What Are the Benefits of CBD for Chronic Illness- Interview with Pastor Andrew Serafini
Aug 31, 2023 | Alternative and Natural Health Podcast, Podcasts

Opioids were involved in over 80,000 overdose deaths in 2021 (accounting for 75% of all drug overdose deaths). In 2023, with wide open Southern Borders with Mexico and a tidal wave of the lethal narcotic fentanyl coming into the United States, there have been well over 150,000 drug overdose deaths in the past two years. The number of deaths from CBD & THC is ZERO!!! In 2014, Andrew Serafini launched several CBD companies and brands and has multiple certifications in the CBD and Cannabis industry, where he has educated and trained physicians and healthcare providers in the United States, Brazil, Costa Rica, and the United Kingdom. He is considered a “Health Pastor,” his ministry is Light Dove Ministries, which can be found online at www.LightDoveMinistries.com

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio, your host to the medical truth podcast, the podcast that tells the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. Opioids were involved in over 80,000 overdose deaths in 2021. Accounting for 75% of all overdose deaths. In 2023 with wide open Southern borders with Mexico and a tidal wave of lethal narcotic Fentanyl coming into the United States, there have been well over 150,000 drug overdose deaths in the past two years. The number of deaths. From CBD and THC is zero. Since 2014, my guest has launched several CBD companies and brands, and he has multiple, certifications in the CBD and cannabis industry where he has educated and trained physicians and healthcare providers alike in the United States. Brazil, Costa Rica and the United Kingdom. He is considered a health pastor. His ministry is Light Dove Ministries, which can be found online at www.LightDoveMinistries.com. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest, pastor Andrew Sarafini Andrew, how are you doing today?
Andrew Serafini:
James, I’m doing well. Great to see you this afternoon.
James Egidio:
Thank you. Welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. And for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast, introduce yourself as to who you are and what you do.
Andrew Serafini:
Excellent. James, thank you for the opportunity. My name is Pastor Andrew Serafini. I’m actually a natural health practitioner and a pastor, right? And really focusing on health and bringing health into the church. I think we’ve missed the boat in a lot of ways in teaching our congregation, how to eat right, how to really take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit. And really this COVID era that we’re in has really intensified the need for that, as in, in traversing this landscape that we’re all having to navigate through, there were the toxins and the things we’re being exposed to in the food and just really giving an understanding of awareness, and it says in the word that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. So we’re bringing that knowledge and the ability to really take care of this temple that the Lord said he bought at a price, right? So we’ve done everything we can to really focus on. I’m a former paramedic firefighter from the Air Force and being a veteran and having understanding of how the medical system works. We really found severe limitations in allopathic medicine. So taking very targeted education like in cannabinoid medicine and pro oxidative therapies and different things that really work to bring harmony or bring balance back to the body. That’s where we lived. And unfortunately, James, we had to get sick to get there, right? My wife was very ill. We paid some pretty heavy prices to learn how to really heal the body. And unfortunately allopathic or Western medicine is very limited in the treatment of chronic illness.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and you tout yourself as a health pastor and I know a lot of people, they hear health pastor and they’re trying to think, okay where does that fit into, my faith with, and so maybe explain a little bit and clarify that a little bit as far as. What you do as a health pastor and what you treat people with
Andrew Serafini:
absolutely we’re mind body and spirit, right? And so everything works together in symbiotic fashion So if we’re sick and riddled with physical illness, how effective are we going to be and being of service, right? And so as we really started to understand, you know some of the you know We put on the full armor of God daily the first thing that goes on is the belt of truth and the belt of truth Leads us into the areas of truth and really being able to understand how the body works with the spirit, right? And so if we’re if we don’t have the ability to be healthy and we’re sick at home or riddled with anxiety and mental illness and all of that works together. So it’s really about healing the soul. And then the physical aspects of that to sit, to be sustainably healthy, moving forward take some strategy and take some understanding of how nutrition works, how lifestyle factors work. And then how also have an understanding of the propaganda and weaponization of health. That we’re seeing today, so it’s really become an important effort to not only educate people, but to come alongside them, right? People are full of fear they’re full of anxiety and the world that we’re living in right now is so uncertain the hospitals used to come from the church. And so the church has really stepped away from that in many ways. And it’s finally starting to come back to, Hey, we’ve got to really take care of, disease doesn’t discriminate, it runs through our congregations. It runs through our churches. How effectively are we going to be as God’s army if we’re full of disease and full of sickness.
James Egidio:
You treat from what I understand with. CBD, right? Correct. And THC. Let’s talk a little bit about that. So how does that work for the listeners and viewers,
Andrew Serafini:
my wife and I, for basically the last 10 years have really been saturated in the cannabinoid industry. My girlfriend, who’s now my wife worked for the first CBD company in the United States. And so we really got to see the a legal and political framework of the evolution of cannabinoids. And what was so fascinating was watching intractable seizures being healed aggressive conditions that Western medicine doesn’t have an answer for like Parkinson’s and different neurological conditions. All kinds of different, health issues were being healed using cannabinoids. And so we really started to understand the science and the clinical applications of using CBD. For the treatment of chronic and even acute illness, like high blood pressure. And we know now that CBD treats more than 50 health conditions, and when combined with certain what we call adaptogens, or like things like turmeric and goji berry and L theanine, different adaptogens have a very powerful synergy with cannabinoids. So if we can really learn how to modulate what the largest receptor system in our body is called, the endo cannabinoid system, right? We’re actually designed to have a profound interaction with cannabinoids. And so that’s what we’re doing is teaching people how these things work, how they, interact with the body to provoke a specific health response. And at the end of the day, it’s really finding that place of divine equilibrium or balance. And that’s when our bodies are on their most optimal state,
James Egidio:
right? In a lot of people, I guess there’s a stigma attached to cannabinoids, which is, I believe, what, THC, correct?
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, there’s about 115 or more cannabinoids. They’re finding more each and every day. And you’re right, there is a tremendous stigma attached to a lot of conditioning since the 1920s and 30s. Around how cannabinoids have been illegal, are now put under the Controlled Substances Act. And so as you really look into the history of how that started. The same propaganda that we’re seeing around this whole COVID nonsense was a lot of what we saw in the 1920s and 30s, driven by John D. Rockefeller, who birthed Big Pharma. So if we start to go back to the history of how we got here, understanding that Rockefeller was a business play, right? If you can’t patent or control the medicines, you can’t control it, right? So it’s ultimately cannabinoids are a natural… Modality that couldn’t be patented and controlled. So they pushed a lot of the natural health colleges and practitioners out during that time and introduced The marijuana tax act and really made this a”Political Game” and you had the William Hurst family who was also heavily invested in timber pulp And hemp would have destroyed their business. So as you start to really look back at the history of how we got here we have nearly 40 States now that have medical cannabis, programs. And in those States, we’re seeing a massive reduction in opioid overdoses, almost upwards of 30 or 40%. So the cat’s out of the bag. So to speak and so it’s become our job to really show how we got here, the propaganda, but also how to introduce these products to the marketplace. So they’re safe, they’re high quality and they’re going to do what we essentially designed them to do because they’re made in a high quality ISO certified laboratory. And we focus very strongly on standardization and quality of products.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and just to distinguish the difference between for the listener and the viewers of the medical truth podcast, the difference between CBD and THC, what’s the difference and on the body.
Andrew Serafini:
CBD has been deemed safe and non-addictive by the World Anti-Doping Agency by the World Health Organization. It’s about it’s about 40% constituent of the hemp plant. So it has a high amount of CBD in the hemp plant. But CBD is a, what they call promiscuous compound that comes from the hemp plant that has an interaction with. The receptors in our body inside this endocannabinoid system. THC is responsible for the psychoactive or euphoric effect someone would feel it’s every anybody’s ever smoked a joint or have taken a pot brownie or something of that nature. The THC aspect of that is what’s causing the euphoria or the psychoactive component. So there’s ways that you can modulate these different, cannabinoids in the hemp plant and even in the cannabis indica plant, depending on what the health goal is right in some hard to treat cancers and even significant neurological conditions, a higher amount of THC is really necessary. It’s incredibly medicinal as a neuroinflammatory. It actually mimics a compound in our body called anandamide. Our bodies actually make our own what they call endocannabinoids. And so THC and CBD have a mimicking effect with some of these internal processes that keep our bodies healthy, right? And really keep the flame, right? They, we call the cannabinoids, a dimmer switch to our body, to keeping the flame turned down to these inflammatory processes that cause so many trouble, cause so much trouble and chronic illness.
James Egidio:
Yeah, so I believe we’re the only mammals that walk the face of the earth that actually have these endocannabinoid Receptors the cb1 cb2 Receptors, is that right?
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, so every vertebrate species essentially has an endocannabinoid system birds dogs are domestic Yeah, absolutely. So there’s a strong marketplace for, even cats and dogs, horses, equine, every vertebrate species has this system and it’s really designed to keep our physiological processes in balance of what they call homeostatic function. When the body’s in balance, disease is unable to manifest.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So these all work at the cellular level too.
Andrew Serafini:
They do. They do.
James Egidio:
They do as an anti inflammatory. So what are some of the health benefits that you see with the CBD treatment?
Andrew Serafini:
CBD is profoundly anti inflammatory. So comparative to something you would take like an NSAID or, a Motrin that would have a minimal effect for reducing inflammation over a four to six hour period and helping with some pain or analgesic. CBD is, has a cascade of inflammation reduction from the level of the gene, right? So when CBD is taken, whether orally even inhaled, or even you can even drink forms of there’s different, administration routes of using cannabinoids CBD is really its most. It powerful mechanism of action is to reduce inflammation in the body, and ultimately, that’s what we know is the silent killer today. We’re incredibly inflamed from pharmaceutical medications from pollutants that are in the air. Obviously, the foods are being adulterated, and so as the body becomes inflamed, there’s a process called the cytokine storm, right? That eventually causes some serious trouble. And CBD really helps to modulate that process from happening while really focusing on keeping the body in a balanced, harmonistic state.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it’s also been known, I believe to work as a free radical scavenger, the CBD as well, reducing tumors, tumor growths. Correct?
Andrew Serafini:
Absolutely. It actually is responsible for what they call neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. So we can provoke new connections in the brain. It’s strongly anti tumor, strongly anti cancer. And really the, one of the best benefits of CBD is it has, because it’s, it has such a broad sweeping application for one reason only, because it has an interaction with this endocannabinoid system and that system modulates temperature, pain, energy, sleep executive function, mood. So you see all these different benefits and we were training physicians all over the world, including Brazil. And that was one of the things they couldn’t. Wrap their mind around how could something have such a widespread benefit? And the reason for that is the CBD has this very profound interaction with the endocannabinoid system to provoke and to manage all these different physiological processes in the body.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I know before we went on, I had asked you about your role. As a health pastor, as far as the strain that you grow or and produce and the the effects of what you’re, the, educate the people a little bit about the strain that you have and how you produce it and whatnot.
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, so there’s different strains that have a different therapeutic response. As an example, there’s a strain called Harlean that has a one-to-one THC to CBD ratio. And that’s really a great product that you can put into a unique formulation to help with pain, to help with cancer, to help with a different, aggressive health conditions. The strains that we use are high in CBD, which come from sativa or hemp. Legally we have to have less than 0.3% THC in our genetics. So we work with a group called the Crawford brothers that have done a significant genetic clinical data research and understanding that, this these strains are going to help with different intractable seizures like Linux, gestalt and Gervais syndrome. And really focusing on how we can make these products widespread of it, right available all over the country. And the only way that we could really do that was having a strain that is less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. That’s how the legal framework has been set up with the farm bill. And even previous to that, we actually had to import our raw material from outside of the United States, actually from the Netherland mountains. That was the best place that we could find the highest quality hemp. And being able to extract the cannabinoids that we were looking for our formulations.
James Egidio:
Yeah. How do you, how do you alleviate the stigma that’s attached to this? Cause people say you’re a pastor, you’re in, you’re promoting, drug use. I’m sure you’ve heard that before, right?
Andrew Serafini:
I have.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So how do you. Get around to explain to people this stigma that’s attached to the industry itself
Andrew Serafini:
that comes through education, right? And that obviously takes time. And my wife and I knew that we were going to have a tremendous journey about 7 or 8 years ago. We grabbed hands in our kitchen and we’d already been working in this space. And we knew that we were going to take hits, especially from the church and from people that didn’t understand. But we were seeing some such profound healing across so many different disparaging diseases. It wasn’t a matter of, are we going to do this? It’s how do we not do this, right? So we grabbed hands and we made a commitment to advance this education. And as a pastor, my, my pursuit is truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And as I ended up in hemp, I’m like, Lord, I’m from the furthest thing from where I thought I would be in pastoring men and leading men. And I felt the Holy spirit so clearly speak to me. He said, when I was the son of man, I had compassion on the people and I healed the sick and cannabinoids are incredibly healing. So as we. Reduce the stigma through education, showing that even the government has patents on cannabinoids as being a neuroprotectant and an antioxidant. You start to see the hypocritical conversation of cannabinoids sitting in a schedule one category with heroin of all things. What that means, James, is schedule one means it has no medicinal value and has a high propensity for addiction. It’s the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, the third most written formulary up in the U. S. pharmacopoeia up until the 1930s was a, were cannabis products. So as you start to really look into the history, even biblically, it’s mentioned in the Bible, you start to understand that there’s been propaganda driven around this because of the treasure trove of medicine that comes from it. And so we’ve been able to really push back on the stigma because of the, not only the pursuit of truth. But being able to expose these things as it says, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We’ve built an entire medical system, James, on pharmacopeia, which the sort of core of that word means witchcraft. Synthetic medicines will never treat root cause illness. Never. The only mask symptoms where cannabinoids get to the root cause of what’s driving, an ailment or disease. And we can help, resolve and bring balance back to the body. But, with very it’s all about intention, right? I’m not suggesting that your listeners go home and get a bong and sit around all day. What I’m suggesting is to research and dig into things. Don’t take things that face value and start to understand that there’s a an agenda on the other side. Because. Big Pharma doesn’t want to see you healthy and healed. That means you’re not a repeat customer.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting because it seems to me too, over the years that the stigma that’s been attached to medical cannabis all came down to money because for many years, you’re starting to see in a lot of States the legalization, but for many years there was the recreational use and then all of a sudden. Now, it’s the states are controlling the the cards that get issued through the medical channels, right? For medical marijuana used to go to a dispensary to buy their medication and it just seems like. All of a sudden now, it’s okay because now the government has their control on it. The state and local and federal government has their control on it in their way. And like you said, it’s not like you have to just run home and start, smoking, sitting on the couch and smoking from a bong, but, it just seems like it’s when it suits the government, then it’s okay. But as long as the control of your body in terms of. Yeah. Whether you want a vaccine or don’t want a vaccine or you want to wear a mask You don’t want to wear a mask, all these things is when the government dictates it. It’s okay but when you have to choose your god given and exercise your god given rights, it’s not okay And that seems to be the the way things are going, the direction we’re going, and especially in the medical industry.
Andrew Serafini:
Yes. What’s really been, always been foundationalized on the love of money, is the root of all evil. And we know that. Understanding even cannabinoids as we… What I call the COVID era cannabinoids are actually very effective in blocking what’s called the ACE2 pathway. And that’s a lot where the spike protein and some of the stuff makes entry into the body. So as we learn, start to understand the medical applications of using cannabinoids, even on our skin, we know what’s. Transference or shedding is happening through skin contact and through saliva. So there’s different topical applications that you can protect the skin, protect your neck. People are around vaccinated people. Now you have a level of protection in combination with some other therapeutics to really keep people healthy. We haven’t had a sniffle in four years and I’ve worked with thousands and thousands of people helping them stay out of the hospital. So it really becomes how do we use These, arrows in our quiver to keep the body healthy, but also to continue to advance education and knock down that stigma, understanding that there’s a not only a treasure trove of medicine and cannabinoids, but understanding how can we use them effectively to help heal our families and help heal our communities.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah.
Andrew Serafini:
Another big point too, James’s hemp is hugely exorbitant. So we’re seeing incredibly incredible amounts of toxins in the waterways in the, obviously throughout the earth. We can use hemp in a very useful way and it’s, a practical way to help pull toxins out of waterways. It’s what they use for oil spills, right? So there’s a lot of different applications as we look at bringing, hemp and cannabinoids back on a federal level they should have been moved out of the schedule years and years ago. But again, coming back to the political agenda of how we got here if you just do a little bit of a history history research, you’ll see how it’s very clearly seen the path illuminates very easy.
James Egidio:
Yeah, that was gonna be my next question is, where do you see this all going on a statewide and a nationwide level?
Andrew Serafini:
I think that, practitioners and that’s really been our target, right? We don’t focus on dispensaries. We’re not in gas stations. We work with medical practitioners and professionals. And the reason for that is we want to have that exponential effect. right? If we can affect one doctor that has several thousand patients and he starts to understand the safe way to bring back, balance and even preventative models, right? There’s no, there’s never been a real business model and prevention. That’s why Big Pharma doesn’t focus on prevention or prophylaxis. But in many ways we can stave off A lot of these conditions from happening in the first place by simply eating good food and modulating that endocannabinoid system properly. And people really thrive and get their energy levels back, their inflammation is down and they begin to, even live lives without anxiety and better sleep. It’s a phenomenal transition. And what was really mind blowing to me, we were at a big medical conference and one of the data researchers produced their data in terms of what was changing people’s purchasing decisions and nine out of 10 people across several categories. Once they got past the hesitancy or whatever their conditioning was to try cannabinoids. Nine out of 10 were making complete transitions away from pharmaceutical medications, what they took for sleep for a number of different health conditions. And so as that paradigm, it continues to change the other direction. You’re seeing massive movements and a burgeoning marketplace That really needs standardization, and it needs to be stapled with with quality and safety. That’s one of the big things that’s missing currently, as people can produce products that are subpar and get away with it. And that’s really been our impetus is to make sure that products are standardized properly and that are of high quality and safety for people that are taking them.
James Egidio:
Yeah, what is you always hear the term full spectrum CBD? What is that?
Andrew Serafini:
Yep. So full spectrum is basically all the botanical constituents that come from that from the hemp plant, right? So there’s more than 115 different cannabinoids, but you have different terpenes and flavonoids and different. Chemical constituents that provoke what they call an entourage effect. The entourage effect is all of these things working together. It’s like the sum is greater than its parts, right? So full spectrum traditionally has a little bit of THC in it, has CBD, and then has a number of other terpenes and cannabinoids that called, make up that full spectrum. category. So if you had a broad spectrum product essentially that would be all those chemical constituents in the plant minus THC. There would be no THC in a broad spectrum product. And then an isolate, but isolate based product is just CBD alone. They’ve taken out all the other cannabinoids. You just have a high amount of CBD which does have certain health benefits. They’re limited in their certain health benefits. But if you’re looking for a broader range of different, health benefits, you would want more of a full spectrum product. If you’re using it for more of a targeted, like a, Hey, have anxiety. There’s different ways that you can use just CBD because it has such a broad spectrum therapeutic application, but the most part, the full spectrum and broad spectrum products are responsible for more of the health benefits that people are looking to realize.
James Egidio:
So in other words, what you’re saying is you can specifically target. And manufacture these CBD products based on the ailment. So in other words, insomnia, pain then the, you got the cancer treatments to reduce the size of tumors and so on and so forth. Correct.
Andrew Serafini:
That’s absolutely correct. And even people that are, let her firemen or police or that undergo periodic drug testing. We make a, an isolate product. So there’s no propensity for having remnants of THC in their blood. And some municipalities and governmental organizations don’t want that, so we make CBD products that don’t have that. So they too can realize the benefits of reducing not only inflammation, but it helps tremendously with energetic function and different ways that people can stay on their game. By simply just taking a, an isolate CBD product that helps in a number of ways.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I know you, we hear a lot about the pain, pain and people resorting to pain opiates in particular how many overdoses have people, how many overdose deaths have been attributed to CBD and medical marijuana?
Andrew Serafini:
You’re going to be blown away by this, but there’s a big fat zero, right? There’s never been a death attributed to cannabinoids. The reason for that too, is there the receptors that interact with cannabinoids don’t exist in the brainstem where Mu receptors, where opiates have an interaction can cause a cardiorespiratory event. So there’s never been a death attributed to cannabinoids. You can eat a pound of the stuff and yeah, you may not have such a good afternoon, but you’re not going to die from it. And so it’s a very safe. and effective way to, to help manage health. And also, you mentioned pain, a lot of folks that really struggle from terminal cancers or from really hard to treat conditions like chronic regional pain syndrome different conditions that, that are limited and how opioids work, that cause also cause significant constipation. So there’s, as we really look at how we can put specific ratios of cannabinoids together to provoke an analgesic response. Or to just help with sleep. Like you said, there’s different ways that we can balance these cannabinoids to produce the therapeutic response that we’re looking for,
James Egidio:
right? And how many deaths attributed to opiates?
Andrew Serafini:
103, 000 deaths. It’s significant. That’s obviously an epidemic across this country. And there’s, some good things in terms of getting the education out around that as well. A lot of these pharmaceutical companies, including Purdue Pharma really took advantage of some poverty stricken marketplaces and brought in oxycontin and other drugs that have really caused rabbit havoc in this country. And obviously we’re seeing what’s happening at the borders with fentanyl. So with. What we see traditionally, James, is when we start people on a cannabinoid protocol, there’s a, almost a potentiation effect. If someone’s taking morphine or taking Norco or something minimally from already onboarding CBD, we can reduce the amount of narcotic by 25% and still get the same pain management effect. So over time we titrate up the cannabinoid by bringing down the narcotic. And usually within four to six weeks, we can have completely, have people completely off of the opiate medicines and on something natural. That’s working with their system to manage their pain more effectively.
James Egidio:
Yeah, when I owned and managed the medical practice, we were working with patients that were addicted to opiates and we would Use a medication in the clinic called suboxone
Andrew Serafini:
James Egidio:
and what I found and having discussions with the patients is that the way it evolved into a full blown addiction to opiates Is we got what I called a lot of passive addicts and so the way it would work is someone would go in for to an emergency room for an legitimate issue with an injury and pain right on a job construction job or whatever it may be and the doctor will give him a, back then a prescription for Lortab. And so before they knew it, their tolerance for the opiates would increase. And they would need more and more to get the same effect that they use. I’m sure you know what that’s all about as far as, working with tolerance and tolerance. And then before they would be, they would graduate into the more potent opiates, the oxycontins and the oxycodones and whatnot. And then when the full, a full blown addiction took place. And they were refused more medication because they were at their limit. Then they would just go out to the streets and resort to the heroin. And, a lot of people think that people who use heroin are out in the streets and they’re shooting up with needles, but that’s a lot of times that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Yes. You see a lot of people in business professionals who are snorting the heroin, but it just turned into a full blown problem. So what we would do is we treat them with Suboxone and get them off the Suboxone. But even then, there is some potential for addiction to the Suboxone. But getting to that I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago when we were trying to get things scheduled. I brought up the natural supplement kratom. Yes. And that worked a lot for a lot of patients to get off the Suboxone, to get off the opiates, to get off everything. Let’s talk a little bit about kratom and what you know about it.
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, absolutely. And to your point with suboxone, it’s a great interventional tool, right? With somebody that’s using heroin, it can’t break that cycle. Suboxone is very effective, right? It’s the, it’s where the longterm uses where it becomes more problematic. And things like kratom, right? Kratom has an effect on the Mu receptors as well. And there’s different strains of kratom. But they’re, it’s very effective for helping want to elevate mood a lot of times people when they’re coming off of these opiate based medicines, their dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors are modulated down. So things like, kratom can help to not only elevate mood, but really help on an analgesic. level. And a lot of times when people are taking, synthetic or exogenous is opioids are in our internal system shuts off, right? Because it’s getting it externally. So the body really goes into this withdrawal effect. Very fluish, pain ridden. And Kratom can be very effective in helping to help with those withdrawal symptoms. But a great bridge to getting people off of opiates, even suboxone and onto something that’s more natural and more manageable and actually more safe. These botanicals again, Kratom them. You can have that even has propensity to have some mild addiction to it. But at the end of the day, that’s it’s a very safe option compared to what’s what else is on the marketplace.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and I read a lot of reviews and not so much reviews, but thread posts on forums for Kratom, which by the way, I think it’s genus and species is Mitragyna speciosa or something like that. Yes, and it comes from the coffee family, believe it or not, of all things. It comes from the family of coffee.
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, it’s interesting.
James Egidio:
Yeah, very interesting. And it works wonders. I have read reviews where people had been on opiates for I don’t know, 10, 15 years just to stave their pain and they get on the kratom and they’re just, it works and it works also for addiction
Andrew Serafini:
Yeah, it totally does. Yeah, actually, the FDA tried to pull the carpet out on Kratom a few years ago, and there was such an uproar literally within three days, they had enough signatures nope, we’re not doing this, right?
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the DEA too. I think the DEA was put the stronghold on that as well. They even wanted to make it a schedule one narcotic.
Andrew Serafini:
That’s correct.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and so when the government wants to do something like that, then, it works.
Andrew Serafini:
That’s right. You’re over target,
James Egidio:
right? I always say, always do the opposite of what the FDA and the CDC says to do. They say, put on a mask. Now, don’t wear a mask.
Andrew Serafini:
That’s right. That’s right. It’s interesting, too. There’s specific terpenes in the, in the cannabinoid or hemp plant, like what they call beta caryophyllin. And beta caryophyllin also comes from hops. It comes from black pepper. But beta caryophyllin is very unique as a what they call a dietary cannabinoid and a terpene that modulates the same receptor that THC does. right? So THC has very profound analgesic effects. It’s a strong natural neuroinflammatory, but it also helps provoke what they call apoptosis and other things in the body that help cause cancer cell implosion, right? While regenerating new healthy cells. So a lot of times when we’re doing cannabinoid formulations, if there’s a hesitation around THC, We can increase the amount of beta caryophylline which gives us the same sort of effect. It’s not as as potent as THC, but it does modulate the same receptors. So it gives us the ability to have this heightened level of medicinal application without the liability of somebody feeling a psychoactive or euphoric effect. Some don’t want that.
James Egidio:
And I think one of the most important takeaways to with all this natural treatment, of course, is prayer and is so healing and soothing and for the body and having faith in God. That’s so important when you bring all this together in one. package. You can really eliminate and alleviate a lot of doctor visits. And I’m not endorsing that and promoting that you don’t see a doctor at all, but prayer and natural healing is so powerful.
Andrew Serafini:
It’s absolutely critical, and so that’s the primary reason that we integrate intercessory prayer. We really look at the spiritual root, right? And a lot of times illness and disease comes from an emotional trauma from unresolved, forgiveness, resentment there’s anger, right? Deep spiritual roots that can even go back three and four generations. So a lot of my consults, we sit down and the first thing we do is pray and we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. And to really understand that the health of someone’s soul, if that’s not healthy, it doesn’t matter what we give. It doesn’t matter what food you eat. It doesn’t matter what medicines we give. It’s only a matter of time before someone’s sick again. So we really focus on the spiritual support of getting the health of the soul, nice and healthy. And then we can, we have these different health tools that can keep that health sustainable moving forward.
James Egidio:
Yeah. One of the gentlemen I followed. In the last couple of years, his name is a doctor, Andrew Newberg, and he’s a neurologist and he’s a neuro what they call a neuro theologist. And he has devoted his entire career to neuro theology and prayer. And that’s his, all his work is based on his prayer and the power of prayer through healing and he takes. More of a, I don’t want to say takes a secular approach because he says that prayer is important, but he doesn’t specify any one faith, but just. It all points to the fact that prayer is very powerful, right?
Andrew Serafini:
James Egidio:
Like you said at the opening of the show, Jesus Christ says, I’m the way, the truth and the life and no one can get to the father, except through me. And I’ve seen some people really just make a complete. Turn around in their lives through prayer and through faith in God.
Andrew Serafini:
Absolutely. As soon as we ask the Lord into our heart we we step into his army, right? We’re on the other side now. And it says our struggles, not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, and principalities and the heavenlies, right? So there’s a war going on in the spirit for the eternal nature of our soul. So as that, as we understand that, and we can start to really keep the word of truth in front of us, do certain I pray this full. Armor of God every day before I even leave the house really starting to understand the spiritual war that we in that we’re in really brings a higher level of healing and health, which causes us to be more effective, to be more of service to our communities. And that impacts families at a very. Like a ripple effect, right? If someone in the family is sick and they become healthy and it affects everybody and lifts the entire family. So it’s a multifocal approach, right? To keeping the body healthy, the spirit healthy. But then again, being of service so that we can continue to advance the kingdom of God here on earth.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And my point with that too, is I think that we’re in a spiritual battle right now with good versus evil, especially in the medical industry and the medical industry doesn’t, they don’t want you to believe in that. They want you to believe in their theory and their modalities for treatment. And it’s, boosters. It’s mask. It’s our medic. It’s our drugs. And that’s what they want people dependent on. And it’s a really sad, but true fact that’s where the medical establishment is. It was in the medical industry for 24 years on the medical practice and to me, it’s a big Ponzi scheme. The whole thing is it’s a big Ponzi scheme at the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance companies pretty much rule the roost when it comes to the medical industry and they’re evil. They’re out and out evil. It’s all about the money. It’s all about the money. They could care less about people’s health and how many people die. Yeah
Andrew Serafini:
and they mentioned to James just this whole, safe and effective thing. None of these shots have ever been tested. Any safety studies, right? So how can you call a drug or a product safe and effective when there’s never been a study, right? So if you start to really look through the propaganda and last time I, I went to my doctor, I said, when’s the last time you healed somebody? And he couldn’t answer that question, right? Because in these drugs that are given, again, they only mask symptoms. They never unearth the root cause. What’s driving that disease or illness, right?
James Egidio:
And look at the people that are on the forefront, trying to, that are exposing this. Even Dr. Judy exposed these, the industry Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey Dr. Mercola. A lot of people are bringing all this stuff to the forefront. Karen Kingston. Yes. So a lot of this stuff is coming out over time. But again, like I said, I think we’re going through spiritual warfare right now with all this stuff.
Andrew Serafini:
Absolutely. And for your listeners, Dr. Judy is my godmother, right? We’ve been doing this for almost a decade. And then of course, Karen Kingston’s on our team and she’s thankfully home as of last night, which is good. a very arduous process to get her to safety. But my point in saying those things is that we’re not only in a spiritual war, but we were watching friends of ours, go in the hospital and being put on remdesivir, being put on ventilators, nine out of 10 more of them were not coming out. And so we started a ministry in the middle of all this to be able to offer safe therapies like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline, azithromycin, all the things that actually really work. To bring balance back to the body and destroy some of this viral, toxin overload that we’re being subject to. And we’ve been able to help thousands of families and cannabinoids have just been one tool in that tool belt to help people get back to that place of balance again, or back to that place of safety.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and what’s the name of that ministry?
Andrew Serafini:
It’s called Light Dove Ministries, and that ministry is a, it’s a private membership association. So it’s, the ability for us to have a private interaction with our members gives us the ability to offer these, very safe and effective therapeutics without the state and feds telling us what we can and can’t do because we’re outside of the framework in which they operate.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and where is the website for that?
Andrew Serafini:
It’s LightDoveMinistries.Com. The site is under construction But there’s a link to our current website that’s active and our new platform should be ready here in the next two or three weeks We’re in testing now so that the entire platform of all the therapeutics that we offer will be available to the public
James Egidio:
Okay, we’ll put a link directly to that website once that’s up and running and ready to go
Andrew Serafini:
Beautiful. It’s been a just a breath of fresh air to be able to come alongside humanity. It’s just been amazing to watch the denature of our society and it’s been targeted at our Children. It’s targeted at us. Just some very interesting last three years that we’ve all had to endure in many cases, families that were separated from a loved one and watching them, die alone because this could never, ever happen again. And that’s why we’re doing everything we can to be the hospital to the community.
James Egidio:
Thank you. Yeah. And, I said this on so many pod, probably say it on every podcast episode is that you have a God given right to choose what you want to do with your body. As far as these vaccines and these mask mandates and all this other crap, right? So you make the choice. Don’t make it. It’s not a political choice. It shouldn’t be a political choice. And that’s what they did. They politicized it and they turned people and divided people mask versus unmasked, vaccinated versus vaccinated. You make, you have a God given choice to to not wear a mask and not to get a vaccine and you should do that. And not listen. In fact, like I always said, if the CDC says to do something, do the opposite.
Andrew Serafini:
Do the opposite.
James Egidio:
A lot of times you’re going to be in the safe zone.
Andrew Serafini:
It’s so true. If they can keep us in a place of fear and anger is our lowest operating frequency. It literally produces acidity in the body. It produces illness, right? So as we put on these masks and we’re separated from one another. It’s that fear and anger state. They want to keep us in and keep us divided. And it just makes so much sense to James as well as we’re God’s greatest creation. It says in his word that we are his masterpiece. So that’s what they unify behind, is destroying God’s greatest creation in humanity. As we start to understand the attack is on us, it helps us to, be able to draw down, different health things, different ways to traverse this, war that we’re in essentially.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Satan instills fear, doubt, and worry, right? Yeah. And he does it through deception, division and destruction is what he does.
Andrew Serafini:
Yes, sir.
James Egidio:
You know that as a pastor and this is where we’re at, but again, you have the God-given right. And the choice to not comply.
Andrew Serafini:
Amen. Absolutely.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Andrew, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast. I really appreciate it
Andrew Serafini:
likewise, James, thanks for the opportunity.
James Egidio:
Thank you. God bless. Thanks.
Andrew Serafini:
Thank you.
James Egidio:
All right.
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Thanks for listening to the Medical Truth Podcast. For the latest episodes, go to www. medicaltruthpodcast. com. You can also find the Medical Truth Podcast on Rumble, as well as all the major podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and iHeart.