Dangerous Hospital Protocols and Remdesivir- Interview with Greta Crawford
Aug 17, 2023 | COVID Podcast Episodes, Hospital Murder Podcast Episodes, Podcasts, Vaccine Podcast Episodes

After coming down with COVID flu-like symptoms, Greta Crawford admitted herself to the hospital for what appeared to be a bout with COVID; with several rounds of the deadly profit-driven medication Remdesivir in the hospital, her life was turned upside down. Through this experience, she was led by the Lord to help individuals who were mistreated in the hospital with her website ProtocolKills.com and OurPatientRights.com

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, Greta. How are you doing? Welcome to the medical truth podcast.
Greta Crawford:
Thank you. I’m doing great. Thank you so much for having me.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Please share with the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast the viewers and listeners, that is your story. And what you experienced after going to the hospital for COVID.
Greta Crawford:
In August of 21 my family and I had gotten back from a vacation in Florida. And it turns out that my husband was getting ill and he tested positive for COVID. At that point, I knew that we were probably all going to get it. So there’s really no reason for us to all go get tested and sure enough. Everyone seemed to come down with it. I was the last one to come down with it, because as a mother, I’m taking care of everyone else in the family. My kids seem to get over rather quickly. My husband was able to get a hold of some Ivermectin, although it was a struggle because of the pharmacy and only getting half the prescription and because of his battle with that, I was, even reluctant to try I was like I’ll just I’ll use natural supplements and, heal myself. But at one point I began to cough up blood. And a lot of blood clots and that kind of scared me. So I went to my doctor. They gave me a bunch of useless medications inhalers. They tested me. They said I tested positive for covid pneumonia and the flu. And of course it was called COVID pneumonia. It just can’t be called pneumonia. And then they sent me home. They weren’t even upset that or concerned that I was coughing up blood in the office. And so I came home, took those medications within a few days. I got worse. My oxygen dropped to about 66%. And I told my husband, I am going to die. If I don’t get oxygen, I’m going to die. And so off to the hospital, we went, I was very reluctant to go to the hospital because I’d heard that, things weren’t going well in there. I knew not to get on a ventilator that they were actually killing patients with ventilators and I knew not to get vaccinated. No one in my family is vaccinated. And they won’t ever be vaccinated. I’d read the VAERS data myself and went into the system and knew that it was deadly. And so when I got to the hospital, my husband was completely locked out. And at 66% oxygen, I don’t know if ever, if anyone’s ever experienced that, but you can’t think you can’t function. You don’t even really know what’s going on. I do remember after getting oxygen a couple of hours, feeling a lot better. I do remember being asked. Over and over again. Are you vaccinated and telling them? No. And just constantly ask that question. And then once I got the oxygen, I began to feel better and I thought I’m going to go home. I’m feeling a lot better. They’re going to send me home with oxygen. They put me on blood thinners because of the blood clots. I was coughing up. I thought I’ll just go home with that and then they put me in a room and they said, no, you’re going to have to stay. We’re going to give you some COVID medication. And I thought I’d never heard of COVID medication. I thought it was very informed. I did research, I looked at everything. So to me, I thought it was a steroid. Cause I knew that in some cases, if you use steroids, that was helping with the inflammation. So I just assume, okay I’m getting steroid. So right before they injected remdesivir into my veins they asked me, are you vaccinated? And I told them point blank, no, I’m not vaccinated. I don’t believe in experimental drugs. I’m not a lab rat. And at that point they injected an EUA drug remdesivir into my veins. And from that point on, I went completely downhill where I thought I was really going to die. I was given five rounds of it. Every day. I had a new and life threatening side effect from it. And. It was horrible. I flooded my lungs. My kidneys started to shut down. My hands and feet began to swell. I asked the doctor why my hands and feet were swelling. And he just looked at the floor and said, we don’t know COVID strange. And, I thought to myself, I’ve had COVID for almost two and a half weeks and never had any of these symptoms. So it did not make sense to me. Why all of a sudden is now COVID causing me to have, my white blood cell count shoot up, and my hands and feet swell, and pain, excruciating pain. A thousand knives stabbing you from within. And just my the last 2 nights, they came in to do CPR on me because my heart rate had dropped to 30 beats per minute. And I was literally dying. I had vomiting. I had ended up getting another drug that I didn’t even know about until I got out of the hospital called baricitinib and, there’s a black box warning that says do not give to any patient that has clotting problems. I went in coughing up blood clots and that’s the drug they chose to give me. I ended up with a a blood clot in my leg that they were worried about it going, directly to my heart. Just horrible. Horrible experience. No one could tell me anything. The only thing I got from my pulmonologist was daily harassment to get vaccinated. She would come in and yell at me and scream at me. You need to be vaccinated. Your husband needs to be vaccinated. Your kids need constant. Just harassment. I was fortunate enough to have my husband there with me. Thanks to Senator Bob Hall, who had just passed a bill that allowed at least 1 religious counsel in the room with the patient. For 12 hours a day, 6 a. m. to 6 p. m., my husband was allowed in the room for visiting hours. And he witnessed all of this too, this constant harassment of vaccination. And she even threatened me with the ventilator. She said, if you don’t get vaccinated, you’re going to get COVID again. And when you come back, we’re going to put you on a ventilator and you’re going to die. Do you want that? And I said, wait a minute. If you know for a fact. That ventilators are killing people. Why would you put any one of your patients on a ventilator? And she looked at me and said we have to do with the patient requests. Like they’re asking to be put on life support. And I said if you’re taking requests, I’m requesting ivermectin and HCQ. And she said, no, we can’t give you that. That’s not approved. I said, so you’re telling me that you’ll give someone a treatment that, for a fact will kill them because it’s approved, but you won’t give them a treatment that’ll possibly save their lives because it’s unapproved. And she got mad and left the room. And every day we had these arguments back and forth up to the point. One day she looked at me and my husband, she says, I can tell that you and your husband are very well educated. And I thought to myself, what does that matter? You’re not here to assess my educational level. You’re here to help me. You’re here to look at my body, which she never did. Not once. And so I knew something was wrong. I didn’t know I was being poisoned at the time, but I knew something wasn’t right. And so when I eventually got out of the hospital, which. I didn’t think they were going to let me out. I’d waited for, from 7 a. m. to about 7. 30 p. m. to get discharged. And they told me I was going to be discharged. They had done nothing all day long. And I’d waited for 12 and a half hours. And I just had a breaking point. And I said, enough is enough. And I pushed the nurse’s button. I said, I’m leaving. I see a chair in the corner with wheels. And if you don’t have my paperwork in five minutes, I’m going to get in that chair. And my husband is going to push me out of here. And they they laughed at me and I said, watch this. And I lifted up my shirt and I started pulling off all kinds of cords and everything. And at that point I had a port in directly into my artery because they couldn’t get any blood anywhere else. And I said, the next thing that’s going to come out is this. And their eyes got huge and they took off running. And they came back within five minutes, all gowned up, ready to take this thing out of my neck or whatever artery. And they had the paperwork. They had oxygen tank. They had a wheelchair. They had my, they had everything ready for me to go within five minutes because I stood up and said, I’m going to leave. And that’s how I ended up getting out. But that wasn’t the end of my story. It was months and months of excruciating pain, not being able to sleep, detoxing. Doctors telling me that my lungs were going to be scarred for the rest of my life, which is not true. It’s not the case. Just pain, suffering, having to depend on my community, my family to take care of me because I couldn’t do anything. I was literally trying to come back to life. But in that process, I figured out what was going on. I figured out that I was. Poisoned and that they were actually murdering people in the hospitals that these protocols were not helping anyone at all. It was a blatant push to to kill people, not just for the incentives that the hospitals get, because they get a lot of money for a dead covid patient, but also for the agenda to push this vaccine because if people aren’t dying from covid. then there’s no reason to have a vaccine. So they had to have a huge number of people dying from so called COVID. And that’s how they did it. And that’s why I started a website called ProtocolKills.Com to warn, to inform, and to let other people who have suffered worse than I have, who’ve lost loved ones and let them have a platform to tell their story.
James Egidio:
Yeah, there’s so much to unpack here. I wanted to backtrack from the beginning of when we started this. So for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast, you had mentioned a saturation of 65%. to the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast what a normal pulse oximetry should be.
Greta Crawford:
mine today is is stays around between 95 and 98. That’s what mine was. But even people, elderly people walk around with it in their eighties or 85, that’s not very good, but it’s not life threatening. It doesn’t mean you have to run. It just means that they’re not. Doing too well with their oxygen and their body, but it’s by no means a reason to go rush to the ER. That was another, it was another thing that got people into the ER real quick. If you’re not struggling, to breathe and you’re able to do your everyday tasks and stuff, then there’s really not an issue. But when you get down to 66%, you are gasping for air. You are. You’re dying. You’re really dying.
James Egidio:
Sure. And then when was this? What were the date, the timeline, the dates the year and the and the month and all.
Greta Crawford:
August 15th is the day that I went in, which is actually coming up on my two year anniversary of 2021.
James Egidio:
Okay. So 2021, August 8th, you said, right? Okay. And how long were you in the in the hospital for?
Greta Crawford:
About seven days. Seven days?
James Egidio:
And so they gave you what, five rounds of Remdesivir in that, in, in that seven day period or or did they give it to you all at once?
Greta Crawford:
They gave it over five days. The first dose is 200 milligrams, I think is what it is. And then after that you get a hundred. So yeah, but it’s the general what they usually give patients.
James Egidio:
Okay. So I guess the million dollar question is why are hospital use? Why are hospitals using the remdesivir protocol to treat COVID?
Greta Crawford:
The only thing that we can think of it, it’s been incentivized for them to give it. They get a lot of money for it. This is Anthony Fauci’s drug of choice. It was put in a trial and during the 1st trial, 53% of the patients. Died from it. So they actually had to pull it from the trial before it ever finished. And we don’t even know about the patients that suffered long-term side effects such as kidney failure and liver failures. What, and this is what we’re seeing with most patients that survive. I’m very. Very blessed to have been led in the right direction as far as detoxing. Naturally. My faith is very strong and I feel that I have had no real repercussions. I still have issues here and there, but as far as my organs functioning, I think that they are functioning. The one doctor that I did happen to go to, afterwards just gave me an inhaler and said, here, try this and I’m like what is it going to do? We’ll see. I’m not a dart board. Don’t just throw darts at me and see what sticks, once I read the The list of side effects. The first one was pneumonia. And I said I just got out for pneumonia. Why would I take something that gives me pneumonia? And the side effects were longer than a CVS receipt. And when I told them, went back, the nurse didn’t even know what, which inhaler she gave me. No one wrote it down. And I said, don’t you write these things down and she says sometimes we do, sometimes he does. Sometimes we miss it. Can you tell us which one it was? I said, no, I threw it away and then she showed me a chart of 50 different inhalers. And she said, can you point to it? Like it was a criminal lineup or something. I said, no, I can’t point to it. I said, you should have written this down. I said, what if I had a reaction? You need to know this, it’s it should be in my chart. Yeah. And I was just, so I said, she said, why didn’t you take it? I said, because I looked at the side effects and it was a huge, long list of side effects. And she said if everyone read all the side effects of every drug, no one would take drugs. I said, you think, after hearing this, I said, no, I’m done with conventional medicine. I’m completely done. I don’t want another x ray. I don’t want anything. I’m going to do this natural. And that’s what I’ve done. And And I think that’s really helped me a lot.
James Egidio:
Sure. Yeah, I know. The remdesivir, I believe, is used for, or was used to treat eboli in Africa. Correct?
Greta Crawford:
James Egidio:
It’s an antiviral.
Greta Crawford:
James Egidio:
And then, from what I understand Fauci Pushed the remdesivir as a form of treatment and of course discounted all the off labeled uses of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and the things that we’re working to alleviate the cytokine. They call it the cytokine and storm, which is the beginning stages. I know I interviewed, Laura Bartlett, your partner for protocol kills and her brother, Richard, I, who I followed from the very beginning of the whole COVID plandemic at the beginning, back in March of 2020, very early on had a silver bullet treatment for COVID for acute treatment with, which was the Pulmocort. The nebulized steroid and Z Pak. Yeah, the Budesemide and the steroid. And that worked wonders. It was basically, as he labeled it, the silver bullet treatment for COVID. Because I think it was like 90, the statistics, like 98% of the people that did die from COVID. Died from pneumonia just like flu outbreak. And that’s another thing that never made any sense. And I’ve mentioned this on multiple podcast episodes and I’m still looking for the answer for that. And that’s you have a 98% chance and I sound like a broken record for on every podcast, but you had a 98% chance of survival. If you did catch COVID and to get through it to survive. So why would you need a vaccine? That was. A perplexing question is that never has never been answered to this day, but yet it’s this push for the vaccine. It’s this push push for the vaccine and just not made any sense, right? What were some of the health related outcomes with the use of the remdesivir in terms of that you encountered with patients and people that you ran across?
Greta Crawford:
The, for me, the hardest thing was the flooding of the lungs. The pain was just excruciating and trying to get my oxygen levels back up, trying to be able to just move around and get off of, an oxygen tank. I remember Each day, trying to count the tiles in my house on how far I could get and how far I could get back and then counting the concrete steps outside on how far I could walk and how far I could walk back without trying to gasp for air that is for me, it was more so my lungs than anything. And then as soon as I got home, I was trying to flush out my kidneys as much as I could with, dandelion root and milk thistle and things like that. Just anything natural that I could get. Even ivermectin, I got on that and tried to start flushing everything out that I could. But for me the, mine was the lungs. Mine was the hardest part was the lungs and trying to get to breathe. Again and the pain, it kept me from sleeping and it felt like I was literally going crazy because I could not find any comfort. I had to sleep straight up and it was maybe 30 minutes at a time. And this is for months. This is months on end trying to, to just get some sleep because it’s so painful. I just don’t know how to describe that. But the people that are that I talk to that do survive, a lot of them are on dialysis. And they say, I’ll be on dialysis for the rest of my life. And I want people to know that just because the doctor tells you something, they told me that my lungs were going to be scarred for the rest of my life. And that’s not true. I’m now to the point where I’ve after this, I’ve ran three miles. So if I can do that the God can heal. You cannot listen to what a man says and think that his word trumps what God has in store for you. And as long as you you fight back and do. Follow do things naturally, and have faith you can overcome this we can overcome anything.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I think we talked about this before we went on the air here is that this has become a spiritual battle It’s become a good versus evil thing. And what’s really interesting is I know of I don’t know of anyone that died from COVID. Okay. At all. I know eight people that died from the vaccine, right? Eight. Died suddenly 30 year old. And then it goes on up to about 75 years old. All healthy individuals. All different forms of death, sudden, most of them are cardiac events, but a couple were cancers, turbo cancers, and I know one gentleman who I met in the gym. In fact, I just spoke to him just yesterday. We were, we ran across him. His name is Jeremy. He was treated here locally in the hospital with remdesivir. And went in for COVID just like you did and they gave him the remdesivir and he went into kidney failure and liver failure and he had to be air vacked to an Orlando hospital and have a, and he was blessed and he even says it to this day through the grace of God to be able to get a kidney and liver transplant,$900, 000 later, as far as just the actual air vac, not including the surgeries, he’s, his, He’s in debt for the rest of his life, medical, with medical bills. But there’s so many layers to this because, you look at, where we started and where we’re at today. And you look at 2020 with the pandemic, it was all about the COVID and the virus and the mask and the, step 1 and then step 2. This was a pandemic about the vaccine. Then we go into the vaccine and then the people that wanted just traditional treatment, such as yourself and were forced by these hospitals, which became killing fields. It’s you think back and it’s like a bad nightmare. You. Thank you. This world we’re living in and, we used to, and I mentioned with Laura, when I interviewed her originally, there was a time when we trusted, the Dr. Welby’s of the day and, and you put your trust in, into doctors and now you got to go into hospitals and with some reluctance because you don’t know how you’re going to be treated and what they’re, you Looking to push and that’s where you come in. So let’s talk about protocol kills and what inspired you to start this, your website and the organization that you have now.
Greta Crawford:
Obviously my experience, it inspired it, but through the process of meeting so many different people, I met Laura Bartlett and she was actually rescuing people out of the hospital. We’re trapped in there because they reached out to her and they said, look I’m being bullied. I’m being harassed. I’m being coerced into getting things that I don’t want when I’ve said no time and time again, I’m being told that I can’t leave the hospital, which is a complete lie. They were just constantly being lied to and and even talking to doctors on the phone. They were lying to us. And so we got to the point where it was just such a battle to fight with these doctors just to say, no, they said, no, they no means no. It how many times does you have to tell a rapist? No means no. You have to stop it at this point. That’s what you’re becoming. You’re no better than a criminal. If you keep pushing stuff on patients when they blatantly say no. So we were we’re trying to figure out how do we stop this? How do you know? People need preventative measures. They need to learn how to protect themselves. Just like we lock our doors at night or have security cameras and things like that to deter stuff to deter criminals, we needed something to assert our rights as patients and deter the doctor from doing what. He should not be doing here. She should not be doing. And so that’s where we ended up coming up with these documents. And they’re at ourpatientrights. com. And these documents actually are based on the premise of a group of individuals, religious beliefs whose rights have been respected before COVID, during COVID, and after COVID. And that group of individuals is Jehovah’s Witness. They have the capacity to refuse blood based on their religious beliefs. They do not believe in receiving blood transfusions from any other creature. That is their religious belief, even if it means their life, even if it means they’re going to die. And doctors have to respect that religious belief, no matter whether they understand it or they agree with it or they even like it. It doesn’t matter. It’s the religious belief and they have to honor that and so that’s what we’ve incorporated into these documents along with informed consent and informed consent. It’s not just saying, hey, I’m giving you Remdesivir it is what the risks are of the drug. The benefits. The reasonable alternatives. You can even ask the success rate that your doctor has with this drug. And most of all, the patient needs to understand what they are hearing from the doctor as far as the information and have time to, to process all this information and make a decision. They can even discuss with their families. They should not be pressured or coerced in any way or given any false. Inflated information inflations of the benefits or are retractions of the risks it has to be honest up front from the doctor in order for the patient to make an informed decision that’s included in this and 3rd and another big factor of these documents is we put a consequence to the doctor. A lot of people want to go out and blame the hospital and say, the hospitals are doing this. The hospitals are telling the doctors, you have to give this protocol or you’re going to lose your job. I could tell you, you need to go jump off a bridge. That doesn’t mean you have to go do it. And if I’m your employer, I could tell you, you need to to go hit, this guy in the head or you need to go rob this guy. Does that mean you’re going to go do it, and even if I say, hey, you’re going to lose your job if you don’t do it. You’re not just gonna go do it. We all have the ability to make a conscious decision. And so that’s what needs to be seen here is there’s a consequence. And so a lot of people have said, it’s the hospitals, it’s the the incentives and that’s not good that they’re getting paid these incentives, but when it comes down to it, it’s a patient doctor relationship. It’s not a patient hospital relationship. A hospital is a facility that allows the doctor to come in and treat the patient using their tools and technology and the facility. It even says in the hospital’s general consent that the hospital is not responsible for anything that the doctor does to the patient as far as treatment. So if the doctor goes in and suffocates you with a pillow, it is not the hospital’s responsibility. They are not liable for what that doctor did. Just as if you would go to a beauty beauty shop, okay? And they have little booths there, and you go to a stylist. If the stylist cuts your ear, You’re not going to sue the salon. The salon didn’t cut your ear. The salon provided a booth for that hairstylist and the hairstylist cut your ear. So your beef is with the hairstylist. So this is the same situation here. And another thing that people have said is the doctors weren’t told about remdesivir. That is their job to know what they’re giving their patients. You don’t just go and say, here’s some blue liquid injected into the patient. You have to know the risks, the benefits, the reasonable alternatives. That’s what informed consent is. That’s what doctors and nurses have always been taught in medical school is about consent. Sure. So it never went away.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I just want to stop you there for a moment though, because you say it’s not the hospital’s faults, but from. Some previous episodes and interviews that I’ve had with other physicians it seems to me that the hospitals are laying out a lot of the so called quote guidelines for how they want patients treated in the hospital based on the pressure from the government because, the doctors themselves who practice, let’s say, under these hospitals who are credentialed under the hospitals who have to work for the hospitals and make their livings living by the hospitals if they don’t do what the administrator say they’re going to fire them and then it comes down from the boards to the boards of medicine where they’re putting a lot of pressure on the doctors where they’re taking away their licenses if they treat them with, let’s say, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. So I think the doctors are. They have their backs against the wall and I’m not saying that they’re innocent for their actions, but they’re also being pressured by the the boards of medicine. They’re being pressured by hospitals that they work for. And even if they’re solo in their own practice, let’s say their office based practice where they have no hospital affiliation and credentials, they’re still being pressured by the boards of medicine who are a bunch of clowns and bureaucrats who are running these boards. And they’re putting the pressure on a lot of the doctors. They’re even going as far as taking away their licenses and their livelihoods. In fact, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny I’m not sure if you’re familiar with her, but just had her license suspended 2 days ago, 3 days ago for that reason, for that very reason. And that’s a board. It’s not even a hospital and I’m not sure if she had hospital credentials but again, it’s the board. So it’s there.
Greta Crawford:
There’s a lot. I’m just going to say there’s a lot to break down here. 1st off. Hospitals don’t hold a medical license. They don’t understand that. Once again, each patient. Has to be treated directly by the doctor. The doctor cannot just go about saying this is the protocol and this is what I’m told. If there’s interactions with other medications, they should not be giving just what they’re told to be, give given to the patient, right? They have to know that intimate relationship with the patient and what that patient needs, that’s why they went to medical school, is to learn all this, and it comes down to how much is a life worth. Are you willing to kill in order to keep your job? And that’s what is happening here You can’t say that well, we didn’t maybe in the first few months They didn’t know but kindergartners are taught patterns five years old We are taught to learn patterns and if they can figure out patterns Then surely a highly educated doctor can figure out a pattern of wow, I give remdesivir I put them on a ventilator they die that’s not a hard pattern to pick up and then at some point they have to say let me look into this remdesivir. Maybe, just maybe, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be, and it’s brand new. We have no long term research on it. And had one doctor done that, had stopped to look at it, maybe they would have said, okay, this is not a good drug at all. But it comes down to the fact that yes, they are pushed into a corner, but they have to say, how much is a life worth? Am I willing to give up my comfort level? Am I willing to give up my job in order to save one life? I don’t know about them, but for me. If I had to live under a bridge to save 1 life of a complete stranger, I would know.
James Egidio:
I agree with you. The thing is I think a lot of it from even what I gather from Dr Paul Thomas. who I interviewed who gathered a bunch of data on his pediatric patients with the use of the MMR vaccine and linking it to autism. And when he presented the data to the CDC and to the Oregon board of medicine, and he extrapolated this data through a friend of his, who was a numbers guy who was a neonatologist, they got blindsided. He got blindsided. They took his license away from him. You see what I’m saying? So it’s he thought he was doing good by presenting this data. And it backfired on him. And so he walked away from the medical industry and now he’s on this mission to get the word out. Dr. Scott Jensen out of Minnesota, who I interviewed, said that 10% of the physicians in the last two years have contemplated suicide. Yes. I think they’re under a lot of pressure and they’re under a lot of pressure by the boards. They’re under a lot of pressure by the hospitals. They have. Families that they have to support and put food on the table and they don’t know what to do. And and like you said, what is it worth for 1 family or for 1 life? And, it’s, I, do you, I guess the decision is, do you throw everything away the education and the loans that they probably still have to pay for their medical education. So it’s a multilayered issue
Greta Crawford:
it is. It definitely is. And I hold a support group on Wednesday night for survivors. And it’s really hard to to justify any of this when you’re talking to a mother of four little boys that doesn’t have a father anymore and they’re trying to say, I could have lost my job. I, I have kids to support. Now she has kids to support all on her own. They don’t have a father. It’s not like their father can go find a different job. It’s they don’t have a father, like they’re never getting that man back. So that’s the issue I have with it but with the documents that we have at OurPatientRights.Com, this actually allows good doctors to fight back, they can fight back against the system because once they have these documents and they’re delivered in a very specific way directly to the CEO. So the CEO is going to put it into the medical records because they don’t want liability for the hospital. They want that liability back on the doctor. That’s what the doctors don’t understand is they’re upholding a system that is not going to have their back in the end. So they all need to push back right now, and this gives them that opportunity when they receive these documents, they have to go to their board of directors and CEO and say, look. I legally cannot give this protocol because it says right here, this is a notarized form of their consent. And it says, if I go against these consent wishes, I will lose my license. Not only will I lose my license, I could face criminal charges because if the patient dies, I am I’m willfully disregarding their consent and wishes, which are in the medical system. Are in the medical records at this point. So that tells them that, I have to push back. So if they were scared to push back before, because they had no standing, they had no nothing to present. Now they’ve got something to present. And if every patient had this documentation and went to the hospital with it. Doctors would have something to back them and say, look, I can’t do it. I cannot legally do it or I will lose my license. And they would have a leg to stand on and stand firm and fight back.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I think you have a category of doctors from what I observe with this, cause I gave up the practice that I had for 24 years up until 2020 that are in the category of. They’re all on board with the, the vaccine there, like you had in the hospital, they’re looking to push the vaccine, the ivermectin, all the, I’m not the ivermectin, but the remdesivir and all the things that we know don’t work. And then you have a group of doctors that are under the guise of the pressure of losing the job. And they work for, basically the hospital and they’re all on board with what the hospital tells them to do. And they’re like, hey, look, if you don’t do this, you’re going to get fired or lose your license. And then, of course, you have the doctors that walked away from all this and said, you know what? I can’t live with myself for doing this. And I think what it comes down to, too, for doctors as a whole is educating people, educating patients and saying, look, this stuff’s dangerous. It’s dangerous. This is where all doctors should be by now. At this point, you would think, right? Yeah. Pfizer still pushing the vaccine. Yes. Go figure. Why should they, how could they be pushing the vaccine when we’ve seen all these injuries and all these physicians and all the people that come out and bring this. This stuff out like Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. William Makis, and even you and everybody. So at this stage of the game, we know what works, what doesn’t work. There’s documented proof of it. And with that being said the there are, there is no recourse right now, legal recourse for the COVID vaccines. But there is for remdesivir.
Greta Crawford:
No, there, there actually isn’t because the prep act and the CARES act covers them. Anything with COVID on it is covered, but with these documents, it’s different. It’s completely different with you go in with these documents and they blatantly disregard them. Then you have intentional tort. That’s so right now they can claim neglect and malpractice. What people don’t understand is they want to do a lawsuit for malpractice. Malpractice with anything with COVID on it is completely shielded. The hospitals are shielded. The doctors are shielded. Everything’s shielded. If you say malpractice means I made a mistake. And if you make a mistake during the COVID error and with COVID on as a diagnosis, you are forgiven of everything. Okay. The difference with these documents is you’re coming in and saying, I do not consent to these. They are in my medical records. They’ve been notarized. If you go against these wishes. If you go against my informed consent right here, then you are intentionally disregarding them. You are intentionally going against my wishes and that becomes a crime. So that’s the difference here. And that’s what allows good doctors to push back. They no longer can say if I don’t do the protocol, I’ll lose my job. No, with these documents, if you don’t do the protocol, you’re going to lose your license. You’re going to probably go to jail. So they can stand up. They can go back to their supervisors and say, I can’t do this. I have more to lose now. I have to treat that patient the way that patient. Is asking I have to treat that patient. If that patient is refusing something, then I must not give it to her. Now, the patient can’t say, I want this and I want that. They can’t tell the doctor what to give them but they can refuse certain things. We have that right to not be injected with things that we don’t want injected just like a rapist. I do not want to be raped. You do not have the right to put anything into me to take over something that I’m saying no to. I’m not allowing you in. So that’s the difference here. Now, just like I said, you can’t tell them what to do, but you can stop them from doing something that you don’t want them to do. And that’s the difference. But as far as the lawsuits with COVID and everything. That’s what they PREP and CARES that did was completely shield them from that. So anytime you hear malpractice and neglect there’s just nothing that they can do. And there’s a lot of attorneys that are jumping on this and saying, oh, I can do it and I can do it. I just need$600. Just need$500. Just need$30 a month. No, they’re re victimizing the victims and we’ve seen that a lot, too.
James Egidio:
Okay. All right. Yeah I was under the impression that the remdesivir there’s legal recourse against that the use of that or having haven’t been Administered that
Greta Crawford:
right? They’re trying to do that as far as the drug company But you have to think about it drug companies have been sued over and over again for every drug underneath the sun What they do is they go sit down. How much do you want? Pay it out and move on. They don’t even take the drug off the market. So it’s not stopping the crime. It’s a payoff and if people are willing to take it, then they’re told you don’t talk about this anymore and that’s what they do. They pay them off and you keep quiet and we’ll move on and we’ll keep giving remdesivir. And that’s what happens. That’s not solving any problems. That’s not stopping any deaths. It’s not doing anything. It’s just perpetuating the problem.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And those forms can be found at protocolkills.com or ourpatientrights.com. Correct? Correct. Correct. And those are, from what I understand free. Those forms are. They can be downloaded. They can be found on those websites. It can also find it on. The medical truth podcast slash free resources on the free resources page. I even posted those for you guys.
Greta Crawford:
James Egidio:
As well as well as the interview I had with Laura, as well as the actual PDF file for those forms. So they can all be downloaded there.
Greta Crawford:
Yes. And if you go to ourpatientrights. com, we have a four minute explainer video. A lot of people have a lot of questions because this is so new. People are so unaware of their rights and how to assert them that they just have just question after question. So we did a four minute explainer video on how it works, why it works, and we have seen success. That’s something we’re not just saying this could work. It does work. We’ve seen a complete 180 in the way doctors treat patients. We’ve seen people get out of the hospital. We’ve even had someone say that when they went into the hospital, they were inquiring about the medications that were being given to their brother. And they had the cops called on them, literally the hospital called the cops on him because he was asking about the medications his brother was getting. So once he got these documents, gave him the documents, they were all notarized and signed by his brother complete 180. They apologized. They said they would open investigation as to who called the police on them. They they were blaming each other for who called who and just, it was crazy. And then he called me the next day and said, my brother is getting the best treatment he’s ever gotten in a hospital.
James Egidio:
Nice. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I even put that four minute explainer video as well on the free resources page of the medical truth podcast.com.
Greta Crawford:
Thank you so much.
James Egidio:
Oh, absolutely. And so again, it’s protocolkills.com. or our patientrights.Com. And another thing that Laura mentioned that was really important. She says that you got to get these notarized. They all have to be notarized in front of a notary. Number one. And number two, she mentioned it’s important to have several copies. She even mentioned have at least the Set of copies in your glove compartment and your purse at all times that in case you ever have to go to a hospital That there
Greta Crawford:
or what would be even better is if you can just take a picture with your phone And have it in your phone because everybody goes everywhere with their phone so I mean if and then at that point Cause this is going to be for people who are conscious, who are able to make their own decisions. Like I was, I was never in a incapacitated. I was never ventilated. I was able to make my own decisions, but I wasn’t given that opportunity. They just gave it to me, but if, I had my phone there, I could have had these documents been available at the time. I could have gotten them off my phone mailed them to FedEx or wherever, had them printed out. Had my husband go deliver them to priority mail. I could have sent them to a local courier service and said, get these delivered courier service. I could have done that myself from my hospital bed. Of course, when you’re that sick, you want. Family members around you, you want emergency contacts to help you with that because you’re not thinking clearly. I’m letting you know, especially if you’re being drugged with something and an excruciating pain you need your emergency contacts around you who understand this information who are willing to do it for you and stand firm and then they need to have their own forms as well. So it not only helps. With securing your situation, if you have an emergency, but it also helps them in case they have an emergency because we don’t know when emergencies will happen, right?
James Egidio:
So it’s always going to be prepared. Greta, thank you so much. And again, that website is protocolkills.Com or ourpatientrights. com. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the medical truth podcast. I really appreciate it. Thanks.
Greta Crawford:
Thank you for having me.
James Egidio:
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