Post COVID Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children- Interview with Robert Rollins, M.D.
Sep 7, 2023 | COVID Podcast Episodes, Podcasts, Vaccine Podcast Episodes

It can be very stressful for a first-time parent with a child who presents with illness and injury, especially when your child presents with symptoms; so many things are running through your head to sort out the issue. My guest has specialized in pediatric cardiology for over 15 years and has written numerous articles and lectures on childhood illnesses related to the cardiovascular system. Dr. Robert Rollins is here to discuss Multisystem Inflammatory Disease vs. Kawasaki disease on the Medical Truth Podcast.

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Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
For a first-time parent with a child that presents with illness and injury. It can be very stressful, especially when your child is presenting with symptoms. So many things are running through your head to sort out the issue. My guest specializes in pediatric cardiology for over 15 years. And has written numerous articles and lectures on childhood illnesses related to the cardiovascular system. Dr. Robert Rollins is here to discuss multi-system inflammatory disease versus Kawasaki disease. it is an honor and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest, Dr. Robert Rollins. Hi, Dr. Rollins. Welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing today?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Appreciate you having me.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Absolutely. It’s an honor and a blessing to have you on the medical truth podcast. Just for the viewers and listeners, the medical truth podcast who you are and what you do.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah, I’m a, I am a pediatric and fetal cardiologist here in Southern Nevada. I’ve been out of my training now for about 18 years born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m a native guy here finished my training up at the University of Southern California and came back here in 2006 and I’ve been part of a practice here in Southern Nevada since that time. And it’s been interesting to watch what’s been going on in the world.
James Egidio:
Today I wanted to just address for the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast, a little bit about. Because you hear this every once in a while in the media and on online about multi system inflammatory syndrome versus Kawasaki disease. And, what is multi system inflammatory syndrome and Kawasaki disease?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Kawasaki disease is something well known by pediatric cardiologists. It’s the number one acquired cardiac disease state for for children. Most of what we deal with as pediatric cardiologists is congenital heart disease, a structural heart disease. So if you will plumbing we’ve got different abnormalities with regards to the great arteries and the vessels and how they’re hooked up to the ventricles. But Kawasaki disease is something that generally affects a child with a normal heart. It starts off with with a fever and then the diagnosis is really made by criteria. The criteria are basically fever for greater than 5 days. You can have, you usually have a rash. And the rash can be any type of rash. You usually have mucocutaneous spinings, where the the typical description by the pediatricians is that the tongue looks like a strawberry. The lips are very red and swollen oftentimes become cracked because the Children are very dehydrated throughout a lot of this you typically you can have an enlarged lymph node and unusually it’s only on one side of the neck the hands and the feet can be very swollen and they can get erythematous or reddened and once this criteria It’s been met because there’s really no, it’s an unusual disease. We don’t know what causes it. But once these criteria are met, then the pediatric cardiologist gets consulted and they come in and take a history and do a physical examination and typically we’ll look at a 1280 kg and any of the labs that have been performed and perform an echocardiographic study. And that’s where the biggest interest for us comes in the most lethal problem with regards to Kawasaki disease is aneurysms on the coronary arteries of the heart. And most of you probably know that the coronary arteries are the arteries that branch off of the root of the aorta, the biggest artery that comes out of the left side of the heart and feeds the actual heart muscle. It’s blood flow, and if you get sacular aneurysm or abnormalities in those coronary arteries it’s the same as having some type of a plaque or a blockage or some kind of a, the medical word for blockages, stenosis or abnormal flow in those coronaries it basically can cause a heart attack. In a child or a baby, so it’s something that we take very serious. And when those type of criteria are seen, we do the consultation, we evaluate the child and then we give our recommendations with regards to treatment.
James Egidio:
Okay. And then multi system inflammatory syndrome. Is it the same thing, or is it different, or do they present with the same symptoms?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
It’s not the same. Great question. It’s not the same thing, but in fact, to my knowledge, multisystemic, multisystem, inflammatory syndrome in children really didn’t exist until COVID came along. And usually they’re it’s, it could really be characterized almost as a type of hyper inflammatory syndrome. It’s similar in that respect to Kawasaki, because Kawasaki is a widespread big inflammatory response like a vasculitis. And that’s why it’s the endothelium or the inner lining of those coronary vessels. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is very similar in its presentation, with the exception that it usually. affects other systems just like it’s termed multi system inflammatory syndrome in children, and it can be very quick to onset. It typically happens most severely in children who are older than ones that get Kawasaki disease. And they can really have a rapid course of deterioration and require a lot of supportive treatment and sometimes even die from.
James Egidio:
When we, when you talk about Kawasaki disease versus multi system, inflammatory syndrome what age ranges, are we talking about with each one of these diseases?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
The official there are different criteria, of course, with I’ll use the term MISC. That’s, it’s an easier to say over and over the Multi System inflammatory Syndrome and time percentage of it. The different criteria have been put out by different entities, World Health Organization, CDC and other centers like Boston Children’s and things like this, but they describe it as having to happen between 0 and 19 years of age. In my experience the kids that seem to be the sickest with it, and the most severely affected are in that middle school range, 10, 12 to 14 years of age, whereas Kawasaki’s disease, it tends to be more of a toddler to an early school age child. And of course, there are cases of each one running the whole gamut of the spectrum of age, but that seems to be one big difference between them.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What causes these diseases?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Good question. We don’t know. I studied at, children’s Hospital, Los Angeles under a gentleman, Dr Takahashi, who had a great interest in Kawasaki disease, and I learned from him as a mentor, and he has been studying it for a lot of his career in life and never found the cause. And similarly, we don’t know the cause of MIS-C. There’s no serum test that you can say, boom, this is what it is, or some kind of a culture. But I will tell you that MISC for the most part didn’t become like it is or even appear really until COVID 19 became so prevalent after we started seeing the pandemic. Yeah. Kawasaki disease has has popped up almost like a viral, like viruses will, you’ll have a flu season or you’ll have a season with a, with viruses called respiratory syncytial virus or adenovirus. And it seems to have that type of a pattern. So we’ve always thought that the etiologic agent or the cause for Kawasaki’s was a virus and probably some type of hyper immune response. And I truly believe that your genetic, you have a genetic predisposition. Some people will probably have this hyper immune response that have certain genes that others won’t.
James Egidio:
Yeah, so I guess it sounds like what you’re saying to going back to COVID. was that pre vaccine or post vaccine rollout as far as the prevalence of seeing the MIS-C
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I believe MIS-C showed up in 2020. And I don’t have the statistics for Nevada right in front of me, but we were, we are the only group that takes care of field in the heart disease in our state. And I don’t believe we started seeing it until the spring or the summer of 2021. We had our first cases of MIS-C then, in fact, I think I was the doctor who was on call. For the first, couple of cases of this, and they were very severe and they were, I think the one child was 12 and the other one was 11. well, and they were significant.
James Egidio:
Spring or summer of 2021, I know the vaccine rollout started, I think the end of 2020, if I’m not mistaken. Correct?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yes, I believe so.
James Egidio:
So it sounds like it’s post vaccine prevalence where you see the MIS-C more so than let’s say, what, February, March of 2020, when first came on the scene, or at least was announced now, we know, that COVID itself evolved in 2019, I believe it was like October, September, October, November, right around that time that window of time, but wasn’t announced. And the first cases weren’t reported, I believe, until what, 20, February of 2020, even into March.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah. Yeah. I’m not sure at what point. I know that, of course, adults really jumped on the bandwagon with vaccine earlier than children and everybody has their own experience, but my experience building questions in the office with families and their children, of course, there was a lot of hesitancy early on. I think that the children that were vaccinated came a bit later than the adults. Of course, you may know that data better than I do.
James Egidio:
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
but in fact, I was concerned my understanding of this, and I don’t. I don’t believe it’s truly a vaccine. I think that substance is being put into the body that actually creates antigen. And if antigen, in fact, is the ideology, and it’s one of the suspected ideologies, I believe, MIS-C because you have to have the antigen there for the immune response to take hold of. one of my peers was that MIS-C may become significantly more prevalent after vaccine rollout. There was a lot of MIS-C afterward, but it seemed in my experience that the in the beginning when we started to see it was where all of these severe cases were. And then afterward, there was a lot less severity, but a lot more cases. I think, in fact, that may have been even overestimated. I don’t know where people, put their get their data from when they report it in these papers. But if they’re taking hospital diagnoses, I know. My experience here in Nevada is that the emergency rooms and the intensivists or giving the label and the presumptive diagnosis of often times when, in fact. It was not there was a lot of overcall because, as with children in, in, in our country, we’re very careful and we’re going to treat more often that we’re not as long as we think the risk benefit ratio is dictates it.
James Egidio:
Yeah, because that was going to be one of my questions to you is what kind of challenges did you experience in 2020 and going into 2021 with COVID, because it seemed like that was the only diagnosis that anybody had for what’s the last two and a half, almost now going into three, three and a half years with COVID was everything was COVID. We never heard about cancer anymore. We didn’t hear about diabetes. We didn’t hear about blood pressure. Everything was covid. So what kind of challenges did you experience during covid, especially since. The symptoms seems seem like they present the same as covid with these 2 diseases.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah I think that I think some of the data shows that Kawasaki’s disease, in fact dropped down, but. Because there was there’s so much overlap with the presenting symptoms, I’m sure that there were errors in diagnosis. And in fact, we probably had a lot of a lot more Kawasaki than we saw during the MIS-C era because it was being called MIS-C the good thing from a pediatric cardiology standpoint is the treatment is almost identical. The treatment usually consists of administering intravenous immunoglobulin and aspirin because you can have clotting abnormalities and anytime you have low dynamic changes in those coronary arteries you want to keep the blood thinned enough so that you don’t create clots on the inside of coronaries, because that, of course, can be fatal for a child. Yeah. But if children didn’t respond sometimes to the gammaglobulin or the intravenous immunoglobulin, the IBIG, we call it we would use corticosteroids at times to really tamp down that immune response. And sometimes even immune modulators. So it, I think it all that data gets garbled up between Kawasaki and MISC. So I don’t know, it would take a lot of time and somebody dedicating a lot of their own clinical time to just tease all those things apart. It’s, but you’re right, I agree with you. Everything was COVID. And in fact, I think a lot of death certificates were probably attributed to COVID apparently.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I know I’ve, I interviewed several physicians and one in particular was Dr. Scott Jensen out of Minnesota who was instructed to falsify death certificates. And when he refused to do that the state of Minnesota went after his medical license and they’re still doing that. It is and getting back to the the some of the byproducts in these vaccines. I interviewed Dr. Maria Mahelcia and she’s talking about, hydrogel and all kinds of stuff in the vaccine. And I know that you read a lot of articles and see a lot of medical articles. That talk about, messenger RNA, but it’s not messenger RNA. It’s other components. That’s all tied to other things other motives I should say metals as well. And we do know there are metals that have been found in vaccines even prior to the COVID vaccine.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah, you bring up a good point with these and. Again, I think we just, I think the word vaccine just falls out of our mouths, but I think you probably agree is not a vaccine. No, it doesn’t prevent any kind of transmission of the disease. In fact people I know personally, who. We’ve got the quotes unquote vaccine, but had COVID repeatedly. And seem to pass it easier than people that have not been injected.
James Egidio:
And that goes back to I think what you were saying about the the immune system. I think it seems as though, and maybe you could correct me on this, that this particular bioweapon is attacking the immune system.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yes. I have a lot of doctors I have just kept my own anecdotal list. Vac again, I’m saying that vaccine issues. I have heard some of your previous podcasts and I’ve heard you say that you personally don’t know anybody who’s died from COVID.
James Egidio:
Not at all.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
You had, several people that have died from the vaccine. I tend to agree with that. I see thousands of patients and families. So children often, they always come in with their parent or parents and sometimes siblings. So there’s a lot of talk about these types of things. And with the amount of people that I see, I’ve been amazed with the amount of death that I have not heard about from COVID. And not one of my patients to my knowledge has ever died from it. But I know several physician friends. And other people in this industry that have died after they’ve been injected with this thing, and I’m not an immunologist, but one of the other things I was very concerned with, because I believe that the SARS COVID 1 testing early on had a big roadblock with I think when it was an animal testing, there were some deaths, and I don’t know all this data wonderfully, but I read about it. Things called antibody dependent enhancement where in fact, if you don’t have a good strong vaccine even made with traditional methods that those can be extremely dangerous and they can actually foster in and make the virus more virulent in your body when you’re trying to actually keep it out and get a immune response to it. All of these things were very concerning to me when this started to come out, in addition to all the other information. I’ve avoided this for myself and my family personally.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And then, you’re talking about a mask mandates and wearing mask. It’s a recipe for disaster because just from that alone, just basic biology. Tells you that you’re basically harboring so many germs on these mask. And I said it from day one, as soon as you open up a box of mask, you start touching them and then you put them over your face and you start touching the mask and adjusting the mask Obviously. Anything past an operating room you’re pretty much past the sterile field and you’re out there all day and you’re touching things and you’re again, touching the mask. There’s no way of avoiding COVID or anything for that matter. And then you’re just destroying your immune system.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I agree, outside of a well fitting N95, and even that has been shown to not cover you, most of the general public that you see that is engaging in the mask wearing are wearing cloth and generalized surgical and exam room masks that I believe have absolutely zero power in stopping this virus from being transmitted. And in fact they cause a lot of problems in, in, in my patient population to oftentimes oxygen saturations are not in the normal range like they are for you and I, who have 2 ventricles and a normal, circulatory system. Having babies and young children who have oxygen saturate a typical oxygen saturation normal is. Probably 93, 94, 95 and greater. Most people are between 90 100% walking around all the time and in room air, which is 21% oxygen in our air. And I have a lot of patients who live in the level of between 75 and 85% all the time. So to have a mask on them and have them basically, to some degree, be hypoventilating and rebreathing a lot of carbon dioxide, it can be a very uncomfortable thing for them and I think more harmful.
James Egidio:
Sure. Especially if you’re rebreathing CO2, I think, doesn’t that put the blood into an acidic state or more of an acidic state?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
James Egidio:
When that happens?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah, you’re not blowing off that CO2, you can cause all kinds of… Problems. Yeah,
James Egidio:
sure. There was just such bad advice from day one and I just, there were so many inconsistencies and so many mixed messages about masking about, of course, obviously, the bio weapon being good. Now, they’re pushing it again. They’re pushing the mask again. Like I said, and you mentioned, I know of 8 people personally that died from the vaccine and they were young, healthy. People, 30 is the youngest healthy. His brother found him dead in his bathroom when he came home and some other friends, that, that couple that had gotten turbo cancer a month or two afterwards. They, they were healthy and all of a sudden liver cancer. And it’s just horrible.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I have similar experience several physician friends. This turbo cancer term, it’s it seems very fitting. It seems that, and it seems that the malignancy of unusual types can come on and then they can run their course very rapidly and violently before death. And I have had the experience with several people I know having underlying illnesses that were fairly well controlled in their lives. And these are people, these are middle aged physicians, forties and fifties. And then suddenly after they had the vaccine, these illnesses that they had been dealing with in whatever way they were dealing with them suddenly became more aggressive and they succumb to it, which I thought was very interesting. There seems to be a lot of inflammatory cascade and cytokine storm. I personally am not as adept at dealing with some of the adult dysrhythmias, but I have seen a significant rise in talking with other adult colleagues in arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. It seems to be increasing I’d be interested to see what the adult cardiologists are seeing with their data.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What’s your theory on these inflammatory response with this vaccine? They say it’s messenger RNA. We know messenger RNA is synthesizes the proteins and this particular vaccine is supposed to synthesize the spike protein, which are the spikes. So how does that work? What’s the mechanism of action? If that, in fact, it is messenger RNA and it is producing these spikes.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah, good question. I think there’s a lot of unknown here. And I’m skeptical as you are as to what really and wholly is in this. And I think it may even different by lot numbers and the vaccine type. I know that the 2 main players that are on messenger RNA type of created were the Moderna and the Pfizer but it seems to me that if your body is given a message that doesn’t go away that quickly, and it’s making these spike proteins, and they’re circulating in the bloodstream throughout the body, and who knows if they’re depositing it at certain places. Bye. Bye. And it keeps being made. That seems to tell me that the inflammatory response that normally is probably pretty limited in a traditional vaccine is ongoing in these. And and I think that we know now in medicine that the inflammation is a big driver of a lot of our chronic diseases and causes a lot of morbidity and mortality. Things that were probably fairly well controlled or at bay with good diets and some medications are now probably very hard to control because of this significant amount of information that people have in their bodies circulating around all the time. I think that’s, I just, I think that’s probably a lot of what the etiology is. I don’t know if that’s been shown to be the case. But I think that as well from a medical literature and reporting standpoint. We’re going to have a problem with getting to the truth. That’s why I love the title of your podcast, Medical Truth Podcast.
James Egidio:
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I I commend you for what you’re doing.
James Egidio:
Thank you. Thanks. In other words, what you’re saying too, when these spikes, let’s just say, let’s take the spikes themselves, right? They get produced through the messenger RNA. They produce. Spike proteins, these spike proteins are circulating through the circulatory system. You’re a pediatric cardiologist. So what they’re like, in essence are like tiny little golf tees that are circulating through the vascular system. And they’re what doing tearing up the endothelial cells in the blood vessels. Is that what they’re doing?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I’m not so sure that they have any direct effect on it, but when they are, and I’m not an immunologist, but. I think when they gra, when, when our system and the antibodies that we produce grab onto these things, it starts a cascade, it starts an immune complex. And we know that interleukin one, interleukin six, interleukin eight, and things like this, when they see, when this complex is formed, it starts a whole cascade of events within the human body that can really overreact. And we see that with with autoimmune diseases, things like systemic lupus, erythemosis. Children’s syndrome, things like that. Yeah it’s really a combination of what we put into the body and what the body’s doing with it.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it’s interesting too, because there is a major autoimmune response to this particular I call bioweapon, but it just seems like there’s, it’s like a multi systemic has a multi systemic effect on people who’ve had diabetes. Their diabetes is raging people that have, let’s say, the oncogenes for cancers, which we all have, right? But they just get expressed, it’s just accelerating that it’s just hyper actively creating these systems that maybe in the future, we’re going to weaken and you were going to succumb to, let’s say, whatever is all of a sudden, it’s just being, it’s an accelerated pace is what it seems like to me.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah, I can tell you I can tell you that, having been around so many health practitioners that did partake in this injection for years and years, we, as physicians we’ve been required to get influenza vaccination and other things to practice. It’s part of. It’s a part of a requirement sometimes just to even get your privileges at a hospital. I can tell you that, I never knew anybody who had a sore arm or a fever or got so sick that they couldn’t come to work for 2 days from getting a flu shot. I personally never did. And a lot of times each year, I get 2 flu shots because my son would make me get a 2nd one with him at sometimes, when I go to the doctor because he didn’t get one unless I did. But I know a lot of people who had to stay home for 1, 2, 3 days, 72 hours or so after getting this quotes unquote COVID vaccine, because they were so sick, they couldn’t even get out of bed. And they had a lot of pain, they had a lot of inflammation and redness and erythema in their arm. And then they were so sick with high fever, they couldn’t come to work for a couple of days. It’s just something very different about what they’ve done with this.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I interviewed Dr. William Makis out of Canada. He’s a radiological oncologist, and he’s diligent about posting vaccine injury on Substack. And he reports. Vaccine injury and death amongst pilots, physicians up in Canada. And he was mentioning, I think when they first rolled out the vaccine, I think within two months, they lost 60 physicians in Canada and getting back to what you’re talking about with these lot numbers in these lots, one of my second episodes was with a doctor Yoho. And we were talking about what’s called hot lots. That’s a research vaccination research term researchers term for strengths, various strengths of vaccines and my philosophy, and this is my belief, and I don’t know how true this is, but this is what I’m actually use the word speculate is that because the vaccine was under what’s called emergency use authorization and the pharmaceutical companies were not liable for any injury or death, it became like a real big research study is what it became and my philosophy is that when they send these vaccines to, to distribute them nationwide. Every single lot number, is tied to that county or that state and it’s everything’s recorded by the administrator of the vaccination. And what I think they did personally, is that they use various strengths. And this was one, big worldwide research study, because I don’t believe any high profile people that were on and I won’t mention the names that were on TV getting injections were receiving the actual vaccination, or at least the, they were receiving the control the saline solution is my take. Politicians, celebrities. Absolutely. And we’ll get into the next on the next episode we’ll talk about myocarditis and pericarditis, and we’ll talk, I want to talk to you about athletes and why this is creating a lot of pericarditis and myocarditis in young athletes, but we’ll talk about that in the next episode. The next one we do, but that’s my take is that this was a big research project and it’s not over. I think they’re going to continue this narrative with mask and more back more bioweapons, I call them not vaccines. And they clearly stated that they want to depopulate and Gates is involved. That’s another thing that’s to me just is a red flag. When Gates gets involved and he talks about, we, we need to depopulate. And we need to get what most of the planet vaccinated with this, basically this poison. So it’s just too many red flags, too many inconsistencies. And it’s sad where we’re at, especially in the medical industry. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of changes in the last three years.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
I agree. And as a. As a physician, but also as a as a Christian I think that we’re told in the word of God in the Bible that we need to be wary of deception. And I think it’s certainly in my lifetime. I think there is more deception going on in the world than has ever been before. I’m sure, it’s, of course, it’s always been around, but I personally, from what I’ve read over the last few years. You can see that there’s error in medical literature and reporting and in science, it used to be one of those fields that most people at least felt that it was hands off, that you didn’t manipulate things, that it wasn’t money driven it was, and we as physicians and especially pediatric physicians, most of us have gone into this because we just, we love people, man. And we want to help, right? We want to make these kids have as normal life as they can. And I think the deception is running rampant. And we’re warned about that all throughout the word and I listen to that and I read that and I try and live my life by that and I think we, we need to do more of that.
James Egidio:
Yeah, this is a definitely a spiritual battle. This is good versus evil and evil’s definitely got its grips on it. But of course, we know in the end, God wins. We know that.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yes. I listened to a lot of apologetics and learn a bit about that. And one gentleman I listened to often says science doesn’t say anything. Scientists do and we know that we know what our nature is and where that can go and what happens with it. So I think we all have to have a healthy skepticism and we’ve got to watch out for this deception because I think there’s a lot of it going on right in front of our eyes. And. And we got to be careful.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I tell people that all the time I parrot it constantly is take the politics, the optics of politics out of this the spiritual battle is that we’re going through. Take the politics out of it. It’s about your God given right to choose what you want to do when it comes to this bio weapon and to the mask and all this other stuff that these bureaucrats keep pushing on us. We have the right God given right to choose that. Don’t you agree?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Oh, definitely agree. I think that if you take the stance in life that you’re going to just seek truth. I think that’s going to come to it that, but you’ve got to, you’ve got to read both sides of every story. You’ve got to stand on both sides of the political aisle. So to speak, you have to look for the truth in all things. And you’ve got to have that skepticism. And when things just don’t pass the sniff test, there’s probably a reason for it.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. I know that’s the gift of faith through Jesus Christ is that discerning spirit that we are able to read between the lines by listening to the Holy Spirit that’s indwelt in us to say, okay, something’s wrong. Something’s not adding up. Am I right?
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Oh, yeah, I’ve seen in a world of identity politics and other things. I don’t think there’s ever been any time in my life when there’s been more division, at least in our country than there ever has been and our health care system. And this virus have been at the forefront as tools as part of that division. And I myself have to remind myself a lot that, that a man named Jesus Christ came and hung on a cross to die for sins for people, and he died for all of the sins for all of the people, even people that I don’t necessarily like. To listen to, or I think for reviews or who lie and deceive and have been shown to, you know what, he loves them like he loves us. And I have to remember that our real battle is the one that we don’t see.
James Egidio:
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
totally agree with you.
James Egidio:
Ephesians 6 putting on the full armor of God.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just, it’s going to be
James Egidio:
interesting. But again, I think leaning into your faith, leaning into faith, the believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior will open up that door for, like I say, that discerning spirit to to sort out the good and the evil that’s going on, he’s gonna, he’s gonna lead us in the right direction and what we need to do.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yes. We’re living in exciting times, right? And I think that the changing times are going to, it’s like birth pangs, man, it’s going to get. It’s going to get more, more severe, and they’re going to be, closer together. Things are going to be happening, so we got to be ready for it and stand for truth.
James Egidio:
Yeah, Matthew 24, where Jesus predicts the future. He says that.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Yes. It’s one of many, yes.
James Egidio:
Dr. Rollins what advice do you have for parents who are listening and watching this podcast episode when it comes to vaccines and when it comes to this bioweapon? I
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
personally get very close and I love the humanistic side of medicine with my families and my kids. That I take care of. I would say to families that have a good heart to heart talk with your physician in the most trusted positions that you have, whether it be your primary care doctor, whether it be a subspecialist, if your children requires to see one of them, talk to them, have good, deep conversations with about them, ask them ask them what they truly feel about all of this, And do it with multiple positions and go out and read that data for yourselves and ask the physician to explain those things to you and then look around you and see if what they’re telling you jives with what you’re seeing. Anybody in the world can make their own observations and do their own scientific studies, so to speak, and come up with their own theories and their own observances and their own data, so to speak. Don’t just turn on the television, open your ear and let them ram whatever they think is the right thing for you to think and feel and put that into your brain. I think that our media has become very good at not reporting news, but of giving you rhetoric and giving you propaganda especially where it’s in a field that they really weren’t trained to give you that information about. If you’re fine with trusting a few people that have a lot of power that sit at the top on some pyramid in the government or some agency. Then that’s fine. But I, as a professional have found that to some point and with a lot of things that can’t be trusted with history and with this whole pandemic. So you need to do your own work. And when it comes to your kids lives, you really gotta be careful because right there that’s what we hold and cherish in this country, more than anything, this democratically elected constitution Republic that I live in. I’m watching the road around me, and it’s just a shame but I think people like you, people like me, and others that, that kind of push back against a lot of this other baloney are going to have a key role in helping people.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, Dr. Rollins. I really appreciate it.
Robert Rollins, M.D.:
Thank you, James, for having me. I totally appreciate being on it.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And we’ll get you on again. We’ll talk about myocarditis and pericarditis. We’ll take one, one disease state at a time. There’s a lot to unpack here. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks again. I’ll make you a regular. All right, sir. Thank you so much. God bless.
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