Tracy Slepcevic, a mother of an autistic child, shares her story in an interview on the Medical Truth podcast with James Egidio. Her journey began when her son Noah received the MMR and Varicella vaccines and broke out in a full-body rash within 24 hours of the vaccines. Tracy’s pediatrician reassured her that it was normal, but over the next few months, Noah started to lose his speech, motor skills, cognitive function and went into his bubble. Tracy put Noah into preschool, hoping he would engage with other children, but he was not engaging with other children, showing no interest in potty training, and screaming in tantrums.
Tracy’s perseverance and advocacy for her son led her to walk into her doctor’s office and express her frustration. The new front desk woman had a son with autism and recommended that Tracy take Noah to a preschool evaluation. The pediatrician referred Noah to Launch Preschool for speech, and after a phone interview, they recommended that Noah undergo a full evaluation. The evaluation took about three hours, and they evaluated Noah’s skills and functioning, finding that he was autistic.
Tracy was understandably concerned, but her pediatrician did not take her concerns seriously. She was told that Noah’s behavior was normal and that she was overreacting. However, as time went on, it became clear that something was not right. Noah was not developing as he should have been, and Tracy knew that she had to take action.
Her search for answers led her to take Noah to the Harbor Regional Center for an evaluation. However, instead of receiving support and guidance, the therapist conducting the evaluation became frustrated with Noah’s behavior and told Tracy that Noah had severe ADHD or autism. This was a devastating blow to Tracy, who was still searching for answers and direction.
Despite the challenges, Tracy was determined to find out what was wrong with her son. She put Noah in a Montessori school, hoping he would engage more, but another school told Tracy that they couldn’t care for her son and that he had special needs. Finally, at age three, Tracy took Noah to another well-baby visit and asked her pediatrician if it was possible that Noah had autism. This time, her pediatrician listened to her concerns and referred Noah to Launch Preschool for speech, where he underwent a full evaluation and was diagnosed with autism.
Tracy’s story highlights the importance of parental advocacy in a child’s health journey. As a parent, it can be frustrating when doctors downplay concerns or dismiss them. Tracy had to push and advocate for her son to receive an evaluation and a diagnosis, which led to the help and support he needed. It’s crucial for parents to trust their instincts and advocate for their children’s health.
It’s also essential to consider the risks and benefits of vaccines and to educate oneself on potential adverse reactions. Tracy’s story highlights the importance of informed consent and the need for transparency from healthcare providers. Parents should have access to all the information necessary to make informed decisions about their child’s healthcare.
Tracy’s experience with her son’s autism also highlights the importance of early intervention and the need for resources to support families. Early intervention can significantly impact a child’s development and help them reach their potential. Resources and support for families navigating a diagnosis can help ease the burden and provide guidance on next steps.
Tracy attributes her strength and courage to Jesus Christ and her spiritual journey, which has had a lot of divine intervention. She has been appointed to Children’s Health Defense for the state of California, a newly announced presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s organization. This organization is committed to protecting children’s health and safeguarding their rights to informed consent.
In conclusion, Tracy Slepcevic’s story on the Medical Truth podcast sheds light on the importance of parental advocacy, informed consent, early intervention, and support for families navigating a diagnosis. It’s crucial for parents to trust their instincts, advocate for their children’s health, and have access to all the necessary information to make informed decisions about their healthcare. We need more transparency from healthcare providers, resources, and support for families navigating a diagnosis. Tracy’s journey highlights the importance of speaking up and taking action to get the help and support you need for your child’s health.