What is The World Health Organizations Pandemic Treaty CA+?- Interview with James Roguski
Jun 20, 2023 | Podcasts, World Health Organization Podcast Episodes

In episode number 19, I interviewed. Epoch Times journalist Alex Newman. Concerning the United Nations and the World Health Organizations Agreement on their path to tyranny in order to change any future pandemic response. In this episode titled What is the world health organization’s pandemic treaty CA Plus. I interviewed and got more in-depth about the nefarious motives of the World Health Organization with James Roguski. Who’s a diligence Substacker? You can find James work at JamesRoguski.substack.com

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi,I’m James Egidio your host of the Medical Truth Podcast,the podcast that tells the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system in episode number19.I interviewed Epoch Times,journalists,Alex Newman,about the United nations and the world health organization’s agreement on their path to tyranny with future pandemic responses.In this episode titled What is the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty CA plus I interview and dive deeper in more detail about this treaty with James Roguski.who is a diligent sub stacker.It is my pleasure and an honor to have on the medical truth podcast.Mr.James Roguski.Hi James.How are you?
James Roguski:
I’m doing very well.Thank you for having me.Appreciate it.
James Egidio:
Great.So I actually have seen that you’re a diligent Substacker and I’ve been reading your post.And the one that got my attention is the StopTheAmendments.com.Share with the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast,a little bit about what you’re getting involved with StopTheAmendments.com.
James Roguski:
I actually fell down the rabbit hole on March28th,2022.I was reading something on the internet and I found a document that was the Biden Administration’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.And so from the get-go most people are like,what are you talking about?What are the international health regulations?Those go all the way back to1969.And so it,it’s part of the WHO,all of the member nations.There’s194member nations.And then two more have signed onto the IHR that was adopted in1969.Went through a lot of changes in2005.It oversees or it,it is the regulations that are supposed to be followed in regards to any kind of an outbreak emergency.Their terminology is,The director general of the World Health Organization can declare pretty much just because he wants to that there’s a public health emergency of international concern,PHEIC or fake.And,you can’t make this stuff up.That’s literally what they call it.And so the International Health Regulations,it’s a document,you can get it online just to search for it.It’s84pages long and it’s the guidelines that nations are supposed to follow to primarily surveil.And that doesn’t necessarily mean what people think it means.They’re supposed to surveil the medical information coming from hospitals and so forth in a given nation.And if there’s an outbreak,if there’s a case of Bubonic Plague or Ebola or something like that or just an increase in disease or death,there’s an office that every nation is supposed to have in place called the National IHR Focal Point.Ours in the United States is part of the Health and Human Services Department,and they’re supposed to alert the WHO that something unusual is happening.And then if the WHO deems that it could be of international concern,they raise the alarm and they say that there’s a public health emergency of international concern.I discovered that they were trying to change those amendments and my goodness,that darn document has changed my life over the last year.I’ve been on quite the ride just.Raising awareness of what they’re doing.I can go on and on,but ask me a question and we’ll go in whatever direction you wanna go.
James Egidio:
Yeah.So it’s interesting that you’re mentioning that this has been a change with the World Health Organization and these documents.Is this international law or is this getting into constitutional law when it comes to pandemic response from what I understand.
James Roguski:
Boy,there,there’s a complicated section of the rabbit hole.Be happy to go down there with you.Most people refer to this as a legally binding agreement.It was not a treaty.And rewinding all the way back to1948when the United States joined the WHO and accepted the Constitution of the WHO and the rules that are in there,that was not done with the treaty that was done with a joint resolution of Congress signed by President Truman,and it’s known as a Congressional executive agreement.It didn’t involve two thirds of the Senate giving their advice and consent.So it’s a little bit different and people are just generally unaware that there’s all kinds of different words for all kinds of different types of agreements.They’re not all necessarily,they don’t necessarily fit the criteria that’s in the Constitution for a treaty right now.The problem with what happened75years ago,in1948was that the Congress essentially gave the president the authority to name the delegate,and that now they usually name the.Secretary of Health and Human Services,it’s currently Javier Becerra,but when the delegates go to the WHO yearly assembly every May,and they decide whatever it is they decide,they don’t answer to the people,they don’t answer to Congress,they take orders from the President.So that,that power got shifted from the people through our representatives and senators in Congress over to the executive branch.And there’s a lot of that constitutionally that’s very problematic.And so when they made a decision last year,they didn’t adopt the original amendments that I bumped into and talked a lot about.Those were kicked to the curb.They were completely ignored.But the United States then got together with the UK,the European Union,hand of other nations Australia,Japan.Columbia,I think Bosnia and Briza Covina and a handful of others,they submitted a different collection of amendments last year,and those were adopted.And here’s where everybody’s head freezes up,right?It says there in,in the Constitution that if amendments are adopted,it’s assumed that the nations accept them unless they proactively send a letter to reject them.Most people think,oh,they made some agreement in Geneva.That document would have to come back and get signed by the president or voted on by Congress or the Senate order.That is not how it works with the amendments to the international health regulations.It’s assumed.You’re okay with it unless you proactively say you wish to reject them.And so there’s an18month period where the nation could reject them,but Biden is the one who submitted it.He’s not gonna reject it.And the people have had nothing to say about it.For now,it’s13months or so.So by the end of November in2023,the changes that were made last May,that’ll be18months snooze,you lose,speak now or forever hold your peace.And I’ve been,raising awareness that this is a nefarious situation where the unelected unaccountable largely unknown to most people delegates go to Geneva,make decisions on international law,and as long as they keep it quiet and a period of time goes by it’s law.
James Egidio:
So when you say it’s law,this is a global decision,is this gonna affect just the United States global?
James Roguski:
is this a global decision?All194member nations,which is they don’t let Taiwan in cuz of mainland China.They have an argument about that.So Taiwan is not a member,but almost every other country that you might be able to think of is a member.
James Egidio:
Yeah.Cuz I,I know a lot of people that are listening to this and watching this think that the World Health Organization is this organization that’s there to be the savior to people’s health and make global health better and where you need to band together.And there’s a lot of misconception about that and a lot of people think that it’s this organization that’s here to rescue people.But from what I understand,there’s a lot of just Damaging things that are in this bill that if this passes I mean it’s gonna change the whole scope of any type of pandemic response in the future.And then from what I also understand too,is they’re getting involved with global warming.They’re getting involved with a lot of a multitude of things.
James Roguski:
You’re cracking open Pandora’s box.We’re gonna be talking for a long time.There’s a lot.There’s,boy,just a couple of sentences we could talk for the rest of the day.
James Egidio:
James Roguski:
I’ll chew on some of that.Okay.
James Egidio:
Yeah,please do.Because I think people wanna know what this is all about and the other thing,and before you go into that who funds the World Health Organization?
James Roguski:
That’s actually where I was gonna start.
James Egidio:
Oh,okay.Good.All right.
James Roguski:
And so I published an article a couple of weeks ago now in the runup to their meeting that they had in May.They just,there’s an avalanche of,words and documents and all kinds of things that they put out there.And one of’em was their financials.And so their yearly budget is approximately4billion.They turned a really good profit last year.They took in a lot more money than they spent,and they spent about3.8billion in2022.A full billion dollars or about30%of what they spent was for salaries.They had,they claimed to have8,851employees in2022.They paid each of them an average of120grand a year.They spent a billion dollars,they spent half that amount on medical supplies.Now I could probably stop right there and go,what is going on with that?Twice as much money on salaries as they did on medical.So they put out a lot of propaganda.They put out a lot of documents,a lot of reports.They have a lot of meetings.They do a lot of travel.I think they spent150million on travel.In previous years they spent more on travel than they spent on diseases.And so about35%of what they spend is outside contracting of some kind.And none of that is really detailed.Could be anything.But it used to be that the WHO was primarily funded by don’t contributions or assessed contributions from the member nations.The member nations20years ago got,they didn’t want to fund the WHO and they changed the rules and then they started taking voluntary contributions from nations that wanted to give more money.But those voluntary contributions comes with strings attached.They don’t necessarily go towards overall world health.Imagine somebody,donated money to a university and has a building named after them.They donate money,but,make a laboratory or make a gymnasium or whatever,put my name on it.Okay.And so these additional voluntary donations,Are directed to whatever the donor wants the WHO to do with that money.And so last year in2022,the United States gave over slightly under three quarters of a billion dollars over and above what we were obligated to give.Now about84%,I think it is,of all of the money that they bring in is this donated money from countries and organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gavi,which is a Vaccine Alliance.European Union gave193million,I think,over and above.And so what are they really doing with that money?And how is,honestly,how is that being laundered into programs where,you know,companies that profit from whatever they want that money to be spent on,benefit from it.The potential for corruption is enormous.And I did a whole article on that.You can see which nations gave which money and so forth and so on,but it,they know that it’s a messed up way of funding and they’re trying to do something really bizarro with the way they wanna fund what it’s not a treaty,and I’m gonna be a stickler for this.Everybody calls it the Pandemic Treaty.And I,in the past also have mistakenly referred to it as the Pandemic Treaty.Because that’s what everybody talks about.It’s something very different.And it’s important they refer to it as the WHO.C A plus.Now,the reason why they call it that is in the constitution in article19they’re allowed to negotiate conventions or agreements.And a convention isn’t like a thing that you go to at a convention center,
James Egidio:
James Roguski:
A convention is essentially,and very,especially a framework convention.It’s just a loose outline,yeah.We’re gonna agree to work on this stuff.So you have the convention,which is the overview of what you’re talking about,the outline.You agree to it,and the plus is the problem.The plus is that the people who,according to their document,as it stands right now,the nations and the pharmaceutical companies,or the product manufacturers and the foundations that are being asked to donate into this fund.They’re hoping to get30billion a year.They would also be the people who would be in the conference of the parties.They call it cop.They do that with climate change or the climate accord.The COP27,COP28conference of the parties.The people who are donating,get a seat at the table,they control where the money goes,and the Plus And so the plus is that they could then add protocols to the framework.And so this is a repeat,but an even stronger version of what they did in1969with the International Health Regulations.A bunch of unelected people get together,they agree to set up a bureaucracy.Empower the people in that new bureaucracy,the conference of the parties to make decisions down the road.And there’s nothing in the language there that would take those protocols and send them back to each individual nation for approval or ratification.And so they would like to set up this agreement so that down the road they could keep adding things to it that nobody could do anything about.It sets up this independent bureaucracy.And quite frankly,that’s what bureaucrats do.They build the bureaucracy.I’ve almost never read a me,I’m changing gears a little bit.I’ve almost never read a study in a medical journal that didn’t conclude that more study was needed.Okay.That’s almost always the conclusion of every study.Give us more funding,give us more money.Build the bureaucracy,just make the money,churn and flow.And so essentially what they’re doing with the CA plus is absolutely not what people have been saying.There’s a lot of misinformation out there because people have actually not read the document.One of the articles that I did a couple weeks ago is read the damn documents,right?Yeah.Yeah.It’s not what people think it is.What it would,what the framework would have the world do is invest billions of dollars to build out a laboratory network that would do genomic work.Have a one health approach to testing everywhere they possibly could to find some kind of a genomic sequence from some RNA or DNA of something,right?Send it back,send all these samples back to the lab.They would test people and your veterinarian would test your pets and if you’ve got animals,small farm or something like that,they’d be testing the bedding in your chicken coop to see if there’s bird flu or checking the poop in your pig pen to see if you’ve got swine flu or your septic system or your sewage treatment plant or your hospital.Send it all back to this laboratory network.What they do is they take these genetic sequences,they put it into a computer algorithm and they claim,oh look,we found a new variant.Send that off to the lab in Switzerland or Germany,turn it into money with drugs or jabs,and then come back to the community and say,oh,we’ve put forth.Through the amendments,this global digital health certification network,you’ve gotta get your proper certificate that,you’ve been tested or you’ve been vaccinated or whatever.It’s a fear-mongering industry that they’re trying
James Egidio:
James Roguski:
And that’s just the treaty.We haven’t even talked about the amendments yet.
James Egidio:
Yeah.So it sounds like it’s becoming a bureaucratic arm for the pharmaceutical industries is really an essence as to what it really is looking to basically turn out to be,but have full control,worldwide control for almost,pretty much every single nation,with the exception of,like you said,Taiwan.
James Roguski:
I’ll push back on that statement just a little tiny bit and what I was just talking about was what’s in,what they call the CA plus convention agreement,plus most people call it the treaty.In the amendments to the regulations,there’s a tricky little move that if it’s allowed to go through,here’s what would happen.The Russian Federation proposed an amendment to Article four,and what it would do is it would require each nation to enact legislation to give this office that is the national IHR focal point,the authority to oversee and implement the obligations under all of the other amendments.So it’s not really that the WHO is going to directly tell you,or I,oh,you’ve gotta do this,you’ve gotta do that.They’re getting or trying to get each nation to enact legislation to empower an office.That in my view,is how the WHO has infiltrated our government back in2005.They require that every nation have this national IHR focal point office.So they’re in direct communication247with the WHO.If our nation or any other nation were to enact legislation to give that office authority,now you’ve got a problem because that’s basically tricking nations to do their bidding,but under the guise of,doing it according to the laws of the nation.We’ve seen officials in government positions dramatically overstep their constitutional authority,whether on a federal,state level.Imagine how bad it would be.Previously they said,oh the WHO recommended it.What if there’s a treaty or there’s amendments to the regulations or there’s some national legislation that these,power hungry officials point to?They still don’t have the right,they don’t have the,constitutional authority.There’s nothing in the constitution that gives anybody in the federal government authority over health.But that didn’t stop’em over the last four years.
James Egidio:
No,it didn’t.And I was,as you were mentioning that I’m thinking to myself,they overstepped their bounds when they were able to free themselves from any liability under the guise of emergency use authorization for the vaccinations.There’s just no stopping.I.These bureaucrats from doing what they want to do when it comes to,let’s say,an emergency,a health emergency.It just sounds like that if they can get these bills passed with governments,that they can just push them through a lot quicker,a lot easier,and have more control of people,but not just control in the sense that they make vaccines mandatory,but they can have lockdowns.They can do whatever they want,pretty much,is what it sounds like.
James Roguski:
There’s a difference between legal and lawful.There’s a difference between,law and something that is abhorrent to the Constitution.A good example is something that was legislation that was passed in Western Australia,I believe,back in September of2022.I wrote a couple articles about it.It is the most dystopian law you could ever imagine.It would empower emergency personnel to commandeer your vehicle,commandeer your property destroy your property,quarantine force,vaccinate,force treatment and you just go,wait a minute.That is blatantly unconstitutional.But here’s the issue.Many laws are on the books that are grossly in violation of the federal Constitution and on a state level as well,but they stand as law until someone is Egregiously harmed by it.Their rights are just violated by it.And they have the capacity to bring a lawsuit and take it through appeal,after appeal to get it to a Supreme Court that actually looks at it fairly and might strike down that law.There are laws on the books that,you look at’em,you’re like,how can this possible would it be acceptable for us to write a law that says we could murder people and not be liable for it?That’s absurd.But that law is currently on the books with the vaccine manufacturers.Yeah,it’s,you have no liability.
James Egidio:
It’s also in the Obamacare I actually have a copy of that.I’ll post on this particular episode,but it’s written in there.I interviewed Scott Schara,whose daughter Grace was murdered in a hospital and Scott went down the rabbit hole of,dissecting Obamacare and he found in there where there’s this clause in the Obamacare where it’s pretty much u euthanizing basically elderly and anybody that’s not fit for society,and this was written back in2010.They’re just,they’re not stopping.Look,they had a dangerous vaccine.We know now what at almost a year and a half,two years later,where there’s a lot of deaths.Edward Dowd,have had observed that very well.They’re just,they’re not stopping.
James Roguski:
they’re building many systems.
James Egidio:
They are
James Roguski:
back in April,They put out a document that.It was buried under something about yellow fever,and then it referenced report O.And then there was a couple of sentences some of the proposed amendments that were put forth mostly by the European Union to institute this global digital health certification network.They want vaccine certificates,testing certificates,prophylaxis certificates,recovery certificates,traveler locator forms,passenger health declarations,and a QR code to track and trace everybody.So this is in the300plus amendments that are currently being negotiated in secret.And while that’s happening,the WHO buries this little statement that says,oh we’re busy operationalizing the thing that’s being negotiated.Most people would think,okay,we’re going to get everybody together.We’re gonna negotiate something.We’ll reach an agreement,and then you build it.No,they know where this is headed.They’re busy building it.And next year when they have whatever paperwork they want,the system will be in place,ready to go.And so they’re building that system.They’re building a laboratory system.They’re,they’re building out all of these ways to control everyone’s lives.And I’m doing what I can to build the resistance,build the awareness of people.Now wait a minute.Do we really want.Centralized control one world,medical martial law,government,pseudo-government entity,or do we wanna take control back down to a personal level?And certainly a very local level,right?They’ve,they made such horrible decisions,horrible mistakes,committed crimes,in my view over the last four years.And the answer to that,and the lesson learned from that was give them more money and give’em more power.Just doesn’t,that just doesn’t add up.But if you divorce yourself of the idea that the international health regulations are properly named,because they’re not,if you actually read the document,I would argue that they should be called the International Surveillance Monitoring Reporting Emergency Declaring Fear mongering Control Regulations.Now,if you look at it from that point of view,you go,oh,I see what they’re doing.Okay?If you look at their convention agreement plus the WHO CA Plus,and you go,oh,that’s just a venture capital prospectus for the pharmaceutical hospital emergency industrial complex,you go,oh now it all makes sense.I don’t agree with it,but now I understand it.If you think they’re working for your health,then you would be hearing conversations about doctors who saved lives.By doing what their experience and their wisdom and their observation told them to do when people were coming in with some kind of problem.Those are not the discussions they’re having.They’re talking about intellectual property and logistics,distribution networks and pathogen access and benefit sharing system,which people go,what the heck is that?Oh,if some poor nation finds,I’m not making this stuff up.They have in the document a pathogen access benefit sharing system.PS if somebody finds some genetic sequence and sends it to Switzerland and somebody turns that into a drug or a jab,they want the benefits to come back to whoever provided the genomic sequence.They’re upset because,South Africa is a good example.When South Africa and Botswana apparently said that,oh we found this Omicron variant and sent the genetic sequences that they were claiming where this pathogen,somebody else made a lot of money off of that.Yeah.Okay.And that’s what they’re,that’s what they’re fighting about.They’re fighting about equity.Equity is money.
James Egidio:
Yeah.Yeah.It just,it’s really perplexing the things that are going on.And my question is where are the constitutional attorneys that are looking to fight this speaking for the United States of America?
James Roguski:
This is very,some very crafty wordsmithing.Okay.The end around on the Constitution in regards to the amendments is that the WHO through the Russian amendment to Article four is saying Congress is gonna have to pass enacting legislation to give authority to this office.The national IHR focal point.If you look at the300and some amendments that authorizing legislation might be a couple of thousand pages long.It’s probably written just waiting to be dropped and signed real quickly.Okay.But nobody has seen what the legislation might be and how that would happen?They don’t really have authority to do very much,and so we’re gonna be fighting this battle in state houses everywhere,and I’m working with people on a county level as well.To push back to assert our rights,because quite frankly,no one has any authority anywhere to make anybody do anything to their body.They don’t have these rights,but,people are easily tricked into giving up the rights and freedoms that they have.And it,it’s a battle for people’s minds.This is a psychological battle.It is.
James Egidio:
It’s psychological warfare.And I think what it is too is you’ve got so many layers to,of this proverbial onion with the media.Censoring a lot of information,right?You’ve got entertainment,you’ve got,you’ve got all these tentacles and they’re working24hours a day,seven days a week covering this up,right?And then there’s this collective thinking.So this is psychological warfare is what this is.
James Roguski:
So psychological,intellectual,emotional.
James Egidio:
Yeah.And then the other thing is there’s a lot of distractions too,along the way,right?There’s all these different distractions,so people are not gonna spend the time to really sit down and try to understand what’s going on until it blindsides them,just like it did in2020when they said,oh,by the way,we got this pandemic and,we gotta shut down and six feet apart,and all these draconian lockdowns and all this other stuff.When little did people realize that in2003,we had a covid outbreak with SARS,Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome,and there was,in all this kabuki and drama and all this stuff,because back then it was just,it was the flu,right?H1N1,Swine Flu,all these things have occurred in the past,but they found a way to control people in2020.And they have a nefarious motive for controlling people like you says.It goes back to they’re building this infrastructure with,and I think I mentioned it to you on the phone when I spoke to you about quantum tattoos and electromagnetic frequency chips.There’s a couple publicly traded companies that are involved with that technology.So all these things are alluding to,like you said,vaccine passports even putting central bank digital currency on these chips that get inserted.So we’re in a very.This is also spiritual warfare.This isn’t just,let’s just control people for the sake of their safety.This is not,they’re not looking out for your best interest or my best interest,or anybody’s best interest for that matter.
James Roguski:
One of the things that I’ve found in what I’ve done over the last year is because it’s just my nature I don’t speculate because they put in print exactly the details of what they’re doing.Of course,they just bury the nuggets in millions of words,right?And so part of,maybe it’s their religious belief,I don’t know,but it’s their practice.To tell everybody in print,online,digital,documents,whatever.Here’s what we’re doing.Here’s what we did.Here’s how much we spent.Here’s what our plan is.Now,sometimes they keep things secret,and I have a gripe at the moment because they are keeping some very important things secret.And honestly,I think this is the story that the alternative media is completely missing for the amendments.Number one,last year,amendments were adopted.There’s an18month period that every nation could reject them,but not if,you keep it quiet and nobody hears about it.So there’s secret number one.Secret number two is when they adopted those amendments last May of2022,they also adopted.Basically a plan for the next two years,starting from last May,and they said to all of the nations in the world submit proposed amendments to the IHR by September30th,2022,which they did,they kept them secret until mid-December of last year.They did finally publish the original submissions,197pages with307amendments.They’ve had meetings many meetings throughout,2023,and they have not yet once published any revision on those original documents.So they’ve spent six months negotiating with no idea where that has gone.And so that’s secret number two.Where’s the updated version of the amendments?Secret number three is even more confusing.now,for a year or two they were talking about various proposals for a pandemic treaty.They didn’t have any official document until July of last year,almost a year ago now.That was the original working draft,and they had a conceptual zero draft made up phrase in November that changed into the zero draft in February and on June2nd,and this is what most people should pay attention to,they finally published what they call the bureau’s text of the WHO CA plus.So if you’ve heard anybody say anything at all about the pandemic treaty,and they’re not specifically referencing the January2nd,WHO CA Plus.It’s either old news or misinformation.Yeah.Now the last paragraph in that document alludes to the fact that there’s an approximately190to200page document,which is all of the submissions that the nations made towards that bureau’s text.And that has been absolutely secret for at least a month.They talk about it,they reference it.A lot of nations are very unhappy that what they submitted is hiding in this larger document and was not carried over into the bureau’s text.So there,there’s actually no joy in Mudville or whatever the saying is there.There’s a lot of unhappy nations.who are involved in these negotiations and they feel that their submissions are being ignored,they’re being railroaded into being required to do things without having a say about it.Even though they keep saying,oh,it’s a member nation led process.They’re being led around by a ring in their nose because it’s all about money.
James Egidio:
Yeah.Yeah.And I think that ring in their nose too,that people are being led around.Cuz the person that’s listening to this and watching this,they’re not gonna read the laws and they’re not gonna read this.The stuff that you read and get in and dive into that deep,you have to work.
James Roguski:
That’s why I,that’s why I did a Cliff Notes version.I see you’ve got the scroll going,unstop the amendments.Yeah.I took the207page I’m sorry,197page.307Amendment document and the97page review committee,final report,and all of the other documents that they had.And I boiled it down and it actually looks like a Cliff Notes booklet,it’s a19page booklet that you can download.There’s a cover and a couple of extra,it’s only about15,16pages of reading to get the high points of the ridiculous things that they’re proposing.Yeah.Trying to make it easy for people.
James Egidio:
Yeah.The other thing too is they have that wonderful organization called the World Economic Forum,which is that real shiny,polished,organization that’s there for you,with the future for better food and this and that.And so that’s what they sell to the average person.And the average person is not gonna really,like I said,look into any of this.Until it’s too late and when it’s too late some of the things that are gonna be implemented are not gonna be very palatable for a lot of people.Share with the viewers and listeners some of the things that they’re looking to implement that can affect people personally.So what would happen,unpack some of the things that will happen in our lives on a day to day basis if some of this stuff passes.
James Roguski:
I wanna distinguish that what’s in the thing that people call the treaty?The bureau’s draft of the WHO CA plus What’s in there is really not directly gonna affect people’s lives.What’s in there is an investment perspective to spend billions of dollars every year to build laboratories and logistics network and,Pathogen access benefit sharing system.It’s just a way for them to make money.But the end result of that would be fear.Oh,we found a new pathogen,we found some polio in your poop.We found marburg over here,and Ebola over there,and something else,and some other place that is the infrastructure to trigger what’s in the amendments.I just wanna make sure that’s really clear and people get it clear.The really egregious stuff that will influence your life personally is really not in the treaty.What’s in the treaty is the infrastructure to pretend to find some catastrophic problem that they could then use to scare people.So then you come into the director general.He currently has the authority to declare an emergency,right?He can pretty much do it anytime he wants,but they want to.Even expand that more to where he could declare an emergency if there was the potential for an emergency.So you can see how these things fit hand in glove.Sure.Oh,we found a new variant over here.Nobody’s gotten sick,nobody died,nothing happened.But potentially that thing that we say that we found could be a problem.So boom,it’s an emergency.Then what they would have happened is within each nation,within each state,province,county,city,community,whatever everyone’s gonna deal with this differently.And so I’m actually looking for people across the United States,across the world who wanna get involved locally because,think about it,what happened?Over the last four years,the WHO said whatever it is they said,and the FDA said,whatever it is they said,and the CDC and your local people who were confused,looked at those recommendations and said,oh,you gotta do this.So they’re just taking that to a whole nother level.The amendments that they have.The main one that would be problematic in my view,there’s a whole bunch of them actually is this global digital health certification network.They wanna be able to track and trace everybody and,chase you down in order to jab you if you’re anywhere in the vicinity of this new scary thing that they found.
James Egidio:
Good luck with that.Good luck with that.A lot of people just go and volunteering,here I am.Yeah,there are,but there’s gonna be a lot of people that’ll push back
James Roguski:
And so the other majorly obnoxious change that there,there’s a part of me that thinks that this is actually structured as a decoy because it’s just so ridiculous.A couple of things,right?In the first article of the Amendments,they just define words that are used in the document.And India,I’m sorry,Bangladesh proposed changing the definition of the word recommendation.They have temporary and standing recommendation.It’s right outta1984.New speak,right?Changed the meaning of words.Then everybody’s confused.The current definition of a standing or temporary recommendation is non-binding advice.Big surprise.That’s what a recommendation is.Bangladesh would cross out non-binding,right?And then in a different article42,Malaysia proposed changing it so that temporary and standing recommendations shall be implemented by the nations.So even the review committee,their final report,they said hold on a minute.If you change the definition of recommendation and make it an obligation,that changes the whole nature of the IHR and the relationship with the WHO.They’re an advisory organization,but if their recommendations are now legally binding as obligations,hold on a moment,they’re actually concerned because then they would be liable for what they told people to do.And so it’s an interesting dynamic.The WHO and their International Health Regulations Review Committee in their final report are actually pushing back on that because that would put them in the crosshairs.You made us do it.They don’t,I don’t think they want that.I think what they want is they want to be able to have a lot of money to throw around to scare the crap outta people,but put the responsibility on the.National government to implement all of that so that they can say we just made a recommendation.You are the ones.And if you think about it,over the last four years,the WHO made recommendations and people in your town,wherever you may be,whether it’s city government,county commissioner type things,health commissioners,right?Corporations and whatever,they were,the people who abused people in the community.And so they’re just cranking that up a notch with a lot more laboratories,a lot more testing,a lot more money.Something that looks like it’s legally binding,but nobody has any authority over your God given freedom to have,bodily autonomy and have the right to live your life.Without anyone saying that you’ve gotta do something to your body in order to live your life according to their rules.Yeah.And so it’s an educational challenge to get people to wake up to the game that’s being played on’em.
James Egidio:
It is.And I,and again,like I said,I think a lot of it has to do with the influence from the media,the news.And and then a lot of things too.And I’ve had numerous episodes have pleaded with people to tell them,take the optics of politics out of this.This is not about politics.This is about your health,it’s about your body,it’s about your choices.And it’s and people have to unite,it’s united,we stand,divided,we fall.And if people don’t unite and they take,they gotta take the optics of the politics out of it.They gotta take all that social garbage crap out of it,and they have to ban together and unite.And make the decisions.And it’s your body and it’s your choice,right?Isn’t that what they say?Your body,my body,my choice.That’s what it is.Absolute.So people have to do that.You have to take charge of your health,you have to eat better exercise.Forget about these vaccines and take charge of your life,your health,and forget listening to these people like Bill Gates and all these other people.They’re a bunch of clowns.And I’m gonna tell you too,you talk about the politics of this,cuz I’ve had people say you got the flag and it’s red,white,and blue,and oh,you’re,it looks like it’s more of a political thing.It’s not a political thing,it’s about constitutional rights,right?That’s what this shirt is.Constitution is taking charge,Again,it’s United.We stand,Divided,We Fall.Take the optics and the politics out of all this stuff,especially when it comes to your health.That’s all I could tell people for sure.
James Roguski:
One of the things that I am working on as we speak is the a new website.It’s officially not published yet,but I’ll give your listeners an advance access to it.It’s DemandHealthFreedom.com.Now,I don’t know if you’re aware,but in Collier County Florida the people there convinced their county board of directors,I think is the title that they have to pa adopt a resolution and enact an ordinance that essentially lists fundamental freedoms,fundamental health freedoms,things like you don’t,no one has a right to quarantine healthy people.That’s just ridiculous,right?Lockdowns or whatever they wanna call’em no one has the right to.Restrict access to care if you haven’t met some criteria.If you’re sick,you should be,given access to care.No one has the right to demand that you take or utilize any form of therapy or treatment.So they have a list of a number of health freedoms,which unfortunately didn’t make it into the original Bill of Rights for the federal United States Constitution.But it,the rights that you have from your creator cannot be infringed upon by any government or any man or woman.And so they passed this resolution and ordinance,and,excuse me I’ve taken it and made it into a model template that people in any county around the world can adjust for their state,adjust for their county,change it in any way that you might want.And take it to your county commissioners or county board of directors,whatever their titles might be,and proactively assert the rights that you have.And part of this is just the education that people unfortunately don’t realize that emergency be damned.Unalienable rights are unalienable.That’s right.There isn’t yeah,you have those rights,but Right.If somebody says yeah,but you just go,no,wait a minute.The only answer is yes,these are my rights.There is no,but there is no exception.And honestly,people don’t understand that,right?
James Egidio:
They played on fear and collective thinking is what they did.And then again,the higher ups,the people like,and even Trump,when this was all going down with the vaccine and operation warp speed and he had an agenda,and then Biden had an agenda.They all have agendas.And again,take the optics of the politics out of it and realize that you are the one that has,is in charge of your health.And you’re the one that says,this is what I wanna do or not do.And don’t listen to anyone.I’m quit being a sheep and a follower.Listen to yourself.
James Roguski:
I’m a fan.I’m a fan of.Words and where they come from.And I might very well be making this up because I’m not a hundred percent sure that this is where it came from,if you wanna prop up someone’s agenda,is that where propaganda comes from?Is it propaganda there to prop up someone’s agenda?It sure seems like that,right?And that’s what we’re dealing with.You’re not allowed to speak your truth.I don’t wanna say it that way.They have tried to make it seem we’re not allowed to give our opinion.We are absolutely obligated Absolutely.To give our opinion.And an opinion is different than fact or truth.That’s right.Hopefully you can lay your hands on some facts and some truth and some evidence,but your opinion about those facts and truth may not be stifled.It’s an unalienable right.To speak your mind,even if you’re wrong.
James Egidio:
But those opinions are coming to,to become facts now.If someone says,look,you know this,I don’t want this vaccine because it’s dangerous and people are dying around you.And I lost six people personally that I know of from the vaccine.I don’t know anyone that died from Covid,but I know six people had died from the vaccine.That’s a fact.That’s a fact.They dropped dead.Suddenly died.So what,am I missing something here?Am I missing something?
James Roguski:
I don’t think you’re missing anything.You know what is being unspoken at the moment,even though I’m speaking it regularly?Okay.We’re at this point in time right now,and what has happened over the last three and a half or so years,everybody has an opinion.There’s gobs and gobs of information,you really can’t trust any of the data and the information.It’s all corrupted,right?At the very least,what we need now is an honest assessment of what the heck just happened.Okay.But here’s what’s really going on,and I hope I can get people to comprehend this because it’s actually pretty easy to understand and it’s a really important point.If you go back to2020,we had a year of quote unquote covid,whatever the heck that was,right?And it was all,oh,you can’t do anything,don’t do any treatment.Just wait for the jab.Wait for the jab,wait for the jab.Yeah.Okay.The jab shows up,like the savior that it wasn’t.And for2021,fast forward to the end of November,beginning of December a lot of people got jammed.What happened was the wealthier nations bought up10times what they needed,and some of the less wealthy nations were afraid.They believed at the time,whether accurately or inaccurately,right or wrong.I had my own beliefs.You had yours.Many people in relatively poor nations were upset because wealthy nations hogg up all the poison.Okay?But they,that wasn’t their view.They’re like,oh,this is a lifesaving miracle,magical warp speed.Something wonderful and you guys are hogging it all up are you trying to kill the poor people by not giving them this glorious,wonderful poison?So that mindset is what triggered this whole thing,right?They had a special session of the World Health Assembly at the end of November,beginning of December,2021,and what they decided was they need a treaty.They in an agreement,right?It’s got nothing to do with health.My argument is this should be kicked right out of the World Health Organization.This is a trade agreement that they’re negotiating.They’re saying,Hey,you guys ho up all the good poison.We didn’t get any for our people.We wanna,we wanna have what you have.This is a trade battle,right?Is really what this is.Cuz they’re not talking about health,they’re talking about money.They’re talking about intellectual property,building out infrastructure laboratories,genomic sequencing,pathogen,trans,this is business.Yeah.And so what.The Indonesian health minister said back in November of2022,he was talking to the business leaders in Bali and he said,look the United States we fund began the funding of this through our National Defense Authorization Act,NDAA.We donated a billion dollars a year into the World Bank Pandemic Fund.Other nations are kicking in.They want that fund to go up to$10billion a year.People have put in applications corporations to use that money to do God knows what,you know for pandemic prevention,preparedness,response,and recovery.They wanna make the health systems more resilient,whatever the heck that means,right?He said to the audience,go invest.This is a great business opportunity.So what they’re doing is turning.Disease and fear into a brand new industry.Of course.And that’s what this is really all about.People.
James Egidio:
Yeah.False events appearing real.That’s what fear means.False.Yep.Events appearing real.And it’s like you said,it’s a psychological,it’s psychological warfare.They did this with years ago.The CIA with MK Ultra.They did it with a lot of things.This is not anything new.In fact,
James Roguski:
I think you might have better luck finding out what they didn’t use that technique for,but Yeah.
James Egidio:
there’s a psychologist by the name of Tingenbergen,and he concluded by what stimulates the brain.So you create this fear,you create all this hysteria.Then you create an exaggerated version of it with,celebrities and news media jumping on it.And then of course,eventually the brain prefers the exaggerated version of that event.So that’s what they did,and they just play right into that with people and they do it all the time.This was a big marketing and media push through fear for ultimately the vaccines is what it was.That’s what it turned out to be.And a lot of people,unfortunately bought into it.And I at the beginning of this,cuz being in the medical field for24years,I was,I was scratching my head and I’m,I,there was mixed feelings,like with a lot of people,there was a lot of emotions running high about,how could people do that?And I understand now why people did it.They bought into it.They bought into it through the media,they bought it through celebrities,they bought into it through a lot of stuff.And then it was that collective thinking.So there’s a lot of psychological warfare going on in people’s heads.They figured,you know what,I better may as well just go with the flow and do what everybody else is doing and get the shot.And Pfizer’s still pushing the envelope.They’re still advertising it.They’re not gonna quit.
James Roguski:
I published an article a couple of weeks ago.For some reason I ended up on the Chicago government website and it just had a banner,get your Safe and Effective Injections.And,quite frankly,that’s a crime.
James Egidio:
It is.
James Roguski:
That’s,that is a crime at this point.And so to get into a an optimistic future.Okay.Couple of days ago on,on Tuesday the20th of June,I believe it was believe it or not our office of global Affairs in the Department of Health and Human Services had a public comment period.They referred to it as a listening session.Okay.And a number of people,a couple of dozen people gave comments and I was again I don’t even wanna say surprised.I was again pleased that regular people stood up and were not silent.They spoke their mind,they spoke truth to power.It’s actually the name of the article that I published about it and told our delegate,Colin Mcif who is a co-chair of the working group for these amendments,exactly what they think.And so I encourage people to go to my Substack and find the articles speaking truth to power.Regular Americans are able to comprehend this.They are able to speak their mind.They are able to confront,the supposed authority who’s there,and I encourage everyone to do the same.If you missed that opportunity,then be the media.Almost everybody,has one of these.It’s just a smartphone,right?Okay.Yeah.Turn,everybody knows how to do a selfie,right?Just turn it on yourself.Say whatever it is you want to say,record it,post it up on the video channel of your choosing.Put the link in the comments on my article,and I’ll post it right next to everybody else’s.Yeah.And so silence is consent.People go,oh what can you do?Number one,speak up.Record your feelings.Now I’ve tried to make it easy for people and so let me mess with you a little bit,James.You think you can,do you think you can remember three words?Sure.Okay,here’s the three words.Stop,Screw,and Exit.So I’ve put together,it’s a little bit of a trick cuz there’s more words,three words,Stop,Screw,and Exit.If you go to StopTheWho.com and don’t do a search for it,search engines are not your friend.Just put it into URL and go right to StopTheWho.com.There’s all the information and all the evidence and all the documents.I,I did short video summaries.I did a whole movie.The article has been translated into18different languages.If you wanna learn what the heck is going on,just go to StopTheWho.com.If you wanna see several hundred videos from regular people around the world and what they’ve had to say about what the WHO is up to go to,ScrewTheWho.Com and,I’d like my video.I think it’s pretty good.I did a second video,which is just sarcasm,right?So if you see a video hashtag sarcasm lot of people maybe that,have done videos about this.I think it’s entertaining.I think it’s informative and it’s actually invigorating.And if you get down to Dr.Ben Marble’s video,it’s a little bit off color,but I think you’ll enjoy it.Participate,submit your video,whatever it is you wanna say.And if you wanna take action,you go to exit.The who,which in the United States.So far we have gotten,I believe,48co-sponsors,plus Andy Biggs makes49.Andy Biggs is a representative from Arizona.He proposed HR House Resolution79,which is really very simple.I can summarize it in I think about30seconds.It would repeal the legislation that got us into the WHO.It would stop giving him money and it would give them the one year notice that we’re obligated to give that we’re leaving.So we’ve gotten49total co-sponsors in Congress.Yeah.And you could go there and we’ve made it easy.You can send an email make some phone calls and get all the other Congress people to,to jump into it.That’s ExitTheWho.com.And if you’re outside the United States,go to ExitTheWho.org.I think I’ve connected with people in20Foreign Nations so far,and believe it or not even though in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights,we supposedly.Have the right,the unalienable right to petition our government for a redress of grievances.The United States government has never gotten around to facilitating that.In other nations,they can go onto their government website and petition their parliament officially.There’s a lot of bogus petitions that circulate that people do that don’t really get anything done.But in other nations,their government has official petitions.So in,in Canada,in May the system there,if they get500signatures,their petition has to be presented to parliament.In30days,they needed500.They got18,000something,almost nine,19,000.Wow.In Australia,similar in30days they got55,000signatures.Wow.The UK is a little bit different.After10,000signatures.The government is required to give a written response,which they did,and it was a mess.It was wrong.And the petition committee,like the government run,members of parliament that run the parliamentary petition committee,told the government,try again.Okay.We,they didn’t like the response.And so last time I checked,they’re up over75,000signatures.If they get a hundred thousand signatures,it forces a public debate in Parliament.
James Egidio:
James Roguski:
And so people around the world are doing similar things.There’s a group in Portugal getting signatures to have a referendum to vote on whether or not to stay in the WHO.Now,United States is not a democracy.We don’t have.A nationwide referendum or election for that kind of thing.Okay.But you could certainly write to your congress person and senators and spread the word about all of this to everybody.
James Egidio:
Yeah.And when you use,when you do that,your senator or congressman will use that paper as toilet paper for themselves and won’t do a damn thing.The other thing that concerns me the most too,that I can’t understand is you get a guy like Bill Gates who talks about depopulating the world and eugenics and all this other stuff,basically wanting to kill people and people still run and get the vaccine.That’s what I can understand.
James Roguski:
My understanding is Bill Gates had some investments that would profit from the injections and then right when the tide turned he sold those investments and his story then changed.Who is Bill Gates and why is anybody listening to him?Is a really good question.
James Egidio:
Yeah,but he obviously said he wants to kill people.If I’d said something like that I think the police would be at my front door.I’d get charged for conspiracy to murder.
James Roguski:
Yeah.He has very clearly said that investing in vaccines has been incredibly profitable.And when,I think the whole system people forget that they often get all of the words mixed up.A lot of people talk about communism and socialism and progressivism and Marxism,and there’s aspects of all those things,but fascism was defined by Mussolini.As government and corporations working together against the people.There’s a21st century upgrade that has happened recently where in addition to the government and corporations,there’s a third leg,which makes that very stable fascism,which are all of these foundations.Yeah.That they,they sound all good and wonderful,but when you actually get down into the,core information about what they’re doing,they’re primarily money laundering schemes.They sound great.They get money,they get donations,they funnel it in through some other organization and they end up collecting the payments out at the end,making profit from people’s disease.It’s insidious.They’re very good at hiding it.Yeah.That’s essentially what we’re dealing here.And if you read.The WHO’s CA Plus bureau’s text,article19shows who they want to donate,the nations,the corporations,and the foundations.Then you turn the page to Article20,who’s going to be in the conference of the parties,which is the bureaucracy.It’s gonna distribute all that money,the nations,the corporations,and the foundation.Sure.And so the conflict of interest is baked into this.None of this is about people’s health.It’s a financial scheme to generate fear and control.And we just simply have to I,I have every faith,what I’ve been trying to do is educate people.And I do have faith.That the average person I have yet to have anybody look at India’s proposal to Article three,which currently says that all of these regulations must be implemented with full respect for the dignity,human rights,and fundamental freedoms of people.Well,India proposed crossing that out and everybody who looks at that says,that can’t possibly be,they wouldn’t.Why in the world?And I just go,go on to the WHO website.Here’s the document.There it is right there.Full respect for the dignity,human rights,and fundamental freedoms of people is crossed out.This is what they’re telling you they want to do.They wanna make recommendations mandatory.They want to track and trace you with a global digital health certification network,and they want to cross out your dignity,human rights,and fundamental freedoms of people.If y’all wanna go back to sleep when you wake up,it’s not gonna be a fun place.You might wanna wake up,speak up,learn what’s going on,and the easiest thing to do is take this video and share it with the next person.
James Egidio:
Absolutely.James,thank you so much for coming on to the Medical Truth Podcast.And again,your websites are
James Roguski:
the easiest place to go is it’s hard to spell my name maybe,but JamesRoguski.substack.com,and my phone number is(310)619-3055.I am that serious about it.If you have any questions,look over the information.Yeah.I use Signal and Telegram and WhatsApp and text message and all that sort of thing.310-619-3055.We’ve all gotta come back together,unite and just stand up for our fundamental freedoms.
James Egidio:
Absolutely.And I’ll post this also on medical truth podcast.com as well and put links to all the websites you were talking about.And you know what,what’s interesting is he does actually answer the phone.That’s I’m guessing how we got connected.Yeah,it was awesome.Thank you so much for coming on to the Medical Truth podcast,James.
James Roguski:
Thank you.Thanks.
James Egidio: