“Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths”- Interview with Edward Dowd
Aug 3, 2023 | COVID Podcast Episodes, Podcasts, Vaccine Podcast Episodes

Shortly after the Pandemic in 2020 Edward Dowd did a deep dive crunching numbers and doing research on vaccine deaths by utilizing his experience working on Wall Street spanning both credit markets and equity markets; his investigation into the spike of deaths after the COVID vaccine rollout led him to author his book that can be found on SkyhorsePublishing.com called “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 which Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Your host. Of the medical truth podcast, the podcast that tells the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. Mark Twain was once quoted as saying that figures don’t lie, but liars figure. Through this early quote, Mark Twain ruminates about deceptions run rampant numbers used by phony wizards as illusions of truth while feeding people’s hunger for answers, prescribing the common paregoric of snaky provocations. My guests did a deep dive crunching numbers and doing research on vaccine deaths. By utilizing his experience working on Wall Street. Spanning both credit markets and equity markets, his research into the spike of deaths after the COVID vaccine rollout, led him to author his book that can be found on SkyHorsePublishing.com called Cause Unknown. The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 22. forwarded by presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast. Mr. Edward Dowd. Edward, how are you doing today? Welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing?
Edward Dowd:
Oh, it’s great to be here, James. This is an honor and thanks for what you do and others like you do getting the truth out.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. So share with the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast a little bit about your background and who you are.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah, I’m a Wall Street executive. I’ve been looking at capital markets for most literally most of my career. Work at HSBC right out of college. I was a bond salesman in Chicago, learned about the credit markets, the interest rate markets, the currency markets. How money flows across the globe and trying to predict what’s going to happen trying to help my clients make money and did that for five years. And that was a great intro into how the world really works and how what I was taught in school is all nonsense. And that it thing things move and they move when they move. And I went back to business school, Indiana University, get my MBA. Then I went back to Wall Street, Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrett, which is an equity research house. It was known for its equity research. And then, of course, they got into investment banking, junk bonds, you name it. And I was there for 2 years. I was an electric utility analyst. But I had the distinct privilege of being there from 97 through 99, when the dot com fraud was unfolding. And I started my career on Wall Street seeing fraud, and I saw the fraud down the hall the internet folks were running their scam operation. And what was going on was a very simple thing. There used to be something called due diligence and investment banking, where you look at a company to make sure it was viable, had, things like revenues and cash flows. So that, when you put it out into the marketplace it was a company. If you go back to the dot com error, companies were being issued from investment banks with eyeballs. That was the metric no revenues, pure losses. And it was it was a feeding frenzy of making money for the investment bank. And. I was what was called a junior analyst making not a lot of money because that’s what you do when you enter Wall Street, you it’s a pyramid and those at the bottom do all the work and don’t make much money. The guys down the hall who were doing the same job I was doing, we’re making getting million dollar bonuses as young 24 year old kids and their bosses making 15 million and so that was the beginning of what I saw how the world really worked left that Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrett went to what’s called the buy side to become a technology analyst at the independence investments was able to steer my firm out of harm’s way and many of the frauds, the Enron fraud, the Worldcom fraud, because I’m just a cynical And I understood how, my, my experience in the credit markets led me to understand that bond spreads when they move, usually tell a story well before the equity folks wake up. I just was just a curious detective investigator, saw that frog go down. Then I went to BlackRock, became a portfolio manager on a large cap growth fund, which was 2Billion in assets. We grew it to 14Billion over 10 years and I saw the great financial crisis fraud. It was banking fraud. It was just. Complete mayhem and Wall Street got drunk on that and it blew up and almost took down the globe. And what mystified me was the solution to this problem was to change nothing. They solved the debt crisis with more debt, and here we are today with global debt at such a big… Striking amount of money that, we’re looking at a, a new monetary system at some point now on wall street, picking stocks is about analyzing trends and being first, and the news and the mainstream media, by the time they figure it out the opportunity to make money is lost. So my job was to get ahead of the news and to identify trends well before everybody else. So you apply that skill to what I saw going on early with the vaccines. And here we are, and I just analyze trends, statistics undeniable evidence and data that the biggest medical tragedy has unfolded we’ve ever seen, and it’s going to devastate the globe for years to come. And it’s unfortunately, I’m here to say, I think it’s getting worse, not better.
James Egidio:
Yeah, so we get to 2020 and, of course, we all saw what happened in 2020. And. Then there was Operation Warp Speed with Trump and they rolled out the vaccine. At what point, and what did you say to yourself, something’s wrong? And at what point, what inspired you to write Cause Unknown?
Edward Dowd:
Before the vaccine even was issued and there was talk about it and Operation Warp Speed was announced and the technology was announced, mRNA. My friend who also ran a large cap growth fund at American Century, he and I were talking, and we’re cynical people. And I said, are you going to take this thing? He said, hell no. And I said great. And we both have the same three reasons. It was a unproven technology that never had been tested on humans, only animal trials, and they all failed. They fail. Okay. So that was number one. Number two is operation warp speed. And if you know anything about manufacturing processes, which we do when you work on wall street corners are cut manufacturer safety is cut and you just knew it was going to be a disaster. I knew that was going to be a disaster. And then the 3rd fact, I knew from my years of analyzing healthcare stocks was it took normally 7 to 10 years for vaccine safety data. To be vetted and try human trials before they would, unroll it on the masses. I was just like, before anything, he and I said, we’ll wait. And, honestly, we were naive. We thought everybody would have these facts available to them and would think like us, boy, were we wrong? We didn’t realize the propaganda campaign and the deception and the lies and so when the vaccine came out in early 2021 I started hearing anecdotes right away. Someone getting really sick, someone’s uncle dying. Again, I was living on Maui during COVID in 2020. I didn’t know one person died, not one. Then I started hearing about deaths and injuries and weirdness. And so being a statistical guy, knowing that if a vaccine, look, vaccines… There are, in the normal vaccine that has been tested for 7 to 10 years. Are there adverse events? Sure, but they should be so statistically rare that a guy like me shouldn’t be hearing even 1 anecdote, much less 10. I knew something was off the rails and then when the mandates hit, that’s when I got activated and I was fortunate enough to hook up with Dr Malone on the island of Maui during one of the mandate protests and. He helped elevate my media presence and I told him I was going to look at insurance company results and funeral home results because I knew If I was right, it would show up there and sure did and you know now I have a team of we’ve formed a company Phinance Technologies spelled with a Ph We have a website PhinanceTechnologies.Com which we have all the evidence it’s reams of excess mortality statistics from around the globe and then in 2022 I was, you know trying to get the message out and then Tony Lyons, Gavin DeBecker, who wrote the afterword, who also lives on Maui, and Bobby Kennedy pitched the book idea to me. And so it was just a natural fit. They wanted to talk about sudden athletic deaths. I said, that’s great. But that’s anecdotal. There is some math around it. You can point to, but we married the two. We married sudden death stories just, the book contains just story after story. And it’s not, we don’t comment on any individual death. We just put the local news item and the link to it, the QR code. You can see the real stories and there’s hundreds and hundreds of these stories and, look we all grew up those of us, Gen X. We grew up and did some athletic deaths happen. They sure did. But they were a big deal. Lenny Len bias comes to mind. I was all over the, this was, it was big news. Now it’s been normalized and there was a study done, the Lussane study, and it’s in my book. It talks about the fact that over 38 year period, there are 29 on average, 29 sudden athletic deaths around the globe every year, and that these are under age 35 occurring on the field, or on the way to the hospital. And now would be lucky since 2021 have 1 month, which has 29 sudden athletic deaths just 1 month. So this is what we call Wall Street, a frequency problem. The, it is tenfold now. And what is it, what changed? If you have any two molecules of critical thinking skills, what changed was a vaccine that was mass produced and mandated. And that’s it. That, that, that, that’s all you need to know. Everything else is nonsense at this point, and the data keeps coming out. It’s getting worse and worse. We’re finding more and more data that just makes our case, we’re 200% convinced it’s the vaccine. If anybody has a better explanation as to why this is going on. I’ll listen to it, but what do you need to ask yourself is why are the global authorities hiding all this and pretending, everything’s just hunky dory. The numbers now are worse than the pandemic. Let me say that again. The numbers now are worse than the pandemic.
James Egidio:
Yeah, it’s interesting you say that. Okay, you wrote this book. It was published. It was rolled out in what? 22, I believe,
Edward Dowd:
December 13th of 2022. So it’s been about 7 months.
James Egidio:
So 7 months, you’re a numbers guy. So what did you discover in 2020 and up to, let’s say, today with your research? Because obviously, since you wrote the book, a lot of things have changed. And what are you seeing now?
Edward Dowd:
Yeah, so since the book, we discovered absence data from the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that show that, absence and work time lost exploded in 2022. It started, it was up a little bit in 2020. not surprising because there were lockdowns then 2021 and went up again, but then in 2022, it exploded to the point where work time lost. In the US and the UK, we found similar statistics in the UK of both coincidentally 12 standard deviations above a 20 year trend line, a 20 year trend line. We, so we call those the vaccine injured. These are people that are chronically ill and missing work. And that’s because we believe and doctors have believed that their immune system has been blown up and they’re they have, what we call AIDS vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Their immune system’s blown up and they constantly miss work and those are the injured and then we looked at disability statistics and there’s about 1.36 million people disabled. We think from the vaccine in the US and 26.6 million people injured. And about 300,000 dead from the vaccine. So we put out a vaccine damage report several months ago. We also have we did some work on the clinical trials and from what was dumped after Pfizer tried to hide and the FDA tried to hide the data for 75 years. And there’s a reason they did want to hide this data. The severe adverse events that occurred should have stopped the trial right then. And there it was. It was a safety. Problem in the clinical trial results, and we linked the order of magnitude of the adverse events to the similar order of magnitude of disabilities. We’re seeing in the US same. So what’s occurring in the real world occurred in the clinical trials. So that’s on our website. And then recently we looked at UK. Disability data. It’s called the Personal Independence Payment System. It’s a government program. The approval rate is 40% of the claims are cleared. 60% are denied that ratio has not changed throughout the pandemic and is still 40 60. But what has changed is the number of claims, new claims has exploded across all human body systems. And cancers are now starting to launch in 2022, right? And the data is so bad that either there’s systemic fraud in the disability system in the UK or it’s the vaccines or it’s something else, but they need to talk about what it is because it’s beyond. As my colleague Gary Nunes said, they can’t run from this data. And it’s every body system, visual, auditory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurological. Psychological oncology hematology, which is blood. It’s everything. This is a disaster, and unfortunately, the disability data in the U. S. went up and hit a high. I put this in my book. It hit a high in September 2022 33.2 million. And so that we added about 3.2M in 18 months. It was running around 30M, 29 to 30M in the prior 4 to 5 years, and then it exploded around February of 2021, hit a high in September. It went sideways, the number went sideways, and then we broke out, we went to a slight new high in May, and then we broke out in June. We’re now at 34.2M. If you’re a stock guy or a chart guy, it looks like a breakout, and I’m hearing from my insurance whistleblowers as of yesterday. Forget the deaths that occur right near your injection site. Things are presenting themselves with medium term effects now. And we’re worried that there’s, people out there and I’ve talked to doctors because I’m not a doctor. They think that what’s going on is people are producing small amounts of spike protein from the vaccine that just eventually build up and attack a body system.
James Egidio:
That’s interesting you say that because here we are, what, maybe about a year and a half out a little, maybe a little bit more with the rollout of the vaccine from its original date even its trial dates. Yeah, so you got to figure the data that you’re accumulating and extrapolated over time. Have you seen an increase in deaths, or is it more injury than deaths or what’s
Edward Dowd:
so let’s talk about that. Initially, when the mandates hit there, let’s look at the millennials because 25 through 44 are not supposed to die. They’re not expected to die. We know. Sure. So what happened to millennials during the 3rd quarter of 2021 experienced. 84% excess mortality, and it’s spiked from around 25 to 30 that it was running at, which is still horrendous. So it’s spiked into the Q3 timeframe of 2021. It’s come down, but my whistleblowers tell me that in their group like policy holders, the millennials continue to die around 25, 23% excess mortality, which You know, it down from 84, but that was an event that was, that pull forward that took a lot of people off the sidelines that had to keep their jobs. So now we’re running at this 23 to 25%. so it’s not getting better. It’s not getting worse. But let’s just say that is a rate that if that continues. It’s devastating.
James Egidio:
Yeah. What’s interesting. The other night I had the news on, I just, and I’m not a news watcher and and it was a local news station out of Miami. And they’re talking about Pfizer putting out this so called new COVID vaccine and that, people need to get this new vaccine and this booster. And they’re still pushing the envelope on this vaccine, despite all this evidence that’s coming out. Yeah. With people dying. And like you said, you don’t know of anyone that died from COVID and neither do I. However, personally, I know 8 people that died from the vaccine and all and they died suddenly. And it ranged from age 30 on up to 74 75. And these were people that were healthy. And they died suddenly, especially the 30 year old, his brother found him dead and he was healthy.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah. Yeah. So let’s talk about the 3 buckets. You asked a question. You understand this. Morbidity leads mortality. So we had the bucket known as injured 26.6Million is our estimate. The disabled 1.36 and the dead. At any point, a disabled person can become dead. The chances are higher. And then the injury can slip into disability and or go straight to death. These buckets are shifting. So the, morbidity leads mortality and that’s what we’re seeing. The disability numbers just spike. We expect death to lag and we expect an increase in deaths. Going into the end of the year.
James Egidio:
Yeah, and it seems like to me, it’s all being done deliberately because again, when you think about it the injuries for instance, let’s just take injuries as a measuring device. So for someone, let’s say, who was self employed and they were on They, they paid for health insurance. Now, what that does is that shifts the paradigm for someone who was privately insured to go to a insurance company after they’ve been vaccine injured, say, Hey, Blue Cross Blue Shield or whatever the insurance company is, I need health insurance, but I’m vaccine injured. So then it just makes it much easier for the health insurance companies to deny them health insurance. And now they have to hopefully maybe lean on the government for health coverage, right? I don’t know. I haven’t delved into that angle of it. But
Edward Dowd:
what I can tell you is, at this point, it’s a cover up. So forget let’s pretend we don’t know whether they did it intentionally or it was a big botched job, right? At this point, it’s crime because they know what we know. They continue to push it. They’re exhibiting what I call criminal behavior, which I saw like with Enron. Let me use Enron as an example. Enron was a fraudulent company through and they did not admit the fraud until they were in handcuffs That’s what psychopathic criminals do and I had you know and there are people that rode the Enron stock all the way down to zero because they would be talking to the they were big shareholders and they thought the CEO would tell them the truth and they would be talking to the CEO and be holding their hand all the way down to zero while he was selling his stock. This is what psychopathy, so Pfizer pretends everything’s hunky dory, that they’re going to continue to push until they’re stopped. That’s what psychopathic criminals do. You, we don’t need to, for those who don’t want to believe that this was an intentional plan, you don’t have to. At this point, it’s crime. Full stop. Crime cover up. The cover up is the crime. You don’t need to get into the who or why. It just is.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I agree with you on that. What are the disability numbers from the vaccine injuries?
Edward Dowd:
In the U. S., it’s 1.36 million. That was as of 2022. Disabilities just in June went up 857, 000. Now, these are people, this is a real time survey. It’s, it doesn’t get into the… In the U. S. we don’t have the data that gets into the actual causes of the disabilities. We just know that people identify as disabled and unable to work. That’s it. The U. K. we’ve got granular data which shows devastating numbers across all body systems. And this is exploding right now in the summer of 2023. Across the globe, we think,
James Egidio:
wow, that’s unbelievable. It is a crime. You’re a numbers guy, right? If I told you that you had a 98.8% chance of winning at a casino, would you gamble your money? Yes, I would. I would.
Edward Dowd:
I would. Would you? I would take of winning 99. Yeah. I would gamble all day long.
James Egidio:
You would, right? Yeah.
Edward Dowd:
And I’m just, I know where you’re going with this, but go ahead and I’m going with this.
James Egidio:
They were parroting that number for, oh gosh, months since February of 2020 about if you get a 98, you have a 98. 8% chance of surviving if you contract the COVID virus, right? We talked about that already. We both agree that we, neither one of us knew anyone that died from the COVID virus, Why the big push on the vaccines? Why did anybody even need a vaccine?
Edward Dowd:
That number was for the total population, which included the very old, right? The number was way smaller, meaning the chance of dying from COVID was de minimis for young people and young adults de minimis, like to the point of like statistically insignificant. There was obviously an agenda COVID look I believe this is speculation on my part. I believe the vaccine, the global financial system was in the process of collapsing in 2019. COVID was a war that re inflated the system. What is, how do you re inflate a system of debt creation? You issue more debt. How do you do that? You have an excuse to do the Federal Reserve printed 65%. More money supply, which is debt. That’s debt creation. The government spent that money and global governments did the same. So around the globe, unprecedented amounts of money creation and debt creation, reinflated the global economies, caused the inflation we’re seeing today, kept the system alive for another two years. It’s my belief that the vaccines were really just a way to control populations via digital passports, eventually lead to CBDC. The idea was. You couldn’t go anywhere or do anything and this was all going to be covered for a global financial collapse and a reset. And what better way to control riots across the globe than to scare people into their homes and in compliance via this vaccine passport. That failed and here we are and now they’re going to try to do it again, but I don’t think it’s going to work. Honestly, no, no one’s buying this nonsense anymore.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And I’m like, you, I’m a very, I guess you want to call it nosy guy or a guy that likes to take deeper dives into things and see things in a kind of in a forward thinking way. But I did a little research. And Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Sherry Tenpany early on during the pandemic we’re talking about quantum tattoos and then they backed away from it. And I said, you know what, I’m going to do a little bit of research on quantum tattoos in this whole thing. And then you look, of course, and I’ll get to what I’m going to talk about here in a minute, but I also looked into the proposal by the world economic forum. If you go to their website, you can read pretty much what they there’s they don’t hold back. They tell you what they’re looking to lay out with global warming and whatnot. But I looked into this quantum tattoo thing, and I’m thinking, okay, what’s this all about? And they were talking about the technology behind quantum tattoos and that Rice University down in Houston, Texas was doing some research on quantum tattoos. And this was, gosh, it goes back to even the early 2000s and right up to 2019 just before the pandemic or the pandemic, if we want to call it that, and they were talking about vaccine. They alluded to vaccine passports is what they alluded to. To me, it seems like this was all orchestrated and plan well in advance for many years. And I think it all came down to. The mRNA. Technology and pushing the vaccine. So they had to use and they spent a lot of money. Let’s face it on advertising and marketing these pharmaceutical companies like Moderna and Pfizer. They spent billions of dollars on advertising. So it was one of the biggest, probably pharmaceutical campaigns advertising campaigns in the history of the pharmaceutical industry. Wouldn’t you agree on that?
Edward Dowd:
Yeah. I even have a better statistic. The best consumer product ever sold is the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. It’s the most successful consumer product. Now, it was mandated under the color of law, but it’s even bigger than Coke. This is the most successful advertising campaign in the history of the globe. Bar none.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it worked.
Edward Dowd:
And it employed the intelligence agencies and the government’s PSYOP operations and propagandist operations. It was, this has all come out. This is not, this isn’t conspiracy theory. This has all come out. This is all factual. There was a prior to the vaccine rollout, they tested messages. And how to get people to comply, how to psychologically manipulate pit younger generations against older saying, Hey, don’t kill grandma. This is when do we ever sacrifice the young for the old, right? When you start doing that, there’s something off because, look, all people die and that, that happens. And to sacrifice. A child for grandma is insane. It’s satanic in my humble opinion, right?
James Egidio:
Yeah. Oh, absolutely. It’s definitely a good versus evil agenda. And, getting back to this whole thing with these the quantum tattoos and this that, putting a vaccine passport on it, they were targeting children in this article this paper that I read, it was an actual scientific paper from the university Rice university. And it talked about that, talked about. Vaccine passports and for children putting their past their vaccine information on these vaccine passports. And the quantum tattoo of course goes under the skin and it gets scanned and it’s tied to a quantum computing. So I think we’re going into this brave new world and there’s no doubt about it that, we’re all being surveilled. As long as there’s satellites up in the air, we’re all being surveilled. This is not conspiracy theories. And I think all this stuff is just being in slid into the mix of everything. In fact, I actually have a actual video here of your boss here talking about this whole thing with global warming your ex boss Fink from BlackRock and also Bill Gates talking about depopulation. With the vaccines.
Reaching the goal, the WHO’s Goal of vaccinating 70% of the global population by July of 2022. Show of hands on this stage, do we think it’s going to happen? Think? Do you think it’s going to happen? What? To get to vaccination of 70% of the population of the world. No, it’s too late. Too late. There’s a lot of diseases out there that demand does not exist for that. Countries should be able to set priorities.
James Egidio:
So what do you think of that?
Edward Dowd:
He sounded like he was. A proponent of the fact that countries should run their own show. I didn’t really understand what he was saying, to be honest.
James Egidio:
Yeah it had more to do with just, vaccinating and mass vaccination programs and whatnot. I just think that when you get a guy like Bill Gates, who has no medical experience, but has made now most of his money from vaccines that we’re in a really weird place right now.
Edward Dowd:
We got an oligarch who put out a tweet in December of 2020 December of 2019. He put out a tweet saying he thinks vaccines are going to be good investment opportunities. That’s a tweet, public tweet. Gee, that was very prescient of him. And look, this guy was a monopolist. He was sued for antitrust behavior and had to negotiate a deal with the U. S. government. He basically is a man who stole code. He had a brilliant vision of licensing his technology to white box manufacturers in Asia. So he destroyed Apple the first go around because he licensed, he realized that the box itself was not the value as the software and that’s how Microsoft was born. They monopolized the operating system market. And he’s a monopolist, and he has a monopolist mindset, and he now is thinking about helping quote unquote, helping people across the globe get vaccinated. What is what kind of mindset does he have? A monopolist mindset. So regardless of, he’s not a doctor, he’s not Mr. Science. He’s a businessman. And he’s got an opportunity, and he’s taking, so anybody who listens to this clown. You’re on your own. This is this guy’s this guy is not your friend. Never has been. No. And now they’re talking about climate change and lockdowns with
James Egidio:
climate change. So it’s, they’re looking for a combination of both the lockdowns or create lockdowns in the future. I believe personally with another pandemic, I just don’t think that we’re even out of the woods with any type of pandemics or future pandemics or whatever they want to gin up and now it’s climate change. So they’re just, in fact, another video clip. I have of Fink with them talking about here it is.
Their state, their locality for their jobs. And so this is not going to be an easy task, but I would say across the board capital is moving and it’s going to move very rapidly. And I’m very proud that I can tell you right now, every hydrocarbon company in the United States is now focused on this. Whereas I would say three, four years ago, they weren’t, they did not believe it. And so we are. Making change. And I would say we’re making more rapid change because of Bill and other people who are expressing this openly, the bulk of emissions in the decades ahead will come from developing countries. Let’s think of it in three tiers. The rich countries. That’s Europe, U. S. Japan, the middle income countries. That’s where most of humanity. lives. That’s China on the high end, high middle income and India on the low end. And you’ve got Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam, a lot of the world’s population there. And then you have some very poor countries a lot in Africa. The responsibility to innovate Rest entirely on the rich countries and particularly on the U. S. Because the U. S. Has the universities, the national labs. It’s got the ability to organize risk oriented capital. So we will not solve climate change without the rich world driving down dramatically. That’s what will make it economic. For the middle income countries who are not responsible for the historic emissions and who are dealing with more basic needs.
James Egidio:
This is what we have. The birds of a feather flock together.
Edward Dowd:
Look, Larry is a businessman and he, he’s just following the trend. If the trend is, we’re going to do this, he’s trying to figure out a way to make money. The bottom line is, the bottom line is this, at the end of the day, I’m a finance guy, we, go back to the great financial crisis, the world almost blew up, they solved it by creating more debt, and there’s, and like any Ponzi scheme, it eventually has an end date, we’re approaching the end date, so all these things, these distractions, COVID, vaccines, UFOs, climate change, war in China they’re all cover for what the base root of the problem is. That’s the central bankers and the politicians, everything you’re going to see unfold economically is lays at the feet of these people. That’s it. That’s the, and once you realize that you can, anything that comes at you that you’re supposed to be afraid of, you’re like, Oh. This is just, cover and climate change if you listen to Al Gore and all those prophets of doom, Greta Thunberg, all these people the world ended 5 years ago we already, Florida was already underneath water and what have you. The problem is all these people seem to own properties right on the coastline. Obama, is on Martha’s Vineyard, which if the sea levels rose, his little 25 million estate would be underwater. And guess what? The water hasn’t risen. It just, it hasn’t risen. And the other thing I, look I don’t like about global warming. Is that they talk about global warming being a carbon problem, CO2, and they don’t blame industry, they blame the individual, your carbon footprint. So this is you notice that the trick is to blame us, the populations of the globe, not the actual people who produce the carbon. Let’s assume that CO2 is actually a problem. They put it on you, that’s control. They’re going to tax you. That’s all about control. But my biggest problem is there’s this thing in the sky. It’s a big yellow, sometimes white ball that can burn your skin. Maybe that has something to do with climate change over long periods of time. And you know what it does, it’s called sun cycles.. And and the fact that they don’t ever talk about the sun proves to me the whole thing’s a scam. If you don’t talk about the sun, you’re a clown.
James Egidio:
It’s true. But the problem with all that and I hear what you’re saying is that. What they’re it seems like they’re trying to micromanage everybody’s life or control everybody’s life through. Look at the lockdowns themselves, right? The lockdowns themselves just paralyzed people paralyzed them from being able to make a living
Edward Dowd:
Let’s think of what the lockdowns destroy. Look, what was essential? And non essential seems like big box corporations were essential. So you could go to Costco with hundreds of people with a mask on during the pandemic, but you couldn’t go to the mom and pop store where there was like, four people in the store. It made no sense. It was a, in my mind, a criminal Rico problem where like basically the big swallowed the small and it’s already happened. It’s, small businesses disappeared. This was a takedown of the middle class.
James Egidio:
Yeah, absolutely.
Edward Dowd:
And whether it was intentional or not, it happened.
James Egidio:
But this is the control that they have, but they really don’t have control. And I always tell, told a lot of people through this podcast that don’t make any of this a political issue because like you said earlier, it became like a political issue, divided a lot of people. You have the choice whether you want to take a vaccine or not, right? You have the choice whether you want to keep yourself locked in your house or not. The power is still in the people. We’re the masses. We’re the we outnumber the 1% of these so called 1% ers and these globalists. So if you want to fall in for, into this, then shame on you, but if you want to fight and we have rights, then do it. And that’s what we need to do. I think what it is with people in the United States is. We’ve been too comfortable for too long and have had it too easy, right? And so we don’t know what it takes to fight. My wife is from Italy and people there protest. They protest and they’re not armed. They protest. They go out in the streets and protest for a country here. And this is again, it all comes down to the fear that our government here wants to use on people. They want to instill fear into people. That if they do protest, if they do say the election was rigged or it was this or it was that, that we have to all back down and cower and put our tails between our legs and run away. No, you have your rights. You have rights to refuse. You have rights to speak up. You have rights to say what you want to say still. And you don’t need to listen to these clowns.
Edward Dowd:
My, my primary activation point was when they mandated. The vaccine to stay employed. And that’s when I decided I’m not going to live in a country where my body can be violated. I had, I recovered from a depression, learned that the whole psycho psychiatric field is a scam. Those drugs are scams. Absolutely. Personally, they almost killed me and I recovered my health. And I’d be damned if I was going to put in an experimental mRNA technology in my body that killed the rats in the trial. That was my hill to die on. And that’s why I’m here. I said, nope. And I my worst case scenario was in the darkest days of 2021. I said I’ll go. I live on Maui. I’ll go to the jungles of Hana. Put on a loincloth and run around with a spear. And I was prepared to do that because I’m not going back to ill health. My health is the number one thing I care about because it allows me to function in this world. And I’d be damned if the government’s gonna stick something in my arm. That’s why I’m here. No one tells me what to do with my own body. And we’re all the feminists my body, my choice. They rolled up their sleeves.
James Egidio:
I was going to ask you that. So where in all this are the P. I. Or trial attorneys who would normally come out and come forward since this was mentioned to be a bio weapon. You never you don’t see too many of these big law firms in these trial attorneys coming out and say, Hey, look, we got to put us into this. I was even thinking to myself, okay, if the vaccine was on trial for murder. I by now, you would think, okay, they got to stop this program, but they keep pushing the envelope.
Edward Dowd:
The attorneys, look, there are some lawyers that are pushing cases forward. So there’s a lot of hope. We did get the the Aaron Siri did get the Pfizer documents unhidden. That was a great victory for us. They wanted to hide it for 75 years and now we know why.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Brooke Jackson too.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah. Brooke Jackson’s a hero. Love her.
James Egidio:
Karen Kingston.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah. All of them. And a lot of heroes. And what do you got to understand about these law firms? Is there was a great psychological operation done and you mentioned we were talking earlier about, political divide. So think about what they did. They told the Dems that if you did well, I know for a fact, if you didn’t take the vaccine and you were in a democratic family or stronghold. They asked you, are you now a Trump supporter? This is the trick they did. I know two young women who refused the vaccine who come from very liberal families, don’t like Trump, but when they refused to take the vaccine, their parents told them, are you a Trump supporter now? So two Democratic women. From Democratic families who hated Trump, took the vaccine, refused to take the vaccine. And they were accused by all their parents and loved ones. They now supported, they were asked, are you a Trump person now, because they didn’t want to take a vaccine. They politicizes the other trick they did, Trump went around saying, take the vaccine. So a lot of, so a lot of Maga people said, yeah, so they got both sides. It’s the most Bazarro thing, right? One of the vaccine ever been politicized. If you’re taking a vaccine to be part of a tribe and you’re a tribal identity, You’re full Stop a moron. I don’t care whether you’re on the MAGA or the Biden side. It’s just stupidity.
James Egidio:
It is. And I said that. I keep saying that on every single podcast. Practically, when we start talking about the covid, if it’s about Covid or the vaccine, Is don’t make this a political issue. It’s not politics. It’s your health. It’s your body. And I fault Trump too. I fault Trump for this whole operation war speed. And I don’t know what his motive is. And it still is. And he’s still attached to get the vaccine and Biden himself. I don’t even think he knows where he’s at anymore. So I don’t even know if he’s even pushing the vaccine. I don’t even listen to him.
Edward Dowd:
No, he’s gone. Look, it’s never been… Anybody in the real world who even tries to pretend Biden’s okay, I literally walk away from them. They’re not what they are. They don’t live in the reality that I live in, which is the guy, unfortunately… Whether he’s a criminal or not, God bless him. I hope they it’s elder abuse is what this is.
James Egidio:
It is, it’s total elder abuse. But like I said, Trump pushed this they made it a political issue and they’re making a lot of these things, political issues. Like I said, the climate change thing is becoming now is going to be a political it’s going to be like the new religion.
Edward Dowd:
If what I religion is this. We’re bad because we’re killing the planet. So we need to like cut back on all fuel sources and cut back on meat eating. And what these morons in this new religion don’t realize is they’re going to be dying left and right. There will be no power. They won’t have protein, they get on vegan diets, and they eventually go insane. Good luck.
James Egidio:
And, and, listen, I’m all for getting rid of all that, as long as Leonardo DiCaprio gives up his G6 and uses a solar powered airplane, and and Obama’s, and all these other people who are parroting this, we’re polluting the world, and they’re jumping on their planes to go over to Davos. For these conferences, that’s when I’ll give it up, but until then, I’m not giving up anything.
Edward Dowd:
Let’s go back to the mask. The mask thing was a symbol. It was a symbol of submission, right? A symbol to say, shut up. We have a photo op after photo op of the politicians thinking the cameras. Had stopped taking their masks off, all laughing right after they thought they were done. They didn’t even buy. It was rules for the, not for me, and I, yeah, I still see people running around with masks and I feel so bad for them. Me too. They don’t work. They never worked. It’s been proven over and over again. And for them, sadly, it’s still a tribal identity, living in fear and I, these people that are still wearing masks today, July of 2023 or August for an August that they’re psychologically damaged. I just feel bad for them. I don’t want to talk to them. I avoid them like the plague because they’re just not living in the same reality I am.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I agree. I know I remember in 2020, it was about two weeks after the announcement of COVID and the, and then they started to implement the lockdowns. And, I ordered Judy Mikovitz book A Case for Mask and I actually bought the book for a couple copies of it for some other people to read because I knew and we saw at the clinic back then and I said, this is a big scam. And about 3 weeks later, 4 weeks later, after that, after purchasing the books, I said, let me go back to Amazon and try to order the book again. Another copy. And it was censored. It was censored right after that. I knew, and those, again, it gets back to, oh, this is all conspiracy theories, and that, you’re coming up with your book, and it’s not conspiracy theories. I have another gentleman I interviewed you may know him, his name is Dr. William Makis. He’s a Canadian physician. He’s a radiological oncologist up in Canada and like you, he reports rather than with the numbers that he extrapolates, he actually reports sudden deaths or deaths from turbo cancers and from sudden deaths with physicians and I interviewed him and he was talking about like 60 doctors right after the rollout of the vaccine just died suddenly. Up in Canada.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah, there’s the roster of the dead doctors in canada. I’ve seen that as well. Yeah, that’s look, we’re, we’re at the point now where this is becoming spreading word of mouth. Those who want to deny this and call it conspiracy theory. You’re going to be late to the party. Wall Street’s starting to figure this out. Capital’s going to be raised to take advantage of, unfortunately, that’s what Wall Street does. Once they realize there’s a new trend, if there’s a death trend, capital will be raised to take advantage of it. This is going on, this is not nonsense, and those of you who want to dismiss it as nonsense you’re called dumb money. On Wall Street, there’s dumb money and smart money. Smart money is early, dumb money is late, dumb money sells at the bottom. By the time you read about this in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, that the vaccines have been pulled and they’re killing people it’s too late, you’re dumb money, you’re on your eighth booster. Good luck.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I know, I feel, I actually, I’m to the point now where, I don’t try to convince people not to take it. I feel sorry for people that take it now.
Edward Dowd:
What’s interesting about that is what do we know that they were told in the beginning that it was safe and effective then that it prevented you from getting COVID and transmitting it, right? Those are both lies. That’s both and proven definitively to be untrue, but yet they continue to take it because the new lie is it prevents serious hospitalization. There’s no study, there hasn’t been enough time to even suggest that’s a reality. So that’s just marketing. So people, look, if you are continuing to take boosters, ask yourself why. Because I want you to stop, because you’re a human being. Second, ask yourself this. Why would I continue to do something that doesn’t work for unproven new novel technology? You’re just gambling with your life at this point.
James Egidio:
Sure. And when I had interviewed Dr Makis out of Canada, he was mentioning that the newer technology with the vaccines and that’s all vaccines across the board are Messenger RNA technology that they’re using the messenger RNA technology. Now I even interviewed Dr. Maria Mihalcea and she was talking about, and even Karen Kingston mentioned it about it being in the messenger RNA, being in the food sources in livestock, where they’re injecting the cattle, because they inject cattle with vaccines and with antibiotics, but it’s getting into the food sources, the meat and the poultry and in the pork sources.
Edward Dowd:
I’m focused on the human vaccine. I’ve seen those stories. I don’t know how widespread it is. I’m sure it’s true in some spots. So let’s go through this logically. Let’s say you eat a cow that’s got an mRNA vaccine in it. Eat the meat, we have strong stomach acid. Does it end up, does that end up I think our stomach acid might take care of a lot of that. I’m not saying, but. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I’m less worried about the cows than I am the people that are still taking these things still taking them. One battle at a time. We’ll get to the cows after.
James Egidio:
Let’s see, we got climate change. We have CBDCs. We have vaccines. We have a war in Ukraine.
Edward Dowd:
We’ve got a war with China on the horizon.
James Egidio:
Yeah, war with China. We got a lot on our plate. A lot of investment opportunities, right?
Edward Dowd:
As I like to say, good times. Exactly. Just to close out, where do you, what do you think the future
James Egidio:
holds with this whole thing? Where do you think this is going to go?
Edward Dowd:
This is where we are. So we’re, at Phinance technologies, we have day jobs, which is economic analysis. And when you marry our research on the vaccines to the economic analysis, we see deflation ahead, we see widespread disruption of supply chains, hospital systems, breaking down a glacial Mad Max over time where things just the goods and services you’re used to disappear because. This is affected because of the mandates. This is affected the most able bodied amongst us. We estimate 30% of the 100Million in the US are either injured, disabled or dead. And the injured just constantly miss work and, even when they’re at work, they’re probably running at 75% efficiency, 50%. That’s why you’re, that’s why airlines, you go to fly somewhere, it’s a disaster, there’s delay restaurants have to close early, try getting your car fixed, try getting like a certain part, it’s happening, this is not fantasy land, this is, we’re in a slow dystopic slide into dysfunction. Now, can we stop it? Sure, but we have to get people aware that this is a poisoning event. Then they have to focus on detoxing the vaccine because what’s going on if you don’t think if you don’t know it’s the vaccine you go to the doctor with the visual problem you’re going blind at age 30 they’re going to you know they’re not going to understand what the root cause is and try to fix that they’ll fix something they’ll give you a treat the symptom right so so you know we need to we need to like make this awareness as widespread as possible I think it’s coming I call it the vaccine event horizon where I think Something happens. I don’t know whether it’s a politician, a celebrity someone in the media a court case. I don’t know what it is, but it’s the word of mouth is spreading. Our website traffic is illustrated with that. When we started this website at the end of last year, the web traffic was tiny. We now have a million views. But what’s interesting is 330, 000 of those views have occurred in the last month. The trend is like this, it’s now going parabolic. I think because The numbers are so bad and word of mouth is spreading the truth is getting out there, but it’s more like the Paul Revere message than the media. It’s the British are coming. The vaccines are deadly. It’s like word of mouth.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Yeah. And I think all because they’re doing a, they’re working overtime to censor everyone.
Edward Dowd:
Working overtime is censoring gaslight. Young people are dying suddenly because their immune systems are overactive and COVID can affect COVID can particularly affect the millennials because their immune systems are so robust. That’s 1 of the excuses. They floated. Healthy immune system means you could die from COVID. Okay. That makes perfect sense.
James Egidio:
Yeah, exactly. It was. Yeah, it’s just, it’s perplexing with what’s going on. Edward Dowd, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast. I really appreciate it.
Edward Dowd:
Thank you, James, and great to be here and keep doing what you’re doing.
James Egidio:
Yeah, absolutely. And again that website is called www.PhinancingTechnologies.com and that the financing is with a P.
Edward Dowd:
Yeah, it’s www.PhinanceTechnologies.com with a PH instead of an F. And we have all our, we have all our data there. Also the book, Cause Unknown, can be found at Skyhorse Publishing.
James Egidio:
Yeah, I’ll, let me just, yeah, real quick here, we’ll, put this up. That’s the book right there. Cause unknown the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021 and 2022. And then I’ve been putting out the Skyhorse publishing is where you can find the book and your website again is finance with a P www.PhinanceTechnologies.com. Yeah, thank you so much, Edward. I really appreciate it. And we’ll keep you up to keep us updated on what’s going on.
Edward Dowd:
You got it. Bye. Bye. All right.
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