Grace Schara Hospital Death Update- Interview with Scott Schara

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. In episode number 11, I interviewed Scott Schara, whose daughter Grace Schara. Who had Down Syndrome was taken to a hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin. For what Scott suspected was Covid, trusting the doctors and nurses. Scott felt that grace was in good hands until October 13th, 2021 when the doctors and nurses gave Grace a lethal cocktail of sedatives and pushing an illegal do not resuscitate order only to have her sister Jessica watch Grace die in her presence, as well as Grace’s parents who witnessed it. Through FaceTime as it was happening here to update the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast is Grace’s father Scott Schara. Hi, Scott. Welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. I know the last time we spoke, which was on the 15th of March I’d like to update the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast as to where everything is going with Grace’s case.
Scott Schara:
That sounds great. Thanks. Thanks for having me back, James. Absolutely. So I’ll just start with the picture you have on the screen, because that happens to be my favorite picture of grace. This is the one we’re using on the new website that we created for the lawsuit, which is Schara. That’s a landing page. But the reason we did that is because of the fact that we want to create a mailing list when we have calls to action coming up. And so in order to do that, of course we have to have people’s contact information. So we’d like everybody to go there, enter in your name and email, and that way we’re sending out weekly updates at this point. But then as we have calls to action as the case. Proceeds, we have a way to contact you. So this picture though so this came about when we were looking for what to put on the landing page for that website. And this happens to be my favorite picture of Grace. And the reason it’s my favorite picture is because Grace changed my life. For the better. And this is one of the ways she did. So this day she’s picking, this would’ve been in May, so same timeframe as now. She picked a bouquet of dandelions for my wife, Cindy. And before this picture, I was a lawn Nazi, so I was killing dandelions instead of seeing them as a blessing, and so my view of a lot of things change because of Grace and many more than have changed our works in process. Sure. Because I’m I’m the chief of sinners and, I’ve got a lot of work, a lot of work to be done with me yet. But anyway she changed my life with that bouquet of dandelions and for the better.
James Egidio:
Sure. Sure. I know the last time, I interviewed you, we discussed the case in detail in regard to the events leading up to Grace’s death in the hospital and that your daughter, Jessica had witnessed this and there was an issue with the DNR order in the hospital. And I actually have a copy of that DNR order, but I just for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast trying to just update everybody as to where things are going. If you want, you can even go back a little bit as to, where this all led to and where, what it was about.
Scott Schara:
Grace’s case is about exposing the EU in Asia agenda. So this is not a Covid case. Everybody wants to put cases in the Covid classification because then the government can implement an amnesty program. Our memories are short, this is nothing about that. It’s grace died from giving end of life. Meds that you give hospice patients in their last half hour of life. And in Grace within a half hour, they gave Grace, Precedex, lorazepam, and morphine. Not only is that egregious, but when it came time for them to resuscitate her, we found out through the nurses that she had. And do not resuscitate and illegal, do not resuscitate order DNR order on her life. Because when we screamed through a FaceTime call after my daughter, Jessica called us to the nurses to save Grace, they hollered back, she’s DNR, and we screamed back she’s not DNR, but they refused. They would not come in the room. No. Not a single doctor or nurse stepped foot into Grace’s room after they gave Grace. Morphine at 6:15 PM Grace died at 7:27 PM. Yeah. Yeah, so that’s a very short version. The longer version, of course, as you mentioned, you can go back and listen to it took us quite a long time to get to file a case. A case is, filing a lawsuit is a huge, huge hurdle because you can’t just file a frivolous suit. We spent tens of thousands of dollars on the legal team to go through records I had already gone through, but they had to get them to the point where we could get an expert that would testify as to what took place. With Grace’s death and, make sure we had all those ducks in a rows. So the summons in complaint were filed on April 11th, and it’s, there’s over a hundred accusations in that summons in complaint today, which is May 15th is interestingly the most important day on the calendar so far because it’s the day that all the defendants have to respond. And so we’ve already got some responses trickled in this morning. So it’s, I think it’s gonna be somewhat of a circus until we get a judge to do the scheduling conference and start the depositions and the discovery phase of the case.
James Egidio:
Yeah, so this, can this can linger on for a little while then
Scott Schara:
Oh my gosh. Yeah. We did not do this to get justice in a court system. That’s gonna be 18 to 24 months away. People are dying. We’re doing this to get this. Exposure. Sure. So people realize what’s going on. We filed the suit not at, not only against the Ascension hospital system, which is a true Goliath in this fight, they have 30 billion in cash. So just process that. Yeah. They’re not gonna wanna lose. But then we also filed against five doctors and two nurses. And that’s significant. This is the first case of its kind. It’s a landmark case. The reason it’s significant to file against doctors and nurses is because they are the ones who made a choice. You cannot blame protocols. You can’t blame the administration, you can’t blame the hospital system. All of them have their own places for fault, but an individual doctor and an individual nurse are the ones that chose to give meds and put a DNR on Grace that killed her. And Grace is not the only one. I’m willing to share Grace’s story because it’s unique, but I’m here to tell you, it is not uncommon. 1.2 million Americans died in some type of nefarious way in hospitals with Covid as a diagnosis so the hospital can receive bonus money from the federal government. You and I, through taxpayer money, assuming we haven’t elected out of the tax system. We are funding. People’s murders in hospitals to the tune of 1.2 million, and that number is huge and was needed to facilitate the fear propaganda to implement this illegal bio weapon. Okay, but the number of 1.2 million, let’s just focus on that for a minute because 1.2 million is a large number.
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
People don’t have a concept of what does that mean? We supposedly in the United States have the best medical system known to mankind. Guess what? We’re number one of all 200 countries on earth. We’re number one with Covid Hospital deaths, number one. Yeah. And we’re number one by miles. Number two has 531,000 deaths. Number two has a population of four times that of the United States. Number two has a footprint on the planet of only one third that of the United States and that country, which is number two, is India. So how is that even possible? Which, it’s possible because the United States is leading the charge with this global depopulation agenda, and we had to break the backs of. America in order for this to this agenda to be accomplished worldwide. Yeah.
James Egidio:
And what’s interesting you say that making that comparison with India is you’re talking about a population that’s probably what, five times, larger than the population of the United States.
Scott Schara:
It’s four, four times out of the United States. Four. Okay. Four times. So
James Egidio:
four times. And yet we lead the number of deaths. And coincidentally, I was even interviewing another nurse who had mentioned that these patients that were supposedly dying of Covid weren’t dying in their homes. They were dying in the hospital.
Scott Schara:
James Egidio:
So why weren’t people dying in their homes if it was so bad? They were dying in the hospitals.
Scott Schara:
That’s the blinding flash of the obvious. Anybody that can see that would think, oh, there’s something nefarious going on. The only reason you wouldn’t think that something is nefarious is going on is if you have an IQ of only 60 or you’re choosing to believe propaganda.
James Egidio:
And then not allowing the family members to be present in the hospital during the flashpoint of Covid, which was in 2020. So keeping family members out of the hospital so they can do their deeds in the dark as opposed to in the light and allowing family members to be in a hospital. And they were using the excuse while it’s so contagious and it’s this and it’s that. And I made this. Pointing so many podcast episodes that you know, you’re looking at a virus that if anyone contracted it, there was a 98.5% chance that you survive, right? So another reason why, hence, you shouldn’t even need the vaccine because you have a God-given immune system, number one. And then number two, if it was so contagious, why mandate the mask as far into, let’s say April, May, even June, July. In most places, if this was as bad as they say it was why not implement the mask from day one when they, it was supposedly an unknown virus or novel virus. I have The news report of the lawsuit
News footage:
the family of a Freedom teen who died in October of 2021. Plans to file a lawsuit against Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton and several of its healthcare providers. Grace Schara family claims that the doctors and nurses caring for the 19 year old during a hospitalization more than a year ago violated her patient’s rights when they listed her as a DNR, which means do not resuscitate without consent, they also say she was given a lethal cocktail of drugs that led to her death. And when family members asked for doctors to step in and save the young woman, they did not. The family filed paperwork today with the state taking the first step toward a lawsuit they said will be filed soon. We not only hope and pray that justice will come for Grace, but also for the hundreds of thousands of lives stolen by this medical tyranny. These crimes against humanity must stop. They need to be held accountable for their actions. We have made several attempts to contact Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital for comment on this matter. All of those requests have gone unanswered.
James Egidio:
So Scott for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast who are maybe not very well versed on the medical side of things, cuz you’ve in the last couple years have gotten an education in itself, both medically and legally. You can go to medical school now and go to law school at some point. Explain to everyone about the do not resuscitate order and how it works and what was undermined with your case.
Scott Schara:
So this is probably the most egregious offense. And I come from a background, I’ve been a business owner my not my whole life, cuz obviously I was a child too. But I’ve been a business owner over half of my life and at one stage I’ve owned three different businesses. I owned a CPA firm at one point, and I did estate planning was one of the tentacles. So we worked with DNR planning, but a DNR in that case was we wanted to make sure that a family’s wishes were honored in the event they wanted a DNR put on a patient. So it was typically when somebody would be a vegetable and then they would want to. Not have heroic efforts used. So then they would want a DNR on themselves in that case. So in, that’s the typical context of a DNR. So in this case, and the document you have up, Need some framing because, so we found out that there was a DNR put on Grace, obviously that last night when her last night on Earth. But as we dug through the records, we found out the doctor put the d n r on grace at 10:56 a.m the morning of her last day. Interestingly, that was simultaneous with hanging up the phone with Cindy and I telling us how great of a day Grace had. So then you think, how is this even possible? So then we filed the complaint December 2nd, 20 21. So this date is December 5th, 2022. A year later. All right, so then what happened in between? The Department of Safety and Professional Services is who we filed the complaint with. That organization is the organization in charge of doctors and nurses licenses in the state of Wisconsin. That organization did a sham investigation, sent us a letter dated January 20th that said the doctor did no wrong. So it’s ho, are you kidding me? So then an investigative reporter flew to Appleton, Wisconsin to meet me in August of 2022 because he was doing a documentary and he could hardly believe what I was telling him. So he poked around with the Department of Safety and Professional Services. So if you can go back to that document. James. So if you look at this, so I had re redacted his name because I put this out in public before his documentary was released, but they wrote this to him. So it says, dear Mr. Blank. Okay, so what they’re saying, if you look at the one, two, the fourth paragraph, underline chapter 154, the Wisconsin Statutes does not apply to physicians operating in a hospital non-emergency room setting, such as the one in question. So they’re telling. This reporter that any doctor in a hospital setting has the right to unilaterally put a DNR on any patient. So you think, what does this mean? If this is literally true, if this survives the lawsuit, this means that when you are in a hospital, and don’t think just, this just applies to Wisconsin, I’ve talked with people from many states who have had illegal DNRs put on their family members, right? Don’t assume that. Oh, if you’re, at least I’m not. Thank God I’m not from Wisconsin. Yeah, this is way bigger than Wisconsin folks. This means if this survives the lawsuit. So in the lawsuit, we’re asking for a declaratory judgment on this statute because this can’t be, it can’t be that a doctor can put A DNR on a patient. If this is true, it means that if you’re in a hospital setting, you have to. Have access to your electronic chart live and be watching it 24 7. You can never sleep because at any time a doctor can put a DNR in your life. And then obviously with Grace’s case, after he put the DNR on it, on her life, they implemented a med cocktail combination that killed her.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And we’ve had interviews with, I had a, I know you did, and I had an interview with Laura Bartlett, and this is, goes back to what Laura has as far as protocols, ProtocolKills. Com on her website where she has those forms that talk about informed consent, right?
Scott Schara:
James Egidio:
Yeah. And that’s what I’m thinking. Okay. So in other words
Scott Schara:
These things have to be not with what she’s talking about. her information is right on. We have the link on Grace’s website. So you go into a hospital and I just, you have to be aware of this because you know the documents that are necessary to protect you is a medical directives document. With a related power of attorney for your advocate. But the medical directives document would call out, no DNR order put on my life, period. That’s in your medical directives document. Okay. But there’s never been a document that saved somebody’s life, these liberals. Who are arms of the government operate outside of the rule box. In the old days, it used to be a healthy debate between liberals and conservatives 50 years ago, and so they differ all had, they each had a different way to skin the cat. We might have to go back to a hundred years ago, but they had a different way to skin the cat, but they never operated outside the rule box. Now they operate outside the rule box, and then you’re required to sue them while people are dying. Your loved one Is dead and there’s so many barriers to a lawsuit, you can’t even sue them. For us to sue it, so Laura’s is spot on. Of course it, the warning I have is don’t think because you have your medical directives document that they’re going to follow it. You’ve still got to advocate for yourself. You need a strong advocate. You’ve gotta be paying attention to what’s going on.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. so getting back to that DNR order in what Laura was talking about is that is something that can be set up prior to any nefarious activity that would take place with a DNR order at any time through an electronic medical record, correct?
Scott Schara:
Absolutely. But I just am warning everybody they operate outside the rule box. Okay. So that would be a mandate from you that you don’t want a DNR on you. But if somebody, if somebody wants to steal a law that says there’s no stealing, isn’t gonna prevent the person who wants to steal from stealing. Correct. So same thing with your medical directives, that becomes the law because it’s your body. So that becomes the law now. But if somebody wants to operate outside of that law, For whatever reason in the case that we saw with Covid because of financial incentives, the government was paying hospitals to kill people. You know it then where are you at? Okay what is your recourse? So your recourse is to go through, spend $300,000 on a lawsuit that you may or may not win two years later. Are you kidding me? That’s what we’re, that’s what we’re doing right now.
James Egidio:
Sure. Sure. And then you also have the other issue with physicians and nurses, and especially physicians that are working in these hospitals that don’t wanna lose their jobs. So they’re under the guise of a lot of pressure that they’re really putting onto themselves because they have the choice to bow out when they know something like this is occurring in the hospital. So you’re caught as a patient between a rock and a hard place and making decisions on your healthcare. So it’s almost like a crapshoot as to where, when and where you go to a hospital.
Scott Schara:
I think it is a crapshoot, but that’s why, you’ve gotta be prepared. And thankfully, you already had Laura on, she talked, she, she educated your audience on how to be prepared. Being prepared is, again, I want to emphasize it’s more than documents. It’s an attitude. It is not the time to be nice. Okay.
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
You’re talking about your life. And if you don’t have that attitude, if you’re, if you go along to get along and you know you’re a people pleaser you’re not gonna survive a hospital stay. You need to get somebody in with the personality that fits the forms and fight for you.
James Egidio:
And then this is where I think family comes in. I’m not sure what the consensus is now as far as allowing family to stay in a hospital during a loved one’s hospital stay. But even then, there’s only so much time you could spend in a hospital as a family member watching a loved one in a hospital, correct?
Scott Schara:
Yeah. I, the rules are back to whatever normal is, but normal. So I know this because we just ex experienced helping a lady that was in a rollover. Last week on Friday and she’s in a hospital room and I talked with her last night and her mom was there. So obviously they’re allowing visitors. But then they have these crazy thing like visitors hours and they have us programmed that the hospital is a safe zone. And until people believe that is not true, you’re going to fall trap. And it’s we have been programmed to trust white coats to believe a hospital’s a safe zone. While at the same time the entire medical profession has been programmed to implement collectivism. And because they’ve been programmed to implement collectivism, nothing is outside of what they consider normal. So in that spirit of collectivism, they believe, so Obamacare codified that spirit and that spirit is really put into practice in Obamacare and them put in practice by the implementation documents that came out of Obamacare. But Ezekiel Emanuel is the chief architect of Obamacare, and he said in 1996, once you’re a non-productive citizen, you don’t have the right to medical care. Okay. So what does that look like? All of us are gonna be non-productive citizens sometime in our life. And they have trained the entire medical community that, once you hit 75 or whatever number or you’re disabled, you don’t deserve medical care.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And this is the rabbit hole you went down originally is, which this. This is what led even prior to, I remember the lawsuit in our first interview, you were talking about this. You were talking about the disabled and the elderly are the targets for this type of treatment in the hospitals, and this is what you found through the evidence that you collected through records and through your research.
Scott Schara:
Exactly. And we can go into where I found this it’s hard for people to stomach, but I am, I’m analytical, so I really, I like to see the documents with my own eyes. Sure. I don’t, I, and at this stage of the game, I don’t trust anybody.
James Egidio:
I don’t blame you.
Scott Schara:
It’s so now you know I want to see the documents. That’s right. So when I see the documents, it’s oh my, this is earthshaking. So the document that, that I want to reference, I have it in front of me. It, so just to so people understand, I mentioned Obamacare. Ezekiel Emanuel is the chief architect of Obamacare. He believes in collectivism that. Non-essential or useless eaters, and he called them non-contributing members of society. So what does, what is that definition? That definition is those of us who are so a contributing member of society is a obedient slave paying, his or her taxes. Okay. That’s a contributing member to society,
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
Okay. So once you’re a non-contributing member, which they have on purpose made those, so during covid, during the 39 months supposedly of Covid, the non-contributing member of the population increased by 38 million. So how do I know that? Because there were 62 million Americans on Medicare and Medicaid. Pre Covid, now there’s a hundred million. Wow. So the spirit of collectivism says, that’s too much. We’re spending too much. Those two population groups accounted for 39% of the federal budget before covid. Now it’s over 50% of the budget. We can’t do this. We can’t afford these population groups. We gotta have a way to take them out. I’m being, I’m not being facetious. Of course I don’t believe that, but they passed into law on March 23rd, 2010, a law that facilitates murdering these people. And that law is called Obamacare. And, I don’t want to give Obama credit for this because of the fact that I’ve come to believe they’re all in on it.
James Egidio:
Oh yeah, of course.
Scott Schara:
And the reason I say that confidently is the Republicans had an opportunity to throw Obamacare out, but they didn’t. You know why? Because they don’t want to, no. Just think through what this has in it. This has the deep population agenda in it. And what I’m gonna sh, I’m gonna read right out of this section 1553 of Obama gear in a minute. But I want to frame it by saying, how did they get this underneath our noses? I’m not the first person who ever read this document, so how do they do it? Is they lie to us. They have this propaganda campaign and part of the process of lying. If I’m a thief, but I call everybody else a thief. It takes the eye off of me and it puts it on everybody else. So what our country is fantastic at is pointing the fingers at these naughty Europeans with their socialized medicines the, these naughty Canadians with their medical assistance and dying program. We invented medical assistance in dying. Okay, and I’m gonna show you where it is. So if any of you, do you know, James, you can put this in the show notes. I sent it to you. Sure. Don’t believe me. Look it up for yourself. Just Google Obamacare. It’s 974 pages long. I’m reading out of page 141. 141 is section 1553. The title is Prohibition Against Discrimination on Assisted Suicide. All right, so the title even is okay, what is going on here? So it says that any government may not subject an individual that’s a doctor or institutional healthcare facility that would be a hospital or nursing home facility, any healthcare facility to discrimination on the basis that entity. Does not provide any healthcare item or service furnished for the purpose of causing or the purpose of assisting in causing the death of any individual, such as by assisted suicide. Euthanasia or mercy killing.
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
So there you have it. They tell you, they just tell you a literal license to kill. Kill. Exactly. People license to kill there, they have it right in Obamacare. A literal license to kill. Yeah. And what makes matters worse is so the government can’t discriminate against a doctor who says, I’m not doing this, even though they tell me to euthanize Grace. I’m not doing it. Okay, so then we saw what happened with the doctors who stood their ground during Covid, right? They’re, they can’t practice anymore. A lot of ’em lost their licenses. They’re shunned. That I just read out of subsection A of section 1553 sub, subsection D says that if you are discriminated against, your recourse is with health and human services. The Health and Human Services secretary is likely the most corrupt man in the United States bureaucracy, right? Bar none. We think Anthony Fauci is the most corrupt, the Health and Human Services secretary unilaterally had the authority to only him had the authority to implement the public health emergency, which he did under the Trump administration on January 31st, 2020. Then that once the Biden administration took over, it’s a new. Health and Human Services secretary, but he continued the same pattern every 90 days. That public health emergency had to be re-upped, and then it expired on April 11th, 2023. Just a month ago. Okay. It expired. So he’s the only one who had the authority to start it and end it. What did Congress do on April 10th? Biden signed a Law to End Covid passed by Congress okay that was a complete dog and pony show. Sure. Because Congress had no authority to end it. the only one who can end a public health emergency is the Health and Human Services secretary. While Covid, or while the public health emergency is ongoing, he has the authority to implement policy, which becomes the equivalent of law. I have this on Grace’s website. On than November 24th of 22, which is Thanksgiving Day. No surprise, because the press is out to on for Thanksgiving break. He implemented the latest and greatest death panels under Obamacare.
James Egidio:
So This is the Fox watching the hen house, is what you’re saying.
Scott Schara:
Yeah, exactly. That’s exactly right. So this is the charter document that he implemented is Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee, MEDCAC. This is the new death panel. So the man who signed this, the Health and Human Services Secretary on November 24th is Xavier Becarra. He’s the Health and Human Services secretary today.
James Egidio:
Interesting. So where does this leave a lot of, attorneys that are involved with lawsuits and why aren’t lot more lawsuits being filed?
Scott Schara:
Yeah, that’s a great question. The reason more lawsuits aren’t being filed is because there’s barriers preventing lawsuits from being filed. So one we talked ear, you mentioned earlier about the prep Act. So the Prep Act is, gives immunity from liability if the hospital, doctors, nurses follow government protocols. The only exception of that is intentional gross negligence. Okay. So that’s a very hard barrier to prove. But worse than that, so it’s way before Covid state laws were put in place that prevented lawsuits. And so I’m just gonna walk through how we got to the point of Grace’s lawsuit being filed, and you’ll see what I talk about.
James Egidio:
Scott Schara:
So early on, I had assembled the documents. I met an attorney that works for a 300 person law firm. And he’s a, 300 partner law firm. So this is a big firm and he’s a partner. And he said, Scott, this is a big case. He said, I want to refer you to the best medical malpractice attorney in Wisconsin. So he did, and I talked with that gentleman and he said, Scott, even in Slam Dunk cases like this appears to be, you’ll only have a one in 10 chance of winning. Wow. I said, how is that even possible? He said, I’ll give you an example. He said, I represented a family where the husband had a sponge sewed up inside of him as part of surgery and we lost. So how could you lose that case? That seems impossible. And he said, I brought in 10 experts. And the hospital system brought in a hundred. He said they circle the wagons around their own and that’s, ultimately these cases become very expensive. You know what people are used to is they hear about the ambulance chasing cases where the person gets a 2 million settlement from a car accident and the attorney takes a third will those. Those statutes don’t apply to medical malfeasance and medical malpractice. It’s different statutes. So the same one third provision is in most statutes, but the legal limits are so low. So like in Grace’s case, grace was a legal adult. So the main way that we could sue is even available to us cuz Grace wasn’t a child. She’s a legal adult, so that was a barrier. So we had to open up an estate as part of the lawsuit process. I am also a plaintiff, so I can individually sue under certain angles, but you know the amount of money that you receive from. From the state statute, assuming you win, remember a one in 10 chance of winning, assuming you win the most that the state statute in Wisconsin allow is $750,000. Okay? So just walk through that. So assuming that we won, and by the way, if we ever win, we’re giving all the money to other cases and we’re not taking any of the money. But if we did win, so we got a one in 10 chance of winning based on what the first attorney said. If we do win, the most the attorney can get is $250,000. Okay? That’s the most, right? And the estimated cost to take this case all the way through trial is $300,000. Wow. Okay, so what law firm is gonna take it on? When you have a one in 10 chance of winning $250,000, when you gotta spent, it’s not gonna happen. Okay. So that’s, there’s too many barriers. Thankfully, God has blessed us. We were I, I think it’s a time such as this and, so we, we have filed this case in order to be able to Shine a light on evil and this case is meant to expose evil. Sure. I sure hope at some point there’s justice for grace. That is not what this is about.
James Egidio:
No, I know. I know I, I know you enough, enough now to know that. And then on the bottom of the screen, I’m sitting here and there’s a really exciting development taking place now with a documentary that you guys completed, correct.
Scott Schara:
So we’re part of it. The Grace’s story is highlighted in this documentary. It’s gonna be released on Sunday in a local theater in Wisconsin, and anybody can go to If you see this before Sunday, you can sign up and. There’s a few seats left in the theater for Sunday. The next opportunity is we’re doing a a hundred person limit Monday night, where all the cast, so that’s gonna be a, an online version. So all the cast will be there, which is exciting. So then there will be a question and answer for all the cast. So it’s not just our family, but Stacy Ogreznik, who lost her husband she’s featured in the film. She’s got video and audio testimony. From the hospital. So that’s her testimony’s featured in the film. Nurse Erin is featured in the film Dr. Moon Vera Sheriv, the Holocaust survivor, who I’ve done about 25 interviews with. She’s in the film. And then a man who my wife Cindy, and I rescued out of a Green Bay, Wisconsin Hospital, a disabled man on November 5th of 22. Him and his mom are in the film. So it’s, we’re looking forward to it. Yeah. I got the introduction for it right here. Yes.
Documentary Footage:
After we watched our daughter Grace die on FaceTime, I immediately felt that I needed to go to the hospital, although I was still pretty sick and I met Jessica and our pastor there. And while we were in the room, we, Jessica and I, let us spend a few moments just with Grace alone and. Yeah, it was just a horrific sight to come upon. It was the second her daughter, grace was now gone. The emotions that came over the top of our minds and just our physical bodies were just unbelievable. We we took her Bipap off cause it was still on. This was hope and prayers that somehow she wasn’t really gone. And as soon as we did that, the color of grace changed. And And except when she was truly gone, you got one person to step foot in that room. How can you do that? How can you allow an innocent person a child? She’s only 19 years old, die in front of your eyes. You don’t do that if you’re human. You don’t do that. They knew they weren’t gonna convince us to put grace on a ventilator. That means the money was going to dry up. They had to have the money. And when you follow the money trail all the way through, that a ventilator. Is about a $300,000 decision that they had higher paying patients in the emergency room. Grace was worth more dead than alive.
James Egidio:
And again, that premiers the 21st of May Scott?
Scott Schara:
Yes. So yeah, 21st of May in a local theater. And then we’ll do an online version the next day, the 22nd on Monday. And then it’ll be released on multiple channels for people to watch.
James Egidio:
Nice. Nice. And then on the 21st, that’s right in green in Wisconsin itself.
Scott Schara:
Correct. In Dupier. Which is just south of Green Bay.
James Egidio:
Okay, Scott, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The Medical Truth Podcast. I’ll share all this on Substack and all the platforms and on the website medical truth as well, and we’ll get the word out.
Scott Schara:
Thanks. I, you know what, the one thing I would ask anybody listening and it’s the most important thing to me, is please sign up to follow Grace’s story. We created a separate website just for that When you go there, it’ll pop just a quick popup screen. It’ll ask you for email and name. We are creating a database in order to implement calls for action as this case proceeds. We need to have a way to get ahold of people so that as the need arises we can get the message out. Right now, we’re sending out weekly updates. My daughter, Jessica, who you saw and with Grace there, and she was with Grace when she died. She’s the one that’s maintaining all of that. It’s work, but she’s as dedicated as I am to this, which is I’m sure.
James Egidio:
God bless. Thank you so much again, Scott, for joining me for this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast.
Scott Schara:
Thank you, James. I appreciate you very much.
James Egidio: