Chris Beat Cancer- Interview With Cancer Survivor Chris Wark

According to the NIH and the National Cancer Institute the rate of new cases of colorectal cancer was 37.7 per 100,000 and the death rate was 13.1 per 100,000 men and women per year. Approximately 4.1% of men and women will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at some point during their lifetime, based on 2017-2019 data. In 2003 at the age of 26 years old Chris Wark ( was diagnosed with Stage IIIC Colon Cancer. After having the Cancerous tumor removed from his colon he had all the confidence in the healthcare establishment up until the day he was to start chemotherapy and then he made a life changing decision. Listen to this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast as host James Egidio interviews Cancer Survivor Chris Wark

Meet The Host
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast by interviewing experts in the medical industry such as Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Scientist, Business Executives as well as former patient’s.
Episode Transcript
James Egidio:
Hi, I am James Egidio, your host of the Medical Truth Podcast. The podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the US healthcare system. Before I get started, I’d like to make this disclaimer, and that is this podcast In its associated content, website, articles, audio, video only provides general information and discussions about health and medical related issues and topics. This information and other content provided in this podcast, blog, and website, or in any link materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your personal physician. So now that we got that one out of the way, according to the NIH and the National Cancer Institute the rate of new cases of colorectal cancer was 37.7 per 100,000 with a death rate of 13.1 per 100,000 in both men and women per year. In 2019, there was an estimated 1,369,000 people living with colorectal cancer in the United States, in 2003, at 26 years old, my guest was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and made a life-changing decision. It is my pleasure and honor and a blessing to introduce my guest on the Medical Truth Podcast, Mr. Chris Wark. Hi Chris.
Chris Wark:
Hi. Good to be with you.
James Egidio:
Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Chris, please share with the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast, your story.
Chris Wark:
I was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer when I was 26, December, 2003. I had been having abdominal pain for the better part of a year, and it, I thought it would get better. I didn’t know what it was, but it gradually got worse. And after being referred around to a few different doctors, I ended up at the gastroenterologist who did a colonoscopy. And when I woke up from that procedure, he told me there was a golf ball size tumor in my large intestine in the colon. And I was so clueless at that time, I didn’t even know what a colon was, Just thought it was a punctuation mark And so they biopsied it and a couple days later I got a phone call and they said, Hey, you have colon cancer? And I was told in that same conversation, the doctor said, look, we’ve gotta get you into surgery right away and get this thing out of you before it spreads and kills you. And, cancer diagnosis is a shock at any age, but especially, as a young adult when you’re 26, it was so far from I just didn’t even occur to me that I could have cancer. I thought I had an ulcer or something, and but at that time I was a typical cancer patient. And when I say typical, I mean I was just clueless about the disease. I had no idea what caused cancer. I didn’t know what the treatments were like I didn’t know anything about the disease. And unfortunately, most patients are rushed into treatment out of fear before they have a, have time to read and research and learn and make an informed decision. Though they just make a decision out of fear. Oh no, I don’t wanna die. Okay, I’ll do whatever you say. You can cut my body parts out or radiate me like, poison me from head to toe with chemotherapy. Like I’ll just, I just don’t wanna die. And so they wanted to have me in surgery within just a couple days it was right before Christmas and I happened to just say, Hey, can we postpone it till after Christmas? Cuz this is depressing enough. And so I went in on December 30th. But a lot of patients, they’re starting chemo within a day or two. Wow. Of a diagnosis. It’s it, some patients, if they go to the hospital and get a cancer diagnosis, they’re put on chemotherapy before the cancer type is even confirmed.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
This is how bad it is. They don’t even know what kind of cancer you have. And they just will just put you on a sort of general chemo drug. Until they figure out what type of cancer it is. So the general public just has no idea like how the cancer system works. Only people that have been in it know, so I did have the surgery. They took out a third of my large intestine. That’s where the tumor was obviously, and a bunch of lymph nodes. And when I woke up, they said, it’s worse than we thought your stage three C because the cancer had spread to your lymph nodes from the tumor. and you’re gonna need nine to 12 months of chemotherapy. So from that point, or at that point I should say, I just accepted that this is my life. Okay. I guess I’m the cancer patient now. I’m gonna do chemo. And, and it was pretty depressing. But a couple things happened in the hospital that got the wheels turning. The first thing that happened was the very first meal that they served me after taking out a third of my large intestine was a sloppy Joe, which is like the worst cafeteria food possible.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
And the next thing that happened was a few days went by of course I was on heavy pain medication. The whole thing was a blur, but they finally said, okay, you can go home today. My surgeon came in to check on me. He was doing his rounds, and we were just having a conversation and I happened to say, Hey is there any food I need to avoid? Because in my mind I’m thinking they cut out a third of my large intestine. Everything you eats going through there, right? I don’t wanna eat the wrong thing. Is there a wrong thing? I don’t know. Is hot sauce gonna melt the stitches? right? So his answer was no. Just don’t lift anything heavier than a beer
James Egidio:
you gotta be kidding me. Unbelievable.
Chris Wark:
That was it. And I could tell this was the, this was his little joke that he told everybody after abdominal surgery. but that was it. There was zero advice, zero nutrition advice, zero diet advice. no lifestyle advice, nothing. It was just, okay we get, we took the tumor out, you’re gonna need chemo. So I got home, I’m recovering from surgery, I’m weaning myself off the pain medication and within, a few days of, just laying around, I started to sober up and think about my life and my future and the idea of chemotherapy, just, it didn’t sit well with me. I just didn’t have peace about it and I didn’t wanna do it. I didn’t want to. And I, that doesn’t make me unique. No. Cancer patient wants to do chemo
James Egidio:
right? Yeah, of course not.
Chris Wark:
And, but they all do it because they’re told they have to, the, this is your only chance at survival. is if you do chemotherapy. And so I didn’t have any other options. I didn’t have any other ideas, but I prayed about it. My wife and I are Christians, we’re believers, and I just, that God, if there’s another way besides chemotherapy, please show me. I don’t know what to do. I need some help. And it was just a sincere prayer of desperation
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
But also mixed with faith,
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
Because the, one of the first verses that came to mind after my diagnosis was Romans 8:28. says, we know that God works all things for the good of those who love him.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
and who are called according to his purpose. And so in the very beginning of my cancer journey, I, that verse came to mind and I thought, wow, this is a challenge to my faith right here. Do I believe this is true? If I believe that the Bible’s God’s word and that Jesus is who he said he was, then I also need to believe that he’s gonna work this for my good.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
So I chose to believe it. And faith is choosing to believe. You choose to believe. And so I just, again, I believed God was going to do something
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
And two days later I got a book that was sent to me from a man who lives in Alaska that knew my dad. And I’m in Tennessee. I get this book, it’s called God’s Way to Ultimate Health by George Malkmus and George had, basically, the book was basically about how he healed colon cancer with a raw food diet and juicing. And at that time when I read that book, he had been cancer free for 20, over 25 years. He was still alive. And so I was like, this is amazing. I’m reading his book and just, I was just blown away. And he was the first person who made the case that the reason so many of us have cancer and heart disease and diabetes and autoimmune disease and digestive diseases, the reason we have so many chronic diseases is because of our diet and lifestyle. It’s not random, bad luck or genetics, it’s our own choices. Our choices have led us down a path of health or a path of disease. And that’s a tough message for some people. Cause they don’t want to hear that. They don’t wanna, they don’t want, it’s, there’s this whole like, don’t blame the victim, mentality, but, the truth is, this is the medical truth podcast. The truth is, in many cases of life, we are the victim of our own decisions. Yes. We are the victims of our own decisions and sometimes we make bad decisions. I like, what I like to say is everything happens for a reason and most of the time the reason is you.
James Egidio:
Absolutely not all the time take responsibility.
Chris Wark:
Not all the time, but most of the time. And so to me, I had this revelation that, hey, the way I’m living is killing me. If I’m contributing to my disease, then maybe I can contribute to my health. maybe I can change what I’m doing and help myself heal. This is really good news. I wasn’t, it didn’t make me feel guilty or ashamed or embarrassed. I was like, oh, wow, there’s a way out And I’ve always been oriented toward personal responsibility. I think we’re all responsible for our life and our choices and your decisions get you to where you are and or got you to where you are. So I immediately adopted a raw food diet overnight. There was no debate. There was no. second guessing it, I was like, I prayed for something, this showed up, I’m doing it.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
And sometimes it just takes one person’s story to change your life. Sure. One person at the right time in your life can completely set you on a different path. And for me that this was George Malkmus at that, in that moment, that, that day of my life, when I read, when I started reading his book, I hadn’t even finished the book. And I was like, I know I’m doing this. This is what I gotta do. This is the answer to my prayer. I know it. Sure. I had so much confidence in faith. I was crying, I was on the couch like reading and crying because I just, I was so overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude, this is it. Like this is what I’ve gotta do. And so went to the grocery store, loaded up the cart with fruits and vegetables, bought a juicer, bought some supplements. I’m just like, okay, like I’m doing this. And and I was on my way, but. In the meantime, some people around me who care about me very much. I was a newly wed, I’ve been married for two years and there were people in my life that were, had realized what I was doing, and they had heard, I was thinking about not doing chemotherapy, and they started trying to talk me into it. Sure. And they were saying like, Hey, you gotta do chemo. You’ve gotta do what the doctor says. Don’t you think if there was something better, they’d know about it. And I didn’t, I wasn’t equipped to answer those questions. I just, I didn’t, I was just like I don’t know. I am, I’m just operating on instinct and faith right now.
James Egidio:
Yeah. best doctor and healer gave you the advice, which was Jesus
Chris Wark:
Yeah. And he gives good advice.
James Egidio:
He sure does.
Chris Wark:
But listen, sometimes when you get a word from God, no one around you understands. And you’re alone. It’s true. When you get a mission and you get a charge, when you get clear direction from God on where to go, what to do in your life, don’t expect people around you to understand because they probably won’t. And they may even try to talk you out of it. And that’s when it gets really difficult. Because we all want love and support, for what we’re doing. Especially when you’re in a crisis. And a lot of the people around me who did love me, didn’t know how to support me, and they were causing all this fear and anxiety and confusion. Sure. Trying to help. And I don’t fault ’em for it, because again, they, no, these, everyone around me did, did it from a place of love, but sure. I’ll go to this. I reluctantly go to the cancer clinic to appease my family members. Yeah. And we had a meeting with an oncologist. It did not go well. He just treated us badly. And I talk about this in my book. I have a book called Chris Beat Cancer. Yeah. And my wife and I left that meeting so discouraged, so depressed, hopeless, is completely hopeless. And this is what so many cancer patients experience. Yeah. They are told there’s nothing you did to contribute to your disease. There’s nothing you can do to help yourself heal. They’re told in so many words, you are a powerless victim of disease. You’re a victim. You’re either unlucky or it’s you have bad genes. What we call bad luck or bad genes. And if you believe that’s true, then you really are powerless. And so patients go home and they say my doctor said it wasn’t my diet. Oh, I, they, my doctor didn’t tell me I had to change my diet. In fact, he said, I don’t need, I shouldn’t be taking supplements. And my doctor said, don’t look on the internet. Don’t get on the internet. And my doctor didn’t tell me to quit smoking. My doctor didn’t say I need to lose weight. My doctors didn’t say I need to stop drinking alcohol. They’re getting zero diet and lifestyle advice. And in my opinion, it is borderline criminal medical negligence for a physician who not explain to their patients the evidence-based information and studies and research and conclusions that can help them increase their odds of survival. And that’s specifically diet and lifestyle. Yeah. And we know that a plant-based diet improves survival. We know that for breast cancer, soy consumption increases survival. We know that exercise increases survival. We know that getting to a healthy body weight increases survival. We know that stopping smoking increases survival. All of these things increase cancer survival, by the way, they all also help you prevent cancer anyway there’s a real, there’s a crisis in American healthcare because the pharmaceutical industry has a stranglehold on medicine. Doctors are not trained on how to help people heal. They’re just trained in surgical procedures and how to prescribe drugs and maybe, do radiotherapy, that kind of thing. Yeah. And they have no nutritional training. No. And so they don’t know. And look, the world is full of doctors who are incredibly unhealthy. They’re smoking cigarettes, the number one cause of cancer. And there are doctors who still smoke cigarettes. They’re drinking too much alcohol because of that’s the way they cope with all the stress of being a physician. They’re on various prescription drugs for depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. So if you actually surveyed the medical community, you would find the vast majority of physicians are not they’re not healthy. And so you can’t expect a person who’s not healthy to lead you in a health down the healthy path. Okay. But, and I’m not trying to demonize doctors. We’re just talking the, Hey, it’s Medical Truth podcast. Like this is the truth. It is. This is, yeah. Reality. Yeah. They’re not saints. right? They’re not angels. They’re humans just like everybody else. Yeah. And they’re good and bad plumbers. They’re good and bad carpenters. They’re good and bad doctors, and it’s hard to tell if you have a bad doctor until it’s too late. You can tell pretty early if you’ve got a lousy carpenter, a lousy plumber, but a doctor can do a whole bunch of treatments and therapies on you and cause a lot more harm than good before you realize it. Especially in the cancer space or in, even in orthopedics, surgeries, all kinds of, prescribing the wrong medications that can possibly kill you. There’s so many ways that that doctors can harm patients. And so you have to be aware that of the risks. And if you turn on the television, every other ad is a drug ad. The drug companies, they’re one of the largest lobbyists in Congress. They’re one of the biggest advertisers on television. They fund all the med schools. They fund basically med school education. They have an army of salespeople that are calling on doctors’ offices every day, catering, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. who pitch new drugs to doctors. And they, they just basically have their tentacles everywhere, So the pharmaceutical industry is like one of the most powerful, influential industries in the world. Oh. And we don’t Absolutely. People don’t notice. They don’t understand.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting because you’re saying this from a patient’s perspective, right? I was in the medical industry for 24 years owned a medical practice and had three different types of practices, niche practices, but, and I’d seen exactly what you’re saying is a hundred percent correct. And that’s exactly what I had seen over the 24 years and I had been in the medical industry. It is a business based on what you’re even mentioning here too, as well. And we’ll talk about that in a minute. But yeah, I mean it’s just, it’s insane. It’s insane. It’s influenced by the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and that’s where it’s at. Let me ask you a question, Chris, you’d mentioned that, you went to your oncologist and it was a horrible meeting, was What was discussed?
Chris Wark:
Oh, how did it go badly,
James Egidio:
Yeah. How did it exactly, how did it go? Bad. Thank you.
Chris Wark:
You have to read my book to find out. I’m just kidding.
James Egidio:
Okay. All right. You don’t have to go into the details, but Yeah, absolutely.
Chris Wark:
No. First of all. So we go back there and, he comes in, he is, opens my file, gives it a quick once over, it’s okay yeah, you got stage three colon cancer. This is very aggressive in young adults. You got about a 60% chance of living five years. The drugs we’re gonna prescribe for you is is five 5-FU and Lucovoron, and it was just this sort of boiler plate, robotic emotionless conversation. And I happened to a, I asked a couple questions like I didn’t e I was completely unprepared. I didn’t but I went in feeling really good. I’d been on a raw food diet and juicing for a week, and I was feeling really good, like tons of energy, enthusiastic, optimistic about life and health and surviving. And then he just, drops these statistics on me. He got a 60% chance of living five years of the treatment, which isn’t very good. Like 60%. That’s barely better than 50%. And what if it is 50%? That’s a coin toss, right? So I wasn’t yeah, that didn’t gimme much confidence. And then I said, I asked him what about the raw food diet? And he said, no, you can’t do that. It’ll fight the chemo. Those are his ex exact words I didn’t understand at the time. And I should have said, what do you mean, But I didn’t. And I know what he, now I know what he, I have since learned what he meant, which was there was, an idea or a belief. There was a belief in oncology that cancer patients shouldn’t eat raw fruits and vegetables because chemotherapy destroys your immune system. And so they’re worried that the otherwise harmless bacteria millions and millions of bacteria that are in fruits and vegetables could present a problem in your body cuz you have no immune system. That’s what he was worried about. I also said are there any alternative therapies available? And at that point his demeanor just flipped. And he became arrogant and condescending and it was just like, no, if you don’t do chemotherapy, you’re insane.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
And man, that was just like a dagger of fear into my heart, right? And then he just kept talking. Just talking and talking. Like just, he just had this, arsenal of things that he had repeated obviously many times to many patients to talk them into chemo. And so most of it was just a total blur because I, I just don’t even remember what he said. I was in such a state of fear. But one thing he said that, that stood out, and my wife and I both remembered it was at some point during his little diatribe, he was like, look, I’m not telling you this cuz I need your business. Which ties into what you just said. It was almost like a Freudian slip, it was like, or a sales tactic which is called the push away where you Yeah. Act like you don’t care about a person’s business. You have that, indifference or that attitude about it. Because I was in sales, so I recognized this is, this guy just gave me the push away. That’s a sales tech technique.
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
Yeah. But nevertheless, I did not have my wits about me in that moment. And he finished his thing, we concluded the meeting, and I got up and went straight to the desk and made an appointment to start chemotherapy in several weeks. Oh, wow. Yeah. He talked me into it, talked me into it. I signed up to get the port put in, made this appointment to get a port and then we left and walked out and took my wife’s car and sat in her car and just cried. Just choked out a prayer. Yeah. And held hands and cried and it was awful. Yeah. He had just completely just shattered my hope.
James Egidio:
Sure. And sure,
Chris Wark:
this is what happens to cancer patients every day in oncology clinics. So I went home from that and I just thank God that I had time. because of the surgery, they couldn’t start chemo right away. They wanted me to recover from surgery. So I had weeks, several weeks before they were gonna start. And man, I just went home and fired up the juicer, I was like, man it’s me, Jesus, and a juicer. That’s all I got, That’s beautiful. No one else understood, I just felt, I so alone, man. I was so alone. My wife didn’t understand, she’s was trying to support me, but she really didn’t understand, although that meeting started to change her mind when she saw how he treated us, it, she started to have this revelation about, the real, the truth of the, about the healthcare system and some of the kind of people that work in it. And so with just a couple days later, I found a naturopathic doctor that my mom knew, and then he referred me to an integrative oncologist. And I went and saw him and he agreed to monitor me and support me, and he did IV vitamin C injections. he ordered my CT scans every six months. He ordered blood work every month for me. So I cobbled together just as little support system and that’s all I had. But it was enough. It was, I just, I had just enough to not be completely paralyzed and panicked. But I had to learn how to give my fear and worry to God every day. Absolutely. Every day I had to cast my cares on him because, man, it’s cancer’s scary. It’s really scary. And the fear, it’s not like you’re just scared one time. The fear is constantly trying to creep in. Yeah. And the best moments in an early, in the early part of your cancer journey, the best moments are the moments where you’re distracted and you forget you have cancer. That’s the best. Sure. And inevitably something will remind you and you’re like, oh man, answer. Yeah. And so I would just have to say, God, I trust you. I’m giving you my fear. I’m not gonna be afraid. I trust you. Absolutely. Just show me what to do. Show me what I need to change in my life, and I’m gonna, I’m gonna do everything in my power to help myself heal, and I’m gonna trust you with the rest. And and James said, faith without works is dead and works is action. So it’s I believe that’s my faith that I can get well, and I’m gonna take some action to help myself get well. I’m putting my action and my faith together. And so yeah, I, I just decided I’m gonna overdose on nutrition. I’m just gonna pump my body full of all these wonderful nutrients that God made for us from the earth. Fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. herbs, spices, legumes. Like everything that’s good that God made, I want it in my body in abundance and I’m just gonna let my body use what it needs and trust that if I give my body an abundance of vital nutrition, that I can empower it to heal. Because cancer cells are not foreign invaders. These are your cells. Absolutely. It’s your cells, it’s your DNA and you know something is wrong. And what I’ve learned about cancer is the difference between a person with tumors and a person with no tumors is largely due to their immune system. The immune system. This is the key to health. And there are a lot of things that we can do to weaken or strengthen our immune system. And the biggest myth out there is that we all have the same immune system. This is just a myth. There is a pretty, pretty wide spectrum of immune strength and our diet and lifestyle choices are the biggest determining factors on the strength of our immune system and that’s how capable our B-cell and T-cells and macrophages and natural killer cells, how capable they are of identifying and eliminating bacteria, parasites, viruses, pathogens, and cancer cells. Yeah. And so nutrition and exercise and stress reduction, faith, forgiveness, fresh air, sunshine, and fellowship are all things that strengthen your immune system.
James Egidio:
Everything we should have learned during Covid and it’s funny, I wanna share something with you, Chris. I wanna share two things with you. It’s really interesting. I’ll be 60 in July, and the thing you’re getting back to talking about the juicing I’ve been juicing now for since 1990. And I juice about Nice, yeah, about three to four days a week. I juice. I don’t juice every day, but three to four days, that’s enough, yeah. And I’ve been doing it for, since, like I said, 1990. And everything you’re saying is absolutely 100% true. I’m not on any medication. I don’t have high blood pressure or anything like that. I just take vitamins. I take 2000 milligrams a day for a vitamin C. I’ve been doing that since I’m like 17, 18 years old, a multivitamin. And the juicing’s amazing. It’s absolutely amazing. I juice, carrots, kale, beets, and celery when I do juice.
Chris Wark:
Yeah. Great combo.
James Egidio:
Great combo. And what’s interesting about the juicing thing is when I started a medical house called Practice in 98. I used to go out with the doctors. I was basically a hands-on practice manager, and I was a patient advocate. I’ll never forget this story. So we go out and we see a patient pediatric patient at that time in a house call setting. He was about 10 years old at the time and he was part of what’s called Make A Wish. So it’s like these kids have like their last wish before they perish. So the mother was a Hispanic lady and she had a accent and we’re talk, we’re sitting there, we’re talking and she says to me, she says, my son was part of Make-A-Wish. And I go what do you mean by that? She goes, he was in at UCLA hospital with a brain tumor, right? And she says, I went to the hospital with the juicer, Every night. And they almost escort her out of the hospital. The security guards, the doctors. The doctors didn’t want to hear anything about vegetable juicing or any type of juicing. And she says, I was so insistent on doing that, that when they did a brain scan on the kid to, check up on the tumor, the tumor was gone. This was after, of course, several months of doing this juicing right in the hospital. And then she pulled him out of the hospital against medical advice AMA and she just treated him at home with the vegetable juice. And I’ll never forget that story. Never forget that
Chris Wark:
awesome. I love it.
James Egidio:
She put him on. Yep. She put him on a raw diet. My, my business partner, his mother, the same thing. She had stage three colon cancer as well, got diagnosed. She’s from Japan. I was telling Julie the story briefly when I spoke to her. She had stage three colon cancer. She’s from Japan. She went on a raw diet and then she used some kind of special rice and I can’t remember the name of it off hand that they have in Japan. And she went on this raw diet for, I don’t know, six months, maybe a year. I think it was like six months. And her cancer’s been in remission now for 20, 25 years.
Chris Wark:
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
I love it. And there’s so many people out there. This is what’s so crazy. There’s so many people out there that have healed cancer naturally, holistically. and you just don’t even their stories have never been told. They’re just, they’re out there. And so I’ve interviewed dozens and dozens of people who’ve healed all types and stages of cancer. This is basically what I do. It’s like what I do for fun. I a podcast.
James Egidio:
It’s serving opportunity.
Chris Wark:
Yeah. I have a podcast in YouTube channel and I post ’em on my website and, but I’ve only scratched the surface. It’s like there are so many people out there that have healed over, decades and decades there, and so I’m so glad that you have those two stories to share because your listeners need to know that I’m not a fluke. I didn’t get lucky. No, you get no and the thing is, what you’ll find is if you watch the interviews that I’ve done with cancer survivors, you will see the common thread. None of us did exactly the same thing, but we all did mostly the same thing, which is tons of fresh juices. Tons of raw foods. Yes. Lots of supplements. Who knows which ones helped. Exercise, fresh air, sunshine, forgiveness. Huge. Huge. Forgiveness is a huge component. Absolutely. Not necessarily for children, but for adults. With cancer, like there’s so many people that are holding on to so much anger and resentment and bitterness towards people that have hurt them. And I’m just telling you, forgiveness will make you sick. Stress suppresses your immune system and it leads you down this path of disease. Now, stress doesn’t give you cancer in one month, but it’s people that have been in this state of chronic grinding stress day after day, month after month, year after year. And those are the people that end up getting sick and debilitated with. Yeah. Diabetes, heart disease, overweight, addictions, cancer. One of the biggest ways you can help yourself, you can heal your heart, is through forgiveness. And this was right. Look, this was Jesus’s one of his big messages, right? Absolutely. Major theme of Jesus’s ministry. was forgiveness. Yeah, absolutely.
James Egidio:
And prayer. It’s interesting. I was hopefully I’ll bring on a Dr. Andrew Newberg. He’s a medical doctor and a neurologist, he is. a neuro theologist and I’ve been trying to get him on, and I will hopefully get him on one day soon on the podcast. But he actually studies the power of prayer and he’s not a Christian, but he studies the power of prayer and how it heals in its healing process. And he does actual CAT scans of the head of people that are in prayer. and found spots in these imaging studies that show how positive prayer is and how prayer gets you through illness and injury.
Chris Wark:
Man, I’d love to also interview him, Yeah.
James Egidio:
Dr. Andrew Newberg
Chris Wark:
and read his research. Yeah. Prayer and meditation are very similar in terms of what they do to your body physiologically. When you’re in a state of meditation, a state of calm and quiet or a state of prayer, your, it’s measurable. Your nervous system calms down. Your stress reduces. You go from being in a sympathetic fight or flight, anxious state to parasympathetic, which is which is rest, and is the more time you can spend in that resting state, that’s when you heal. Is a resting state. And when you’re in a fight or flight, anxious, worried go. Work, work. Do things, accomplish whatever. Stress, worry. When you’re in that state, your body is not in a healing state.
James Egidio:
No, it’s not. It’s not.
Chris Wark:
so many of us are just, in that state constantly. All day, every day. Yeah. And that, again, that leads down the path of chronic disease. Cuz stress not only suppresses your immune system, but it promotes inflammation. And so when you have inflammation and immunosuppression, that is the recipe for cancer. That is the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive. And so that is, I think the missing link in the holistic cancer conversation is even though there are a lot of people that understand, there’s a spirit, mind and body connection, right? we’re all, they’re all connected. You can’t just be, have a healthy body and not have a healthy mind, but, but it’s not talked about enough. No. So one of the big things that I did is I decided to forgive every person who’s ever hurt me. I just realized I, it just, that theme kept coming up in my cancer journey. I was just reading, going from book to book and reading books by survivors and reading books by holistic and integrative doctors. And that theme just kept coming up about forgiveness and and how anger and bitterness is related to cancer. And So I was like, okay, you know what, no one is worth dying over, right? I, and so I’m gonna forgive every person by name one by one, in my heart. And that takes a little time. You don’t have to go have a meeting with people no, but you just have to sit down quietly in a prayerful state and just say, okay, God. Here we go. Let me just think through my life and see who comes up and I’m gonna forgive them. As I, as I dig through the painful memories of people who’ve betrayed my trust or abandoned me or hurt my feelings or whatever they did, and just one by one, I would just say, God, you know what they did, you know how I feel about it, and I’m choosing to forgive them anyway.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And that’s what causes a lot of addiction, by the way, is the, yes. The forgiveness is because what happens is there’s this connection between the limbic system, the neocortex and limbic system, neocortex stores, all those past hurts and feelings. And the neocortex, that’s the long-term memory. So what happens is when the limbic system works in overdrive, like you were talking about, as far as transferring those old memories, that limbic system is that fight, flight or freeze response. we’re all addicted to something. what happens is that unforgiveness causes a lot of angst, anxiety, anger, rebellion, those are all things that are leading to that cascade of addiction. especially the rebellion, you’ll substitute those thoughts and feelings for, drugs and alcohol or whatever it may be. And that’s why faith is so important because we can go to God, we could ask for forgiveness. He died at the cross for that. And it’s important. That’s what it’s important to have a strong faith-based foundation like you said, and that unforgiveness creates just a lot of pathology, a lot of anger. And I equate that whole unforgiveness thing to being locked in a prison, right? You’re sitting in a prison cell, you got the key in your pocket, right? You have the ability to get out of that prison cell with that key in your pocket, but you just won’t do it. And you just keep that key in your pocket. And that key represents the unforgiveness that you’re keeping in your pocket. So as soon as you put that key into the door of a freedom, and you open it with that key, that’s. the forgiveness that you would give and it would free you. But a lot of people, they don’t equate that it’s,
Chris Wark:
that’s amazing. Cuz I use a very similar analogy, which is Yeah. That forgiveness is the key that frees you from a prison of pain. Yeah. It’s true. It’s like you can free yourself from the prison of pain through forgiveness and I That’s so great that you’re, that you know that this is a part of your mission and how you help people because it’s so important and the addiction connection is huge. You understand it clearly. Because I do, the reason we so many people are addicted to so many things is because we’re always seeking to medicate our pain. Yeah. We’re looking for medication because if we have anger, if we have bitterness, if we have guilt, if we have shame, right? All of these negative emotions, even so those are based in the past, but, future-based worry and fear and anxiety. all these negative emotions and stress producing emotions cause us distress. And then, and we want to alleviate that distress. And we do it through medication. And what medication? Food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco. Pornography. gambling these, and these are all behaviors that compound our problems.
James Egidio:
Right? Absolutely.
Chris Wark:
So without, and unless you break that as you, I’m repeating what you said, obviously, but No, it’s unless you break, get to the root cause of your pain, you’re just gonna be substituting one medication for another. Like you can break your cigarette habit, but then you start drinking more. Or you can stop drinking, but then you start eating overeating, so it’s like people are just shifting from one addiction to the next. Without ever solving their pain problem.
James Egidio:
And think about what you’re saying there too, because. we’re talking about these addictions, right? The food, the drugs, the alcohol, the cigarette smoking, right? So what have we been talking about? What you’ve been talking about the whole time of how you overcame your colon cancer is through proper nutrition that a doctor wouldn’t even give you advice on who shied away from that advice. And we actually saw that in 2020 with the Covid situation where there was such horrible advice being doled out to the general public about everything. Wear masks, now it’s, take the vaccines and I’m not gonna knock anybody wants to do it, or doesn’t want to do it. you have freedom of choice to take it or not take it. But the thing is, Such bad advice was being doled out, as is my point during 2020,
Chris Wark:
and let me just say, it didn’t feel like freedom.
James Egidio:
No. And this is when
Chris Wark:
it did not feel like freedom of choice. It felt like not at all extremely deliberate, coordinated propaganda, coercion, bribery, the tactics gaslighting chance like doctors and scientists and anyone who was speaking out and questioning the narrative and the advice was at risk of losing their platform or their career. Like to me, there was a lack of freedom during that time.
James Egidio:
And that’s what inspired me to start this podcast. I was gonna start it in 2020 cuz I still had the medical practice. I still had the bricks and mortar practice with the doctors and I just said, you know what, let me just refrain from doing that because eventually the truth will prevail and will come out. And it’s slowly coming out. slowly, but surely.
Chris Wark:
the sad thing is that the truth, it, it takes so long for the truth to come out and there’s so much collateral damage
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
In the meantime,
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
That has been so much damage has been done by the lies and that, Churchill has that quote, A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets a chance to put its pants on. And that’s, this is ex, he understood how fast a lies and propaganda spread and so that’s it. It’s, to me it just is. It’s sad, it’s unfortunate, it’s distressing, that. The way things happened and and I hope the silver lining has so many people, physicians included, really had a wake up call. because I think they saw this authoritarian government overreach, pharmaceutical driven overreach, and the censorship and the drug rushed to market with no long-term safety testing foistered on the public. They saw this, so I, I could say the silver lining is that I even wrote an article back in 2021. It was like, never before in history have so many doctors and scientists spoken out against a drug ever. There’s never been this many against one drug. And so that should tell you something.
James Egidio:
Exactly. Exactly. And you were talking about the 65% chance of survival within five years,
Chris Wark:
60 is what I was told. 60.
James Egidio:
yeah. I saw another statistic. 65. That’s why that 65 was on my mind. But you had a virus that if you were to catch it, you had a 98.5% chance of survival. Now I know when I get into my car and I go to the gym, my chances of getting into a fatal auto accident getting killed are a lot less than that. My chances of survival. Coming from Vegas, which I relocated from, I’m not a gambler, but if I had a 98.5% chance of winning at a blackjack table, I would take everything I own and gamble
Chris Wark:
There’s so many, you could, people have already started to do this. There’s been, a number of books written and they’re dissecting everything that happened and everything that was said and and how. Either deliberately corrupt or it a mix of corruption and incompetence, right? It’s like this inco, corrupt, incompetent soup of leaders, just all operating and, you just even think about the way doctors communicate with patients. those survival numbers, those came out so early, right? As soon as the data came from Italy and Spain, the very first outbreak centers, we knew what the survival was. We knew the people that were at most highest at risk, right? They were typically senior citizens and typically had two or three or more comorbidities. And doctors should have said hey, we don’t need to worry. It’s okay. Th this is a serious life-threatening disease if you have these conditions, right? but still your odds of surviving are greater than 98%, as you said. So let, we don’t need to panic. Okay? We might, our hospitals might have a surge. But we’re just gonna do our best to handle it. And, but the real red herring to me, which, I noticed early on, and I’m sure you did too, the real red herring was when doctors started sharing the drug protocols, the off-label drug protocols that they were using to help their patients. They were immediately censored and kicked off course social media.
James Egidio:
Of course.
Chris Wark:
Which is insane because if you was in, if you were in charge, I’m assuming I don’t know you that well, obviously, but if you were in charge. If I was in charge, I think if most people I know were in charge and there was a real pandemic, they would say, okay. This is a brand new germ. We don’t know how to deal with it. Frontline doctors do your best, right? Use the training, the experience, the medicines, the resources you have at your disposal, of course. And and report back and tell us what’s working,
James Egidio:
Chris Wark:
am I insane or is that the most reasonable way to, to deal with
James Egidio:
No, it’s true. Ab absolutely. In fact, there’s,
Chris Wark:
and that’s not what happened.
James Egidio:
No, it’s not. What happened. And there was a Dr. Bartlett another gentleman like to get on the show as well. He’s out of Texas and very nice gentleman. He treated patients that came into his office with what basically turned out to be what was called the silver bullet for COVID, which was nebulized Pulmicort, which is a, an a nebulized steroid and Z-Pack. And he, his statistically, what he said is that out of a hundred patients that came into his office, 98 of ’em survived. And the two that did pass, because they were past the age and they already had a comorbidity for other diseases. But again, 98 out of a hundred patients he saved.
Chris Wark:
Those, they came to him, they were obviously very sick. Because if you’re not that sick, you’re not even gonna go.
James Egidio:
Oh yeah. They were an acute distress from the covid. So they were like, okay, get into the office and let’s get you treated with the nebulized steroid and the antibiotic, the Zak.
Chris Wark:
Yeah. And that was it. And just to finish the example I was giving, which was that, not only did the authorities not rally the troops, the frontline doctors and say, Hey, tell us what’s working. Let’s work together. Let’s figure this out. Not only did they not do that, they censored and deleted and banned them for sharing what was working. And then they issued this dictate that there are no approved drugs to treat covid 19. Every doctor’s office, every hospital was basically commanded to not prescribe anything. Aspirin and oxygen were the only two things they were allowed to prescribe. And tons of people died, and it was from medical negligence. Sure. Because they just, they died for lack of care, for lack of treatment. That Sure, to me was so egregiously criminal. It was, of course thank God that there was, still a number of doctors, you said no, we’re gonna treat our patients, we’re gonna use the drugs we have, we’re gonna do the best we can. Like Dr. Peter McCullough, who, a lot of people know of, and Sure. You’re Dr. Bartlett, who you mentioned and many others were like no. We’re gonna be doctors. We’re gonna take care of our patients the best we can. We’re gonna try to save lives. We’re not gonna sit there and watch ’em turn blue and put ’em on the ventilator and let ’em die.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I just interviewed Dr. Peter Breggan as well. And he’s on the forefront of ex exposing a lot of this as well. Yeah, and the, it’s really sad because it was a total disservice to the public all this there was, I don’t think there were any good intentions with it. I, to this day, truly believe that it’s, it was good versus evil. And I’m getting ready to interview a gentleman who His website is called our His daughter was murdered in the hospital during Covid. She had, she was a Down syndrome patient, and he’s a man of faith and he’s got a lot of support for this of what had happened. It’s really a sad story, but a lot of mistreatment. A lot of mistreatment, a lot of people who just were not treated the way they were supposed to be treated really sad.
Chris Wark:
Medical neglect. Yeah. It’s I think. my, my hope is that they can’t, they won’t be able to get away with this kind of thing again. That so many people have seen they saw all the lies. They believed a bunch of lies. But then they realized they were lies eventually. That the lies came out about, about how risky, I mean about the death rate, right? About the masking, about the drug. They rushed to market with no long-term safety testing. And how you, if you took the vaccine, you couldn’t get covid and you couldn’t spread it. This was, these are colossal lies that were told to the American public. And so I just hope, I hope people have, are paying attention. They’re waking up, they’re realizing like, we’re not gonna do that again. We’re not gonna fall for that again.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And this all circles back to what we originally talked about with you, is it comes down to what Chris.
Chris Wark:
personal responsibility, of being a believer. Nutrition. Nutrition. Nutrition. All those things.
James Egidio:
Because I know we got off on a little bit of a tangent about the whole covid thing. Yeah. A lot of people are passionate about it. But again it all comes down to is taking responsibility for your health, like you did, drumming up the courage like you did, having faith like you do, and and just taking charge of your health. Just taking charge of your health. Don’t just, believe one doctor go to two three.
Chris Wark:
Yeah. Exercise strengthens your immune system. Nutrition, fruits and vegetables, strengthen your immune system. Reducing your stress and forgiveness strengthens your immune system. Like these are all the good things. And like vitamin D, one of the, one of the most effective supplements to help prevent a severe viral infection was vitamin D. It’s cheap, right? It’s easy to get. And yet, right? The government didn’t recommend anybody take it. It’s and you’re right, it did. It did feel very much like good versus evil, and if anybody’s still doubting, it was evil. There’s never been a time in history where the people who were censoring information were the good guys, right? Never, right? The good guys never censor information, right? the good people who care about the truth and want to get to the truth, right? Because the truth, there’s a pursuit, especially in science and medicine, right? There is no right the truth. There is a pursuit of knowledge and a pursuit of truth. who want to get to the truth, to get to the solution, to find it, want open dialogue, want debate, want freedom of speech. Yeah. This is what we want, this is how you help people. This is how you solve problems. And the people who have another agenda, which either is acquiring more money or more power, right? They are not interested in debate, they’re not interested in the truth, they’re not interested in solutions, they’re only interested in pushing their agenda. Whatever that is. And maybe disguising their agenda as a solution, which is what we saw.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And then the other thing about, cuz we were talking about juicing. What about nutritional like food-wise, eating a raw diet. Explain a little bit about that. I know you’re, you have a book and you have a program and we’re gonna talk about that too. But just in general what would. Be considered to the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast about a sensible raw diet. I know a lot of people are like, whoa, geez, I don’t know if I could start eating bark from a tree. And that’s what they think of. That’s the first, because they don’t want to give up the meat, and substituted for the crickets that the World Economic Forum wants is everybody to eat and Gates..
Chris Wark:
Yeah. Yeah. But yeah there’s been a number of, there are more studies than you could even read on that have identified the anti-cancer compounds in fruits and vegetables. And but I can distill it down very simply. The most important anti-cancer vegetables are garlic, onions, and leeks. And then rounding out the top 10 would be the cruciferous broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, bach choy. And what did I just describe? a giant salad, right? So the salad, vegetables, and especially raw, because there are certain compounds in, in broccoli. One of them is called sulforaphane. In garlic it’s called Allison, right? But there are certain compounds that are much more potent when they’re consumed raw, right? In fact they can be completely disabled and not even form when you cook vegetables. So sulforaphane is formed when you chew crucifers vegetables. It’s an enzymatic reaction that creates this compound. And same with garlic. Allison is formed when you chop or chew garlic, they’re like, when you just cook broccoli or steamed broccoli, you don’t get it. And so cruciferous vegetables and the garlic and onions, they’re the most potent, most nutritious, raw. Now, it doesn’t mean every vegetable needs to be raw. Potatoes are better cooked right? Beans, gotta cook ’em right? You can sprout ’em though. That’s a raw way to eat beans, raw, soaked, and s sprouted. But. I figured out that I could eat this giant salad. In fact, the picture of it is on my cookbook Beat Cancer Kitchen. On the, covers the picture of the giant salad, but it’s broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, mushrooms, sauerkraut, avocado, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds. You just load this bowl up,
James Egidio:
you’re getting me hungry.
Chris Wark:
Much produce. Yeah, as much produce as you can cram in there, right? And then I would use olive oil, apple cider, vinegars to make a little oil and vinegar dressing. And then I would shake on like garlic powder cayenne pepper, oregano, turmeric powder or curry powder. So I’d put all these really savory, delicious spices in mixed in the salad. And it’s delicious. I’m just telling you the oil, the vinegar, the sauerkraut, the spices, it just makes it so incredibly good. And so as I was just experimenting, figuring out how I could eat as many vegetables as possible, I concocted this. giant salad recipe. And I realized, man, this is really good. I could eat this every day, in fact, right? I could eat this twice a day, every day. I could, this could be my lunch and dinner. And that’s what it became. And sure, I create a very simple routine for myself. I’d get up, I’d make about 64 ounces of fresh vegetable juice, like carrot juice. Sometimes it was straight carrot juice. I did some juice fasting, or it was like carrot, beets, celery, ginger root, right? Green apple, that kind of thing. Like a blended mix of blended vegetables in a juice. And and drink the fresh juices throughout the day. Eat these giant salads. I was making fruit smoothies with blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and banana and just blending them up and and enjoying that. Eating fresh fruit eating, almonds and walnuts, Brazil nuts if I wanted a little snack. And it was plenty of food. Yes. Give us plenty of food. Yes. For me, I had tons of energy, felt great, and it was simple and sustainable. I and that’s what’s so important, is if you’re gonna embark on, if you decide like I’m gonna change my life in a big way, I’m gonna change my daily routine. You have to create a routine that is sustainable, right? Sure, you do. And sure. So that’s what I did. And and and of course, yeah, I, I had a Naturopath, so he know, he prescribed a lot of different herbs. Herbs and supplements and stuff. And I took everything I could find and afford, right? I was like, I’ll take it if there’s no risk of harm, which is like the foundation of medicine, right? First do no harm if there’s no risk of harm, and there was a potential benefit, right? I would say yes, I’ll do it. Yes. And that was my criteria. And so I made a decision not to do chemotherapy. I know we’ve went on this big rabbit trail, but. I, when the day came to go get the port put in, I just said, you know what, I’m not doing it. This is not what I want to do with my life, and I’m gonna live or die on my own terms. Yeah. And I, and it wasn’t like I thought I’ll never do chemo, but I just thought, what I want to do right now, what I’m most excited about and passionate about is healing my body, is building it up, not tearing it down. And I was, I had already, I had gotten so much momentum over the, that three or four weeks and I was just feeling great and I was excited and I was learning and growing and so I didn’t go and again, just continued working with a naturopath and an integrative oncologist and got my routine in motion and I just repeated that routine every day, just taking care of myself, exercising. spent a lot of time in prayer and in the word and right, and of course, worked through my unhealthy thoughts and emotions and just started catching myself right, practicing gratitude, giving my fears and worries to God for giving people who hurt me, being quick to forgive people when they would hurt me. Just, give me the burden in traffic or whatever I, it was, you can’t change your life overnight, but you can make some big changes over. Sure. Sure. You can change your diet overnight. That’s a big change. It is. You can start exercising. Most people can start exercising immediately today, right? And that’s and if you continue each day like you’ve made, you’re making big changes, right? The changes that are the hardest, that take the most time is changing the way you think, right? Yeah. Changing the way you act and react and working through forgiveness that, that you just gotta work at. It takes time.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I think too is when you change your diet, like what you’re saying, it also changes the biochemistry in your body too. And it changes the way you think. You’re think more clearer, you’re more energetic. And then you take that energy and you put it into faith. My gosh. Now you’re talking about, the trifecta of health is like you said, body, mind, and spirit. And I’ve been living like that for 30 years. That’s why you got my attention when I was scouring the internet and I ran across your, website and what you had endured and what you had gone through. And I was like, I gotta get him on this podcast,
Chris Wark:
That’s awesome. I’m so glad to connect. It’s every time I connect with somebody that’s like-minded, I just, it’s Oh,
James Egidio:
you’re amazing. It just
Chris Wark:
gives me so much encouragement.
James Egidio:
Yeah. You’re amazing and it’s, you’re the quintessential Survivor of what you had gone through and with such a great attitude. And you were like, Hey, I’m, you’re not gonna, you’re not gonna take the word of a doctor, which I was. I’m happy to hear even being, having been in the medical field, I could tell you right now, it’s very flawed and very corrupt and it’s just it’s a business. It’s a business. And it’s sad.
Chris Wark:
It’s a business.
James Egidio:
It’s really sad.
Chris Wark:
I spend sad. I spend several chapters in my book talking about, the business of the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry in the medical industry, and there’s so many studies exposing the corruption. Sure. And I barely scratched the surface. There’s books and books written about the corruption in the medical industry. If anybody wants to like, go way down that rabbit hole, read bad medicine or read Deadly Medicines by Peter Gotzche, there’s. but you don’t need to know that much, really. You just need to learn a little bit to realize, wow, it’s it the medical system is oriented to maximize profit to extract as much money from the patient as possible. Sure. And it doesn’t matter if you get that’s the thing. It doesn’t matter. What matters is can they sell you the most expensive, the latest cutting edge treatment, drug, therapy, device, implant, whatever it is. And that’s what they’re gonna try to do.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Yeah. That’s what it’s all about. And it’s,
Chris Wark:
in many cases, some cases, yeah. You got, you have a surgery and it, and fixes something. That’s great. But in terms of chronic disease, the solutions for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease. the medical industry is not careing people. No. For the most part.
James Egidio:
No, I agree with you a hundred percent. Yeah. And like you said, you can read it and go down that rabbit hole, hole all you want. But it all at the end of the day comes to personal choices of helping yourself and drumming up that courage to do like you did of saying, you know what? I’m not gonna get the chemotherapy. I’m gonna, I’m gonna go with a raw diet and I’m gonna juice and I’m just gonna find another alternative to, to fix this problem.
Chris Wark:
I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing. I think it’s great to have the Thanks Medical Truth podcast out there and like Thanks. I think, and I talk about this in my book briefly, but it’s like people equate science with truth, and science is not truth. No. Science is important. Science is the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Like science. isn’t, if you’re really following the scientific method, like it’s a wonderful method for discovery We wouldn’t have an iPhone, we wouldn’t have, the internet and we wouldn’t be able to do this without science. But people mistakenly assume that pharmaceutical science is the same as technological science. Like that, science developed my iPhone and science developed this drug. It’s the same science. No, it’s not the same because, no, it’s not instantly if a phone, if Apple claims that they made a phone that you can touch and call somebody and it doesn’t work, everybody knows it. Right, of course. And if it works they’ve proven it like our science made it and it works and you know it, but when you take a drug, you don’t know what it’s doing in your body. You have no idea if it’s helping you or harming you. you might feel a little better, but you don’t know what else, what other problems it’s causing. And so the pharmaceutical industry has gotten very adept at producing research that they fund to make their drugs look safe and effective so they can get FDA approval and then make billions of dollars on that drug. And the real tragedy is there have been so many drugs recalled from the market because they ended up being dangerous and harmful and killing people. And if you look at the largest settlements and largest fines paid by drug companies, Merck and Pfizer and AstraZeneca, almost every drug company has been convicted of felonies, right? They’re all can. Almost everyone except for Moderna, cuz they’re a new company, like almost every drug company exist. Are convicted criminal organizations and they’ve pay these huge hundred million and even mega billion dollar fines, criminal fines for their deceptive marketing practices around drugs. And had drugs recalled. And guess what the public doesn’t know and they need to know, is that the pharmaceutical industry can release a drug. They can make 10 billion on it over the course of three or four or five years. Drug can turn out to be dangerous, be recalled from the market, and they get fined maybe a billion dollars, or $2 billion. And guess what? They get to keep the extra 8 billion. And so it’s a final. Yeah. So what a great racket, right? It is like you make as much money as possible, you get caught and then you pay a little fine and you get to keep the profit, right?
James Egidio:
No other industry allows you to do such a thing. Not any, no, not anyone.
Chris Wark:
No. And that, that’s what’s wrong, right? At the, it is at the heart of it. That is one of the things Yes. That is wrong with our current, medical, pharmaceutical and the justice system. Yes. Is that they should be bankrupting these companies.
James Egidio:
Yeah, that’s right.
Chris Wark:
They should, those companies should be shaking in their boots. We do not want to get bought, we don’t want to release a drug that’s dangerous because it can bankrupt our company. If they were thinking that way, medicine would be a lot safer.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And the answer is right in your kitchen and right at the grocery store or wherever you would buy your vegetables and what not.
Chris Wark:
Yeah. So many medicines are unnecessary If you’re willing to eat a super healthy diet, lose weight. And the thing is, you don’t have to be a raw vegan. No. That is the strictest. Most potent anti-cancer diet. That’s what we encourage people to do in our community. If they’re trying to heal cancer, it’s let’s not take any chances. Like you wanna hit it hard, right? With the most potent anti-cancer nutrition, and this is how you do it, right? But for the average person, how do you eat in a way that is health promoting? Predominantly plant-based. That’s the advice, right? It doesn’t have to be vegan, you don’t have to be a vegetarian, but you really focus on eating mostly plant foods, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, legumes, mushrooms. If you focus on eating those foods and if they take up most of your plate or all of your plate you’re doing really good things for your body. Absolutely. And the healthiest, longest living people around the world eat about 95% plant-based on average. So yeah. What does that mean? 95% plant-based? That means they’re only eating animal food about three times a week to three times a month. So don’t more in that range. That’s a good start. And then exercising six days a week, even if it’s just walking right, block it off in the calendar, right? Get in your phone, block it off. This is my exercise time every day. Doesn’t matter if it’s 5:00 AM or 5:00 PM like, doesn’t matter. Just make it a priority where you are exercising. Absolutely. Walking, running, zumba, jazzer size yoga, rock climbing, wrestling, it like CrossFit, it doesn’t matter, right? Like you’ve gotta move your body, get your heart pumping, your blood, flowing, your lymph system moving, get sweaty. Any exercise that does that is good.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. Yep. Yep. You’re right. You’re a hundred percent right. I’ve been, that’s another thing I’ve put into my life. I’ve been working out five days a week and haven’t missed a day in 40 years.
Chris Wark:
That’s impressive. Know I’ve missed some days, I’ve missed a few days. Usually it’s due to injury, if I’ll go a little too hard. But
James Egidio:
But everything you’re saying is a hundred percent correct and it’s comes down to making that decision and, and it’s the quality of life. It’s, a lot of people, they think, oh, if I work out it’s, to look better and this and that. But it’s your quality of life, the way you eat, the way you exercise, and the way you and believing. And believing in God. Yeah. Chris share with the listeners and viewers where they can find your website and your podcast and your book.
Chris Wark:
Sure. So is my website and I’ve interviewed dozens and dozens of holistic cancer survivors and doctors and researchers and scientists. and it’s just, it’s a free website. It’s a repository of helpful information. If you want to learn about health and healing, I’ve got the resources for you. I’ve also written three books, but you can find on Amazon or pretty much anywhere books are sold. Chris Beat Cancer is my story. And in, I tell exactly what I did. Beat Cancer Daily is a daily devotional that I wrote for cancer patients. It’s 365 days of inspiration, encouragement, and action steps to survive and thrive. And that’s, yeah, just my, love letter. My gift to the cancer community was Beat Cancer Daily. And then last year we published a cookbook that’s all plant-based. It’s called Beat Cancer Kitchen. And it’s, the recipes are awesome. It’s full color, just an awesome, we’re so proud of it. It’s a really delicious cookbook. So if you’re trying to learn how to eat a whole food, plant-based, super healthy diet, like the recipes in there will help you do that. And then I’m easy to find on Facebook and YouTube and Instagram. Chris Beat Cancer is my handle. So yeah, there’s a lot of ways you can connect with me.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And you have a podcast too, right?
Chris Wark:
And there’s a Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes. Yeah,
James Egidio:
beautiful. And again, the website is
Chris Wark:
Chris, your website Yeah.
James Egidio:
Thank you so much, Chris. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here on the Medical Truth Podcast. I have a wonderful day and God bless. Thanks.
Chris Wark:
Thank you. It’s been a pleasure and an honor. Great to connect with you.
James Egidio:
Thanks, Chris.