard. But, it isn’t like this just happened. This has been going on for a long time. And so you hear it and you realize, okay, how does this fit? We, society has to get exposed to more and more evil before they’re ready for the angel of light savior. to dupe us one last time.
Host James Egidio:
It’s interesting you mentioned that too cuz you talked about the Organ harvesting, but also the sex trafficking amongst children. And you also mentioned getting chipped. There’s two companies in particular that are on the cutting edge of that right now. In fact, I’ll look real, real quick here. One’s called Microchip, they’re a publicly traded company and the other one is called Skyworks Solutions. And of course that comes right outta Revelations 13:13-18 And it talks about that, it talks about the mark of the beast. Why do you think people are not waking up? when the obvious is being presented?.
Guest Scott Schara:
Only God can remove the scales. He promises everybody has an opportunity. And I think that we have, if I look at myself, for example, so I’ve been a Christian for going on 30 years, or I should say I had knowledge that I was a Christian for going on 30 years. God knew before I was born, but the I was lazy. We had our life and, things are going along fine and until it, when does a person quit smoking? They don’t quit smoking until they have a stage four lung cancer. But so now I’m out being an advocate, right? But why am I an advocate? My daughter was murdered in a hospital, so now I’m an. So that doesn’t mean people are going to believe me. It doesn’t seem, it seems like we’re wired to not believe anything until it impacts us personally, unless God removes the scales. We can try as hard as we want. The reality is if we don’t if we don’t turn it over to God, we don’t have a snowballs chance of getting anybody to believe us.
Host James Egidio:
Yeah, I know. And a lot of the the evil side of things use such terms as gaslighting or conspiracy theory, Satan does everything in his power to deceive, divide and destroy. And I think that’s what people who are listening and watching this have to realize is that Satan is real. He’s, there’s no question about it. like you said it’s gonna only get worse before it gets better. That’s even predicted in Matthew 24.
Guest Scott Schara:
That’s right. So we don’t God gives everybody an opportunity, multiple opportunities. He’s a patient God, he’s a merciful God. So there’s lots and lots of opportunities. Ultimately if, when those opportunities come, if we keep choosing sin over God, our conscience is seared. If we keep choosing God over sin, he gives us more light and more light. I, unfortunately we have as a society rejected God. And so what’s happening is we’re getting what we deserve. Most people are blind to what’s even happening, if the government says you need, they’re still promoting the jab, a million people a day. Not in worldwide, not in the United States. A million people a day are getting the jab yet. Yeah. How can that possibly be with all the evidence? It’s because the, these people’s eyes are blind. They’ve been, Satan has got this whole this spiritual battle. It’s very orchestrated, it’s very organized, orchestrated. It’s because Satan copied God’s way. Satan had the ability to know God’s way and he copied it. And so it’s very orchestrated, organized. The propaganda machine, the programming, we are programmed constantly by every single thing that we’re really listening to, and until you unplug from that programming and start deprogramming yourself, you are completely blind. I’m talking about myself here. That’s why I started my own podcast. It’s called Deprogramming with Grace’s dad. Oh, what’s the reason? It’s because I grace, when I look at all the reasons Grace died, right now, the single most important thing relative to me is to show me how programmed I was, things that I believed. I think, oh my gosh, how did I possibly believe that?
Host James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And it’s interesting too, when you read Ecclesiastes Solomon talks about how history repeats itself. And I think what we’re looking at now, and I’ve even mentioned this, gosh, probably 20 years ago, is, I said that what we’re living through right now is a repeat of the Roman Empire, is what we’re re really living through. And it’s happening in real time. Is a repeat of the Roman Empire. We’re seeing the corruption and the greed and the overtaxation and the liberal agenda. And then they call it, they used to use a term back in the Roman days called “bread and circus”. Bread and circus is fill up the belly and give them the entertainment. And that’s exactly what happens is what’s happening is that it’s bread and circus. There’s a lot of distractions and there’s a lot of shiny things that people are attracted to. And like you said, it’s the creature comforts and it’s gonna get worse before it gets better. And it has to, because like you said, that’s how Satan operates and then the government wants to come in and be the savior. They want to be the God, they wanna be the replacement. That’s right. They have this world economic form with this Klaus Schwab and Harari. His sidekick and he talks about that. He says, this thing, this is coming right straight from the mouth of Harari, and people can hear this for themselves and it’s right. It’s a confession that he makes.
Guest Scott Schara:
That’s right.
Host James Egidio:
He says, you know this thing about God, this is how he phrased it. He says, we want to do away with that. We want people to basically live by and depend on artificial intelligence and this whole new reset that they have planned for everybody. If you look back at communist societies with Carl Marx, In fact, Mark’s even said it. He says, God is the opiate of the masses.
Guest Scott Schara:
Host James Egidio:
So that’s the thing that’s in their way, is God and people believing in God. And I just pray that there’s not a revolution, but a revival a real true faith-based worldwide revival where people come to Christ because that’s what’s gotta happen. It can’t be where innocent people are killing each other and shooting each other just to get something to eat. Or because we have a blackout, a mass blackout or something like that. It’s gotta be a faith-based revival worldwide amongst people. And people have to come to Christ and depend on Christ and not depend on any one politician or leader or anything like that.
Guest Scott Schara:
I of course agree. I don’t know what God has in store. I know every day I’m just supposed to do my part.
Host James Egidio:
Guest Scott Schara:
I don’t know where that goes. I know the attitude I’m supposed to have which is an attitude of forgiveness. And to realize that if it wasn’t for God’s grace, I would be in the same boat.
Host James Egidio:
Guest Scott Schara:
Even what they’re doing is actually logical. So if you don’t believe in God, that means God isn’t gonna take care of the planet. So then we’ve gotta manage the planet, which means the climate and the people. What they’re doing is a logical extension of a world without God. I would’ve bought into that same thought process. If I didn’t believe in God. God’s way is always outside of these dialectics, and I’ll just give you a simple example. So I think it’s in Genesis 1:22 when God said, be fruitful and multiply. So what does that say? Was there ever an amendment? Did he send down an amendment? Yeah, I know he didn’t, so I’m being facetious with that question, but Right, that means he’s got it covered. Okay. So what, there’s 8 billion people on the planet, so what it doesn’t, but they set in mine, in motion this dialectic. So then you start seeing we’ve gotta do, we’ve gotta start doing birth control. We’ve gotta start because look at these population charts. And at this point, we’re gonna run outta resources, which is all lies, right? It’s all lies. but they start selling that. So then we start getting into the debate, which I’m putting my hands up like this cuz the dialectic gets us between these two points. God’s always outside, so God says, be fruitful and multiply the dialectic. We’ve got the entire population thinking we’ve gotta manage the population. So now when you’re in that dialectic, we got, one extreme, we only can have 750 million people on the planet. The other extreme is we can have limited abortions and we should really only have two children in a family. So that’s all in the dialectic. When I was in kindergarten, this, this will tell people how old I am. This was 1968. So in 1968, the weekly reader. You can’t make this up. So this is how they’re programming. Little stinkers, five year olds like me in 1968, they’re telling us that it’s irresponsible. This was in the weekly reader. It’s irresponsible to have more than two children. So that starts programming us in this dialectic, right? And gets us thinking about things that way instead of about God. You mentioned Harari. I just want to give you so as this applies in the United States, so people think this is all, COVID. This is, this has been going way before COVID. Obamacare was passed on March 23rd, 2010, and the equivalent of Harari in the United States is Ezekiel Emanuel. So this was all the way back to 1996. Ezekiel Emanuel is the chief architect of Obamacare. This is what he said. This is a literal quote. Services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. Okay. So that is fundamental to Obamacare. I’ve got some links on how that ties into the literal euthanasia agenda in Obamacare. It’s literal, it’s right, documented, in Obamacare, the euthanasia agenda. And it’s because of, we’ve got to take out these people who are not contributing members to society, of course. I don’t believe that. God’s got this covered. And then they, similar to World War ii, they use the financial excuse to do before Covid, there were 62 million Americans on Medicare and Medicaid. Those Americans accounted for 39% of the federal budget. So they used that as the excuse. Look at our budget. 39% is going to these two population groups. We gotta stop that. Why do we need to stop that? They’re used fiat currency. The money doesn’t mean anything. Just print more. They’ve already shown they’ll print it for, foolishness beyond foolishness. People are real. We don’t, so we can do whatever we choose to do. Now that number, that’s 62 million in the three years of covid I mean it’s unbelievable. That went to a hundred million. So now there’s a hundred million people on public assistance. So what do you think is gonna happen? They’re going to implement the euthanasia agenda all the way, on steroids. It’s there’s gonna be some mass genocide of the elderly and the disabled coming up. And it’s not just the elderly and disabled, but those are the two target groups because they can, they can connect the dots financially and convince the public pretty easy.
Host James Egidio:
was even thinking about that this morning. I gave it some thought. Cause I was been around the medical industry for a long time, most of my life. And I was thinking so like you said, the disabled population, the elderly population, that it’s easy fix, it’s easy for them to, but basically do away with the elderly and disabled population. Now you vaccinate people with a jab gene therapy that potentially if it doesn’t kill someone, it will do some long-term damage to someone. So let’s say. they succumb to myocarditis or a stroke or whatever. They go to the hospital. So that’s a medical event that’s on their record. But now what happens with insurance companies, when you have to go get insurance, whether you’re self-pay or even if you’re employed by someone, it gives the insurance company an easy excuse not to cover you anymore. So now what does someone have to do? They have to go for public assistance, government assistance for healthcare. So you become a dependent on the government, and that’s what they want too. They want dependency on the government. They want to be the, they wanna save the day. That’s what the government wants to do. They want to be able to save the day and say we’ll take care of you. And like it gets to your point about more people getting assistance from the government. And that’s what I think the. That’s I think, the goal. In fact, I don’t think that’s the goal. That is the goal. We could see that.
Guest Scott Schara:
I, of course agree. It’s, and yeah, it’s a, it’s, I would say it’s a short term goal because I think there’s, there’s a lot bigger agenda going on, which is, what, why I think the spiritual agenda is the single most important thing. They’re focused on all these dialectics, the, public insurance. The cost is getting out of control. So now we go chase that and then, then we have a train derailment, we go chase that. All these things are happening so fast that, then we’re shooting balloons out of the sky. Are those even real? All of a sudden they start calling them UFOs. Are they, is that part of the programming? It’s the stuff is just keeps coming at us so fast and right. If you’re, you want to realize how to handle all this stuff coming at you, check out, get out of their system. That’s the only answer, because then, when the stuff happens, you realize, okay, this does not, I have a responsibility to be educated, but God tells us, you have a responsibility to be prepared but don’t rely on your preparations. Rely on me.
Host James Egidio:
Guest Scott Schara:
Then you can have, then at least you’re not spending your day being all frazzled and worried. So just take the hospital lane that I’m in. So now you hear this say, oh my gosh, the hospitals are killing people. Okay, now just frame this now. All right? So first of all, we all have a date with God. Okay? So you can’t stop that date. All right. So then, but we can do our part relative to that date. So then what does preparation look like? You’ll see if you, if people go to Grace’s website OurAmazingGrace.net, we have some forms that I would encourage you to prepare, get your power of attorney documents, get your advocacy documents get the document that lays. that you’re not turning over the authority to the hospital relative to your care. Get a good advocate. Make sure you’re prepared. Check out hospitals ahead of time. Cuz they’re not all bad, but the reality in, even get your, so I did this about, I don’t know, two, three months ago. I don’t have anything wrong with me right now. Out outside of the fact that, I’m getting older but I thought, I’m gonna go to a clinic that’s checked out of the system, a cash pay clinic that’s not in the system so that when something does happen, I have somebody that I can, that I’ve already, that I already trust that can help me with my healthcare, not go into the system. So these are all things that you should be doing ahead of time not be fearful of them. Don’t let fear guide you. Grace lost her life because I let fear guide me. So you’re not letting fear guide you. You do some things that as advanced prep, but you realize, okay, when this day happens that I have to go to the hospital, whatever. And you don’t know what’s gonna happen. You trust God, but, things that are practical, there is an agenda. There’s an agenda that if you’re unvaccinated, you’re a target. If you’re Christian, you’re a target. So those are not things, so if you’re in a car accident, for example, I was on a podcast several months ago and he heard the whole story and the host said, Scott, it’s not even safe to get hit by a car anymore. So what he was saying is that, you get to the hospital, you’re unconcious the hospital calls your wife and they go through their questions and you’re unwittingly answer these questions. So they say what’s his religious affiliation? Has he been vaccinated? And she’s in a panic. So she just answers all these questions and pretty soon, you’re a goner. You tell him you’re an unvaccinated Christian, your chance of getting out of that hospital is about 0%. Yeah. So it isn’t that you’re lying. I don’t want people to lie. I don’t want you to get that impression, but you don’t have responsibility to answer their questions. That’s what I’m telling you. Yeah. It’s so I’m just giving you a, I’m just giving you an example. I don’t want to, this is not that’s not the goal of what you and I are talking about, but I just want to share with people, you have responsibility to be prepared, but don’t rely on your preparations. Yeah. I’m just giving that as an example.
Host James Egidio:
Yeah. And you I think brought up a really good point you’re at a point now where you’re not angry, but you’re forgiving these folks that had mistreated your daughter in the hospital, and a lot of believers would say why do bad things happen to good people? And, and if your God is that, good, why did he allow your daughter to die? What’s your answer to that? To some non-believer that may be watching and listening this to this podcast episode?
Guest Scott Schara:
I think that’s a reasonable question. I, and I’m, if somebody asked me that directly, I’m gonna just answer the way I would answer. If somebody asked me directly, I, that, that’s a question that unless you understand what real love is, you don’t realize. that God has us experience tribulations because he loves us and no different than if you have a child who needs to be taught something, it isn’t all attaboy. Sometimes you have to discipline in a different way. So the child, it learns the lesson that you as a parent realize that child needs to learn this lesson to, to get out in to society. So I don’t know all the reasons that God allowed Grace to, die. God didn’t cause Grace to die, but he allowed it. Grace did not have to die that day. But after the fact, you realized, okay, that was the date and the circumstance that God. And so once you come to grips with that, you start, okay, what is, what are all the reasons? And I shared one of them here. For sure, one of the reasons was, is to wake me up. Another reason, many, there’s there’ve been hundreds, probably thousands of people whose lives have already been saved because of Grace’s death, right? I don’t know all of God’s ways and some of ’em are, I’m learning in real time relative to Grace’s death, relative to the forgiveness piece. God did that. So now I, this is what I do full-time. I had no idea I’d be doing this, but God knew that he was going to call me to do this full-time. In order to do this full-time, you have to have a forgiving heart. So then what did he do? When I was in the hospital three days after Grace died, he broke me, roughly 20 years ago, I prayed. for God to do whatever it takes to break me. And, I’m a proud stubborn man. I got in the way for 20 years, but, six years ago I discovered I had heart disease. Then my right hand man was in a serious car accident. Then my son took his life by suicide. Then my daughter Grace was murdered in a hospital, and then I just about died. And when I’m in that hospital is when he broke me. And being broken is not a one time thing. Believe me, I’m still a stubborn man. But the, yeah, in that process of breaking me, he gave me that spirit of forgiveness, because you can’t do that on your own. There’s no, believe me, if you can forgive a doctor and nurse who murdered your daughter on your own, there’s no gospel, right? The gospel is for the things you cannot do. And so he, I never even asked him, I never asked him to give me an attitude of forgiveness. He just did it while I was in the hospital. So all of a sudden when I realized I’m supposed to be out here sharing the story that’s, he did it all. I, that’s all I can say.
Host James Egidio:
Yeah, I know. I just interviewed a gentleman by the name of Chris Wark. He has a website called Chris Beat Cancer, and he is a man of God, and we were talking about that to maintain good health. Part of it is of course, diet and exercise, but it’s also letting go and forgiving. And in that episode, I use the analogy a lot when it comes to forgiveness of being locked in a prison cell. And you have that key in your pocket, right? And. you have the ability to get out of that cell with that key in your pocket, but you just won’t do it. So that key is the key of forgiveness. And the minute you put that key in that door and you open it and allow yourself to free yourself from that cell, that’s represents the forgiveness and the freedom that you receive from that. And I’ve had to learn that myself over the years as well. And I’m, I’m stubborn. You could ask my wife about that at times, but I think a lot of times too, and that, that unforgiveness leads to a lot of pathology, and a lot of disease. And so it’s important. It’s important to forgive. And the thing too about forgiveness is, I think the thing that prevents us from forgiving a lot of times is pride and ego, because, as humans we wanna put up our guard. We want to protect ourselves from, we wanna protect our pride and our ego. And and that’s where faith is so important because, you can go back to the cross and you can ask for a repentance and forgiveness and overcome that by, by going to the cross.
Guest Scott Schara:
That’s that’s right. Pride and ego rears its head in some, it does interesting ways. So for me, it, for me, it has historically been, and it still is today, is standing on being, so what the doctor and nurse did, my daughter was wrong. So I’m right, they’re wrong. That’s clear, right? Nobody can dispute that, right? But forgiveness is outside of that paradigm of right and wrong.
Host James Egidio:
Guest Scott Schara:
And it’s another dialectic right and wrong, so then you stand on that you don’t realize, okay, God’s way of forgiveness is outside of that. Yeah I’m glad that he, I’m thankful that he did that for me. It was a ne necessity who, just I think about, I’ve thought about, I don’t think about this now, but at the beginning I thought what if I was just an angry dad on all these podcasts and, that wouldn’t work.
Host James Egidio:
No, it wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t be setting a good example. But not only would it be setting a good example, but you’re showing too that this is how God works, by forgiving and by getting the word out there. And like you said, you may have saved some lives out there through Grace’s death. And we have to always remember, in Romans, God says, vengeance is mine, so we don’t have to worry about. what the outcome is gonna be. We know what the outcome’s gonna be. These people, these globalists, these people that keep going against God’s will, they’re gonna pay, but God’s gonna do it in his time. We can’t do it.
Guest Scott Schara:
That’s right. And if if you get a if you can get a glimpse of what eternity looks like, that’s beyond what we can think of as humans, so we have, let’s say 70 years, 80 years on this earth. Eternity, that’s a, that’s a grain of sand, the time on Earth, and it’s forever. So do you want, do I want this doctor and nurse to be in hell forever? That’s what they deserve for murdering my daughter. I wouldn’t, I don’t wish that on anybody.
Host James Egidio:
No, not at all. And a lot of people,
Guest Scott Schara:
yeah. I’d love it if they. It came to repentance. It would be fantastic.
Host James Egidio:
Exactly. That’s what we all hope and pray for with these people, including Harari,
Guest Scott Schara:
that’s true. Even Harari. Yeah. Our enemy is not Harari. It’s not Fauci it’s not Anthony Fauci. Our enemy is Satan. And he is, these people have submitted to him. So is are they beyond reconciliation with Jesus? No. No. We don’t know that. None of us know that. But we should act like No, nobody’s beyond that That’s that’s what the parable of the unmerciful servant is about. Yeah. It seems to me that somebody like Fauci is beyond it, but it. if, just think about if Fauci became a believer. That would be that probably would cause a revival.
Host James Egidio:
Sure, how about Gates?
Guest Scott Schara:
Oh my gosh. Yeah. Have the two of those guys together. That would be something.
Host James Egidio:
Yeah. Gates admit it about depopulation. That’s murder. For anybody that would go out there and say that they want to depopulate people, which means in essence you want to kill people. Depopulate let’s, it’s all word salad. They would get locked up and be put in a padded room. Yeah. So imagine if he came to Christ and like you said, it would be a, genuinely came to Christ, not to do it, just to be a, a false prophet. But it’s interest.
Guest Scott Schara:
This has been really great, James.
Host James Egidio:
It has absolutely. The website is www.OurAmazingGrace.net yes, it’s OurAmazingGrace.net is there anything else you’d like to add and share with the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth podcast, Scott?
Guest Scott Schara:
People often ask how can you help? And if you look at Grace’s website first I want everybody to go to the website, of course, because you see my little buddy and we got videos, pictures, it’s great. Yeah. There’s a lot of resources, research all of that also. But get to know Grace and then, people always ask How can you help? And you’ll see there’s a how you can help tab, but that is not what I want people to focus on. I don’t want any money. What I’d like you to do is to take. this podcast and I’ve done this myself. How long does it take me to share something? So you get this in a text you’re you get it via email converted to a text and then you take a hundred people, you share it with a hundred people via text, so that takes about 20 minutes because you can do it pretty quick, one by one. So if you just do one at a time, one by one, it takes about 20 minutes. We’re all responsible for our one talent. I’ve been given a gift to be able to give full-time to this advocacy that I’m doing now. So you don’t have that’s fine. But you do have 20 minutes. And so that’s what I’d like, we can, if, just do the simple math, cuz that’s what I can do in my head. So if a thousand people listen to this, times a hundred, if every thousand you take this, literally take the 20 minutes share with a hundred, that’s a hundred thousand people. So we just multiplied the number of people hearing the message, and that means lives are gonna be saved and people are gonna be woken up.
Host James Egidio:
Absolutely. Amen. Scott, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast, by the way, for anybody that’s listening and viewing this again, you can go to the www.MedicalTruthPodcast.com as well and watch the this particular episode and like Scott says, just share it as much as you can and get the word out there. Thank you so much for joining me, Scott. I really appreciate it. Thanks.
Guest Scott Schara:
It was my pleasure. Thank you.