Looking Back at COVID Treatments 3 Years Later- Interview with Dr. Alan Bain

In 2020 the COVID pandemic exposed the American Healthcare System for what it is; a greedy, profit-driven, power-hungry money machine at the expense of human health and life. Early on, off-labeled benign and safe life-saving medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine suddenly became illegal at the local, state, national, and international levels. However, some physicians stepped up at the risk of losing their medical licenses and livelihoods; Dr. Alan Bain did just that. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast. as host James Egidio unleashes his professional opinion and 24 years of experience in the medical industry by interviewing Dr. Bain about the treatment protocols 3.5 years post-COVID.

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast,James Egidio.
Hi,I’m James Egidio,your host of the medical truth podcast.The podcast that tells the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth about the American health care system.My guest is a practicing osteopathic physician with over35years of experience.In1996,he founded the Chicago Health and Wellness Alliance,in which he advocates for the integration of Eastern and Western medicine.In2020,after the pandemic,he took a unique approach.That departed from mainstream treatments using ivermectin.He is a member of the FLCCC,which stands for frontline COVID critical care alliance,where he actively collaborates with Dr.Pierre Korey and Dr.Peter McCullough.It is an honor to have on the medical truth podcast.My guest,Dr.Alan Bain.Dr.Bain,welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast.How are you doing?
Dr. Bain:
I’m great.Thank you,James,for inviting me.Thank you so much.
Thank you.I just a little bit about who you are and what you do as far as your practice is concerned for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast.
Dr. Bain:
I’m an internal medicine doctor for over30years.Now I’m mainly telehealth because I was taking care of people who couldn’t get out of the house and I didn’t want to open up my practice to spread COVID.I wasn’t interested in that in the beginning.And,I was mainly treating a lot of a good portion of my practice.I attracted chronic disease patients,fibromyalgia chronic fatigue chronic headaches.So the whole nuanced notion of the so called virus,the novel virus was not so novel to me in terms of thinking of creative ways to help people.And so I knew that,Having a shot was not the only answer just to help a patient and so I try,I,I learned from the heroes of our pandemic,the FLCCC gang,the doctors there,the critical care specialists who started it.And Dr.Peter McCullough was my first entry into this.And he taught with two patients.He,I cut my teeth on two patients too,and they were very ill at the time and they went into the hospitals.And I learned.The McCulloch protocol.And so little by little,I attracted people like that.And then that’s how that began.
Yeah.What I want to do is I want to unpack on a chronological timeline a little bit even prior to2020.And that is,we were just having the conversation before we,we got on air here about,the practices.And I remember in2000and I think it was2002between2002and four,there was what was called the SARS COVID virus,which broke out in November16th of2002and in four from Shundu Guangdong China and the COVID19virus of February,2020from Wuhan,China.What is this?What was the difference between those two and the treatment protocols for those?Do you remember?
Dr. Bain:
With the first one,I was not involved with that.I don’t think many I had a small practice at the time and my understanding of recent really is that the first virus perhaps wasn’t tinkered with as much,whereas the second one,SARS CoV2has this furin cleavage,which is an unusual Entry into this type of virus.The first one seemed to die out quicker and this one just keeps on rolling or morphs into different things,yeah.Now,to be fair,the history of the Corona virus is Dr.Martin is the expert at the learning of the tinkering with the Corona Virus as far back as1965.According to his testimony in when he was talking to the European Union.So this knowledge of tinkering with viruses,specifically the coronavirus,has been going on for quite some time.And in terms of lethality,it’s changed.Since then but the one that we had,for those that were very how shall I say,very susceptible,it’s,it wasn’t good during Delta and Alpha variants.
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Yeah.I do remember specifically in2002and four,those flu seasons.Those particular flu seasons,we were doing medical house calls back then.And I remember it was very severe where there was a lot of deaths.And we even would get a memo from the health department where I was located at the time,basically saying,and we lost a lot of,there was not specifically,but a lot of pediatric patients across the country,we lost a lot of pediatric patients and a lot of senior population,but it was very hush and yeah.So What was the difference?Do you remember the treatment protocol?
Dr. Bain:
I don’t remember.Honest to God.I’m on.I don’t remember the protocol.You probably recall with your practice that you had because I didn’t see those folks.
Dr. Bain:
it’s just all about the symptomatic treatment that really gets people through this virus,whether it’s one or two.Yeah.So you lead up to2020.
Here we are in January of2020.And a lot of people were caught off guard with lockdowns and mandates and what not.And of course a lot of that didn’t really roll out until probably the end of what,February into March?And there was a statistic that was very interesting that98%plus chance of survival for anyone that contracted the COVID19virus and why the need for lockdowns and mask and would turn eventually turned out to be a dangerous vaccine.With that statistic,why all the,why the panic?That’s
Dr. Bain:
controversial to one could argue that this was a created pandemic,there are certain experts that.speak like that.I can’t particularly speak to that.My strength is trying to get people out of the problem.The98,I think the awareness was very strong when we think of the Barrington Declaration.Dr.Bhattacharya and Mark,I think it’s Dr.Kulldorff.When they said,if you’re going to take care of people,just take care of the elderly.If you’re going to vaccinate.I could recall a clip from Dr.I don’t think he’s a doctor.Dr.Banzel of Moderna.That said we’ve gotta make more vaccines.They had enough for a hundred thousand and then the pandemic occurred,and then I saw a clip at the World Economic Forum where he was saying we,we’ve gotta,we’ve gotta make a lot more,we have the,we have all these made already,but we’re gonna need a lot more.I’m dancing around maybe where you might be leading me with this with some data points.
Yeah,that was a statistic that came out early on in the pandemic,right?98%chance of survival,right?And I’ve mentioned it in many podcast episodes that I,personally knew people that,that got COVID and they got through it.They had the flu.But I know personally,several people that died from the vaccine shortly after they got it and they died suddenly between the ages of30and60.And I know we’ll get into that more.But before I jumped that far ahead,I want to talk about just again,because the other thing that I was wanted to mention was early on.And I remember you mentioning Dr Bartlett and that’s again,it’ll get into the treatment protocols that we’ll talk about.
Dr. Bain:
I have mentioned him in other casts.
Yeah.And I followed him from day1and that was day1was back in February of2020.Yes,and I also followed Dr Judy Mikovitz So I followed a lot of this on a very early timeline because I was obviously involved and I still have the practice.I was still seeing patients with the doctors.So something just didn’t seem right from the very beginning when Judy Mikovitz puts out a book about a case for mask.In April of2020,and even in March,and then about a month after that,the book gets censored from Amazon.And then Fauci in2017starts talking about there’s going to be a pandemic.There’s going to be a outbreak.I recall these statements
Dr. Bain:
that you’re making.
Yeah.Yeah.So none of it made any sense from the very beginning,something stunk to high heaven from the very,very beginning.You know that I know that we all know that.And There’s more of a nefarious motive for what’s going on here and what has been transpiring,right?But what I want to talk about from a medical stand.
Dr. Bain:
I want to say something that’s tricky to speak of.
Yeah,tell me let’s let’s
Dr. Bain:
enter into this from a sort of your angle,but another angle and that is Many arguments,many discussions with people who,freedom type of doctors that understand this,where you have this idea that first of all,this planning from Mikovitz,the plandemic concept,you have that,you have the idea that Let’s dehydrate everybody and give them remdesivir in the hospital.There’s always these discussions of these protocols were designed to hurt people very badly,even at the level of the hospital.And I have struggled,James,with,at least on the ground from,I’m giving you another angle to this.Sure.Where did doctors truly believe that if you gave fluids,That it’s gonna make fluids in the lung and push you to a ventilator.
Of course not.
Dr. Bain:
No,doctors believe,wait a minute,doctors believe that.Yeah.They did out of fear.And I’m offering you another perspective that does not take away your perspective at all.The fear of patients getting sick from too much fluids was really real,or one of my,one of my nurse friends says,no,it was all lockstep we had to keep fluids away and add the remdesivir today,or that day,because this is the way we get people on ventilators.And that changed,like in the beginning,beginning of the pandemic,it was With the Italian experience.No,we don’t wanna hurry up and get people on ventilators.We don’t,I recall that.And so we were,I recall one patient I knew of that was sent home with an oxygen level of90,90or86.No,94%.And they said if you get to86,then come back,they were actually sent home so you could take it two ways.What the two ways would be go home until you get really sick.And in that is ridiculous because we had early treatments.Okay.So that’s another offshoot of the story,right?But the other one is let’s send them home and then they’ll get sick and then they’ll have to go on a ventilator.I don’t buy that.Not taking away everything that you’ve said,but on the ground,because I’m the guy on the ground watching this,observing this,that at one point it was,don’t put people on ventilators.Because if you do,they might never come off,right?Then the other,but it might have switched and said that so called$35,000bump to get people on ventilators,if you know what I’m trying to say.Because I can have that discussion with you as well.
We know what this all came down to because I got to tell you,and I’m glad you’re mentioning that.There’s a lot of things on the ground where you’re
Dr. Bain:
mentioning blanketed things,which I’m agree.I’m not disagreeing.There’s the weeds.I’m in the weeds right now here.Yeah.The detail on that.
It’s interesting because again,another gentleman I kept close Tabs on as far as his treatment protocol and you mentioned it before was Dr..Richard Bartlett,right?Yeah,and his statistic was and his silver bullet treatment was the Pulmicort and the Z-Pack,right?So i’m a patient right?I’m home.I’m watching television Yeah,I start to get and I have no Co-morbidities.I don’t have asthma.I don’t like hypertension.I don’t have diabetes,but I’m starting to feel a little achy,feverish little cough based on what Dr Bartlett was mentioning was that the patient comes in right away.Puts him on the.the nebulized steroid,right?And then he gives them a Z Pak and gets them started on that.
Dr. Bain:
By the way,Z Pak has antiviral activity in the research.You should know that.
And that was his silver bullet treatment.And then,you can go with Dr.Zev Zelinsky with the zinc and the D and the natural supplements,which are all good.But not once was the immune response mentioned,not once was anything mentioned.It was these draconian lockdowns.There was all this information that was very contradictory in terms of the the mask there’s a lot of,there’s just so much,everything contradicted itself,the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing.And it was correct.It was a big panic storm.Correct.And for what to destroy the economy to push.And then now we get into the treatments,right?Now,you’re a proponent of the ivermectum,you’re a strong proponent of natural remedies,so let’s go from there.Hydroxychloroquine.Why don’t we start wait,let me take a bit,I know you’re
Dr. Bain:
the guy,let me hit you over the head with something even better.Yeah,
Dr. Bain:
Let me just really rock your world.Please.Let me just do this,let’s keep it simple.All right.There was a guy that was taken off the internet,an ER doctor,and he came right out and said,and he was humble.He says,this is a vascular clotting problem.This is not a lung tissue problem.This is a vascular problem.And he was taken off the internet because,but eventually people were putting people on anticoagulation in the hospital.So that was good.But let,and steroids as well.Okay.That was good.But here’s where I rock your boat here a little bit.We saw with my nurse who went into the home and I was guiding it Catherine Pagan her name is And we had patients who refused to go to the hospital because they were afraid of the dehydration and the remdesivir because the,and I forgot his name,the guy that talked about the remdesivir fiasco,we started giving normal saline at home,plus the regular goodies of,ivermectin and other things,but just giving fluids,took a pulse oximetry from89to96just after a liter of normal saline.So it’s all about fluids and that fear or that you might say it’s planned when you want to talk about all those goodies.Let’s talk about the goody that starts it.Dehydration.And we could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if the E.R.s just gave normal saline to make the pulse oximetry go up.Something simple.Let’s just keep it simple.Sure.We saw a man on8liters of oxygen or7liters of,5to7liters of oxygen satting at91%,sir.We gave a liter of fluids.We got the oxygen saturation back up to96%and the oxygen need down.So there are2liters of oxygen and setting really well just with the fluids.So we should start there.I wanted to mention that first.
Yeah,and I’m glad you did because that was going to lead into my next question.Why did the Board of Medicine,the CDC,the WHO push back on the use of off labeled and early use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?We’ve been told,and
Dr. Bain:
it’s a legitimate concern,that if you have an answer to treat symptoms,then there’s no longer a need for the emergency use authorization.So we have an answer.The answer is the shot.Oh,my God.We have something else.We can’t have that out there,right?That’s what has been told why that happened.Sure.So what you’re saying is
that this was all about the vaccine,the use of these vaccines for the1st time,these messenger RNA vaccines.And I have several questions about that.But that’s pretty much is what you’re saying.Is it is what it was leading to?Yes.This is part of
Dr. Bain:
the culture.Everybody wants a quick,easy pill.Everybody wants a quick,easy answer.And hey,we’ll have Pfizer figure that one out,or Moderna.And treating a patient is not about a one shot deal.And I tell everybody in every one of my podcasts,when you go to war,you just don’t have one item.The shot,and that’s it.And then the research is all geared around the shot or no shot.And then that’s wrong.Dr.McCullough would say it’s not just about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.His protocol has all the things in it.in a sequential fashion.I’m not going to stop giving you water,James.And just give you all the foods you want,just because I’m doing a study,you need water and food and vitamin D to stay alive.Just in general,why would I just pick off1thing and say,this is the answer to keep you?This is ridiculous.
Yeah,there was just so many inconsistencies though,with the whole,in the the people that were involved to were very questionable.Outside of the medical mainstream i.e.Bill Gates and the world economic forum and,and I got a fault,even the,how they politicized it as well.Were going into an election year,but you still had a guy,you still had Trump pushing the vaccine.He gets dethroned out of office.And then you have Biden pushing the vaccines.And they,it became a political football is what it became for what?At the end of the day,the health of the,and the wellbeing of the American public.
Dr. Bain:
The coupling of private enterprise with the WHO,all the money that’s donated to a public organization.There’s tons of conflict of interest.A simple one is,Why does Pfizer put out a shot and does its own research?It’s not independent research.So just because it’s a pandemic,it’s not objective enough.Yeah.If you and your practice,like James,your practice,if you developed a test and everybody,but then you’d had the answer to the test,you’d be called out on it.Oh,Hey,I gave you this test.Oh,look,you’re positive.Oh,I have the answer.You would,you’d have lawyers after you like,no,you can’t be the tester and the one who gives the product,right?I’m just taking your ideas,supporting them in a different way.Maybe.What was the
turning point for you with the use of these off labeled medications?Because I know you had mentioned early on you complied with and.I guess you want to say fell for the narrative and wearing the mask and everything.Yes.At what point did you say to yourself?You know what?This is.A scam.This is a shell game.
Dr. Bain:
That’s a slow grow.In me that,it just,the epiphany the epiphany comes for me from different angles.The whole,I don’t know that I call it a scam.It probably can be considered a scam.
Sure.It is,but let’s call it for what it is,
Dr. Bain:
but no but hear me out.I was more interested in begging rich folks.I,I wrote,believe it or not,billionaires,like Carlos slim emailed and Bloomberg,I have those emails.Like,why can’t we have early interventions?So I was more like even handed.I was more like Switzerland in my mind.Let’s be even handed.Okay.You want a shot,but what about the other things?What are you doing?Why are you not treating earlier?Why are you not paying attention to the stoic trial,Dr.Bartlett?Why are you not knowing you can save lives and that you could have saved400,000lives if you did early interventions,what’s going on?That’s where I was.Do you understand?Why?Why?Why?I was acting accordingly.I didn’t make judgments exactly the way you want me to,but retrospectively,I could go there.Yes.The biggest epiphany is just recently in my mind.Which is?Ridiculously.In other words,I acted accordingly as if it were the way you’ve described it.Does that make sense to you?Yeah.My actions bespoke of this is all crap.Just being given a shot.Because I have to deal with patients and their heart is all about,Hey,thank God I took the shot.Oh my God.And nothing bad happened to me.Now,when I talk to patients and nothing,I say,thank God,nothing bad happened to you because you should be knowing about these things that were happening.You see how I’m in the soup.Yeah,be careful.But one of the largest epiphanies would be a man,a doctor.He’s in Florida,actually,a chiropractor who was working60hours.He worked maybe40to60hours.Seeing60patients a day,he gets COVID,never got a shot.Here’s the key never gets COVID turns into getting long COVID and he’s hurting.He can’t go back to work.So I’m like,there’s no virus in the world.When you talk about the scam concept.The tinkering of this virus,whether it was set free because of nefarious concepts of population control or whatever you’re might suggest to me,because I probably believe that you’re going to say that or believe that,and that’s okay.I’m here on the ground saying it’s not okay to see a man.We’ve never seen a virus take a man or woman down like that.Just let’s talk about the virus and perhaps.James,let’s say it’s accomplished the vaccine and let’s talk about the vaccine.Yeah,there was no brake pedal put on it,right?There was no brake pedal.If you know what I mean by that,there was no brake pedal.Now I’m learning that there’s research that says not only was there no brake pedal,there might have been in a well intentioned or not well intentions.Accelerator pedal to keep it like an ever ready battery maker of the protein,right?
The messenger RNA,the technology behind it,because that’s what I was going to ask you is what is the messenger RNA vaccine and the mechanism of action and what makes it so dangerous?
Dr. Bain:
Because it because exactly we’re on the same page.We’ve converged.There’s no break pedal.There is no break pedal.So how can I trust an item that has no break pedal on it?That’s experimental.That is really not a vaccine.We both know that it’s no,of course not.And I was.Dr.Martin,as you know of him,he said that the original patents,which were very early,what was it,2014or earlier,the original patents called it gene therapy.That’s what they called it.So that’s what I learned from him.
But I think we have two different things going here with this whole…Since2020we have part1or phase1,which is the so called plandemic or whatever you want to call our pandemic.And so many things,strange things that were occurring around the pandemic itself,even before the vaccine got rolled out,because I know several people that got the covid virus and got a bad and we’re sick.They got over it.It was the flu.I know.I personally know eight people that died suddenly from the vaccine.Eight.Eight.Eight30year old dead drops dead.I know a lot of people that died from the vaccine personally know them and recently too,excuse me.So it’s not coincidence.It’s definitely not coincidence that that it was not the vaccine cuz they were healthy people.So my question is,if this was any other vaccination,it would’ve been pulled off the market.Right?Immediately,but no,that they couldn’t do that.They got to keep pushing it.Trump keeps pushing it.Biden keeps pushing it.They’re still Pfizer keeps pushing it.People are dying.I’ve interviewed several doctors who reported Dr Maria Mihalcea,Dr.Maki s from Canada,right?And you talk about,let’s say the virus and the,but and reporting VAERS,VAERS reports,right?
Dr. Bain:
I’ve seen people do that all the time.
Backing doctors up against the wall.That if you even report to VAERS,you’re going to lose your job.Which one physician assistant I know who I interviewed lost her job because of that.She was pulled right off the floor at the hospital because she started reporting to VAERS.So it’s.It’s a nothing to see here attitude with,and putting doctors back against the wall and taking away their livelihoods or their licenses.Dr.Scott Jensen was threatened to have his license pulled because Minnesota.Yeah,Minnesota.I interviewed him as well.So these things never happened as far as I was,as far as I can remember being in the medical field for24years.
Dr. Bain:
I’m in agreement with everything you’ve said.
Like I said,this stuff is not just happening by accident.There’s a motive,there’s an agenda and everybody’s got an agenda with this whole thing.That’s what this has become an agenda.What’s your take on that?I can definitely see that exactly.
Dr. Bain:
That,how do I explain this to you?I’m concerned about doctors buying into this,the agenda,as you call it.I’m concerned about public policy relative to the agenda.I’m concerned about people being fearful because of this agenda.And my goal is to wake up people.That’s why I like being here to honor their common sense and to start questioning just the way you are.The fact that.Organizations in government and very rich or very rich folks can snooker a world from not seeing what’s in front of you.It’s scary to see downhill what this agenda has done.It’s made doctors not see or think clearly.So that’s what I’m seeing on the ground here that.Obvious things are being ignored.There’s a,more of a blanket of,there’s a blanket of misinformation from another deeper level.I’m totally with how you’re saying it.And when you say that it’s very well planned,I can almost I believe you,but worse behind it is how people’s minds are believing the opposite of what you’re thinking.Meaning,they’ll think what we’re talking about is full of it.And,they’re that snookered,and that hypnotized,and that conned into this agenda.I’m worried about messaging how normal people,smart people,are buying into this.So I’m in the middle of this trying to figure out how we can bust through the veil of the dark agenda that you keep talking about.
Here’s the thing you got to look,we have to look at too.Let’s just…For me to agree with you is
Dr. Bain:
no big deal really in these ways.
I understand,but like you have to,we have to back up,right?Okay.You’re a provider,you’re a medical provider.
Dr. Bain:
Yes,I am.Yes.
You’re under a tremendous amount of pressure if you don’t go with the narrative.If you don’t go with the narrative,if you don’t go with,eventually,hey,you got to take these shots.You got to do this.You got to do that because the government says that because,Joe Biden says you got to do this and the CDC and the who says you got to do this and you got to get.You got to do this or you as a physician are going to lose your job.So what does that put you as a physician?That would put you in a way
Dr. Bain:
that I don’t work for a big organization,because if I worked for these,this is a name you’ll like the medical corporatocracy.Yeah.Made you a word corporatocracy.Right,authoritarian medicine,right here.Yes.I get it.Yeah.The other thing,here’s the other problem,right?
I’m a patient,right?I’m vaccine injured,right?Yes.I’m self pay insured.I’m independent.I had a thriving business at one time.I got vaccine injured.Now I got to go over to blue cross blue shield and ask for insurance.You think they’re going to give me insurance?There’s no way,right?And this is exactly what I’m talking about.This is what it’s like.People are out there on their own.We’re all of us.The healthcare industry has let us down because of corruption and greed.It’s that simple.I tend to agree with you.Yes.Let’s
Dr. Bain:
talk about the travesty people are getting sick and going on public aid and there are some doctors trying to help and they cost a lot of money because they got to stay in business and some charge more than others.And I’m not judging,but we need,I’m praying to God that I could.Take care,find the right state to help take care of public aid people who have been thrown on public aid because of the VAX injury or because of long COVID.We’re destroying our society.I’m on your page.It’s,Blue Cross,they’re losing their jobs and they’re being thrown on public aid.And then they’re gaslit by even therapists,they’re gaslit by their doctors.I’m with you on this.
Yeah.Where does it put people?It puts them in a…
Dr. Bain:
It puts people not to trust…Sorry to talk over you.
No,it’s okay.
Dr. Bain:
It puts people to not trust doctors anymore.The lack of trust of therapists and doctors is horrendous because the doctors and therapists have bought into this.Psychotherapists say oh,you got long COVID,did you get the shot?One of my insiders Catherine Parker of Minnesota,has got14,000people with the shot injured,talks all about the gaslighting.Some people have,because they’re ill,or because they’re not believed,or because they’re all alone,they’ve committed suicide,James.Yeah,I know.We are in a very deep crisis,and I understand that died suddenly.And you should plug in the idea of,cause unknown that book as you know about it.Yeah.Edward Dowd,Edward Dowd.Everybody should get that book.
I’ve been trying to get him on,but the thing is this it’s simple.You have a God given right not to take that shot.Period.Period.Period.Nobody has to tell you what to do and how to do it and when to do it.Nobody,not the government,not Joe Biden,not Donald Trump.Nobody.Everybody’s got the right.To make the decisions that are in their best interest for their health,correct?This is where you come in and this is what you’ve been on this warpath of getting into people’s heads,right?Proper nutrition,exercise diet.I’m60years old.I just turned60.The other day,it’s about,I’m getting so ornery in my old age,keep it up.Yeah,but that’s what it’s about.It’s about medical freedom.It’s about your God given right to choose what you want.They always say my body,my choice.In this situation,if you want to refuse that shot,refuse it.Don’t do it.If that it’s up to you as an individual,
Dr. Bain:
correct,correct.Why would you want it?Why can’t you refuse something experimental?It’s not you,but why can’t refuse something experimental?Because you’re going to protect people.Look,it’s look,it’s very simple.I have a patient whose father died.He didn’t want a shot.And his great niece who had three shots brought home COVID and the guy’s dead.Yeah.Because you could spread the virus.And it’s well known and even under oath and in different hearings,there,there was a Pfizer or one of the representatives saying we,we did,we knew that it could still spread even though he had the shot or that you’d still be,susceptible to giving to others.It’s,this is a travesty.We both know this.This is a world travesty.This is,we need our own form of the European citizens who are coming right out another thing I was looking at a cast where they’re calling out the WHO,and they’re calling out the world economic forum.For being,getting involved too much with private money.It’s an European citizenry group need our own.
Yeah.And we have a lot of brave people that have come forward in the healthcare industry.We have a lot of whistleblowers from Pfizer,Brooke Jackson,Karen Kingston.We have a lot of people that are bringing out a lot of stuff.I’ve been actually going down this rabbit hole of doing a little research myself.And I remember Dr.Carrie Madej,D.O.And Dr.Sherry Tenpenny talking about quantum tattoos and people thought,oh they’re off their rocker.They don’t know what they’re talking about.It’s just a bunch of,conspiracy theories and this and that.And I said let me go down a little bit of the quantum tattoo rabbit hole.And I did a little research and I found out by doing a little reading on some scientific articles.That Rice university had been doing a lot of research through their bioengineering department on quantum tattoos and quantum computing.So lo and behold,it even goes back further than that.I think it even went back to2013or14and leading up to19.And what it was all about was vaccine passports with these quantum tattoos.That was the whole gist of the entire article.In fact,I’m actually going to be doing a solo episode on that as well.Because I also found where they were mentioning something about a pandemic or something in a scientific article and the use of these quantum tattoos.So we’re going into this whole thing and a lot of people say these people are crazy.They’re conspiracy theorists when they start talking about transhumanism,then they start talking about the contents that are in the.Actual vaccines like Dr.Maria Mahalcha,where she starts talking about hydrogels and all kinds of by products that are in the vaccines is from Hawaii,right?No,she’s out of Washington state.Yeah.She’s originally from Romania,I believe,but she’s been doing a lot of research and then even talking about messenger RNA,getting into the food sources.Yeah,so this thing is the scope of this,and it’s so hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around because there’s this collective thinking of from the whoever it is,the media,because a lot of people get their education and their information from CNN and Fox and all these outlets.And they give all this BS information,and they’re not digging deep enough to really find out what’s going on here.
Dr. Bain:
Where do you see this all going?
Dr. Bain:
That’s a tough question.I’m…
I know you don’t have a crystal ball,but…No,I’m in the middle of,I’m in the middle of
Dr. Bain:
not wanting this COVID thing to be shoved under the rug.
I don’t think it’s over.I think we’re in for some more pandemics.Where is this
Dr. Bain:
leading?I feel like a a politically homeless man in the United States.Politically homeless.Yeah.We need something new.We need a fresh start.We need the Great Reset to outlive the Klaus Schwab Great Reset to step on a big foot on top of his reset.We need to put a big foot of a Jolly Green Giant.On top of the world economic forum and stop this,we can’t do it alone.
Yeah I think we’re I honestly,cause I got into the topic of,you talked about long COVID,
Dr. Bain:
I’m sick of rich folks.Dictating to us what we,what’s best for us.
You know what the golden rule is,don’t you?The man with the gold makes the rules.I’m tired of it already.
Dr. Bain:
It’s not fair.It’s anti human.Want to talk about transhumanism?Let’s talk about anti humanism.Let’s talk about Anti humanism.Everybody’s talking about transhuman?Okay.Anti human.Yeah.My dad and my uncle went to war in Nazi Germany or they went to world war two.My father took a a hernia operation.He could have gotten out of it.My uncle did more than required up and backs as a gunner.What do you call it?A tours as a gunner.This is not the America I know.Or that he knew yeah,this is this is control.This is narrative control.This is not this is again.This is corporate cratic behavior or corporations becoming autocratic in their way and then buying out the people that we vote for,this isn’t fair,this is not fair.People need to look at their children in the eye,all these rich folks,the guys that got the gold,and look into the future,and look into the future,and look at a little innocent child who’s going to be under the thumbprint of these big organizations.
Quite frankly,I don’t think they care.
Dr. Bain:
numb.You’re right.They’re numb.And the problem with hitting everybody with all these pandemic,plandemic,the problem is it’s making everybody numb.There’s people talking about,Yeah,I realize that maybe it wasn’t the right thing,but I didn’t get sick.And yeah,maybe something bad’s gonna happen,but I can’t deal with it.There’s,people are tired.People don’t care anymore because they’ve been whooped by media,by everything.Your job,my job,is to re enliven them,is to wake everybody up,because they’re beat they’re beaten down.So while we’re doing good things,they’re,the masses are beaten down,even just from,just fatigued from all this stuff.So that’s gonna be,what do I see?We need to…reinvigorate people and get them excited about really what’s going on in my life.And do my children want to be controlled by genetic material in the food?We need to re enliven the masses.
Yeah that’s another thing I mentioned on so many podcast episodes,as I’ve always mentioned,don’t make this a political issue.Don’t make it a political issue.Don’t take sides on political,on the political issues,because like I said earlier,you had Trump pushing the vaccine.You have Biden pushing the vaccine.They’re all,they all have their agenda.That’s what they have.This is not a political.This is not a political issue.This is a personal issue.This is your health.
Dr. Bain:
I would say anybody running for anything.Get the hell out If you don’t care about people and Don’t try to make us think and make us feel that you’re sincere I don’t want any fake sincerity anymore.I don’t want any con jobs anymore.I don’t want you to make me feel Like,you really care about me when you really don’t.
And that’s both Republicans and Democrats.
Dr. Bain:
That’s right.
It’s all of them.
Dr. Bain:
I’m sorry if I’m getting emotional here.
No,please do.Get more emotional.
Dr. Bain:
Come on.People are innocent.We’re all innocent earthlings here.Look at your children.Not you.But world politicians,look at your children for God’s sakes.This is humanitarian.It crosses political lines.We need a new,fresh start,a new reset to offset AI thinking and Yuval Harari saying things like the body is hackable.I’m glad you mentioned it.Your body is not hackable.It is not hackable.It is not hackable.It is not.
It’s not.It’s not.We have the best computer system in our skull,and that’s our brain.
Dr. Bain:
It’s beyond computers,sir.Don’t even give a metaphor for your brain being a computer.Amazing God given,incomprehensible,and even if you don’t believe in God if anybody thinks that they’re hackable or that we can figure out problems or that God or religion is a myth like people like Yuval Harari or others like him,it’s not a myth because you could,if you have a big heart.You don’t have to believe I believe in God,but I’m saying an atheist who has common sense,whose heart has not been abrupted.That’s not a word who,whose heart has not been invaded by lack of common sense would know we don’t know an atheist can be humble to know that you can’t possibly imagine that you can fix something so easily.By hacking it with one element or two elements,right?I know it’s hubris,the word hubris,right?Yeah,I do.And arrogance against the creator,right?Arrogance against the creator.
Absolutely.And look what they’re doing to kids with this whole thing with Chemical castration and sex changes and what not.Yeah.And it’s criminal,it’s a criminal act.
Dr. Bain:
It’s dishonorable to the biology.It would be considered criminal.Yes,but it’s dishonorable to.The body needs to figure out what it is,the hormones and the kids,if they become18or something,and it’s all formulated,I can’t speak to that at that point but changing hormones at such an early age,and there’s arguments,honestly,there’s arguments against that they’ll say we need to do the hormonal manipulation because these little kids want to commit suicide and I worry about saving lives and how are we going to.It’s a legitimate thing that people below age want to hurt themselves because they think there’s something else,right?It’s a complex problem.I’m on your side,but it is a complex problem,but all in all we can’t be manipulating things that we know
no,I know.And they’re doing it to children,young children.Are babies as far as I’m concerned.If somebody came up to you20years ago or5,not even20years ago,10years ago and said,doc,I want my kid needs to be changed his sex change,and he’s only seven years old.What would you say to that parent?
Dr. Bain:
Thank you.
Dr. Bain:
Dr. Bain:
First word is stop.Stop.Get the hell out of my life,my children.Stop.Exactly.Stop.It’s just,it’s the only word I got in my head is stop.
It’s insanity.It’s gotten just beyond limits what it does limits
Dr. Bain:
trust away from the medical practitioner or the psychological practitioner,right?We need knowledge.We need help and it’s when it be when it denies common sense,I’ve seen geniuses not look into their common sense and I’m like,what’s the use with a Harvard graduate or an Ivy League or pushing a shot?If they don’t have common sense,we have nothing.So I don’t,and researchers,they’re hijacking good research.The researchers are lying.We look to research and double blinded placebo controlled trials.We look to all these things,but there’s no common sense in it.They’re,they hijack the ivermectin story.We have hundreds of people that were,that got off ventilators in the world during that time.Hundreds of people that got off ventilators.With just the addition,also the addition of ivermectin.They got off ventilators.
What about remdesivir?What was the purpose to use the remdesivir anyway?What was that all about?And then the,they also why use it on people that were,it was contraindicated in.
Dr. Bain:
That was a sham and a half.They weren’t given what they didn’t have.People signed consent forms.If they,if the doctors went over the consent forms,this was just a quick and easy answer.This was that planned?One would wonder.Was it about money?I can go there.We need an answer.We need it quick.They moved,they,they moved the goal post.Dr.Paul Merrick said that when they did the studies,they changed the end point.Because the real endpoint was probably something horrendous,but they changed the endpoint to be something that could be proof positive.And they changed the endpoint to the study in the middle of the study.And they didn’t tell anybody that’s my understanding of that.You don’t move the goalposts in the middle of a study and then say,redo studies.And frankly,the remdesivir was taken off the market for Ebola,because more people are equal or more died of the drug than the disease in certain circles,right?So what was the purpose of that?You could say what you think.It’s fine.You got free game on that,but I’m giving you facts of whatever.
Yeah,so they were dying of what liver and kidney primarily correct.
Dr. Bain:
Lungs liver.Yes.Yeah They had a good system,but a lot of people they tanked days after they began getting and then we have Carolyn Blakeman of the former feds group with Bradley Geyer who are attending to the widows and widowers of the group of the former feds group,taking care of the the protocols that killed people,the remdesivir and the not giving fluids.This is a horrible sham.And also the doctors,you get$3,000an injection for that thing,right?If you want to say it’s about money.This is just complete disrespect for human life for the tolerant.This is blatant,whether you talk about the planned and whatever,but this is,I’m just saying on the ground,to me this looks like blatant disrespect for human life.Of course it is.Human life is expendable.
Yeah,I’ll tell you.In my opinion with this whole,cause I,I try to read between the lines and a lot of things,and I’m not,I don’t want to say I was,I’m right,or,patting myself on the back,but in my opinion,I think personally that the whole vaccine rollout was one big experiment on the global population.And when I say that,I mean it because of this,for this simple reason,when you think about it,it was under emergency use authorization,right?Which freed the,all the pharmaceutical companies from any liability,because I’ve even interviewed Mendenhall Warner Mendenhall,who’s an attorney,who says right now they’re having a hard time anybody suing any of the pharmaceutical companies for injury or death.You can’t for remdesivir,by the way.There’s good,there’s a lot of good cases for that you can file,but they freed themselves from the liability for that.So then what my theory is that what they did under the guise of what they call hot lots,right?They use the public as guinea pigs.And what they did is when they rolled this out and they sent certain lots to certain counties.There’s different variations of strength of the medication.This is my theory and that you’re able to measure the injuries and the deaths from the vaccine.I have a really good on the,on my website medicaltruthpodcast.com and the free resources section.You could go there.Anybody that’s listening and watching this can go there and there’s an actual lot.You can put your lot number in for your vaccine and you can see how many injuries and how many deaths occurred.I’ve seen that before.I had a patient who did that.Yes.Yeah,I have all those free resources on my website,but I think it was overall a global project is what it was.And the entire population that volunteered for it.Where the guinea pigs is what it was,that’s pretty much it,and they want to continue this project.They want to continue it.In fact,when I interviewed Dr Makis is,he was telling me that all the new vaccines and they’re building vaccination manufacturing plants,pretty much on every street corner now,not literally,but figuratively,he says that the new technology for even the influenza,the human papillomavirus are all mRNA Technology,so what does that tell you?What does that tell you?
Dr. Bain:
I was looking at somebody else’s podcast and you probably know who it is.It’s Iverson.Iverson what’s Kim Iverson.,you should look.She has a podcast or a regular1.Maybe like you too,but that talked about the safety data.Or when they were doing some studies with,I don’t know which,the faux vaccine,we’ll call it,the fake vaccine,safety data that showed,I don’t know if it was different batches,it might have been different batches,where they assigned evaluators,and percentages,and in one of the batch,or in one of the categories,please.Hardly any evaluators were evaluating this batch or this area,which was proving that there were placebo.35%of all these vaccines might have had a placebo.Sure they did.But there’s,she,I,she’s claiming with something that came out that the evaluators were not all over that case.They were like not there because they didn’t have to worry about it.So they went back in the,I don’t know how they figured this out.So that’s another angle to when you say experiment and placebo
let’s face it.Do you think any of these people that were on display in high places,we all know who they were.We all know who they were on TV,getting their vaccines with their little paper diaper on their face.You think that they were really getting the vaccine.You really think they were getting the,I don’t think so.I think they were getting basically saline solution.I don’t think they were getting a vaccine.You think they’re going to take the chance in doing that?No,I don’t think so.There’s no way.I’m sorry.
Dr. Bain:
Yeah,I don’t look,I cannot confirm nor deny as they say,
this is a big shell game.This is a big shell game.This is a big scam.The whole thing was a big scam.Not once was the immune system mentioned at the beginning of any of this.It was stay home and order from Amazon and eat hamburgers and look at pornography.That’s what it was.There was no good advice given to this.they want to wipe us out these wackos.They want to depopulate.How much more do you want?This is what they’re telling us.This is what they’re telling us.They’re saying that we want to depopulate.What more of a hint do you want?It’s like a,it’s like a bad breakup with somebody.It’s,and it’s
Dr. Bain:
strangely out of Hitler’s playbook because he’s,
of course it is.
Dr. Bain:
Mein Kampf,he said everything,what he was going to plan to do,and he tried to do most of it.
Of course,
Dr. Bain:
and I’m actually in the studio at a local library where you walk out there and there’s the holocaust memorial stature and it’s very sad,sobering to.Wonder about all of this.It’s,like you said,he has the gold.I don’t,we need a way to figure out to not be controlled.
Yeah,and,the thing is I don’t begrudge people that.Fell for the shot,fell for the narrative.I get it because you know why a lot of money was spent on this.This was probably one of the biggest marketing campaigns for Pfizer.As far as the money they spent to push the narrative,they spent a lot of money to,and they sold this to a lot of people and they really messed up a lot of people’s lives and their health.A lot and they’re continuing to do that.That’s the thing that pisses me off.The most is that they’re continuing to do that and people again have to make the decision to free themselves from this baloney from this crap.Agreed.They do
Dr. Bain:
agreed.Absolutely agreed.I.That’s the conundrum in my mind.I’m a little guy.You’re a little guy.We’re doing our best,but we need to join arms and join hands.
I say it to everybody and you’re courageous for doing what you’re doing because you have a lot to lose.You have a medical license.You’re very courageous,
Dr. Bain:
it’s just all I want is people to question to to not have anybody hijack their common sense for anybody to,for themselves to hijack their own common sense,to have them trust themselves again,that we need people to not be blanketed with fear.We need to have faith.Trust themselves with however they believe in the pure creator.We,we need that.We need to all know each other.And if we all know each other in our mind,God willing,we could stop this because this is really,and I call upon the billionaires because there’s billionaires in the WEF.There’s gotta be some billionaires who just gotta go,you know what?I made my money.I want to help society and it’s time,they got to wake up.He’s got to wake up.The Virgin Airlines guy forgot his name.
Branson Richard Branson.
Dr. Bain:
Yeah,that guy.That guy’s got to wake up.They,you know what I’m saying?Yeah.Cuban’s got to wake up.Mark Cuban.If he has to wake up.Carlos slim has to wake up.They all got to wake up.Yeah.And they don’t have to answer that at the end of the day.You’re destroying your children and your grandchildren just because of your money.If you supported this vaccine and they got to wake up,yeah,use their damn common sense.
Yeah.Yeah.Steve Kirsch.He came forward.He came out of it and he realized it.
Dr. Bain:
I pray so hard that these people just wake up.
Yeah.Me too.Me too.
Dr. Bain:
Little guys on the ground.Little guys.Come on.You’re lucky you made all this money,we don’t have much to,some of us have a little more than others,but we’re really trying really hard for people we really care.We really care.I don’t want to be considered a number.I’m tired of people killing in war already.I’m tired of already.I spent hours working with patients.Seeing them with long COVID or shot injured,and we could just have a flip of the budget and knock people off like that.The lack of care.We’re like little ants,and the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates’s of the world can stomp on us by little ants.Yeah,but there’s more of them.Ants have power too,if we’d all get together.
There’s more of us than them now.That’s the thing.
Dr. Bain:
That’s right.There’s more of us than them.
And there’s a lot more of us than them.
Dr. Bain:
And I’m going to send you when we,something that really my wife gave me,my wife gave me bless her heart that shows exactly what you just said.A cartoon picture just exactly says what you said.
Yeah,there’s more of us than them.They keep poking the bear.
Dr. Bain:
But we need to be in sync.We need to be all in sync.Yeah.We’re not in sync enough.
No.That’s part of their strategy though,is to divide people.Again,it gets back to United We Stand.Divided.We fall,right?United,we stand,divided we fall.They’re doing it in so many different directions with so many distractions.And like you said,gaslighting.Sad,really sad.
Dr. Bain:
It’s really bad.
Doc,thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast.You have a website you want to send people too?
Dr. Bain:
Yes.It’s DocInTheLoop.com DocInTheLoop.com,DocInTheLoop.com just spell it out.com.Yeah.Yep.I’m here to help people.I’ve got.15soon,16states to help people and even all across the country to help out if people need me for shot injured,Long COVID,regular COVID,chronic,I’m here.I try to think through a problem.I’m in touch with people from all over the world.I also have Able to talk to people from all over the world,given my ability to,cause I,I try to support myself with that ability to talk to people from UK or Canada and stuff like that,to at least be an advocate or with ideas.So I’m around and I’m happy to help wherever I can.
Yeah.It’s interesting too,because we talked about a lot of this stuff and banding together and a lot of these smaller platforms that are on the same page as we are.I tell.Everybody and anybody that I get a hold of to interview is,it’s just so obvious of what’s going on,obviously,because of the censorship that takes place,right?And they have the pretty much the lock.They’re trying to.Lock up and control the narrative and the word and the messages that go out there.So again it’s all about banding together the smaller and medium and larger platforms with everybody and put it all together and band together.
Dr. Bain:
There’s a group of doctors.I’m a member of,I’ve got to go to some of their meetings online called the body.And this is a group of doctors that.That are an an alternate,not alternative,but they’re in their own system where it’s out of Michigan where doctors are like us.We’re trying to band together that way,and some of them had a big dream of even having their own medical schools.If there would be people that would support this because let’s face it,a lot of hospitals followed lockstep other groups or the narrative or the whole vaccine world,the freedom.Yeah,this is our God given right.And when I was in the.When I,when we won cases like,I don’t know if you know this,I was in three hospital cases where the judge allowed me and we won the case to give ivermectin and these three people got off ventilators in Illinois.Yeah.And I was told you the doctor got to go in and it’s funny I had to go in and do this because,but it was the whole idea that.We’re fighting for life.We’re,we have the right to life.That sounds something that you’ve heard of with other types of things relative to to choose or,but still in the adult population,we’ll say it this way.The right to life is the gold.Yeah.And when hospitals tell you that,no,you have to follow our protocols the way we do it,Because you don’t know as much as we know,you dishonor us.Yeah,an off label drug to add to the mixture that has helped that won the Nobel Peace Prize like Ivermectin and these people were fighting for Ivermectin I can tell you the little mini miracles that I saw when I was giving this drug is the additional drug When people were on ventilators.Yeah.
Hospitals have become killing fields.Interviewed Scott Schara.I don’t know if you’re familiar with him.He’s the gentleman out of Wisconsin who lost his daughter grace in the hospital.She was the grace case.Yes.Yeah,and I interviewed him twice as an update the last time and that’s a tragic story.It was out now murder and these and he’s unveiled a lot since that her death grace’s death.That’s a very eye opening to what’s going on.And when you think about it again,it gets back to COVID,right?We were all locked down.The people that were dying in the hospital.But coincidentally,not many people really dying at home,right?About98%of the people were dying in the hospital,but you couldn’t go visit Grandma in the hospital.It’s,it was all driven by greed,money,and a very sinister,as far as I’m concerned,motive.And I gotta say,this is spiritual warfare.
Dr. Bain:
This is I agree100%.I agree with you.And the scary part is,and I’ve written lyrics to two songs.One is rap.And one could be an opera one day,believe it or not,to seriously,
I know I think it’s awesome.
Dr. Bain:
I could share that with you one day and sing it to you.Sure.I’ll be it.I don’t have the greatest voice,but,this should never again.The old adage never again.Never ever be forgotten.
I don’t think it’s over.I don’t think it’s over I think we’re in for more of this.I think I don’t think they’re going to add.They put they’ve invested too much money in this narrative.They’ve invested way too much.They got the3pillars are pandemics,wars and global warming.Those are the three.If you go to the World Economic Forum’s website,there’s an actual,I even have a PDF file of it,of the entire book.And then Schwab,the evil emperor,wrote a book called The Great Reset in2020.They’re telling us what they’re going to do,and people can have this cognitive dissonance.
Dr. Bain:
My prayers are truth.Heartfelt truth,like Truth Podcast.Our heartfelt truth will sear into the hearts of all of these people at the world,my wish,at the world economic forum,sear through their hearts so that they find more human guilt for what they’re doing in humanity.
They don’t have a conscience.These people.
Dr. Bain:
I’m praying.Hey,help me out here,man.Come on.
These are dark spirits.These people,they have to come to God.
Dr. Bain:
No.Can we just say that we’re doing this now?And that’s my prayer.Absolutely.All right.So get on the page here,sir.I’m just kidding.I’m on the page.We not disagreeing.We need to sear through this.Yeah,I agree.So that they feel compunction.They feel guilt,legitimized moral guilt,because this is hurting innocent people.Of course,look in the eyes of their Children.Sure.
There’s a lot of blood.There’s a lot of blood on their hands a lot and they know it.They know it.There’s a lot of blood on their hands,but they don’t care there.It’s about power and money for these people.It’s not even about money anymore.It’s power.
Dr. Bain:
You’re right.You and I care.So we all need to join arms with this searing truth,right?Cut through that what you call spiritual darkness or whatever.
The Yeah,I am going to,in fact,It’s interesting that you mentioned that I should say that’s There’s a actual verse in Ephesians about dark spirits and putting on the armor of God.I’m going to read it.Ephesians chapter6.Be strong in the Lord and His mighty powers.Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies,but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world against mighty powers in the dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.And that’s comes from the book of Ephesians
Dr. Bain:
and also in the spiritual world,we have warriors too.We sure do.And so in that other world,the warriors need to God willing step up their game and help us.
Doc.Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the medical truth podcast.Appreciate it.
Dr. Bain:
Thank you for having me,sir.
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