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Episode #7- “The Vaccine Friendly Plan”- Interview with Paul Thomas, M.D.
Dr. Paul Thomas is a pediatrician who embodies the spirit of a true pioneer, standing up for what...

“A Post Pandemic Wake Up Call”- Interview With Peter Breggin, M.D.
Listen to this Episode of The Medical Truth Podcast as Host James Egidio Interviews Peter Breggin, M.D. Dr. Breggin is a Harvard trained Psychiatrist who has been practicing Psychiatry for over 50 years; Known as the “Conscious of Psychiatry” and with over 24 books published (4 Co-written with his wife Ginger); as well as an expert medical witness in over 100 high profile cases, Dr. Breggin discovered something unusual in 2020 during the pandemic that did not make sense

Episode #6- “A Post Pandemic Wake Up Call”- Interview With Peter Breggin, M.D.
As I started to interview Dr. Peter Breggin, a world renowned, award winning psychiatrist and...

Interview With Medicinal Herbalist Dr. Amber Robinson
Medicine’s made from plants have been used throughout human history. Today, over 100 pharmaceutical drugs and medicines trace their “roots” to chemical compounds found in plants. For example the medication Taxol which is a powerful chemotherapeutic medication to treat breast cancer is extracted from the Pacif Yew plant and the medication Digoxin used for irregular heart beats is extracted from the Foxglove plant. Listen to this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews medicinal herbalist and aromatherapist Dr. Amber Robinson. For current and previous podcast episodes and show transcripts go to

Episode #5- “Nature’s Medicine”- Interview With Medicinal Herbalist Amber Robinson
Dr. Amber Robinson is an author, educator, aromatherapist, and herbalist who received her...

Episode #4 “Butchered By Healthcare”- Interview with Robert Yoho, M.D.
As an award winning author and retired physician, Dr. Robert Yoho has been vocal about the...

“Butchered By Healthcare”- Interview with Robert Yoho, M.D.
Healthcare in the United States is the top cause of all of our overdue debt and personal bankruptcy, and U.S. medical spending per person is double that of other countries; and yet half the treatments are ineffective and harmful. To say that the U.S. Healthcare system is broken is an understatement. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews Dr. Robert Yoho a retired surgeon and author of “Butchered by Healthcare” who discusses a broken healthcare system and the state of the U.S. healthcare system today 3 years later in a post pandemic world. Dr. Robert Yoho post his work at and his publications can be found at

Episode #3: “Treating ADHD Naturally” – Interview With James Greenblatt, M.D.
Dr. James Greenblatt, a child psychiatrist and author of "Finally Focused: The Breakthrough...

Treating ADHD Naturally- Interview With James Greenblatt, M.D.
According to the CDC it is estimated that 6 million children between the ages of 3-17 years old were diagnosed with ADHD using data from 2016-2019. Of the 6 million children 63% received prescription medication; primarily stimulants or amphetamine derived substances such as Adderall, Ritalin or Vyvanse. The side affects from these medications are not very favorable in the short term and long term. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews James Greenblatt, M.D. a world renowned pediatric psychiatrist who has dedicated his life and medical career to treating ADHD with a little known natural supplement.

Is Your Personal Medical Data Being Sold?- Interview With Jay Glasgow
In 1996 the U.S. Government passed what was called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act which intended to serve 3 purposes however its main purpose was to protect sensitive health information from being disclosed without the patients consent or knowledge. Fast forward to 2023 in a post pandemic world that from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed personal data about your health, finances, and everything about your personal life is being monitored as well as bought, sold and exchanged by government…..

Episode #2: “Is Your Personal Medical Data Being Sold?” – Interview With Jay Glasgow
As individuals, we generate an immense amount of personal data every day. From our GPS location to...

Episode #1- Welcome to The Medical Truth Podcast
Are you sick and tired of seeing credible, intelligent, experienced expert’s in the healthcare industry such as doctor’s, nurses, medical specialist, author’s, scientist, researcher’s and professors get censored, shadow banned, and de-platformed from social media and other media platforms for stating the truth and facts about their profession and expertise? Listen to the Medical Truth Podcast as Host James Egidio with 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur and author interview’s guest from all area’s of the healthcare industry such as doctor’s, nurse’s, medical specialist, author’s, scientist, professor’s, researcher’s and attorney’s by providing you the listener With the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth About the United States Healthcare System. For current and previous podcast episodes, show transcripts go to

Derek Watson
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