Post COVID Vaccine and Turbo Cancer- Interview with Dr. David Rasnick

Listen to this interview with Dr. David Rasnick, a biomedical research scientist with over 40 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. His areas of expertise are in AIDS, Cancer, Arthritis, Emphysema, parasites, drug design, and clinical diagnostics. Our first interview discussed what HIV and COVID have in common. In this episode, Dr. Rasnick weighs in on a hotly debated topic: cancer, especially post-vaccination “turbo cancer.”?

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Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James. your host of the medical truth podcast. The podcast that tells the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. Back in March of this year in 2023, I interviewed Dr. David Rasnick a biomedical research scientist with over 40 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. And his areas of expertise are in aids, cancer arthritis, emphysema, parasites drug design and even clinical diagnostics. And in our first interview, we discussed what HIV and COVID have in common. And then this episode an updated episode with Dr. Rasnick. We weigh in on a hotly debated topic of cancer and especially post vaccination, turbo cancer that we hear a lot about in main mainstream media and in the media. So without further ado i’d like to introduce on the the medical truth podcast Dr David Rasnick Dr. Rasnick, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing today?
Dr. David Rasnick:
Hi, James. It’s a pleasure to be with you again.
James Egidio:
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. For the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast update us on a little bit on what you’re doing because I know we spoke in March of this year in 2023 about COVID versus HIV. And we got into some details about that. So what have you been up to?
Dr. David Rasnick:
Ever since I heard about this new thing called turbo cancer. Which I’d like to talk about a little bit it was, I don’t remember if it was this year or late last year, whatever this phrase turbo cancer popped up and interestingly, it was not in the medical journals, as I understand where this. term turbo cancer came, but it was from the general public who’ve noticed that a lot of people individuals who were injected with these COVID injections would have all these different kinds of cancers around the country and probably around the world. But what I’ve been tracking mostly, It is in the United States. Now, what is turbo cancer? Turbo cancer, think about turbos, like supercharged, it’s accelerated. It just really goes fast. That’s the sort of the the intent behind that phrase. Normally, it takes like years for blood cancers to progress to the point where you actually see them and you actually know that there’s a problem. It takes decades with solid tumors. Typically, blood cancers are relatively easy because of circulating. They’re throughout your body, but the solid tumors are located specific places and they don’t move around until they metastasize. That takes a long time and they grow very slowly. By the way, I should mention to the audience that I’m a cancer researcher. I’m an expert in cancer. I’ve published quite a bit on it. And so I’m very interested in this turbo cancer stuff. And frankly, as soon as I heard about it, it didn’t surprise me. I think what a lot of people, when they think about when they hear this phrase turbo cancer, it means, oh my goodness, we have something that causes cancer really fast in these injections. From my background and my understanding of cancer I do not dispute the fact that those injections could prob probably our carcinogenic. But as I had just mentioned, it takes a long time for these cancers once they get started to progress to the point where you know it, so that where you see it, you’re aware of it. And when these things are popping up really fast like this, the first thing that came in my mind was what is happening is these aren’t new cancers. These are probably. People who have previous cancer that was treated and then it was just benign, but they never go away completely, typically when they’d be treated like that. Sometimes they can, but it takes a long time for them to go away. And I thought, yeah, it’s like chemotherapy or anything. You give people that or radiation, their tumors disappear, but they don’t really go away and they come back in in months sometimes and a year or something like that to kill you. Even though they totally went away that you can’t detect it. They’re still there, but you just can’t see it. But they come back really fast. And those are the classic turbo cancers that follow standard therapy like chemo ra, chemotherapy and radiation. The relapse, it’s like a cancer relapse is turbo it’s turbo cancer back in the old days in the sense that, oh, it’s gone away. But now they come back, six months later or a year later, my god, they’re all over the place and you’re dead in your grave. In a year or two, but we didn’t call it turbo cancer. We just call it relapsing now for the people that especially Normally, that’s an older people that you would expect to see cancer in but with a turbo You’re seeing it in all different kinds of ages even teenagers, which makes no sense The thing is that I think we all have cancer cells in us all the time that come and go. Cosmic radiation. First of all, let me go back and say what cancer is. So that people can understand. Cancer is not what most people think it is. It’s not what the mainstream cancer researchers have been saying it is. And many of them, some of them, Leaving ones even know they got it wrong. Cancer is not a gene disease. It is not a genetic disease. It’s a chromosomal imbalance disease. And this goes back over a hundred years. And Peter Duesberg and I and others, lots of people have been reviving this thing. It’s the chromosomal imbalance theory of cancer. No two cancer cells are alike. They all have different combinations of chromosomes. There’s no such thing as a gene mutation that leads to cancer. They don’t have, there’s no such things as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. All of that stuff is just mainstream pharmaceutical type stuff so that they can just make drugs for this protein or that in that enzyme or whatever it is. No, that’s not cancer at all. Cancer It’s an imbalance in chromosomes, and it’s caused by carcinogens, like mechanical carcinogens, like asbestos, or radiation, like x rays, or cosmic rays from outer space, or certain metals that you have in your diet, or poisons that screw around with the cell, with your cells dividing, that lead to an imbalance in chromosomes. All cancers are imbalance of chromosomes, And as the cells divide, they keep scrambling the chromosomes and they just keep going. No two cancer cells are alike. It’s like shuffling a deck of cards. Every time you shuffle it, you get a different selection of cards in its particular sequence. That’s what cancer is. So it’s not a, it’s not a genetic. Genetic disease. It’s a, it’s an imbalance in the innards of a cell, basically in the nucleus of a cell, and it takes a long time for these weird cells that almost always die on their own to eventually progress. Like I said, decades for a solid tumor into a viable tumor that. can actually be detected by a physician, have symptoms and things like that. So that’s what cancer is. There’s no such thing as it’s a cancer that you can start today from scratch, and a year will kill you or in six months or whatever stage three, stage four cancer, it just can’t happen that way. So from what I know. For my study of cancer and everything. So for me the thing is that the healthier the patient is, the healthier the patient. Regardless of the cancer, the tumor, the age, or anything else, the better chances they have of surviving whatever cancer they have, and many times never even know it, and died normal death with a tumor and never ever even knew it, but it’s when they show up with symptoms or diseases as a consequence of cancers, then they go to the physician, and then they try to treat the cancer, and then things just go downhill from there. They really have a very hard time for treating the patient. The reason that cancer therapies don’t work is they’re so toxic and dangerous to the person. They destroy the current therapies and mainstream cancer oncology are chemotherapy and radiation by and large. And those both are carcinogenic. The chemotherapy that they use to treat cancer can cause cancer. The radiation they use to treat cancer can cause cancer. These are all known. And they also are very dangerous. If you don’t stop these therapies are lethal. They’ll kill you. That’s one of the problems with all the therapies about that are going on. Now, having said all that, what do I think this turbo cancer is? I think It’s these, and healthy people, let’s start out healthy people have healthy bodies before they get injected with the, with these COVID, COVID injections, these poisons. They’re very healthy and they probably already have cancer cells. We all do. We probably have cancer cells, little masses in our body and a healthy, normal person. They never ever know it, just goes away, and they live a perfectly happy life. So what? All right? Now, when you destroy the health of the individual, like they do with chemotherapy and radiation, yet, the person doesn’t usually survive the cancer because of the serious toxicity of the therapies. All right? They may make the cancer go away, like I said, but it just comes right back with a vengeance. So what I think is happening is These injections, these COVID injections, we already know that they go to every organ and tissue in your body, the spike protein, the nanoparticles, we already know this, they go to every tissue and organ in your body. Some of the tissues and organs are more immediately affected, like it could be the heart, it could be the spleen, it could be the nervous system, it could be the blood, whatever. They’re all injured, they’re all, even Recently, there’s a some papers published about people have been injected. And they looked at the damage to the heart, the ones who show no symptoms, healthy people, all the people that received in these studies that received these COVID injections have damaged hearts, but they’re not to the point where they give, they show symptoms, but they show that the people versus people who did not get these injections, their hearts are damaged. That’s probably true. I don’t mean they show the symptoms. That’s probably true. And everybody’s injected. A neighbor here recently died a month ago from these injections. She had a 2.6 pound spleen that was affected by these things that had to remove that. And she had all kinds of problems that are absolutely on the agenda or on the I guess the menu of the toxicities of these injections. Now to get back to the turbo cancer thing, You have these people that their health, their general health is being reduced throughout their body. These people are becoming less healthy because every tissue in their body has been affected by the, by these COVID injections. The nervous system, the immunological system, the cardiovascular system, everything that you can think of. So now we’re having a general reduction in health, a gross reduction in the health of the individual that that got these shots. Now what does that do? That, if you have any cancers around, That was either a previous cancer that was cured, in quotes dormant, it went dormant. Or if you have one that you never ever knew that you had, which I think we all do anyway, but now the host has no ability. Your immune system is totally wacky. Your ability, your just normal general health has gone down the tubes. So you shouldn’t be surprised to see these cancers. Now they’re free. They have it’s basically like mushrooms. So you have a dead tree or a dead animal. Guess what happens? The fungi and everything just goes wild. They just use you as food, and basically you have this tumor sitting in you, in your body someplace. trying to survive in competition with your normal healthy body. Now, all of a sudden, all the defenses that your body has to keep the tumors in bay and actually defeat the tumors, those gone or reduced. Now the tumor can just spread or grow like a mushroom or like a fungi. I’m just trying to give people a visual image of how I perceive what’s going on here with these. These turbo cancers that just to reiterate, turbo cancer is not was always known. but known to people who had treatments for cancer with chemotherapy or radiation then they would go away. Maybe the tumors would no longer be visible by x rays or whatever. And the people by still the people, they’re not very healthy. I’ve never met a person who took chemotherapy. Who wish, who would say, everyone would have regretted it. Everybody I’ve talked to who had chemotherapy regretted it. They wish they’d never done it, even if the cancer went away. But then frequently these, their lives are so horrible after that, but they’re still alive until the tumors come back. But they come back really fast and people have been treated. Yeah,
James Egidio:
I interviewed a doctor, William Makis from Canada. He’s a radiological oncologist who actually reports sudden deaths. And of course, a lot of this turbo cancer in just everyday people who have gotten the injection. And what he’s discovered is that even a lot of young patients, in their twenties and thirties. Are getting these turbo cancers as well? And they’ve never had cancer before. And I guess my question is when someone gets this injection, as you say, this toxic poison that you even had written a paper about messenger RNA toxicity. What’s actually happening? What’s the mechanism of that can possibly be happening? Let’s say at the cellular level that once they get injected. Because you did mention that it’s at the chromosomal level, right? What could be happening once someone gets injected that they get these cancers?
Dr. David Rasnick:
The cancers, like I said, in my opinion… They’re already there. The injection did not cause the cancer because they’re coming. They’re coming around to too fast. That’s not to say that they aren’t initiating new little cancers, but like all cancers that from my experience again, and from my understanding of cancer, it takes a long time for those things to progress to the point where they are invasive. and they are deadly. Just because you make an imbalance in chromosomes does not mean you have cancer. No, it just means you have damaged cells. All cancer cells are damaged cells and at the early stages they can survive low levels of chromosomal imbalance and as they get more and more unbalanced the more often they just plain die. They have to the thing is they have to keep getting hit with doses of carcinogen over and over again, to keep the fire going and then just, it’s like a lottery. At some point, some of these cells, there’s a hurdle that they have to make, and there’s, We have the technical details understood and documented and published about how you have these marginal cancer cells with barely survivable chromosomal imbalance, how they can make a leap up to a higher level of DNA content and now start approaching from on high instead of from below. We have 46 normal chromosomes in the human body. Cancers have typically between 60 and 90 chromosomes. Between 60 and 90. But the step point, you can’t just go from 46 balanced chromosomes to 60 or 90 chromosomes that will, that the cell will survive. It can’t do it. It’s just, it’s like a lottery that’s just. too incredibly impossible. These things have to do a stepwise survivable. Every time they change their chromosomes or balance, a lot of them can’t survive. And there’s just a few that may, and then those have to increase their chromosomes. And that just keeps getting worse for these guys all the time. But then at some point, what happens when they can’t divide anymore, but they’re, they haven’t died. But they’re almost dead. They’ll, some of these will still double their chromosomes, even though they won’t divide, they won’t divide the cell won’t divide. But then they’ll try to undergo another cell division later when they’ve gone from, let’s say, roughly 50 chromosomes to, let’s say, 100 chromosome, doubling it, like that, just because they, when you have a cell, when your normal 46 chromosomes and your normal cell divide the first thing they do before they divide, you multiply 46 to get 92, and then the cell divides into two new cells, so you got 46. chromosomes in each to each new cell. Cancer cells have to do that too. They have to multiply the number, they have to double the number of chromosomes that they have in their aneuploid, which means unbalanced chromosome. They have to double those before they divide. And then when they divide The numbers divided into two, roughly. If the chromosomes were balanced, they would be equal. But in cancer cells, they aren’t. You always get two new different cancer cells. Every time they divide, no two of which ever existed anywhere before in history. No two cancer cells are alike. That’s why there’s no hope for this the gene mutation theory or therapy of finding cancer genes. There are no such things as cancer genes. The genes are normal in cancer cells. What’s abnormal are the numbers of chromosomes. Now, if you’re able to get one of these barely viable cells, these aneuploid cells, unbalanced chromosomes, let’s say around 50 chromosomes, they can’t divide. They stop, but they want to go through another round of cell division. Now they double it. Now they have a hundred chromosomes. Alright? Then they try to divide and if they are successful when they divide. Alright? Now these chromosomes are much higher. They have much higher level. They had a hundred. Now say they had 58, now they have a hundred. They go way up here. Now they can come down slowly to around, between 60 and 90, and there’s a big broad range in there, all right? That takes decades. For that to happen to a tumor that is detectable, a solid tumor that is detectable in people. I don’t know of a way how that could happen any faster, even with these injections, yeah. So that’s why I say those cancers are already there. And what they’re doing is you’re totally destroying the health in the individual to the point where they can, where the body is so degraded that this normal defenses, the inflammatory response in the cell, the immunological, the innate immune system is being devastated by these injections, and the normal health of the body is just going down. Now you have the, these cancer cells that are there. It’s like I said, they’re behaving like fungi. They can just develop. They can just grow and you’re not dead yet, but you soon will be basically. Yeah.
James Egidio:
So what you’re saying is then that the messenger RNA poison, this bio weapon is more or less expressing the cancers that’s already in hidden in your body. is what it’s doing.
Dr. David Rasnick:
No. I don’t want to say. I think it’s the general overall destruction of health and poisoning. The nanoparticles are toxic all by themselves. Just the those lipids are toxic. The the messenger RNA is toxic. The protein, the spike protein we’ve known since the late 80s is very toxic and very dangerous. All right, that’s toxic. And who knows what else are in those injections? Plus there’s DNA we’ve learned recently. They have those plasmids from the bacterial plasmids that are in there. And we don’t know everything that’s in those injections. I think it’s like a shotgun. With pellets each one of those pellets is a different poison. So it’s not, when you ask for a mechanism, you say, okay, which one of these components in there Is it? I don’t know which ones. All I know is, put shotgun pellet kills you. Yeah. Yeah. But this thing is loaded with poisons. We know that in general, they really degrade your health and that’s all you need. For these cancers that are already in your body to proliferate.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the premise of your paper to write messenger RNA toxicity. Correct?
Dr. David Rasnick:
Yeah, the it’s toxic, but I don’t want to, when you ask for a mechanism, a lot of people, when you talk about mechanisms it, you can talk about a mechanism after you’ve understood one. I worked with enzymes a lot, enzyme mechanisms about how proteases in particular, and we always talked about mechanisms, but we had something very specific. to work with. We had the enzyme itself, the little jaws, like the little molecular pair of scissors or protease, and then you had the proteins that substrate, they go in there and they cut, so now we can talk about a mechanism because we know what the jaws are, what the jaws look like in the protease, in the enzyme. And we see where it cuts the proteins, if they’re very specific, and some are general, some are very specific. Then some some of these enzymes, four classes of proteases, the serine protease, cysteine protease, metalloprotease, and spiral protease. There’s a, I think, a tyrosine one out there, since I retired. Yeah protease. But they it’s whether they have a nucleophile, like an oxygen or sulfur, or they have a polarizer, like zinc and metalloproteases they have specific I’m getting, what are the actual scissors and the actual mechanics about how you can go in there and do that. You can talk about a mechanism. Once you have that level of fine detail, we don’t have that level of fine detail with these injections. We just know that they’re extremely toxic. They’re very poison. And I think the biggest, broadest mechanism right now is they destroy general health. General health. And when you look at it, you don’t know whether somebody who has these injections is going to have a heart attack. Have a stroke come down with cancer, or have an enlarged spleen that has to be cut out with, the consequences and the appearance of problems that people have from these injections is like, there’s multiple mechanisms, there’s no one mechanism, there’s no one or two mechanisms that you, It’s too complicated. I really don’t think that we’re at the stage where we can really meaningfully talk about mechanisms. We can propose mechanisms, but we really don’t know. And like I say, when I used to, when we used to really talk about mechanisms at the molecular level, when we had the exact enzyme, we knew what it looked like, we had the substrate, we knew what it looked like. People could argue about even mechanisms when you have that amount of detail. It makes no sense to talk about a mechanism when you have a bottle full of poison that you’re injecting into people, you might be right. You might not. Who knows? They
James Egidio:
talk about these by products that are in the In the vaccine, the hydrogel and they’re talking about the nanolipid particles. What is the function of each one of those? And why did they formulate this particular type of vaccine or so called vaccine, which I call bioweapon? And I will always continue to call it that. Why did they? Why’d they change
Dr. David Rasnick:
things? It is a bioweapon. You’re absolutely right. It was a bioweapon from the very beginning. It was designed to be a bioweapon. The spike protein that they want to put in a person is known to be a poison since the late 80s. What sense does it make to put the instructions for making a poison in the human body? Soon as they very, the very beginning when they were talking about messenger RNA For a spike protein is an injection instantly. I knew that was intentional murder homicide. All right Because the mechanism is simple. Look at let’s snake venom. I talk about snake venom I tell people about snake venom. Snake venom the idea with the snake is the venom is usually enzymes Usually proteins and enzymes and they inject it directly into your bloodstream and your bloodstream does not have the protection that your mouth and your lungs and your Digestive tracts do against protein because soon as you get anything in your lungs or your mouth or your digestive tract The proteins are being denatured in other words unfolded and they’re being chewed up by enzymes You know, they’re being destroyed. So you can actually drink snake venom, and you don’t have a problem. You just digest it. It’s food, but if you inject that snake venom into a person it’s, it, what’s going to happen? It’s going to, it could kill them. So the thing about this business about coronaviruses, and we, since the 80s, they’re talking about coronavirus and spike protein, I think it goes all the way back into the 70s. But I don’t think they knew about the toxicity of the spike protein until the 80s. But think about it, a common cold virus, coronaviruses, have the spike protein. If you get it directly in your blood, it could kill you, but we don’t for millions of years, comes into your lungs your innate immune system, your saliva. You have a billion bacteria per milliliter of saliva, a billion bacteria in your mouth and your eyes. So we got all these enzymes in our tears and in our saliva and our lungs and our digestive tract. And plus the rest of the innate immune system that goes in there, it sees anything foreign, it chews it up but if you inject these poisons directly into people with the the spike protein, the instructions, not, they weren’t, if they had injected the spike protein directly into people, not RNA, they’d start dying too quick, like snake venom, so the clever part is the Trojan horse. You make the instructions. For the spike protein such now you inject that into people now, you turn yourselves into a fact a factory to synthesize the poison that’s going to kill you.
James Egidio:
In other words, transcription to translation to produce what the spike protein itself.
Dr. David Rasnick:
That’s what, that’s the, yeah. See transcription means you go from normally transcription is from D NA the Deoxyribonucleic acid from the nucleus, but then this virus has RNA, right? So then you have to tr you transcribe the DNA into RNA. But now we already have the RNA and the RNA gets translated, got nucleic acid translated into protein. That’s what the translation means. You’re going from sequence of nucleic acid to a sequence of amino acids. That’s why they use the word translation.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I just interviewed Dr. JJ Cooey. I know you’re familiar with him and he used the word transfection. Yeah. So explain a little bit to the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast about transfection as well. Yeah,
Dr. David Rasnick:
transfection is a method God has developed a long time ago. It’s a method of genetic engineering. They have bacteria normally in transfection, with gene with gene therapy. So the idea is with gene therapy, if you have like hemophilia or sometimes genetic disease and it means you’re missing it’s mostly in males because it’s a gene on the X chromosome. If it goes bad, males only have one that that they would come down with a genetic disease like hemophilia. They only have one X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes. If they have one of them that doesn’t work right with for the factor eight for hemophilia, they have the other one. It’s just fine. They don’t have hemophilia. But with males, if one copy of it goes wrong, okay, they don’t have a good chance here. So the idea is to replace or the defective gene in males that have hemophilia with, a good gene for factor A, for blood clotting factor. And the idea is how do you do that? You have to put the gene, you have to get the good healthy gene into the cells. And the way to do that is through transfection. It means I’m going to transfer. They’re using infection. They’re going to use a bacterium, a little circular DNA that they use to get from bacteria and the circular DNA and they put the proper gene. They open up the circular DNA and it puts this proper sequence in here for the good factor eight. The one that will actually work properly. All right. You put that in that little circular DNA. Now, circular DNA can infect your cells. They call it transfection. All right. Once they inject it into your body, it’ll go into your body, get inside your cells, and it will open this thing up, and it will the next cell. splice the good DNA into your DNA. Now I’m not a person that does this. I’m just telling you like a textbook sort of story of it. Sure. So you take this little thing, this little circular thing of DNA, put it in the syringe, inject it into people. It’s got the right sequence of DNA for let’s say factor eight. All right. And you get into people and then. It, you hope, it opens it up and inserts the segment that you want, the good DNA for Factor VIII, for example. I don’t think they’ve ever done it on Factor VIII. They use other weird genetic diseases that they’ve tried it on. All right, and then it gets spliced into your DNA. Now, once it’s in your DNA, you’re home free, so to speak. Because DNA is extremely stable, and then you hope that now your body will produce the right factor eight for your blood clotting problem. Okay, they can get a lot of that done right. They can get those genes and everything into the person. The problem is that it’s not safe. Every time they’ve tried it, and I think it’s been going on for 20 years or more, trying to do this with various things, that the people get very sick, and they die. So that’s not good, as you can imagine. Sure. The technology is there. And that same technology for inserting genetic material for a good purpose. To try to help somebody with a true genetic disease. They fail. They have not worked. All right. But they have used that technology to poison people. The technology is there and have a good intent. Unfortunately, you can turn any tool, anything useful into a weapon and into a murder vehicle. Sure. That’s what happened. That’s what happened in the pharmaceutical industry. They took good ideas along with the military people. And as we all know, what’s going on crooked governments and everything, all of these things that potentially good uses into weapons.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What do you think the motive is for this?
Dr. David Rasnick:
Oh, it’s basically the motive that’s been going on for God. I don’t know, a thousand, 2000 years. It’s basically for totalitarian control. Historically, it’s been in small regions. Like mostly Europe or parts of Asia or this or that now it’s the whole globe right? It’s the total globe That’s why We had, I knew this immediately as of February of 2020. I think we mentioned this before in the other program when John Rappaport called me on the phone just said, get in this battle, Dave with this COVID stuff. And then after talking to him, I realized I have to, because I realized this wasn’t like AIDS, it wasn’t like any of these other things. This was global because never in history had all, everybody in the world agreed to do the same thing at the same time and use the same language. That’s why that’s I knew that was World War 3. We were starting World War 3. The shooting part is coming folks. Unfortunately, I’m
James Egidio:
afraid. Yeah, I have to agree with you on that because they’re even coming out with this 2nd round of bioweapon. I want to continue to call it the bioweapon and not the vaccine. You hear a lot of speculation. I don’t know if it’s speculation, but a lot of the ingredients that were added to the first round of the bioweapon the hydrogels and the metals and the nanoparticles and all that there was speculation on it being tied to 5G and more advanced technologies yeah. What’s your take on that?
Dr. David Rasnick:
I wouldn’t put it past them. But I, at this point, lemme tell you even though I’m the tech, a technical guy, chemist, and all that, so everybody expects me to drill down on all this technical stuff and I’ll do it. I, it’s my job and all that, but frankly, I don’t, I’ll do it up to a point once I know that it’s a murder weapon and it’s killing people I’m not all that interested in looking at all the minutia and all the details about how it’s killing people. I know it’s killing people and I want to stop that, and you might be a little frustrated, but I don’t want to drill down. No,
James Egidio:
not at all. Because I drilled down a little bit myself personally, and I mentioned this on a couple episodes on what’s called quantum tattoos, quantum dot tattoos. And I actually interviewed a gal by the name of Dr. Maria Mahelcha, and she actually drills down on the actual ingredients and the the future of and the motive. For these bio weapons, and I, the research that I did when I dug a little deeper on quantum tattoos was some work that was done by a doctor McHugh at Rice University on quantum tattoos. And I, the research that I. Doug up or articles that were written back in the, let’s say, 2003 and four while they were doing this research. And then when they released this study in this paper in 2019 lo and behold, what I read in the paper was just mind boggling. They were talking about vaccine passports and this quantum tattoo that goes under the skin that can be scanned. And. They were using as an excuse for vaccine passports and children, right? Because they always have to target the kids always the new generation. And I just thought that was rather interesting. And then, we’re talking about quantum computing and CBDC central bank, digital currency. So I truly believe there’s got to be some kind of a plan with technology and this thing with transhumanism. What’s your take on that?
Dr. David Rasnick:
There is definitely a plan and there’s probably plans, plural. That’s going on the different interest, the globalist interest, the super rich people, the extremely wealthy people, they have more money than brains. They’re, and they can, you can spend the money, you can do a whole lot of damage. It doesn’t take brains to destroy things, you can the thing about the vaccines, why do they want to inject so many people, I take them literally when they say that they’re really the world population, there are too many people. And a better number would be like 500 million people, which is a little bit more than the population of the United States, where you have 350 million people in this country. Probably 400 by now. Global, that will be 9 billion. We outnumber these people about a million to one. That might even be larger than that, and our sheer numbers scare them to death. And rightly I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these people. They’ve got bodyguards around them and everything like that, the compounds where they’re hidden. I’d love to get my hands on them. I’m an old guy too. But but I would enjoy it. Oh, yeah. So they’re going after what all totalitarians throughout history, think of it as a concentration of wealth. That’s what’s been behind all of the global or regional horrors for thousands of years from the kings, and all this country is trying to, a region trying to monopolize that region like Rome, ancient Rome, and, all those, for thousands of years, and it’s a concentration of wealth, and we’ve, and that’s what’s behind all war. All wars are about money. All wars are about theft. Throughout history, and now the only thing different between this one is the tools and and it’s global. They’re not just trying to take Europe or just this country, that country, it’s the whole globe. So there’s nothing new there except the technology and the. Arrogance of these folks is just so high. They’ll never succeed. They can do a hell of a lot of damage. They can cause a lot of destruction. Yeah. Nobody is smart enough to pull off what they wanted to accomplish and have it work. It won’t work. It won’t work. But the thing of it is, think of it. Now that explains. Why you want to inject virtually everybody on the planet? We outnumber them a million to one at least i’m being conservative on that. All right, right That means you got to kill off all whole lot of people and but you can’t do it I meant when they first started doing this I realized They can’t kill people off immediately. It’d be too, it would be too obvious, so if you killed everybody off really quick, then everybody stops taking it really quick. Cause they look next door and their neighbor died. They look over here and their family’s dead, that now more and more because what three quarters of the planet’s been injected or whatever, something like that.
James Egidio:
Is that how many has? Is it been
Dr. David Rasnick:
that, is it that’s? Something like that. Wow. Who knows what the real number is? But at least once, I think it, at least once, and I’m just used to numbers that I see, it’s a rough estimate, three quarters of the people and, but still they gotta be really scared because that still leaves billions of people, that outnumber them so that’s why they keep insisting on these lethal injections. And the thing of it is that not immediately lethal. See that’s another thing. It’s progressively lethal. The more injections you get, the more likely it’s going to kill you. Yeah. So that’s why they keep pushing this stuff and people are resisting. A lot more people are resisting. It looks like you had a question.
James Egidio:
No, it’s not that I have a question. It’s interesting. You’re saying what you’re saying, because since we had our last conversation I lost personally lost eight, eight people I know personally. Wow. Eight, eight. And the youngest. Yeah. And the youngest was 30 years old. His brother found him dead in his bathroom and he died suddenly. The kid was. Young, healthy other friends of mine died from sudden cardiac arrest. And they were just so eager to have to get it done. They were like, Oh, my gosh, I gotta get this done. I’m just so afraid, of this whole thing. And it was the whole fear factor that they instilled in people. Fear is false events appearing real. And that’s what happened. I think a lot of people were just went to the slaughter out of fear. Yep,
Dr. David Rasnick:
they did. And and they’re really concerned, these people, because I think they’re really concerned that people are refusing these injections in large numbers. Because, like I said before, the biggest thing that they are afraid of are our sheer numbers. Yeah. And that’s why they keep wanting to push these things. We gotta lower the numbers down, folks. Gotta keep lowering them down. And if it takes a war to do it and distract attention, I think there’s gonna probably be a real big shooting war here real soon. Yeah. That’s what happened. The thing in Ukraine didn’t pan out, so this what’s going on Israel, and they’re not going to stop. They’re going to do whatever they can do. The goal is to reduce the global population down to a comfortable level for the manipulators. Who are running this thing and the thing I want to get back to is never again when all of a sudden the generation or two that’s picks up where we left off with this mess, we have to make, we have to make a crime for a concentration of wealth. I don’t know what the number is, but nobody should be ever have the capacity or control over a billion dollars. No individual. There’s you can’t do that much harm with a million dollars You really can’t not to the globe maybe in your neighborhood or whatever But on global scale anybody has control of billions or hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars that should be a crime International crime we can never let that happen again such concentration of wealth That’s been the crux of all wars. I think probably throughout history as a concentration of wealth. It’s all about theft, get this and take it away from everybody else. So they, they can’t fight back. That’s what this is, but on a high tech scale.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I know the last time we spoke, we didn’t really get too much into the vaccine and the vaccine program and whatnot, or this bioweapon program. I should call it again. I keep calling it a vaccine because that’s what they. Try to instill, the other peculiar thing about the whole program was that it became politicized and it divided a lot of people. And that’s the strategy of both sides of both parties, political parties in this country is that our founding fathers were brilliant. I don’t like to get too much into the politics of this because I like to inform and educate the listener of the medical truth podcast that they’re going to benefit with their health. But I keep parroting the fact that people need to take the politics and the division out of these decisions that they’re making for their health and quit listening to these people and open up your ears to the likes of you. Dr. David Rastnick and Dr. J. Cooey and Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O., and even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with the vaccines with his book on the real Anthony Fauci. We all get labeled as conspiracy theorists, but you’re a man who has spent your entire life in the sciences. And you have to, people have to open up their ears and listen to it as another side and be more open about it. Don’t you agree?
Dr. David Rasnick:
That takes practice. Anything really does take practice. The only time it really works quickly. It’s like when something, a tragedy happens to you, that wakes people up. Tragedies wake people up really quick. Like all these moms, I watched the moms, with the kids, with the injections, go full bore, but all it took was one child, one of their, right before their eyes being destroyed or killed. Then boy, that’s their red pill moment and, and they’ve been fighting these mothers. The women are the real warriors. The mothers are the warriors. Yeah. All the women about this stuff, that here in North Carolina throughout my battles with the AIDS and everything, the women were the real warriors. The faces, a lot of the faces were men, but behind the scenes, on the other side, not only TV cameras or whatever, the real warriors like Celia Farber, a journalist, she’s a great one. Yeah. And a number of other folks, but they get the Big because they don’t have PhDs and stuff like that after the name But they’re the real warriors and it’s true now and here in North Carolina, most of the gilford patriots Most of them are women the ones that started it are women and they’re fighters and I want to join them and everything but we got to fight properly have to you know, decide what level it takes time and you really have to do it local level. Have to do it every level you can. Kennedy has global level to national level. That’s hes ball game. He can do that because he’s so well known and everything. I can help people around the world understand stuff. I’ve been around the world, done all kinds of things with the AIDS stuff for decades. That’s why we people, we group of people, scientists, journalists, lawyers documentary filmmakers, who’ve been trying to expose the AIDS crap, the AIDS hoax. Hoax for decades, we’re more popular now than we’ve ever been. Yeah, I noticed that. Yeah. You know now it becomes visible so then people are looking out and so they’re pulling out, you know This group over here and so we’re all getting together on The internet is very powerful weapon for us and for our enemies And that’s why we can’t let them only have access to it We have to keep it and communicate with each other and inform each other. I mean i’m learning Hell of a lot of stuff that I never knew. Sure. I’m sharing with what I know with people, sure. And the focus is, it’s about freedom. It’s World War III. These people will not let up. They want us dead. The survivors, they want us controlled, that’s what we, that’s what we’re up against, and it’s going to get a lot worse next year, 2024. Believe me, it’s going to be a lot. 2023, we’re going to look back at 2023 and go, Oh, the good old days,
James Egidio:
yeah. And even 2020, you look back, and it’s interesting because we this coming into this election year and all the stuff that’s happened. I’m on both sides of the political spectrum and I have, I don’t have any confidence in any of them on either side. I think they’re all in on it together. And yeah, they are. They’re all in on it together. The Democrats and the Republicans. That’s my take on it. That’s my, no, not at all. And you know what it is, Dr. Rasnick, it’s a conquer and divide attitude. They, if they can keep people divided, they can conquer. That’s what it’s all about for those two sides. Yeah,
Dr. David Rasnick:
keep people scared and divided. As long as you keep that fear, it’s easier to keep them divided. You get rid of that fear. You get a little anger in you. Like me, man. I like to get my hands around their throats these days. Ooh! Oh, that would be better than anything I can think in my life. I would love, I’d never happen, but I’m in that point. They do not want to be in my presence physically. Yeah. I don’t want to be in my presence. Yeah. And we have to have lots of people that have a good, healthy anger. I don’t mean a crazy anger. Good, healthy. Yeah. Trying to murder you and me. They literally, in the process, and they’re already murdering, let me tell you the latest numbers that I’ve come across about that with the injections, and these are really serious analyses, good people, in Canada, really great analysis in his team, and they’ve, there’s a conservative estimate. But that should be frightening enough that they already estimate 17 million people have been killed by these COVID injections. That’s a conservative estimate. The the larger number is closer to 60 million larger, and I think the larger number is probably But the one based on the 17 countries and that they looked at they’re looking at over 260. I forget what it is, and get even more data coming out pretty soon, but they did an extraordinarily good job. A very highly excellent. I understand their data, how they did it and all that. I was really convinced when I saw their data, how they did it, how they presented it, is really solid. Their estimate of 17 million. That, that is a solid number, but I’m pretty sure that solid number is at the low end. So they’re damned us to make sure that you couldn’t just say, hey, there’s something wrong here. Nothing wrong with that 17 million number.
James Egidio:
Yeah. They’re way off their mark, though. They got about another, what, 800 billion, 500 million left to go.
Dr. David Rasnick:
Based on their goal, 9 billion people
James Egidio:
no, we just had an influx of illegals from the
Dr. David Rasnick:
so yeah, I always love these discussions because they go off in this direction.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. So what you’re saying, is that you would never take Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates to lunch.
Dr. David Rasnick:
Oh, I’d love to. Are you kidding? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Yes.
James Egidio:
Keep us up to date. Keep me up to date on what’s going on. And I would love to have you, of course, back on again. With your work and what you’re doing. It’s just absolutely phenomenal. I really appreciate your time today.
Dr. David Rasnick:
I’m happy. Thank you. I enjoy it. This is one of the fun parts of catastrophe. It is. It’s good to share with people. Sure. That’s one of the good things. It’s a renaissance.
James Egidio:
I know. I know. It’s interesting you say that because we have to keep our sanity through all this madness. I’ve even resorted to watching old episodes of Johnny Carson and and Ed Sullivan just to keep myself
Dr. David Rasnick:
talking to people and talking to people. Yeah, that’s a really great way to do it. That’s why they don’t want us together. Sure. Boy, you actually a good, strong human being.
James Egidio:
Oh, absolutely. They don’t want that. I’ve been censored on this platform as well on YouTube. I had my social media guy call me up 1 day when we first launched this back in January. And he says to me, he says, James, he goes, you’re not going to believe what happened. He says, YouTube censored you and you’re you’re censored till, July or whatever. So I said his name is Dallas. I said, Dallas, that’s great. I says that means We’re right over the mark.
Dr. David Rasnick:
That’s right. You wear that little badge up there. Hey That’s right absolutely,
James Egidio:
dr. Rastnick, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the medical truth podcast
Dr. David Rasnick:
James has been great being with you again. Absolutely. We’ll have you on again. Thanks. All right thanks for listening to the Medical Truth Podcast. For the latest episodes, go to www. medicaltruthpodcast. com. You can also find the Medical Truth Podcast on Rumble, as well as all the major podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and iHeart.