Spiritual Warfare in a Post Pandemic World- Interview with Scott Schara

Scott Schara, whom I interviewed twice in 2023 and now a third time on the Medical Truth Podcast, lost his daughter, Grace, due to a hospital murder in October of 2021. What Scott Discovered is that medical murder is the number one cause of death in the United States. What he learned beyond hospital death was the dark, nefarious, and satanic underbelly of the medical industry with a long-range plan to depopulate. Since Grace’s death, Scott has devoted more than 2,500 hours of research to shine God’s light on this darkness; Scott Schara discusses what he discovered in his research. This is a must-listen to eye-opening episode that you do not want to miss!

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio Your host of the medical truth podcast. The podcast that tells the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. My guest Scott Schara, whom I’ve interviewed two times this past year on the medical truth podcast, lost his daughter, Grace due to a hospital murder in October of 2021. What Scott discovered is that medical murder is the number one cause of death in the United States. What he learned beyond hospital death was the dark, nefarious and Satanic underbelly of the medical industry. With a long range plan to depopulate. Since grace has death. Scott has devoted more than 2,500 hours of research to shine. God’s light on this darkness. Scott Schara is here to discuss what he discovered. It is an honor, a pleasure and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest Scott Shara. Scott, welcome to the medical truth podcast. How are you doing today?
Scott Schara:
I’m doing well, James. Thanks for having me back.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. This is the second time I’ve had you back and what this past year now. And we, of course, discussed your case with your daughter, Grace the hospital. If you want to go ahead and just discuss that briefly and what led you to some findings that you had discovered. In the underbelly of this dark medical world,
Scott Schara:
I was first of all, you got to just understand I was not awake to anything. Okay, I was relative to hospitals. I was somewhat awake to medical because I was diagnosed with heart disease 6 years ago. So that was a wake up call. I’ll actually run through that as we go through 1 of the slides. But then grace was never vaccinated. So we were awake to the vaccine agenda. But not realizing that, this has all been by design and, ultimately that’s where the research has led to is that medical murder is the number one cause of death in the United States. And it’s by design, this has been going on since the beginning of 1900 in modern day terms but. How did I get there is Grace had to die first. Grace was murdered in a hospital on October 13th of 2021 and God used her murder. to wake me up and give me a platform to speak out and hopefully save other people’s lives, which I mean that’s why I’m killing myself doing it because it’s that important who I don’t want anybody to lose their. their best buddy. Grace was my best buddy. Grace had Down syndrome. She was 19 years old. She was super high functioning. shE was, just to give you a perspective I deer hunted with Grace. I taught her how to drive a car. People think people with Down syndrome don’t have a meaningful life or whatever, but if you know anybody with Down syndrome, you know that. They are, they’re special and special in a way that we can’t get there, but they’re there by definition, which is with how to love the way God wants us to love, I don’t think I can do that in my sleep, but Grace did it. Just with with walk around knowledge, she just was. She was special. Anyway what happened to her just very quickly is her last day on earth was October 13th of 2021. She, as we turned the page into the last, that day, she went into the hospital on October 6th, seven days later, she was dead. She went to the hospital because I chose to take her there. And that’s one of my major take home messages is to not trust in men. You trust in God only. And the fear porn that was going on with the PSYOP of COVID got to me. And we were monitoring Grace’s oxygen level. It dropped to 88 percent the morning of October 6th. The FLCCC protocol said to take her to the hospital if that number went below 94 percent and admit her. That’s what it said right in their documents. And so we did that and that was the worst mistake that I have ever made in my life. And I don’t want anybody else to make that mistake. And it has nothing to do with the monitor and the oxygen. It has to do with trusting men instead of God. That’s the biggest take home message I could ever tell somebody is that’s what this test, this COVID test was for me is to put a hundred percent of my faith in God, zero percent in men. Amen. Anyway. What happened with Grace on October 13th is she had already been on a med called Presidex, a sedation med for four full days. That should have never been done. They don’t tell you any of this. So just process a hospital room. You’re thinking. You’re falsely believing that they’re supposed to do no harm. That’s a lie. It’s a, that’s a Pysop in and of itself. And even if they were supposed to do no harm, which is the Hippocratic oath that everybody believes is in play, the Hippocratic oath is satanic because if you just look at the beginning of the Hippocratic oath, you’re pledging an oath to satanic gods, that was a wake up call when I saw that, but anyway you’re programmed to think that they’re following the Hippocratic oath. They’re not, what they’re doing is they’re following a government agenda. And so grace that part of that government agenda is they sedated. Grace didn’t tell us all of a sudden you turn the page for the last day. Not only was she sedated at that point, the medical malpractice nurse who reviewed the record said that they chemically restrained grace through sedating her. That wasn’t enough. They increased the dose of the sedation med to the maximum allowable dose while we were on the phone with the doctor, him telling us how great of a day Grace had that we should work on nutrition and get her out of bed. And he had already strapped her down to the bed before the call. It was just all a sham and simultaneous with hanging up the phone. They, the doctor put an illegal do not resuscitate order on Grace’s chart. Then they combined Presidex with lorazepam and morphine, which is what you do to euthanize somebody when they’re in their last hour of life in hospice care. And of course that killed Grace. And as I realized how they were able to pull this off, the sequence of events, doctor had to order, pharmacist had to sign off, alarm had to be overridden because those three meds, I just. rambled off are contraindicated. And then the nurse who had almost 20 years of ICU experience is the one who gave Grace, she was the last line of defense. And so she, with that type of experience, she knew it was going to kill Grace. There’s no question. That’s when I came to grips that Grace was murdered and what happened after that. So that took me roughly 500 hours of research. So April of 22, I realized Grace was murdered and that’s when the real research started as to what in the heck is going on. Then I uncovered the agenda, the population reduction agenda, but that really is only a minor piece because the bigger agenda is the esoteric spiritual agenda for the battle of souls. And, ultimately we’re going to get to that today, but that’s my open.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And. From I know I interviewed you twice and I know you remember you mentioned the first time that they actually had you escorted out of the hospital and your daughter, your eldest daughter had to oversee grace’s care in the hospital. And then something about, I think you mentioned as well that they wanted to even put her on a ventilator.
Scott Schara:
So they escorted me out. First day there was October 6th. They escorted me out October 10th. We had to hire an attorney to get my daughter Jessica in as a replacement. Cindy, my wife couldn’t do it because she was really sick at the time. During the 47 hours, we didn’t have an advocate. They increased the Presidex dosage, six different times, six different rate increases. So they sedated my little buddy instead of taking care of her. So ultimately Jessica was with Grace in the hospital when she was murdered. It’s hard to even grasp. Grace’s case is unique for a lot of reasons. She had down syndrome. We were in the hospital. 99. 9 percent of the cases, nobody was in the hospital with the loved ones because they, they lied about everything. And then Grace was never given remdesivir or put on a ventilator. So the ventilator push. Is all money driven, and when we denied the ventilator, that was the purpose of the doctor’s call. The morning of the 13 was to ask us for the 5th time for a pre authorization for a ventilator. And, based on what happened next, I ain’t Would say they had plan B, which was to kill Grace ready to go because the hospital was full and Grace was worth more dead than alive. If we would have approved the pre authorization for a ventilator, Grace would not have died October 13. She would have died 22 days later. And I say that because 22 days was the time period that maximizes the profit to the hospital for keeping somebody alive on a ventilator.
James Egidio:
So this leads up to a lawsuit that was filed and there was a motion for dismissal by the hospital, I believe, right? And that was overridden that dismissal, correct?
Scott Schara:
Yeah, the motion to dismiss was not by the hospital was actually by one of, all the defendants. So there’s eight defendants. The hospital is one defendant. There’s two nurse defendants and five doctors. And so I believe it was all the doctors defendants that they chimed in and made, don’t quote me on that, but ultimately it was boiled down to two motions to dismiss. That were heard on October 30th and the judge didn’t accept their motions to dismiss. And so our entire case is going to jury trial. First day is the day before the presidential election, November 4th of 24. And all five claims, these are significant. So of course we have wrongful death. We have medical malpractice. So those are just like, obvious claims, but then we have lack of informed consent. That’s a fairly substantial claim in historically, you would say that was a battery claim, the cabal has done a phenomenal job of putting a wall around suing doctors. So lack of informed consent becomes medical malpractice. So we have a separate battery claim, which we get to have the opportunity to prove that they intentionally killed grace. That’s what battery is about. And so that is what they wanted to dismiss, of course, right? They don’t want that at trial. So we get the opportunity to prove that Grace was intentionally killed. And then last, we have a declaratory judgment request for the illegal med combination. Those three meds should never be given to somebody. And also the illegal do not resuscitate order that they put on Grace. So we’re going to have a three week jury trial. We’re expecting, we’ve already gotten national attention with the trial and because it’s the first one. So it’s a big deal. We’re expecting, unless we’ll see. Hopefully the mainstream media shows up, right? Cause that’s what we’re after is saving people’s lives. And you can’t save people’s lives if they can’t hear the message.
James Egidio:
And I know You’re doing this more for any future precedence that takes place with cases like this,
Scott Schara:
correct? We’ve already said what’s neat about the medical battery claim James is that we’re not limited by state statute. So now we can get punitive damages and we’re not, we’ve already disclaimed the money. We’ve already said, multiple interviews that if there’s a damage award, we’re not taking the money. And so the money will, We’ll get plowed into helping other people with whatever the highest and best use of the funds are at that point. This is a case to get national exposure to the urgency of the situation and to stop the behavior. That’s why we included five doctors and two nurses as defendants versus just suing the hospital, right? The hospital is where the money is at, but you can’t stop behavior if people don’t realize there’s consequences to your choices, right? So these doctors and nurses, they made a choice and they should be held to account for those choices. All that being said, the best thing that could happen with the case is that these doctors and nurses repent because then they would stop the behavior on their own.
James Egidio:
Yeah, you played an interesting clip. I saw of Warner Mendenhall, who I’ve interviewed as well in the past, and I know he was going after like the vaccine manufacturers for murder,
Scott Schara:
correct? Yeah he’s one of the lead attorneys on the Brooke Jackson lawsuit, right? And he’s really the, he’s the lead attorney in our lawsuit, so Warner is, just, he’s a real smart guy and he can, he helps frame what we’re doing. And then there’s four attorneys on the team. Warner’s really in charge of everything. And then, multiple other. I’m the fifth attorney, if you want to call it that. I’m not an attorney, but boy I, you are now, I know more about the case of the attorney. They really welcome and respect my involvement in the case, which has been fantastic.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And before I dovetail into getting involved with what you uncovered on this dark underbelly of the medical world I want to bring up something that you brought up in our, I believe it was our second interview, but. You talked about that the devil is in the details with the Obamacare, there was some kind of hidden clauses in Obamacare. Just real briefly discuss that with the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast because that’s something that really, I was just taken back by the last time we were in you, I interviewed you and what is
Scott Schara:
that? So first I just like that phrase, the devil is in the details. So people have what does that actually mean? And it really depends on where you put the commas. So the devil comma is in the details. That’s where the comma should go. Otherwise, Oh, it’s just this thing, pay attention to the details. Obamacare section 1553 is a provision that everybody should read. It’s titled discrimination against or prohibition against discrimination on assisted suicide. And what it does is it lays out the fact that the government cannot discriminate against the doctor or institutional health care facility that doesn’t go along with euthanizing assisted suicide and mercy killing. So those are the three things that are called out in that section. And if a doctor doesn’t go along with the protocols that the government has for those three ways to hasten death, that they cannot be discriminated against. Of course we saw, and then in that provision is also quite an interesting clause. Do you think what would happen if they say no, right? A doctor with a conscience says, I’m not doing this. At first you can’t even fathom that this is in Obamacare, right? It’s when I saw this, I couldn’t hardly believe it. But I saw it with my own eyes and it’s on Grace’s website, multiple places, because I’ve shared it on, I don’t know, 50 interviews already. But, we think, okay, I can’t even fathom that, which I’m going to give you the basis for it here in a minute. But. If a doctor is discriminated against, this is really the even worse than what I just told you. Their appeal rights are to the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Health and Human Services Secretary is probably the most corrupt man. On the planet. And I say that because he has unilateral authority to implement a public health emergency, which is how they pulled off the PSYOP known as COVID. They, he kept the public health emergency going. He had to re it up, re up it every 90 days and they kept that going for 39 months. That’s how they killed 1. 2 million Americans in hospitals. And what’s going on here, James, now we’re getting outside of COVID. COVID woke me up to the agenda. What, take it way bigger. And this is only minor at this point, bigger than what people realize, but the minor step to even get to you think, how in the heck did they even put that in section 1553 of Obamacare? And it’s because the mindset was set by Ezekiel Emanuel. Who is the chief architect of Obamacare in 1996, he said that if you are a non contributing member of society, you don’t deserve medical care. All right, so then what is a non contributing member of society? Of course, the low hanging fruit are the disabled and the elderly. They’re never going to say that, but how they say it is this way, Medicare and Medicaid account for 50 percent of the current federal budget, 3 trillion a year, 135 million Americans on Medicare and Medicaid. And Oh my gosh. So then with this spirit of collectivism, they convince it. Okay we got to do something. We got to balance the budget. These bastards don’t care about balancing a budget, right? Because we’re dealing with a fiat currency. The budget means nothing to them. So it’s a complete lie to reduce the population.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And then, you fast forward to the COVID situation in 2020 and then the rollout, because it was all about the rollout of this poison, this bioweapon. And they basically have created patients with people who have survived it with injury, have survived it. So now they become wards of the state. And like you say, they’re on medicaid. It’s just a way of creating patients. And now with the, they’re discovering that it’s creating and causing turbo cancers. And of course, a lot of sudden deaths. So there’s just a lot of nefarious activity going on. And then you spend what, 2,500 hours of doing research on all this. And like I say, you uncover the underbelly of this dark medical world. And I’ve mentioned in many podcast episodes about this spiritual warfare that’s going on, which, you know, a lot of people who are in faith or even are not in faith are not seeing the whole picture from what’s really going on. They, I think, and I think there’s a lot of complacency and there’s a lot of trust, like you said, that you even had at the beginning with the medical establishment. So it’s just, they go along with the plan. Then there was a lot of people that said things like I’ll just get the vaccine and so I could, travel or I can go to a concert or I can, I could, things will go back to normal. Yeah. I don’t think. We’re going back to normal. I think we’re at the point of no return now.
Scott Schara:
What’s interesting, this whole back to normal thing is really strange because, they’ve did a great job to continue the PSYOP. Of course, Congress passes an illegal law on April 10th to end COVID. That’s laughable, but then what. People don’t realize how they do this. And I’m sure in your area, you’ve experienced what we see in our area, which is gas prices are a dollar a gallon lower than they were a year ago. And then you start, okay what is the reason they can make gas prices, anything they want? So why is it low right now? It’s to lull us to sleep. So we’re not paying attention. So I, I. My wife got this the other day. She showed me it. This is laughable, but this, they’re trying to snag us, right? So now they snag the lion’s share of the people and I’ll call those the blue pill people. So now they still, now they want to snag the red pill people. And, ultimately our only protection is the white pill, which we’re going to close with that. But I want to show you this on the screen. Let’s see. Get a, yeah, get a flu shot and get 20 cents off per gallon. What a screaming deal. Sign me up. But this is last week. We
James Egidio:
just got this. I was just going to ask you that because that would have been something you would have seen when they first rolled out the vaccine in 2021. End of 2020 21 that they were given all kinds of incentives, but this is just recently last week. Okay. Jeez. My gosh. It is. It is. They’re just relentless. They don’t want to give up. They don’t want to give up. So you do this 2, 500 hours of research and you find out and we’ll go to I guess one of the first, yeah,
Scott Schara:
this is really a good opening slide. Yeah. So let me just, so what happened is God gave me this slide, the first three columns. In August, right? And so I thought, okay I think I’m supposed to be doing, putting all my research. I realized, okay, I’ve got so much research, I better organize this. And I’m a very organized guy, so I have all this slides on my laptop and things, but then when he, I lay this out. And so I script out the first three columns so you can see it’s called the Good Old Days. And then today. The old way that before COVID, the new way, which COVID exposed. And then the red column, God got me up one morning. He’s done this a few different times. And all of a sudden it’s I better start taking some notes. So I’m in bed at one o’clock in the morning. I started sending myself emails for the red column. So I’ll go through these, but this launched then, okay I’ve got an obligation now. So I put together a seven part series. Called medical murder is the number one cause of death in the United States by design. So I did it as a research project to organize all the material. So it starts with WHO which basically the WHO is they’re all in on it. What have they bought into? And it’s a culture of death where. And that’s the United States of America, where, I’m calling the United States of America, Mystery Babylon in part three, part four, why, and that’s the esoteric spiritual agenda, which we’re going to cover with some of the slides you have part six when, and so I exposed the dialectics that Satan uses to get us off track. And I know you have one of those slides here, but what James has here is a, I put together a few slides so that you could get a taste, but there’s. There’s probably 200 slides in the series, and then there’s probably a thousand if you dig into the research, which I posted all my research on Grace’s website. But then now part seven is now what? Assuming that you have come to grips with what the truth is, that medical murder is the number one cause of death in the United States by design, what are you going to do about it? And we’ve got, I think, a slide on that too when we go through the slides. So anyway, this, I’ll just, we’ll share with you, this is a wake up call. So if you think about the good old days, a doctor was just one of the population, right? He did house calls. He often got paid with a chicken. It just he wasn’t a special guy. He just had a higher IQ than the average person. So he became a doctor and, he just was one of us. All right. So then, what we all grew up with. The old way was that, okay, a hospital is not really a fun place to be, but they’re following the Hippocratic oath. And we, there still were standards of care, but we thought the standards of care were for our benefit. We didn’t realize standards of care, which started in the early 1980s were really designed to hasten death. The standards of care still, we had a nurse. Who was our advocate. The nurse was the last line of defense. So I’m in the first blue column. And so this is what that looks like. The old way, what it looks like when I developed heart disease, the when I shouldn’t say when I developed it, cause I don’t know when I developed it. When I was aware that I had heart disease, the doctor said, you’ve got to get on a statin and I thought, I’m not going on drugs. I don’t believe in drugs. So I started researching and realized. What was the cause of what I have? And one day I was, I came back for a follow up visit and the nurse pulled me aside and said, Scott, I want to tell you something you’re not going to want to hear. I said, what is it? And she said, you’ve got to go on the statin. I said, what do you mean I have to go on the statin? I don’t have to do anything. And she said, I don’t mean literally, but I mean that our Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates are based on what percentage of our patient population we can convince to go on the standards of care. And I said I’m not on Medicare and Medicaid. And she said, it doesn’t matter. Our reimbursement rates are based on the entire patient population that we can convince to follow standards of care. And so she said, if there’s enough people like you who object to what we’re telling you, you have to do, we have to fire you as one of our patients so that we can keep our numbers up. So I’m, this is a big deal. So if you think of this whole standard of care thing is a real thing to hasten death. All right, now we flip to the COVID era. What happened with the COVID era is that it wasn’t Medicare and Medicare reimbursement rates anymore. It was direct payments to hospitals to follow standards of care that were designed to kill us. 75 percent kill rate, ventilator, 90 percent kill rate. Insane stuff, right? So now we crossed over and it isn’t that the nurse now is no, not an advocate anymore. She’s an accomplice, right? He became part of the murder. All right. So where is this going? And this is the red column. God gave me this red column to say, okay what’s going on is that they want to use AI. They is the. The cabal, the antichrist system wants to use AI to determine our standard or our date of death versus God determine our date of death. And so they want to determine our date of death based on our social credit score and our birth certificate value. And if you don’t know what a birth certificate value is, I’m not going to go into that detail right now. I have it in. Part six of the series. So we, our birth certificates are traded on an exchange because they were sold as part of the collateral for the debt. So this sounds crazy stuff, but it’s all, I’ve done the research behind it and this is where they’re going. So then, all of us have a customized death date based on our value, the AI assigns to each one of us. Yeah, that’s this is a big deal. So that’s, it’s already in place. So don’t think that this, Oh, this is coming. No, it’s already in place.
James Egidio:
We’re living in right in the middle of it.
Scott Schara:
All right. You can go to the next slide. I don’t remember what. Okay. So then this is an interesting smoking gun. So I had said at the open that I can trace the modern day hastening death movement to the early 1900s. And that’s called eugenics. The United States was eugenics. The current the leader in the eugenics movement and then when Adolf Hitler adopted the eugenics movement and murdered, 6 million Jews, we shook our finger at him and, this is, we renounced eugenics, right? And then the Nuremberg 2 trials happened, but what did we do? This is what our country is fantastic at, the leaders in our country, not you and I, but the leaders in our country are fantastic at projecting our sin to everybody else, where we’re committing a greater sin. So through Operation Paperclip. We bring back the top 1600 German eugenicists, and then they start working on this depopulation plan, and it got codified in 1967, and that’s what this document is. So this is the first document I could find in writing that showed there’s a plan to depopulate the United States. Why I dug into this is I went to kindergarten in 1968, and I was digging into the weekly readers because I wanted to find the exact weekly reader from 68. I couldn’t find it, but I Found some other ones that I put on in the medical murder series, but ultimately in 68. So think about I’m a five year old in 1968 and they’re telling me as a five year old through the weekly reader, this innocent little document. That it’s irresponsible to have more than two children. And if your parents have an electric can opener, that’s wrong because we’re using resources of the planet that we don’t have enough resources lie upon lie. So then, obviously, where did that come from? It became from this document. So this document documents the plan to depopulate. So they have to program us. Grace was our daughter. Grace was a miracle in that program. Because we had the perfect family. We had 2. 1 kids, 1. 7 dogs, no cats. And yeah, I’m just kidding. We unfortunately did have a cat, but I’m not a cat lover for any of you who have been watching. But, I should do a podcast just on that, but anyway, regardless we were, I was chasing the American dream. Then we let God lead in the baby department when we were 39 years old. We just said, we’re, we’ve been controlling whether Cindy gets pregnant or not. And, fertile Myrtle got pregnant five minutes after we turned it over to God and he gave us the miracle of grace and if that wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t be an outspoken advocate today. All right. So let’s go to the next one, James. Sure.
James Egidio:
Thank you. Just to back up a minute too, I think for the listeners and viewers, you’re talking like 1968, 69, because I was just watching a video the other day. We’re also talking about the space program, NASA, and the farce that was. That was going on. That was a, that the government was dumping billions and billions of dollars on this farce about walking on the moon. And cause and not to get off track with where we’re at here, but there were just so many distractions that the government was creating at the time to cover up even this, So there was just a lot of stuff going on at that time that they were, this was all pre planned years ago leading up to 2020. So 2020 didn’t happen by accident within, a year or two, this was all planned. All this is planned.
Scott Schara:
Absolutely. Every bit of it is planned. This slide, it really gets us into, I would just want to go back in time here in July of 2022. So this was eight months after Grace’s I’ve got turned on to a word that I had never heard before, and it’s called the Hegelian dialectic. And so then I started to see the world through what Satan set up, which is, it’s ways to get us thinking in terms of evil versus less evil. And so in, in this example here. We have, COVID is obviously evil to anybody that’s awake. So then what they do, so now we’re in that case. And then we realize, Oh my gosh, this was really evil. But then we get spun out on dialectics within the dialectic. So was it a bad, the lab leak, you know what it’s like, it’s just all designed to keep us in that trap. So then we don’t see what’s going on. We got to get out of COVID. Okay. COVID was a complete lie, a complete psyop. It doesn’t matter what smoking gun there is. You can’t come up with, it just evil upon evil. And in fact, exposing that evil plays into Satan’s playbook, which I’m going to share, after this slide. So the, so COVID’s evil, right? So then we have, it’s always less evil then. So then the other thing that’s going on is, so we, you can’t hear enough about COVID it’s still, it’s still going on. But then you also have you can’t hear enough about Trump. So that’s calling that less evil. Okay. Why am I calling it less evil? Because I don’t think Trump is a godly man. I don’t, I’m not afraid to say what I think, but what they do, this is so brilliant. So if you consider that everybody’s in on this and it was all done on purpose, when you look at how Trump is being handled in the legal system, you’d say this isn’t fair because why don’t they treat everybody the same way as Trump? And that’s true. That’s a hundred percent true, but that does not make Trump a good man. Okay. We’ve got to get through this. We’ve got to be able to see what the deal is. So the best thing that all of us can do is start recognizing, the best thing is believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. But underneath that in the top 10 things that you could do is realize that there are these dialectics going on and it is all, it’s how they do propaganda to get us. Thinking that we’re, we’ve got this and the best, I said that word again. So I’m going to frame this in terms of blue pill, red pill. So the blue pill people, they don’t have any clue, right? They don’t have any clue. This is even happening. So the red pill people, they spend all their time in these dialectics. They’re trying to okay. I got this, and the news headlines are all full of these red pills Everybody’s trying to outdo each other And that is that plays right into Satan’s playbook and I’m gonna I’m gonna prove that here in a minute So go
James Egidio:
ahead. Yeah before we go further on that though. I want to add to that too. It’s interesting You say that you know It’s they’re using these shiny objects as distractions on both sides. I believe this is my theory, but if you really listen closely and you listen to the people like Harari and this World Economic Forum, one of the biggest threats to every single communist Marxist government. Which is where they want to march us towards was always threatened by what 1 thing and 1 thing only and that’s Jesus Christ. It’s about faith and they know that the strength and they know that the pillar of strength is in family and in faith. And that’s why they want to dismantle it with all this. Stuff about the LGBTQ agenda and this agenda about, I’ve heard Harari say something about you don’t need to depend on this God that’s in the sky. He says, we’re going to transform people with AI and all this other stuff. So they discount that. And it, it scares the heck out of the globalist. of anybody that’s in true faith, that’s in true faith and doesn’t accept, like you says, the dialect from both sides, not just the one side, the red pill, but the blue pill and the red pill, that’s their biggest threat, I believe.
Scott Schara:
It’s the only threat, right? There’s only one way out of this. And Jesus is the only threat to this, right? They have got satan had 6,000 years to work on this plan, right? It is. It is absolutely brilliant. And it’s so easy to prove it’s satanic because no man could be this smart. Yeah, and Satan knows his days are numbered. We’re You know, time is short and he’s, all the stops are coming out now. And it’s interesting to watch it
James Egidio:
unfold. Scott, I also think to, when you look at the grand scheme of things to even churches today are compromised even church.
Scott Schara:
Yeah, I in the 1st. So I have the who is the 1st the 1st monocast in the series, the medical murder series, and the churches are one of the who. So obviously, the medical industrial complex is in on it. The government’s in on it. The state legislatures are in on it. Big businesses on it, get on it. There’s controlled opposition, but the wildcard is the churches. This will blow your mind away. When I tell you some of the stuff I’ve seen with churches, up to a hundred thousand pastors have been trained by FEMA. Wow. Prepare their congregations into camps. They actually call them camps in the event of a federal emergency. Several of the mega churches, Chuck Swindoll church is one of the mega churches that shut down and received a grant money, COVID grant money to shut the doors. You had Franklin Graham promoting the jab, mega churches, having vaccine clinics inside the. Inside their churches, and then of course, you’ve got the whole eschatology thing going on right now where there’s, that’s another dialectic where people are spun out and putting their faith in their date setting. And it’s oh, my gosh, what is going on? But then, I just brought up, I was on a program the other day and I brought up about the Schofield Bible being, funded by the Rothschilds. By the way, the Rockefellers have funded Christian seminaries started in the 50s But then that in the 1950s in the 1850s you have the Rothschilds funding the Schofield Bible And I got me of the person who you know, she heard hears me on the air And I mean I get this long email If people can’t handle it
James Egidio:
No, I know. I know. And it’s this again. It gets, I tell everybody and anybody that especially people that are listening to this right now, this podcast is that if you want answers to life, if you want the truth, there’s only one place to go. It’s not the news. It’s not your church. It’s the word of God. It’s the word of God. You got to go straight to the Bible. And what’s really interesting to put this in perspective is the Bible puts all this into perspective. It lays it right out. Everything that’s unfolding today. It even talks about churches that are going to be compromised in the end time, right? And it’s happening right now. It’s happening right before our eyes in real time. And the truth is in the word. And I know a lot of people that listen and it’s about obedience. It’s about repentance. These are all things that are wrapped into our salvation. It are these things. And like I said, the only thing I can say is the truth is in the word. That’s where you have to go. You can’t count on a pastor. You can’t count on a church. I’m not saying that community with a church is a bad thing, but you have to have a discerning spirit to really, pick the place you want to call home. Yeah. I agree
Scott Schara:
100%. While we’re on this slide, I just want to cover one more thing because you shared over the last one. I have lawsuits. Obviously we talked about that. We have a lawsuit. So aren’t we spun out into the COVID dialectic and the answer to that question is no in the, and that’s why I keep speaking out. If the legal team would have said, Scott, the only way we’re going to take on this case, if you stop speaking, we would not have a lawsuit. We’re using the lawsuit to expose this agenda. That’s what we’re using it for. Yeah, I’m not putting any faith in the lawsuit. This whole legal system is an antichrist legal system. We submit, we’re in the antichrist legal system by God’s hand, we are, I can hardly believe it. Because we cannot beat them unless God is behind us. And by his hand, we have we’re, we have got the first case in the entire country. It’s a miracle. That’s the only way to look at it.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And in November was it November 4th? Yeah. I think the verse that’ll come to mind on November 4th for you is Ephesians six, putting on the full armor of God.
Scott Schara:
Yeah that’s really good.
James Egidio:
And you have to continue to put on the full armor of God, it’s just, it’s a battle. It’s a battle. It’s a spiritual battle. I keep saying that in many podcasts and that’s why we’re here today talking about this.
Scott Schara:
Let’s go to the next one. Okay. So then this is really neat. Our early on, we decided to stand on Genesis 50:20, which says you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. The saving of many lives. Of course, saving of lives. Is physical and spiritual. So physically, of course, I talk about hospitals and, you and I have talked about that before, but spiritually is what we’re talking today, because if we only save people’s lives physically, that’s meaningless in God’s economy, spiritually is what matters. And, everybody quotes the Esther 4:14 verse, which certainly applies to me personally, when I look at what God did to prepare me for today. But, grace, my daughter, grace was a casualty of war. And so that verse, so people understand what it is. It says, this is when Mordecai said to Esther. So I got to, I’ve got to frame this if people don’t understand. So Mordecai he gets, he understands the Jews. There’s an edict that is. The king put out based on a lie that was going to kill all the Jews. And so once he knows this and Esther, unbelievably, she’s a Jew, she becomes queen, so when you start seeing how God orchestrates things, it’s unbelievable. Absolutely. Anyway, so she becomes queen. So she, so he says to her, he raised her. So he knows her intimately and says to her you need to approach the king because he’s going to wipe out all the Jews. And she said I can’t, the king will kill me if I approach the king, he’s got to approach me. And so then he says back to her, how do you know you weren’t made for a time such as this? Okay. So then she approaches the king. And of course. The rest is history and the Jews live what isn’t usually talked about relative to that story is What if Esther wouldn’t have said yes, right? And the answer to that question is God is not going to be stopped The Jews could not have been eliminated because they fit into the entire Prophetic story of the Bible so the Jews could not have been eliminated. So something there would have been another way So when it’s your time Esther answered the call. Grace answered the call, by God’s grace and my grace. I’ve answered the call. That’s what we all are called to do. And that’s what the satanic system is afraid of.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I, the question I’d have to ask you is how many times have you said to yourself that this is God’s plan? Scott, right? Yeah. Yeah. It’s
Scott Schara:
so obvious, right?
James Egidio:
It’s, yeah, you were called for this.
Scott Schara:
All right, let’s go to the next one. You got it. Okay. So what can everybody do? There’s people say I can’t do what you’re doing. I work full time on it. I understand that. We’re only called to do what we can do, but there’s some things that we all can do. We can trust in God’s promises. We can all put on the full armor of God. We can shine the light you have. So at work, whatever don’t participate in evil, critical, critically think before acting. The spirit of fear, which I have, God did not give us the spirit of fear, so don’t act. Pray for God’s purpose and shine light on evil. Don’t be afraid to speak out in a real simple thing that anybody with kids can do is get them out of the public fool system. My gosh. If you’re not homeschooling, you’re missed the mark. That’s an obvious one. All right, let’s go to the next one.
James Egidio:
Next one would be let’s see, I think, did we go through all of them?
Scott Schara:
Nope. I know there’s at least one left because we went through them beforehand. There you go. All right. So yeah, this is the big picture agenda. What’s going on. So if you look at Genesis 3:6 it says that Eve saw that the fruit was desirable for gaining knowledge. All right. So this is what Satan was pitching. So did God really say that you’re not supposed to eat from this fruit? But what he was pitching is the tree of knowledge. God always had the tree of life. And so Satan pitched it as Evil versus good which was a lie. Satan is a liar. It was always evil versus less evil So that’s set in motion the whole red pill agenda So evil or not evil, but knowledge has become the pursuit by pursuing knowledge as an idol So the red pill lane by pursuing red pills, we don’t need God. So of course, God is not against knowledge in Hosea 4:6. He says, my people perish for lack of knowledge, but he’s against knowledge being an idol. So looking at this as what’s the, so then what do I believe? I believe that by exposing evil. So we’ve got the evil camp. The less evil camp. So I think we have one more about yeah, let’s go with the, all right. So here, so what’s going on is that everything I see everything fitting into the two beast systems of Revelation 13. So the evil, which is the anti christ system, and then the less evil, the false prophet system. So this race to expose evil, we always this process in a micro way has happened many times over history, but this is, this slide is the macro way, the final push, the final satanic push for the false prophet to rise up and snap everybody into the control grid that is not one of God’s. So we’ve seen this before. Two recent examples of this system of what, so what do we fall for with the false prophet is we always fall for security and comfort. Whenever there’s great evil. We fall for the security and comfort trap. Look what happened after 911 great evil, the false belief that we’re, our country is being attacked by terrorists. What do we fall for? The Patriot Act was written. to convince us that we need to have something in place to monitor us against terrorists. Guess what? They didn’t tell us the United States citizens are the terrorists, right? So we fell for that. Look what happened with COVID. We have this lie, another lie being sold. We have, okay, we got this pandemic. We need to lock down. We need, all this stuff. What was the purpose to sell security and comfort, the bioweapon, the jab. That’s what they sold is, so this is, this pattern has been throughout history, but the final push. Is the race to expose evil, which is what everybody in the red pill lane is in. They’re all exposed, evil, evil, evil. So that the final push is that once the population realizes how evil things are, we look for a false prophet. We look for, Oh, if we can just get Trump in, whoever it is, some, the savior. So then we’re looking for another man as a savior. And how do I know this is, how do I know that this is being set up? Because what James, you and I have both seen this in the anti establishment movement. The thing that everybody’s rallying around is we’re going to have a great awakening. Okay. That is a lie. We’re not going to have a Great Awakening. Why do I know that? Because it’s not biblical. And the people pushing the Great Awakening are lying to us because it’s missing how we got here, which was rejection of God and trusting in men. And so the Great Awakening movement never talks about repentance. only way out of this,
James Egidio:
the only way out of it. And I say that, and that’s again, where the churches are so flimsy in this day and age where they’re, it’s all prosperity preaching. And it’s this notion that God is some a genie in a bottle that’s going to fulfill your needs instead of you going to the cross with humility and repenting. So that’s where the churches are setting up this false facade that you know and they’re selling God, they’re making it a business. It’s about feeling good. It’s about walking out of church, feeling good. And I always said, if you walk out of a church, feeling good, the pastor hasn’t done his job.
Scott Schara:
You can take that to the bank. That’s true.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And, what’s really interesting about that too, is if you look at these false flags that are set up, they’re all designed to divide. And who is the division? Who’s the best at division? It’s Satan, right? He is Satan loves to deceive, divide and destroy. And that’s the playbook. I’m not just politicians, but of. Churches and everything. And it’s vaccinated versus unvaccinated. It’s mask versus unmasked. There’s all this division that creates so much separation with people that the two greatest commandments are never going to be fulfilled as long as that continues and people allow this Hegelian dialect, as you said, to enter into their life. And like I said earlier, the truth is in the word. That’s where you get the truth from. It’s not for Fox news. It’s not MSNBC. It’s not CNN. It’s not any of those outlets. It’s not even Substack. It’s none of that. It’s the truth is in the word. The truth is in the word. You got to go directly to the word. And I think what it is too, is. We’re raised to believe or a lot of people are raised to believe that there’s these different, I don’t know how I put it. There’s different levels of people’s faith and they don’t want to admit that they’re a sinner. They don’t want to admit to sin. And, you hear that. Oh, he’s a good person. No, God is only good. He’s the only one that’s good. That’s right. We’re all centers. We all fall short of the mark. We all have to go to the cross with humility and we all have to repent. It’s the bottom line. That’s what it comes to. It’s for a lot of people, that’s not exciting enough because over deluged with, social media and entertainment and all these distractions and all these shiny things,
Scott Schara:
I think that’s spot on. And the biggest shiny thing that’s happening in the people who are awake is the red pill movement. And that is because that was the original lie. The pursuit of knowledge and that pursuit of knowledge has become an idol because if you have enough knowledge, you don’t need God.
James Egidio:
And I tell a lot of people too. I say to a lot of people, I say, Trump pushed the vaccine. He pushed it with operation warp speed and continue to push it. And I’ve even threw a monkey wrench in the people that are hardcore Trumpers. I said, what if he’s part of the plan? What if he’s part of the plan? What if he’s part of the show? Yeah. What if he’s part of the show to separate the, the so called patriots from the non patriots. So now we know who the patriots are. And we’re not, we personally, but the government knows who the patriots are and who the Patriot, and who the, the other side is, again to divide and
Scott Schara:
separate. It’s, and it’s always this two choice thing that Satan has got us into. Patriot, non patriot. Oh, you’re not patriotic. It has nothing. That is not something I worship. This one, I get criticized, you’ll get this, but think through when Critical race theory started to be implemented in the schools. And then, I challenged lots of people, get your kids out of that public pool system. My, my school, they still say the pledge of allegiance. Okay so there we got the two choices again, right? So the pledge of allegiance is part of that dialectic, the evil versus less evil, because how can you pledge allegiance to a flag? That’s it’s less evil. Certainly it’s less evil than critical race theory, but it’s not godly.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and you know the chapter that comes to mind to me in the Bible is chapter 24 in Matthew where Jesus predicts the future and everything that we’ve talked about today. And again, it goes back to going to the word for the truth is exactly what he talks about the division and that’s going to take place is going to be wars is going to be threats of wars is going to be pestilence is going to be famine. It’s going to be like the birth pains of a woman. So he talks about all that in chapter 24. So if anyone who has a Bible and hasn’t gone through their Bible, go to chapter 24, I highly encourage them to read that. It’s a great chapter. The whole Bible is, from beginning to end, just read it plainly.
Scott Schara:
James Egidio:
it lays it out. It lays it right out. And what’s so beautiful about it is we have a discerning spirit to see through a lot of this stuff. And that’s the gift that the Holy Spirit gives us is this discerning spirit to see through a lot of this stuff.
Scott Schara:
God, I’m yeah, that’s the best way to say it. God gave me, I can hardly believe it. And my, my best buddy had to die to wake me up. And so that creates an obligation like nothing else. And yeah, I’m, when I first started sharing Grace’s story, that was the warning that God gave me. Don’t be playing into Satan’s hand. By sharing how evil the hospitals are, then what’s going to happen is the, the false prophet, the false savior ends up being what people clamor for. So that’s why I like to bring in what you and I talked about, because it’s the most important thing. That’s the watchman on the wall reference, so what is my watchman on the wall responsibility, I want to share that the red pill lane is the less evil satanic lane, don’t rely on that. And I’m being a watchman on the wall to warn you. And so it’s now, it’s not on my conscience anymore. I did what I’m supposed to do.
James Egidio:
Yeah, you’re standing on the proverbial rooftop basically warning people and telling them through God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. And what’s really interesting. I say that all the time is that when the whole COVID thing had broke and I was involved in the medical industry for 24 years and got out of it in 2020, cause I already do. What was up? And I have a knowledge base and background extensive background in the medical field, but it wasn’t even the medical field that woke me up. I used my discerning spirit and my faith in God in Jesus Christ to wait to, the red flags went up and I was like, okay, this is not good. And that was the Holy Spirit that gave me those warning signs. It wasn’t my knowledge because my knowledge is nothing. It’s God that got me through all this and woke me up. I wanted to launch this podcast in 2020 and I just said, nah, I better not do it. I’ll just sit back for a while because I know that there’s something really nefarious going on with this whole COVID thing. And then the vaccines got rolled out and I knew that was not. Not a good thing. And Trump was pushing the vaccines back then. And there were just too many red flags. And like I said, it wasn’t my knowledge base. It was God that gave me that discerning spirit to just, to get out of that. An industry that was is a Ponzi scheme. It’s horrible. It’s evil. It really is. And don’t get me wrong. There, there’s some really good doctors out there. It’s, I’m not. Painting a broad brushstroke with that. All doctors are bad and they’re all looking to, kill everyone because there are some good doctors. I interviewed some really good doctors. But I think I would have to tell you that going to a hospital would be my very last resort. And if we’re in this day and age, that’s just how I personally feel.
Scott Schara:
I feel exactly the same way. And more, more so now, because I’ve been outspoken. So they all have, if this guy comes in, make sure he doesn’t
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
But, I’m jousting with that, but it’s not a joke. It’s not. You’re not going to if the hospital has bought on to this agenda, you will not survive it unless you have an advocate there and are monitoring, you’ve got to be bold. It is not the, it is not the place to play nice.
James Egidio:
No, it’s not. And I know Laura Bartlett’s done a really good job on that with the hospital protocol kill organization that she has. Brought a lot of things to light. And unfortunately it took an unfortunate incident, but I think that’s God’s plan. And I know Grace is in a much better place than this rotten world that we live in.
Scott Schara:
That’s for sure, James.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Thank you so much, Scott, for joining me for this episode of the medical truth podcast.
Scott Schara:
And thank you very much for having me back again. This was really great. Oh yeah,
James Egidio:
absolutely. I’ll keep us updated on on what’s going on with the case as well. As things progress. Sounds good. All right, Scott. Thank you so much. All right. Okay. Bye.
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