“Florida Doctor Gives His Perspective on COVID and the Vaccine- William Douglass, M.D.

In 2020 when the Pandemic was announced, Florida’s Governor Ron Desantis and Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo responded with a very reasonable, practical, and pragmatic approach compared to other states that had draconian lockdowns and business closures that created economic hardship. How the leaders of Florida responded to the pandemic revealed and exposed some “deep truths” about what was going on behind the scenes. James Egidio Host of the Medical Truth podcast interviews William “Camp” Douglass, M.D. a practicing physician in Florida who was on the frontline of the Pandemic in Florida in 2020; he has done extensive research into the COVID vaccine or Gene Therapy as well as give insight into the future of vaccines and pandemics from a medical-legal perspective. “Dr. William Campbell Douglass III, MS hosts The Douglass Update On Integrative Medicine podcast– integrating the best from all medical disciplines.”

Meet The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi, I am James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare System. Just as put out a disclaimer, this podcast and its associated content that is the website’s articles provide general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content in this podcast, blog, website, or any link materials are not intended or should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician in 2020 when the plandemic was announced Forida’s governor Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Surgeon General. Dr. Ladapo responded with a very reasonable, practical, and pragmatic approach compared to other states that had draconian lockdowns and business closures that created economic hardship, how the leaders of Florida responded to the plandemic revealed and exposed some deep truths as to what was really going on behind the scenes. My guest is a practicing physician in the state of Florida who was on the frontline of the pandemic in Florida during 2020. He has done extensive research into the Covid vaccine or what we call gene therapy. It is an honor, a blessing to have on the Medical Truth Podcast my guest Dr. William Douglass. How you doing, Dr. Douglass?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Doing well, thanks James. Good to be here.
James Egidio:
Thank you very much. Let’s just get right into unpacking some of the things that you encountered in 2020 during the plandemic, as I call it as a practicing physician in Florida. May maybe take the viewers and listeners through How Things Unfolded in 2020.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh so I remember very well, early 2020, the announcement of Covid 19 and the, I was following it really carefully through medical, online medical news sources, many of which are big pharma funded and for example, MedPage Today. And, but early on I heard these, I got these little blips of information like vitamin C being used to treat covid. And then of course that was Paul Merrick’s work which we could get into. But then there was also, of course the Ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine came out as showing promise, and then literally it seemed, I think it was within two months. Suddenly those aren’t effective. And with my background, I have I’ve studied nutrition master’s and bachelor’s in nutrition before medical school. And I thought, at first I thought, wow, we have some real hope here to bring true integrative medicine to the front stage and center to recognize it for what it is. There’s some very valuable things. They’re just not patentable, that are that are therapeutically promising for so many different conditions. And I thought, wow, this covid could be the wedge that brings in a greater recognition of integrative medicine in general. But sure enough, within months, all of a sudden, ivermectin was demonized. Hydroxychloroquine was demonized. Nothing said about ascorbic acid. And then of course, back channels like the Frontline Covid 19 Critical Care Alliance, has a whole bunch of integrative alternative medicine therapies that are very effective. But big pharma just took over and it’s a, it’s such a powerful reminder of just how big pharma basically controls big media. And we could get into all that, but and then it, the, so it unfolded in that way. And then when the vaccine announcement came, with this operation warp speed, I thought, something’s not right. Something’s not right. Here. We’re injecting Messenger rna, which is a genetic material, and we can get more into that, but I thought. As I learned about the spike protein and that’s the toxic moity of the covid viruses, but I thought we’re gonna be injecting something that’s going to be the blueprint of a protein that’s not only toxic, but the big question that should come to mind to anyone who’s had immunology and understands immunology, is that what about autoimmunity? Because if you’re, it gets complicated, you start talking about amino acids, we could get into more detail, but the point I’m making is if you’re injecting the blueprint for a molecule that I think is around 3000 amino acids, plus or minus, I don’t remember exactly. That’s a big molecule. Big protein. And what happens with autoimmunity is called molecular mimicry, where the immune system comes in and says, oh, I think that’s foreign, but a foreign substance. But then it’s close enough to be similar to another abnormal substance in your own body. And it’s almost facial recognition gone wrong, right? So let’s say facial recognition is used to detect a criminal and like But it’s close enough to your own face that the computer says, oh, you’re the criminal, right? And it attacks it, so to speak. So that’s what autoimmunity is. your own immune system through molecular mimicry. Something is mimicking a normal molecule and your immune system is fooled and comes in and attacks that tissue. And that’s what we’re seeing. We’re seeing all the clotting problems, myocarditis, pericarditis, but I think the big thing now down the line, which we’re already seeing, but give it two, three years from now, and you’re hearing people in the know doctors that are really following this thinking. We might have opened Pandora’s box of, potential autoimmune reactions. But I won’t go on any more than that in terms of the unfolding that you asked. But yeah, it’s been a, it’s been a wild ride. Yeah. And now we’re seeing it continue to unfold in many different ways
James Egidio:
walk the viewers and listeners through this traditional vaccines that most of us have been receiving in the past compared to this messenger, mRNA vaccine. What’s the difference?
William Douglass, M.D.:
So your traditional vaccine is attenuated virus mean it’s a weakened virus or it’s viral particulate. So in other words, you’re injecting something that won’t infect you, but it’s actual viral particles, or it’s a virus that’s attenuated that you really, it can’t replicate and cause you to have that particular infectious disease, viral infectious disease. So it’s a whole different ballgame. This is, this has never been in the history of man have we injected millions of people with messenger, RNA. It’s completely different and like I said it, you’re basically, I like to, I also like, when I’m trying to talk to patients to understand it, they understand the blueprint of a house. So messenger, mRNA spins off through a process called translation off of DNA which is what our chromosomes are made from. And the messenger RNA is like the blueprint spinning off for, say it’s for a house. And the house is based on that blueprint. through the process of creating proteins, you’re basically creating any millions of potential types of proteins from this messenger RNA normally. But we are injecting. Not only messenger, RNA or this blueprint for the house, for the spike protein of the virus, but it’s even worse than that because we the molecular makeup of the RNA itself has what’s called pseudo uridine instead of, normally it would have uridine but the messenger, RNA, that’s in these vaccines shots of messenger RNA is even different than the normal uridine that would normally be an RNA that your body normally makes. So they added that because supposedly that’s one of the things that will prevent the messenger mRNA from being degraded quickly in your body. And then you also get it, we could get into lipid nanoparticles. That’s the carrier substance that takes this messenger RNA to literally every tissue in your body. But so the difference between they’re completely different. These really aren’t vaccines. These are genetic interventions. This is a genetic technology that is brand new. It’s never been injected into, as I said, millions of human beings and we’re seeing the consequences, and I could get into relative versus absolute risk of problems from these shots. Yeah, we could go down whole bunch of rabbit holes if we wanted.
James Egidio:
Yeah. No, and they’re not rabbit holes. I think they’re factual. And observable conclusions that we can make about this. Because, I just yesterday interviewed at Dr. Mihalcea Ana Maria Mihalcea out of Washington, and she’s doing a lot of research through her Substack where she’s putting the content out about of course this being gene therapy. But it goes down to that, down that rabbit hole that we’re talking about. Of this being even tied to 5G and geoengineering and transhumanism and, a lot of people who hear this stuff. I think the word that comes to mind for me is cognitive dissonance, where people don’t wanna believe that this is happening and that this is basically a brave new world that we’re entering with this gene therapy. And, when you have someone like Bill Gates involved with this and the World Economic Forum who’s behind a lot of this stuff, and they’re telling us that this is what we’re doing, then it’s not conspiracy theory anymore. Now it’s a fact. It’s a fact.
William Douglass, M.D.:
It is.
James Egidio:
Let’s go down some of those rabbit holes that you’re talking about, even the nanoparticles and hydrogel and all that. Let’s talk about that.
William Douglass, M.D.:
So lipid nanoparticles are just, like they said, lipid meaning fat in nano being small and particulate. So basically now the LNP technology lipid nano particle technology are not new. And, we’ve had that’s been in development for many years. But the purpose is to encapsulate any substance in a lipid coating, so to speak, because cell membranes are made of lipid and like attracts and dissolves like, you can mix olive oil and peanut oil and they mix, whereas you water and oil won’t mix. So you’ve got this lipid nanoparticle with the messenger RNA in it, and you gotta cell here. And when the two meet, the lipids dissolve, and then the messenger RNA can get into the cell. And we were told that the injections would stay in your deltoid muscle and then within, 24 hours or whatever, we were told that something like that, that the messenger, r n a would be broken down and your immune system would be primed to fight off the covid virus and everything’s hunky dory. And but it turns out that’s not the case at all. Now we know that the lipid nanoparticle gets into the lymphatic system and spreads everywhere. It crosses the blood brain barrier which is normally impenetrable to many, most substances. Every tissue it can get into your myocardium your testes, the ovaries, the intestinal tract. There’s not one tissue that’s spared from. Having this mRNA dissolve through the membrane and get into the cell. And a lot of things come to mind with that. We now know that through process of reverse transcriptase, that it actually does change the DNA structure, this has been shown in hepatocytes liver cells. And but again, the big thing, like I said with autoimmunity is what is this production of spike protein? Which now I think we have evidence that it’s the cells are producing spike protein, your own body cells create the spike protein for up to a year or more. It was the first evidence that I had read. It was about six months. And now I read, I can’t cite the study, but I think now there’s evidence that it has been shown to be produced by our cells. From the messenger RNA for at least a year. And I’m sure that varies depending on a number of factors.
James Egidio:
so what you’re saying then is basically this mRNA basically is the blueprint for producing these spikes. These spikes are like free floating glass, basically in the vascular system. They float through the vascular system. They’re causing this irritation in what? The blood vessels? Is that what you’re saying?
William Douglass, M.D.:
I wouldn’t say glass so much as protein. Amino acids are the makeup of proteins are made of amino acids at varying links. All our enzymes, for example, are proteins, as and so we’re, every cell in our body then potentially makes this spike protein. From the mRNA, which then has all these other potential pro thrombotic effects, meaning possible getting clot, strokes, heart attacks and also just general inflammation such as myocarditis, pericarditis, and nephritis. For my own podcast the, on my website, there’s a, I took the Pfizer adverse events data. It was nine pages of small print, and I took every single one of them. It took me six months, but they’re all listed in all the different adverse events from the messenger. RNA shots are listed by system, and I’d encourage listeners to check it out. It’s at DouglassUpdate.com on the, in the blog section, but you can find, it’s just mind boggling. It’s 25 pages of categorized adverse events from the Pfizer, and I’m sure the Moderna too. But this is from the Pfizer data showing the different systems and organs that are involved, that are affected.
James Egidio:
Have you encountered any vaccine injured patients?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh yeah.
James Egidio:
And what did they come in for?
William Douglass, M.D.:
I actually for since you asked I think it, might be episode 10 of my own podcast where I took 10 of my. 10 cases, of course, confidentially, there’s no way to trace it to any patient. And so I summarized, from a, I call it rank and file perspective cuz I’m primary care doc, just doing primary care boarded and family practice. But it, but I’ve seen myocarditis and pericarditis, that’s the big one that we hear of in a 42 year old male who is now on the heart transplant list in Orlando
James Egidio:
oh geez.
William Douglass, M.D.:
After, yep. And I have I mentioned the case of a 31 year old pilot, I won’t mention the airline, but a big commercial airline who after, I think it was her third Moderna has this just incapacitating eczema, all over her body just scratching and itching and, that’s autoimmune reaction. I’ve had a number of patients with menstrual irregularities, one that completely lost her period still of childbearing age. I’ve had a lot of what’s called pot syndrome. That’s postural orthostatic, the basically symptoms of tachycardia when you stand and palpitations. That’s seen about three of those. Let’s see. I have seen really poorly controlled diabetes. And we, and there’s evidence from the Pfizer document, for example, that shows that the, there’s auto insulin antibodies that are produced from these vaccines. Again, that’s that adverse events document that I mentioned gosh, off the top of my head, I’m, I can’t think of all of them now, but yeah, I’m seeing. Oh, I just three days ago I saw a patient with this melonotic rash all over her body, just this dark. I don’t know. I didn’t know what it was. I sent her to dermatology, but she insisted that it was after her second Pfizer dose of the vaccine. Yeah, I prefer to call ’em injections of messenger RNA cuz that’s what they were. Which reminds me too, it was immediately after they introduced these vaccine is when they literally changed the definition of vaccines to, mentioning viruses. It, they changed it to something like anything that stimulates an immune response, which I thought I found very interesting. The CDC changed the definition of what a vaccine is.
James Egidio:
I know I mentioned this on several episodes. I personally know three people that lost their lives from these vaccines and. One was a 30 year old young man who had suddenly died from a cardiac event. Of course, he was a healthy 30 year old. Not many 30 year olds just drop dead, from a massive heart attack and cardiac event after having a vaccine. Another one was a 50 year old female, and another one was a 65 year old male. And my question to you is then, so how long have you been practicing medicine now?
William Douglass, M.D.:
32 years.
James Egidio:
Okay. 32 years. So obviously in 32 years you’ve had patients that have had vaccines for, their occupation or whatever. In the past, if there was a direct or so-called indirect link to vaccine injury and death, what would’ve happened in the past?
William Douglass, M.D.:
When you mean the trouble is that, this is where you get into relative versus absolute risk. It’s a concept that kind of hard to explain, but the absolute risk of a reaction of a adverse event from a vaccine is relatively small. If you think about over the years, all the kids getting MMR and DPT, and now HIB and all these different vaccines, it’s not like you give them in half of kids, for example or adults that get tetanus shots, have a problem. It’s relatively rare, right? And Correlating or tying a reaction to a vaccine in the past has been, relatively difficult. And for example, I, in 32 years of practice, I never, I didn’t even really know what VAERS was. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. I never reported to it. I never, I may have I have, I could tell you about a case when I was doing emergency medicine of a child that probably had myocarditis and died from it. It’s an interesting story, but I, we don’t have time to get into that. But the point being that it wasn’t until the Covid crisis, if we want to call it that, that it became obvious to any practitioner that’s being honest, in my opinion, that we’re seeing some real problems here. And that’s when, The spike in VAERS reports just, skyrocketed. And I get into this on, I think it’s my th the third episode of the Douglass Update podcast. And you can’t deny that. That’s the CDC’s own reporting system. So we’re looking at something that is, you brought up being in denial. I think there’s a cognitive dissonance, as you mentioned. It’s it’s like a willful ignorance going on that people are just keeping quiet. They’re either, for a number of reasons. Whereas personally I, I like that story of Noah in the Bible. He knew there was something really big happening and he tried to warn people and they either, told him he was a nutcase or just ignored him. And I feel like that’s where we are now. It’s so analogous to the blue pill or the red pill, of the Matrix movie. You’ve either swallowed the pill or you haven’t. And people don’t want to talk about it. It’s, and I’m sure we could get into Nazi Germany. It’s I’m sure it’s exactly the same phenomenon that was probably going on just 90 years ago.
James Egidio:
But Yeah. But what’s interesting about this is that, you could sound with the alarm all you want. You can have people being called conspiracy theorists, but if people are dropping dead that are personally associated with you, whether it’s a relative or a friend, Then it’s not coincidence anymore. Now it’s and what’s getting to that point about that? Real good book just came out by Edward Dowd called Cause Unknown and he’s a numbers cruncher. Edward Dowd is, I worked for, I believe it was BlackRock. And he crunched a lot of numbers and looked at reports that were extrapolated from insurance companies life insurance companies in the last couple years. And found that I think the increase in death amongst I think I’ll, don’t quote me on this, but it’s between, like 25 and 41 is up like 40%.
William Douglass, M.D.:
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s not a common thing for 20 something and 40 something year olds to just drop dead or athletes to be fallen, face down on a ball field. So this is not coincidence. We know that. And again, I think we’ve got so many forces pushing and pulling against each other, spiritual forces. This is actually, and I’ve mentioned this many times on many podcasts, is it’s a good versus evil attack is what this is. Yeah. And and I think a lot of people are aware of what’s going on. I think by now at least, I hope and pray that people are aware of what’s going on right now. So
William Douglass, M.D.:
I don’t think they are, I don’t think they’re,
James Egidio:
you really don’t, huh? Really?
William Douglass, M.D.:
I still, I’ve tried to make it a point to when my, when an inter, when my encounter’s over, say a new patient that I haven’t talked to about this, I’ll say, just curious, have you heard anything about the, adverse events from the vaccines? The, I don’t use, I say anything about the covid 19 vaccines. You’d be surprised still. They’re like, no, I haven’t heard about that. That leads to the question of if it’s so prevalent, these adverse events and people dying suddenly, why aren’t more people hearing about it? But a lot of people will say, oh, my uncle’s, friend, blah, blah, blah, had a DVT a clot in his leg. And he had a clot that went to his lung, a pulmonary embolism. And then, that you, so you start, they start remembering. But, according to the C V-safe data, which by the way, the CDC had to be sued before they’d released the data, say, same with the FDA. And we could get into that case, but the V-safe data showed that 7% of people that got the, Pfizer or Moderna had a serious reaction, meaning they had to go to the hospital. That’s huge. That’s huge.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it sure is.
William Douglass, M.D.:
And then of course the. The sort of corollary there is if it’s 7% are having serious, again, I get back to that. What’s, what about the subclinical things going on with the immune system and clotting and so I really do think we’ve opened Pandora’s box and the fact that more people aren’t aware of this. In other words, taking the red pill just shows how powerful the mainstream media is at its propaganda.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
William Douglass, M.D.:
I love the, the Dell Bigtree of the high wire. He was involved in some of the defeat the mandates rally out in California. I don’t know if you saw that, but one of his big slogans I’ll never forget was We Don’t Know What they Don’t Show. And I am more convinced now with thisPlandemic. We could get into the DOD and all that too. Yeah. But that propaganda is not so much what we hear but it’s what we don’t hear. And I think there’s this probably equal balance that, that the prevailing narrative is pushed on us, but the guidance of the Fifth generation warfare. We could get into the trusted news initiative. A lot of things we could talk about. I think it’s just as powerful, the propaganda being what we don’t hear as what we do here. And it is really tightly they’ve got it down to a science. They call it the, there’s an analysis called the Disinformation Playbook by the Union of concerned scientists, which is, it details the whole strategy, same exact thing that, that the tobacco industry used. They I actually memorized it. It’s the Fix Blitz Diversion S creen Fix. So they they are fake, the fake blitz diversion screen fix. First they present fake data. Then they blitz they tell, they say Dr. McCullough is a quack. Were they hard to say that about McCullough or Malone or Pierre Korey or, these big names of Paul Merrick, in this, but that’s the blitz where they call you a disinformation doc. Misinformation. Disinformation. That’s the blitz. And then comes the diversion. They’ll, Divert with let’s focus on, let’s focus the pop the masses on masks instead of these adverse events. That would be like one example, right? And then there’s the screen is where you have these experts and authorities behind the screen of ivory tower influence. And so people just believe, what’s coming out of the universities. Who wouldn’t, right? I always have in the past.
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
For the most part.
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
And then finally as the fix in this disinformation playbook and the fix is where, things become policy. And and once you, once it’s policy, that’s where. That’s fascism, right? That’s where the private sector and government sector are like this.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah.
William Douglass, M.D.:
And they’ve fixed it.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I know. It’s interesting you say that because I know right now I don’t know if it’s occurring in June. I’m, in fact, I’m actually gonna be interviewing Alex Newman on this. This is gonna be the topic of conversation about the United Nations and the World Health Organization forming an alliance to basically create this sovereign control of worldwide pandemics where they can dictate pretty much for the most part, the policies for any future pandemics.
William Douglass, M.D.:
James Egidio:
That, that’s game over. And, we could get into it, like you say the rabbit holes of talking about and I did a little research on a little bit of a deep dive on quantum tattoos. And these, this whole thing with quantum tattoos, and that’s being studied and researched at the university, I believe, of North Carolina where they’re talking about an a beta test of using that for vaccine passports and putting digital currency on there so you don’t have to use a credit card anymore. And this stuff is all, rolling out right before our eyes. And as I mentioned earlier, this whole thing with cognitive dissonance and putting our heads in the sand. People better start standing up. We’re at least waking up a little bit about what’s really happening around them and not be so concerned about all the other distractions that are out there.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yeah, that reminds me of, I grew up in the sixties I remember Vietnam War. I was just this close to, I was like four years too young to be drafted. But gosh, anybody that grew up in that era remembers, all the vocal, the musicians that were opposed, the Crosby Stills, Nash, and Young Janice Joplin just screaming. This is insane to be doing this war. And where’s the screaming now? Coming from Hollywood and the celebrities. It’s the weirdest, most strange thing I’ve ever seen. There’s a piano and I’d like listeners to also keep that in mind. It’s like there’s this. Mesmerism There’s some sort of mesmerism that, you know, that there’s this debate of calling it mass formation psychosis, or do you wanna, that’s just not a good word. And I don’t think there’s this Desmet, the psychologist who came up with that. I think there’s an argument on semantics there. But right back to outcry. There’s one, I think I think Van Morrison is one of the few who are speaking out. And I, and listeners should really get this album. It’s unbelievable. Great rock and roll music with the Hammond Organ and, but it’s called What’s it Gonna Take? You’ve gotta hear this album. What’s it gonna take for you to wake up? And the whole album basically is about the plandemic and it’s, couched in his, funky lyrics. But he mentions Bill Gates, he mentions the World Economic Forum fascinating. And and from my own podcast I want to feature, do a review of that particular piece cuz he, it’s obvious that Sir Van Morrison is trying to speak out and just like you were saying, people need to wake up and that’s the name of it. What’s it gonna take for you to wake up?
James Egidio:
Yeah. And what is it gonna take to wake up? What do you think?
William Douglass, M.D.:
I think what we’re doing right here can help. But it seems that if you’ve taken enough red pills, There’s no antidote. I have a friend who’s very left wing liberal and he totally believes in Bill Gates. You can’t even begin to try to convince him that this was a plandemic and that he was involved, in this event 201 and all the different simulations that preceded this plandemic.
James Egidio:
Yeah. But is, but Bill Gates, literally indirectly told him that we’re looking to depopulate the world. What does he think that means? That means that, you know what that means? He’s inviting him to go out and play golf, or what? He’s telling you we wanna depopulate the world.
William Douglass, M.D.:
I know. And yet there’s this, there’s this reverence for, authority. It’s built in our very makeup. I think it’s one of the, like one of the. It’s like cognitive what do you call it? A illogical fallacy. A illogical fallacy and cognitive biases that are going on right now. So one of those is authority bias. And we all, I think, including me, now I’m very wary, but more and more people don’t, aren’t trusting their doctors. They sure as heck don’t trust Anthony Fauci. Forget CDC, NIH and FDA and Califf, who’s the, the the head of the FDA, the, these are just, and I get into this in the podcast too, is revolving door. You, it’s agency capture is what they call it. And you go, yeah, the FDA commission. Goes from Pfizer to become FDA commissioner. Then when he retires and someone replaces, he goes right out the revolving door to, GSK or some other big pharmaceutical house. It’s unbelievable. It’s a, and that, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. All 15 agencies have been captured, I’m convinced. But yeah the wedge through with Covid has exposed this fourth branch of government as it’s being called. Yeah. Which President Trump frankly tried through what’s called Schedule F to really do something about it. Tell these corrupt leaders of these leaders of these agencies. You’re fired. You’re fired. You’re fired. But with the unionization of all these agencies and the corruption you cant do it. And look what’s happening with the Department of Justice. I call it Department of Injustice.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting you say that too because and I said this on many previous podcast episodes, is that this became a political issue. When you think about it, when this all started in 2020, we were going into a presidential election year. And I’m not, I’m talking not just the Democrats, it’s the Democrats and the Republicans that were guilty of this. Because a lot could have been done when Trump was in office. And there was a lot of mixed reaction about Trump and him with warp speed. And that’s what I want to talk to you about, by the way. So we’ll hold our thought on that one as well is that operation warp speed and this being basically rolled out under emergency use authorization, I wanna talk to you about that. But what my point is that it became a political football. It became a political football for both ends. And I personally felt that when this rolled out in 2020 and the Smurf came out on the stage and started Smurf being Fauci, came out on the stage and started talking about, I’m the science and I’m, you’re not the science. He’s not science. How’s he science? Just because you say that. And then Dr. Scott Atlas, who I’ve seen on many interviews, talk about going into a hearing with Berks and Fauci. And he came in with all kinds of numbers and what not to undermine, not so much even undermine, but to challenge what Fauci and Berks were coming up with. He just got shut right down in these closed door meetings. Right there I felt that Trump should have just fired Fauci. He should have took the reins and said, get outta here. You’re fired, you’re done. He did it when he had the apprentice about firing people. He should have fired Fauci, plain and simple and kept Atlas and Burkes and keep Atlas on. But getting back to this operation warp speed. So that gets rolled out right under emergency use authorization, and then you free the pharmaceutical companies from any liability from vaccine injury and death. So to me it seems like the fix seemed to be in when that was the case too, because basically it became a research study on the entire globe basically, which gets into the subject of, and the question of hot lots and basically measuring data amongst themselves as to where these vaccines get rolled out. Because if you have free reign to roll out vaccines under emergency use authorization and all the gloves are off on any liability, then that means that, and and I have a background in biology and chemistry and I’ve been in the medical industry all my life as well, that with that being said, you gotta have a control and you gotta have various concentrations of this gene therapy in order to measure it under emergency use authorization, and under. So basically the whole world became the Guinea pigs to test various strengths of these vaccines that were being manufactured correct?. Or maybe I’m off.
William Douglass, M.D.:
I think a better way to look at it would be to me and what little my knowledge is of Nazi Germany and eugenics and the Holocaust and, genocide of Jews. And that’s a horrible thing to even bring up. It’s every, I cringe thinking about it. I get into this on the podcast, the analogies that are going on here. We can call it research, on a big experiment on humans, but you’ve just gotta follow the money trail.
James Egidio:
Yeah, of course.
William Douglass, M.D.:
And so it’s, I guess you could say, maybe it’s like a satanic evil experiment in some way, but in reality it’s just plain big bucks. Bill Gates has said openly that this is the, I think the biggest windfall he is ever experienced. And same analogy, the insanities going on with these surgical and hormonal sex changes on kids. There’s, if you follow, it’s really about money. Yeah. It’s not about equity and diversity and, tolerance and all this. No, it’s about money. And you, Joe Mercola, Dr Mercola of Mercola.com just last week, came out with an excellent article on no. It was Robert Malone’s Substack he had a excellent coverage on this. And he, I forget the lady’s name, A researcher who has studied, in depth, she’s probably the nation’s expert on what’s going on with that, with the surgical sex corrections. But my point is it’s money. And same with the experiments that happened, in, with eugenics 90 years ago in Nazi Germany. It really wasn’t legitimate science. It, and yet a lot of people believed it was doing this kind of research on freezing freezing human beings, exposing them to extremely hot, conditions, to see how long they would live and look at their physiologic. It, and of course, this is where the Nuremberg Code Was born from all that, those atrocities. And there’s a lot of people thinking what happened to the Nuremberg, code here? Nobody had informed consent. You were told you’re gonna get these shots of genetic material. It’s like the Nuremberg code and all that history just vanished. And again, it goes, it shows the power of this fifth generation warfare going on this propaganda that you and I see it. Maybe some of your listeners see it, maybe some are, don’t see it yet. And what we’re talking about will open their eyes to start seeing, Pull the curtain aside, like on the Wizard of Oz, it, see the little guy behind pulling the levers, the leavers,
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. I keep telling people, just take the politics out of this for goodness’s sake. Just take the politics out of it at completely.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yeah. The, yeah, the, in the sense that politics is policy, right? That’s where the fix comes in, once it’s from something. policy. It’s fixed. It’s fixed. And the, you mentioned the whole issue of indemnity. And that goes way back to 86 during Reagan’s presidency with the whole childhood vaccine Injury Act, which, that’s what I indemnified the vaccine manufacturers. And then it created this national vaccine injury program compensation program, which is a joke. Really? Yeah. Just recently, I think the first awards that have gone to Covid 19 vaccine injured, it’s $4,000, that have been, there was a settlement for $4,000 that was divided amongst three or four vaccine injured. It’s it’s, but To indemnify any company from product liability. that’s a gold mine, right? They have,
James Egidio:
it’s sure it is. It takes the gloves off and it allows them to do what they want. And like I said, to me personally, I feel like it’s become a big experiment and it’s opened the door, like you say, a Pandora’s box for them to do whatever they want to do. So it would only make sense that if that’s the case, right? And I don’t want to speculate too much, but I’m using my mind as a scientist, as a person who has a background in biology and chemistry. We’re always taught that when you do an experiment, you always have a control group and you have various concentrations of a certain whatever compound. And you test based on that control, right? So you have what they call, and this, it’s been even, I had an interview with Dr. Yoho who we were talking about hot lots, right? Hot lots being a term that’s used, a research term that’s used for various concentrations of these vaccines. And then seeing what shakes out based on the concentrations, of these vaccines.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yeah, my impression of Hot Lots is they’re batches of vaccines, right? I think a hot lot would be a specific batch with a certain number on it, and this is right. And then you can then say, oh it, if we were doing proper research, we’d say in this region of America, this, these were the batches and we had this number of adverse events, right? So compared to this other batch here in Florida versus Utah, that’s not going on for obvious reasons that are obvious to you and me and some of the listeners, right? And that has to do with money and greed and propaganda and position and power and all that. But if we really had a legitimate honorable CDS, NIH and FDA, that would be the kind of research that would be going on, but. Given the degree of fraud, corruption and coverups. I don’t think we’re ever, we’ll never see that. We’re never gonna see that. I, when patient, when I argue with people about this patient, sometimes I ask them I say look, my other doctor said that these I should get boosted. Right? Which by the way, the booster is no different than any other, it’s still the same vaccine. They just call it a booster. That’s right. Anyway, we get in into kids one, but I’ll say, they’ll say I don’t, who do I know? What, who do I trust? I go first of all, trust the people that are willing to talk about it. And trust the people that have no financial conflicts of interest. And also I tell ’em, did you know that the FDA and the CDC had to be sued? In order to release this adverse events data, and they’re going, no this should be huge news, right? Come on our own CDC and FDA, they’re supposed to be our watchdog, right? No, we had to sue them. We had to sue the CDC to release the V-safe data.
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
And I cover this on episode I forget one of them, but one of the early ones. And then the FDA had to be sued to release the Pfizer data. Yeah. Think about that. We,
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
We’re suing our own government agency to release private sector data, which they’re supposed to be protecting ensuring is legitimate data. And you know the whole story, right? They asked for 75 years to release all the data and the judge said no, and it’s Brooke Jackson case. Yeah. There’s some real heroes in this movement, and yet they’re unsung heroes. Man we need to be, Aware that there’s so much going on behind the scenes.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And you’re not hearing about, you always say, and when I spoke, I had an interview with Laura Bartlett. She has an organization where she does hospital rescues, on and on informed consent, as well as, setting up informed consent to basically save people from being murdered in these hospitals. I even interviewed a Scott Sherra, who lost his 19 year old daughter with Down Syndrome. She was murdered in the hospital as well. And the thing is, who do you listen to? You don’t listen to CNN, you don’t listen to MSNBC, you don’t listen to Fox, you don’t, you listen to the people that are in the trenches, right? You’re so people’s doctors, such as yourself, Peter McCullough. Yeah. People are in the trenches seeing patients. And you also speak to the vaccine injured. Who’s a better source than someone who’s been vaccine injured? To give you the evidence and put it in front of you and say, yeah, I had this shot and this is what happened. I was a healthy individual up until this time. It’s like coming from the mouth of babes. You know what I mean?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh and in the clinic, in the practice of medicine. Sorry about that. It’s alright. In the practice of medicine, we listen to patients. They say, oh, doc, my energy’s better after I did X, Y, and Z. You go, oh, great. You document, they got better. And if they tell you, oh, I’ve got this cough ever since I started lisinopril. Oh, okay, we listen. Oh man, it’s probably the lisinopril. Let’s change it to a different medicine.. But when it comes to the vaccines, it’s you think you’re clot in your leg might have been related to the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Nah, nah, just coincidence. But Doc, it happened to me. It just literally within weeks of getting the vaccine. No. And that’s what they’re calling gaslighting. It’s am I crazy? My doctor’s saying it’s not related. And yet everybody else is saying it is related. There’s some, and there’s that cognitive dissonance going on. It’s ah it’s a crazy world. Let me get back to what you said though about this hot lots. The other point that I wanted to make with that is that oh, I wish I could remember it, it wasn’t Brook Jackson, but it was another whistleblower who was involved in a, in, I think it was Moderna’s Pfizer’s manufacturing facility in Texas. And I think she was on, Steve Kirsh’ Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. Which listeners, if you’re not listening there you really need to be getting on that. But yeah. The VSRF, but she brought up the, she goes, I think Steve Kirsh asked her, so what is in these vials? These vaccine vials? And she goes, we don’t know. And he was stunned. He goes what do you mean you don’t know? She goes we really don’t know. They come, the ingredients come from China. And then they’re mixed in these vials and then we just distribute them in lots, in batches. Hot, whatever. Whether they’re hot lots or not, I think they’re all hot lots, potentially. We know. But I heard that. I’m like who’s doing the analysis confirming that it is even mRNA to begin with. And that takes you down the rabbit hole of fractionated mRNA. Messenger RNA is really stable. You probably heard they had to be, they have to be stored in sub-zero temperatures. Cause all these majors of shots have been have been maintained at sub-zero. No. So what me that means is that the messenger rna, the blueprint, remember the blueprint for the house breaks up and then you’ve got translation going on for other proteins you potentially have then millions of potential proteins being formed that aren’t even the spike protein. If that makes sense. Yeah. And then everything is in three dimensions called stoichiometry. So a protein this long may fold into this, a protein, way out here, may fold into something like this. So the immune system sees all these different confirmations differently, right? And so at the very least, We should A, know what these things are from China. B, confirm that it is even, mRNA as it’s supposed to be. And then of course, C you go down another rabbit hole of what are the other, adjuvants. So to speak within these vials. Yeah, we don’t know. And there’s no research. Yeah. And there’s still no research which points again and again. This is an obviously planned. Nobody’s asking questions, nobody’s doing the research, and all we have are patients are doctors and patients reporting to VAERS and we just have these spikes of data. Although I can’t say that’s all we have, cuz now, I’m starting a resources document that I want to post on our blog site that’s gonna have, the different movies, the different songs, the different academic papers, non-academic papers, and it’s really growing really growing. The other thing that’s growing that if we have time we can get into is the legal side of all this.
James Egidio:
It’s, oh yeah, no, we’re gonna, I’ll have you on again. We’re gonna, this is only part one of our conversation. There’s so much to unpack. It’s interesting too because, And I said this in previous episodes as well, let’s just start from the beginning, right? You’re a patient or whatever, you’re Joe Public, you’re out there and you’re his listening to all this news. Cause I remember when this whole covid thing first broke back in February of 2020, I still had the medical practice and we were still seeing patients and there was a lot of jokes about covid and, coronavirus and the whole thing about the beer, Corona beer. And people were downplaying it. The media started to grab it and run with the narrative. Of course, they had already planned on running with the narrative. They just had to roll it out slowly but surely for the public to gin up, the anxiety and fear that they did. And so by, I think by the time we got to around June, maybe even before then, I, I wanna say like April or May. Of course Fauci was capitulating back and forth even on 60 Minutes about mask and don’t wear a mask and and masks actually weren’t even mandated, I don’t think, at least where I was living on the West Coast until probably around June. So if this was anything serious like they said, and people were dropping dead in the streets like they said they were, which they weren’t then mask should have been implemented from day one, right? Should have been implemented in February or March, early March. Very early March. But they weren’t right Then they come up with the statistic that if you contract it coronavirus and you get sick, and of course I know several family members that had gotten it, that you had a 98.5% chance of surviving. And I’m thinking to myself, okay, let’s use some common sense here. 98.5% chance of surviving if you’re a gambling person. And someone came up to you and says, you have a 98.5% chance of odds of winning when you gambled, you would take everything you own and you would gamble, right? If you’re a gambling person. So I’m thinking to myself, something’s wrong here. And I had been around it like you in the medical field, in the industry, and to me, none of it made any sense. And then of course, phase two was the rollout of the vaccines operation, warp speed, and let’s promote the vaccines. And then they incentivize. So right there, something should have told the public that there’s something wrong. With incentivizing getting a vaccine. It was, at first it was donuts, then it was free weed, then it was lap dances at strip clubs, and then it was a lottery ticket. Yeah. Then it was a lottery ticket. It just yeah.
William Douglass, M.D.:
In one of our, in one of our episodes, we even, we have, bring in Big Bird, like in a sarcastic way saying, oh, now Junior, you can trust your FDA. just like you could trust Big Bird. They even had big bird involved in trying to convince, mothers and fathers that it was safe for their kids to get injected with these vaccines. Huge big, huge propaganda. It’s like unbelievable. Yeah. It’s so blatantly obvious when you sit back and look at it, but when you’re blue pilled, you just, And with this authority bias, you just can’t bring yourself to, believe it. I have patience. I’ve had so many patients that parents, that, that are wiser than their children. Meaning, their grown children who often even have kids and they say, oh my God, I tried to get my daughter or my son not to vaccinate his kids. And there’s nothing I could say as a parent, there’s them talking to me saying there’s nothing I could do to change their mind. And they just went ahead and got it. And the good news is that, people aren’t dropping like flies, but there’s certainly a lot of people dying suddenly. And of course, Jokingly, you’ve probably heard the NTV disease, right? It’s the, not the vaccine disease. It can’t be that, it can’t be vaccines, but what, and Steve Kirsch has emphasized this over and over. What else can it be? What else is it? Yeah, it’s use your common sense.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And I know you don’t have a crystal ball and I don’t, but what do you see happening in the next year two years, three years, four years, five years down the road from now? And I’m not talking about people who have gotten the vaccine, but just in general with this agenda, what do you see from a medical. Point of view.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh boy. Medical legal. See the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Steve Kirsch teamed up with the Mendenhall Law Firm just last month and had the very first COVID litigation Conference in Atlanta. And I went to that. I couldn’t resist, even though I’m not an attorney, but I, oh man. I, I took, I brought this for this interview. It’s, you can find this online and they’re gonna have recordings available. Covid Litigation Conference 2023 March 25 to 26, and the speakers were absolutely fabulous. Look at all these these were all attorneys and doctors. You can see some of the faces. Yeah. But that’s what’s gonna happen. That’s, we are, these are true constitutional, US constitution based attorneys. And they have, they talked about and any listeners, if you know somebody that has some injustice that’s occurred to them from the, from this plandemic contact Vaccine Safety Research Foundation and or the Mendelson Law Group at Mendelson Law Group. And they have a whole team of attorneys now that are joining forces. It’s pretty exciting. And they have lawsuits going on that there’s over a thousand lawsuits now going on in this country, probably more now, ever since the conference. Maybe it’s up to 1500 by now. But they’re tracking all these, and these are, lawsuits about employees that said, no, I’m not gonna get the vaccine. Loss of wages, there’s. Like hospital negligence, that’s where the Remdesivir Remdeathavir is near as they call it, cases. Yeah. There’s no one that’s won yet. But they jokingly said that those are the biggies, man. If the first person that gets a Remdesivir case, cuz that’s, you’re not indemnified for Remdesivir and that thing that is horrible on the kidneys. People, it can shut down the kidneys, but that’s another, anyway, hospital negligence. Now you gave Remdesivir why and you’re saying these studies showing that it can damage the kidneys and even kill people, and then there’s civil rights cases, related education mandates, all kinds of things. The whole, the FDA fraud, CDC fraud, those are, that’s big stuff. Yeah. But things too they talked. Cases of censorship and, the de platforming of doctors and the attacks from medical boards like Dr. Lattel and
James Egidio:
Yeah. So talking about that, I just wanted to share that. I’m glad you brought that up. I wanna share with the listeners and viewers. This was a news report from our, one of our local media outlets here in Florida where we’re both located. Talking about Dr. Joseph Ladapo and I at the beginning. Ladapo the show. Okay. Ladapo. Ladapo, I think it’s Ladapo. Say tomato. Is it Ladapo? Okay. You talk about that and here’s the gentleman who’s the Surgeon General of Florida,
William Douglass, M.D.:
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
Stanford, I think he’s from Stanford. Super bright.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I’m gonna play an example of what our own media and how they downplay his expertise.
Video Footage Dialogue :
Reading letter today they say he’s misleading people about Covid 19 vaccine side effects and putting lives at risk. CBS four s Larry Seaward is in the newsroom tonight. With the details on Larry. They minced few words. Lauren, they accused Dr. Joseph Ladapo fueling vaccine hesitation instead of accepting scientific facts. You’d think that my colleagues have been taken over by zombies. Florida’s public health leader. I do not equivocate with science openly critical of Covid 19 vaccine’s ability to prevent spread since his nomination as Surgeon General got served, this new four page notice, centers for Disease Control and the US Food and Drug Administration called some of Dr. Joseph Ladapos claims incorrect, misleading, and could be harmful to the American public. Some science has been ignored over the past two years when it hasn’t fit an agenda. Both agencies took issues with claims that growing numbers of Floridians reported life-threatening conditions linked to covid 19 vaccines. Federal leaders insist those complaints do not mean vaccines cause such problems, and that researchers need more time to know for sure. But based on what’s available, the FDA and CDC see no evidence of increased risk of death and save vaccinations, save lives. We have the surgeon General here saying that vaccines don’t work on top of, in-state critics, FDA and CDC leaders told Dr. Ladapo quote, it is the job of public health officials to protect the lives of the populations they serve. Particularly the vulnerable fueling vaccine hesitancy undermines this effort. So far, we’ve seen no response from Florida’s surgeon General Live in the newsroom, Larry Seaward, CBS four News tonight.
James Egidio:
So there you go. This is where we’re at, right? Where does it end? Doc? Where does this all end?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Where does it start or where does it start? And where it starts. It reminds me of Dr. Joe Mercola’s recent article on Epoch Times on the brilliant report on where it starts. And that is with the ad agencies. They’re the ones, these big, there’s four main companies globally that control the media. And it’s not conspiracy theory. It’s conspiracy, but it’s not theory, right? These are truly, it’s documented now. This is huge mind control. The fifth generation warfare, trusted news initiative is the BBC. And now, this is going on, this is the trusted news initiative is, was started by the BBC. It includes Reuters, Washington Post, Associated Press. They’re the ones that started this campaign against disinformation. And they’re all in bed with the, with big Pharma. Come on. It’s all about money. And It’s just evil. It’s unbelievable. It’s power, it’s money, and it’s social, attribution. It’s, people in positions of government that just, it’s that societal phenomenon will, they’re sitting pretty, on top of some agency with all this money at their command that’s printed out nowhere, currently from the Biden administration, which is why we have hyperinflation. Anyway I could go off on all these different tracks. Yeah. I’m gonna poor I say poor Dr. Ladapo. No he’s a courageous guy. He knows he has the science. And again, listeners should always ask who to believe. It’s the person that does not have financial conflicts of interest. So what does Dr. Ladapo have in the game? Oh, is it He’s just trying to be a, a big, powerful liar. A surgeon general? No, he’s out. It’s obvious. He’s out to protect the Floridians from these dangerous medical interventions to me anyway. Yeah. But then I’ve taken the blue pill. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s Sure become clear to me. Man I’ll tell you, I, I never dreamed that it would get to this point. I knew the FDA, for example, was evil. I’ve been in integrative alternative medicine for years, followed it very carefully. I was on the board of ACAM, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. I remember back in 83 when the FDA raided Jonathan Wright’s clinic in Kent, Washington for having vials of vitamin B12. You asked why? I tell you there’s a, there is a battle going on between the money in patent medicine versus natural products as well as off-label products like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. They right, it’s, they will suppress, they’ll shut down the house, man if they need to. But I hope that this covid crisis makes that more clear. It’s largely about patent medicine. Yeah. And the fascism, the connection between the private and public sector, meaning in this case, FDA with Pfizer, for example, and all these pharmaceutical companies. It’s fascism.
James Egidio:
It is fascism. And I want people to see, I’ve got another clip I wanna play too of Dr. Lattel, you were talk, you mentioned Dr. Lattel. And this particular clip comes from a hospital board hearing in Sarasota, Florida where he was kicked, like physically kicked out of the hospital, escorted out by security because he was talking about treatment with Ivermectin. And let me go ahead and go to that one as well.
Video Footage Dialogue :
We have, and we used an independent third party who basically said we had 24% federal outcomes than our peer. Just wanted to let her know, I’m white code, I’m not employed order, I’m not a contracted position. I’m able to my mind, that’s why I asked. I said, thank you for your traffic seat for patience. This is how it’s done here. You noticed what he said? Same thing was, yeah. I’m not a contracted physician so I can speak my mind. And then this, the other woman says, this is how we operate here. Not recorded. Sorry. You can’t videotape him. What are he doing to him? Interesting. Can’t you imagine that occurring in Nazi Germany? Exactly. You speak out against the third, and you’re escorted out at least, but you’re probably escorted out and executed.
James Egidio:
Yeah. So this is what we’re up against. Yep. This is what doctors are up against. This is what people are up against. I got censored on, I don’t know, maybe four or five recordings, podcast episodes on YouTube. So they just don’t want the truth. They don’t want the truth. So what does that tell people, the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth podcast? Is that something’s up, something seriously is up. This is not accidental. Here I’m interviewing you you’re a physician. I’ve interviewed plenty of physicians. It’s gonna take maybe interviewing some patients that were vaccine injured, people need to wake up and take the politics out of this and take the news media garbage out and all these platforms like Facebook and all that, that wanna censor everybody and censor the truth. That would be the solution because we have to get to solutions. We can’t keep talking about problems. We know there’s problems. But now we gotta have solutions for these problems, right?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yeah. And the solutions are going to be political and legal. And that’s where the Covid Litigation Conference emphasized. It’s happening now. But, and there’s, so there’s a David and Goliath battle going on. They, and they actually referred to David and Goliath during the conference. It’s huge. It’s huge, but it’s, we, the people, are based on our constitutional number one first amendment man. It’s, it is being, it’s, we’re losing it and it’s time to speak out and support, people that are, willing to speak out that are courageous enough. You notice he said corporate employer. I’m, I won’t mention, my situation, but I’m, I feel like I’m sticking my neck out speaking what I believe to be true. Maybe I’m wrong. Oh, you are.
James Egidio:
No, you’re right. you’re very courageous. Very courageous for doing this.
William Douglass, M.D.:
But it’s I’m also afraid the comment with this saying that says, you can’t be courageous without fear. If you’re not in a situation that requires courage then you’re not gonna be afraid or so I’m just looking at it that way. And I’ll tell you the experts and these lawyers, these independent lawyers, These are, by the way, these are small firms that are involved. Not none of the real big law firms, because they’re all in the fascist situation themselves with being tied to, hospitals, which are then tied to health and human services and getting huge, millions of dollars from Medicare and Medicaid. So they’re tight lipped. Where your treasure is there, where your heart be also, and out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, right? Those are biblical principles that are applying right now. And so there’s a lot of doctors I’m convinced that are suffering out there. They’re not willing to speak. They know something’s wrong, and yet they’re conflicted now because, their heart’s telling ’em one thing. but They’re afraid to speak. Yeah. Which is what our first, it’s a spiritual thing really. It’s a First Amendment.
James Egidio:
It is.
William Douglass, M.D.:
First Amendment our constitution is miraculous. you mentioned Ed Dowd and I would highly recommend that patients look at the ed Dowd interview with Tucker Carlson.
James Egidio:
I’m gonna have him on my podcast here soon. Oh, good. Probably very soon. In fact, I actually have Tony Lyons coming on at a couple weeks and we’re gonna talk about the First Amendment and the Constitution, and how it applies to medical information and how it applies to, pretty much censorship. I saw that interview with Tucker Carlson as well. It was really good.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh yeah. He gets into the actuarial data and that 40% increase in mortality rate. It’s absolutely phenomenal. And he’s, he brought up this cour courage concept too. he goes, this is my reason for being now. I’m just telling the truth. I’m holding no punches, man. He’s just going for it. And it’s clear in that interview.
James Egidio:
Yeah. But yeah, you just brought up a really good point too. You, when you held up that book, you said, these are all small law firms, and I tell everybody that I even reach out to at this particular podcast, and it’s just not just my podcast, it’s a lot of people’s podcasts who want to courageously and even yours, This is a collective effort with a bunch of small podcasts with this David and Goliath battle of going after these big media outlets. Because even some of the more red pill, outlets have to still tote the line, right?
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yep. But yeah,
James Egidio:
when you start to talk to physicians such as yourself, as courageous as you are and even Laura Bartlett and Dr. Jensen, and Dr. Thomas and Dr. McCullough he’s not, he’s pretty big. But I’m talking about people that are starting these platforms. It’s gotta be a collective effort to reach the masses of people And it definitely isn’t gonna be through Facebook, and it’s not gonna be through YouTube. It’d be through Rumble, cuz Rumble’s allowing that. And I highly advise anybody that’s listening and watching this to go to Rumble If you want uncensored real information, on what’s going on
William Douglass, M.D.:
and Substack.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And Substack as long,
William Douglass, M.D.:
Substack is huge and I, for free, you can sign up for Dr. McCullough’s newsletter, Dr. Malone, Pierre Korey there’s Catherine Wat who really gets down that rabbit hole of the DOD that this is a weaponized product, then, right? That’s way beyond even. I have to keep looking at that going, okay, it is weaponized. It is a plandemic, But even in Pfizer’s own documents, DOD was listed at least well over 10 times. What’s the DOD doing involved in, vaccines? And then it then we could go down the whole, patent thing with Fauci and the NIAID and DARPA.
James Egidio:
Karen Kingston’s another good one to listen to on Substack and There’s a lady named Karen Hunt,
William Douglass, M.D.:
Yeah. Federal. She’s real good. Yep. Good. Yeah.
James Egidio:
John Rappaport. Yep. John Rappaport. Yeah. In fact, I interviewed Dr. Rasnick who works with Rappaport, and he works with Kennedy Jr as well, who’s another great person to follow as well.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Get on Children’s Health Defense, go to their website, get on their newsletter.
James Egidio:
Yeah. It’s, yeah,
William Douglass, M.D.:
it’s great stuff. It is, it’s just and it’s, the propaganda is so powerful. I’ve found, my own personal experiences that unless I have these truth bombs, at least little bullets of truth hitting this daily. You can really get lost. You look around in society and people are clueless. They have no idea that this is even going on. If you look, you, do you mind if I mention just real quick, I’m gonna just pull, I have these pulled aside. Just for educational purposes. We already Sure. The Covid 19 and the Global Predators, so listeners could hit pause if they don’t know about these books. This is Huge. Turtles All the Way Down. I learned about this through Steve Kirsh in the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. Really good on the Vaccine Science. This one I got for, they gave it away at the Covid Litigation Conference. This is absolutely fabulous. Covid 19 Lawlessness. The other one I’m almost through with is the Real Anthony Fauci, which probably most listeners have heard of. Excellent. That’s by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Who by the way, is running for president. Why isn’t that all over the. It’s called my Fifth Generation Warfare. Yeah. Propaganda. It’s what we don’t know what they don’t show. Oh, you think Big Pharma doesn’t hate Robert F. Kennedy. Of course, man. Yeah. And then this is a one that I’m reading The Nazi Doctors. And I learned about this through the Covid Litigation Conference, and it shows the parallel, look how thick it is, shows the parallels between what’s going on right now with the Covid Plandemic and what happened with the Third Reich of Nazi Germany. Yeah. And then finally another really good newsletter and sign up as American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. I’m a. Really good freedom-based constitutionally based organization. And you can get their newsletters for free online download. They’ve got all kinds of things on biological warfare and the pandemic. Yeah. And then I always like to point this one out to the, it’s called the Holy Bible.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Amen. Yes.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Whether whether you’re a doubting Thomas and you don’t believe in the mythologies, if you want to call it that, whether they’re real or not, the morality in this book is so applicable right now. Yeah. It’s unbelievable In terms of the fight going on and. The different, different stories like David and Goliath and even Noah. Like you and I we’re sitting here, we’re trying to tell people, wake up. You know it. Oh no you’re a conspiracy theorist. You’re this, that and the other. I believe in Fauci. I believe in Bill Gates. I believe in tedros of World Health Organization. They’re gonna save the day.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Good luck. Good luck with that. It’s interesting you say that you brought the Holy Bible out of all the books you showed. That’s where all the truth is actually from the beginning to the end, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s all right there.
William Douglass, M.D.:
It’s amazing.
James Egidio:
You don’t have to look any further. Yeah. You don’t have to look any further. And I tell a lot of people too, that when you do read the Bible and you have no place to start, cuz you know, as Christians, a lot of us will say, oh, just go to the gospels. And the gospels is one of the most important area in the Bible, in the New Testament. But I say if it’s a situation where you want to get yourself started somewhere, depending on, let’s say you’re experiencing depression or whatever, there’s what’s called a concordance in the back of a Bible. It has a key word. You don’t have to go to Google, you just look up depression, look up love, look up whatever it may be. And there’s an actual word that has verses or a number of verses that are associated with that particular word. That’s what’s so beautiful about the Bible. It’s the best medication you could take.
William Douglass, M.D.:
It’s a good psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy.
James Egidio:
It sure is. Sure.
William Douglass, M.D.:
I just, I’m not very good at I could do, I could adhere to it a lot better, but, it’s I in fact, interesting that the pandemic has brought me back to the Bible like never before.
James Egidio:
William Douglass, M.D.:
I, these are amazing insights that we’re seeing right before our very eyes. Yes, you just read the story of David, before he becomes King and all the travails he went through he actually had a number of noble lies, truly noble lies. He had to lie in order to eventually become what he became. And so there, there really is such a thing as noble lies. And yet a lot of what’s going on now, by the I call it the medical fascists, the global medical fascist. Or even worse, it’s the Marxist medical, it’s the Marxist global medical fascist. They believe there’s, I’ve heard some people say, oh, it’s a noble lie, in order we did a noble lie so that more people would get vaccinated as if, they were really doing something noble.
James Egidio:
And it’s interesting you say that because I wanna, I’m gonna read something if you don’t mind too, the listeners and viewers. If you’re not a Christian or you’re not into the Bible, it’s what I call the COVID verse that comes from Psalm 91. And I’m gonna read it and it goes like this. So just be patient with me and bear with me. It says, those who live in the mo, in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the almighty. This I declare about the Lord. He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. He is my God and I trust him for He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, not the arrow that flies in the day, Do not dread the disease that stalks in the darkness nor the disease that strikes at midday, though a thousand fall at your side, though 10,000 are dying around you. These evils will not touch you. Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished if you make the Lord your refuge. If you make the most high, your shelter, no evil will conquer you. No plague will come near your home for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone, you will trample upon lions and cobras. You will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. The Lord says, I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation. That’s what I called the Covid verse. That’s Psalm 91. If those of you who have bibles and want to read that, you could even read it online, there’s what’s called BlueLetterBible.org. But that’s a good way to close, I think.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Oh, yeah, I like that. The Covid Psalm I call that the covid psalm. But Doc, I just really appreciate you.
James Egidio:
You’re being courageous for, coming onto the show and and discussing this topic. I really appreciate that. you have a podcast or website that you would like to share with the audience, please. Go ahead. Where they could find you.
William Douglass, M.D.:
Okay. Yeah. DouglassUpdate.com, DouglassU pdate.com. It’s called the Douglas Update on integrative medicine. Our slogan is integrating the best from all medical disciplines and yeah. I appreciate the opportunity to talk.
James Egidio:
Thank you so much, doc. I really appreciate and those of you are listening. Thank you so much for listening and God bless. Thanks,
William Douglass, M.D.:
God bless. Thank you.