An Immunologist Perspective on COVID Part I – Interview with Dr. J.J. Couey, PhD

Since 2020 and the present, educated professionals in “real science” and medicine have been censored. Dr. J.J. Couey, Ph.D., is one of the scientist biologists who was fired from his job at a major university and censored. He has recently been appointed to work with the Children’s Health Defense and is getting ready to publish a book in November of 2023 that he co-wrote with presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.. In part I of this 2 part series host James Egidio interviews Dr. J.J. Couey about the COVID virus

Meet The Host
Episode Transcript
Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:
Hi, I’m James Your host of the medical truth podcast, the podcast that tells the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. In 2020, the entire world was blindsided by the plandemic the media or fake news, along with the so-called experts at the world health organization and centers for disease control where on a relentless pursuit, utilizing fear porn to put out false and inaccurate information about COVID. Mask mandates PCR test, social distancing. Contract tracing. And now the bioweapon that they call a vaccine. Since 2020 and the present. Educated professionals in the field of real science and medicine have been censored. My guest is one of those scientists or biologists who was not only fired from his job at a major university, but also censored. He has recently been appointed to work with. The children’s health defense, and it’s getting ready to publish a book in November of 2023. That he co-wrote with presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is an honor to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest. Dr JJ. Couey. Dr. Cooey, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing today?
Dr. J.J. Couey:
I’m very fine to meet you. Thank you very much for having me. I’m I, like I said in the beginning, I could be worse. Nice day today, so I’m happy. Good. Good.
James Egidio:
So share with the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast as to who you are and
Dr. J.J. Couey:
what you do. Okay. My name is Jonathan Couey. I’ve been an academic or used to be an academic biologist for about 22 years. I was a wannabe. Doctor for a long time when I was a teenager and a young adult I detoured into high school teaching while I was trying to get into med school. And then I actually stumbled into research biology as a side job thinking that eventually I was going to go to med school. But I discovered very quickly that I really enjoyed academic biological research. And so I did it for a couple of years. Using a microscope and doing all kinds of things that I thought were really fun. And that led me to being invited to Do my PhD in the Netherlands with somebody who I met at the university of Chicago during this little research assistant job. And so I did my PhD in the Netherlands. This was after a long time living in Chicago as an adult, not knowing what I wanted to do. So I moved to the Netherlands when I was 31 years old to do my PhD. And. It was there during my PhD in neurobiology studying mouse brains that I met my wife we moved to Norway where I received more training and again, neurobiology and mouse brains and rat brains. And we lived in Norway for four years where we had two sons. We went back to the Netherlands to try to get tenure again, just following my career. That didn’t work out because the Netherlands is a pretty small country and I’m not Dutch and I didn’t get an ERC grant. That’s the way it works. And so I still had this ace in the hole where I was an American. So I brought my whole family back to Pittsburgh in 2016, just in time for Trump to get elected. And we spent about 3 years work. I spent 3 years working at the University of Pittsburgh before the pandemic hit. And at that time, I was just rediscovering my love for teaching. And I had reinvigorated this love of teaching by starting a YouTube channel where I was doing journal club on my bicycle. I had about a 9 mile commute to the University of Pittsburgh on an electric assisted bicycle. And so I started doing journal club on my bike. And when the pandemic started. I remembered that my postdoc in the Netherlands had been at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, where they had enriched avian flu in 2012 while I was actually still there. And so I had heard some of these seminars and I heard people joke about what they’re doing on the 17th floor, but it never really dawned on me that it didn’t really matter. I was a neurobiologist and I stuck to my thing and I was worried about my career, but then when this happened, it dawned on me that I had heard this story before and. I found a couple reasonably good reviews of coronavirus biology and I read them and then I read the papers that they cited and then I just decided to do a bike ride where I speculated about what might happen if a coronavirus were to get out of a laboratory. And I did 3 bike rides on my YouTube channel where I described. The history of coronavirus research, what we knew and what we didn’t, I made lots of mistakes in the first couple of videos, but the third video was pretty good and that got the attention of my faculty. And they actually told me that I shouldn’t be speaking to any newspapers and that virology wasn’t my expertise. Okay. That was how they ended the email. Okay. With a question mark. And I don’t know. I just kept questioning things. And in October of 2020, I remember clearly seeing some video of Bill Gates over a lighted table. Explaining with little models, how the newest vaccine was going to work. And I remember getting very angry and saying, that’s not a vaccine. That’s just transfection. That’s what I do to my mice. So I think if you really put me in 2019, or at the beginning of 2020, what you would find is a biologist who would give his kids all of his vaccines. You would find a biologist who respected the medical field and thought that being a doctor was the highest calling and had more respect for doctors than anybody else, I didn’t have any inkling of the kind of corruption and and mythology that modern medicine in America was based on. And when we moved here, I told you, we had two children. We had our daughter here actually. And on the day of her birth, when she got the first two shots of vitamin K and the hepatitis B shot, I was just shocked. And the only reason why I was shocked is because we had our first two kids in Norway. Where the childhood vaccination schedule is completely different. And more importantly, they’re not really interested in doing it quick. And in fact, if you give the doctors a plan of how you’re going to breastfeed your kid until X age, then any and all vaccinations can be delayed. And so the way that they went about telling you how to care for your baby, the way they went about teaching you to care for your baby was one Of sacredness and of purity and, your baby is already perfect. And and then to have a child in the, in America and immediately see this huge contrast where two shots as soon as they came out and no talk of whether we do it or when we do it or whatever. I was, my wife and I were in tears and we still didn’t fully get it. It wasn’t until 2022 that I started to really understand the depth and the breadth of the. Of the deception that was going on, so I don’t want to jump too far ahead. Yeah. Yeah,
James Egidio:
so yeah, I wanted to back up to 2019 and 20. so we’re in a place where all of us are at that time, I had still had the medical practice of bricks and mortar medical practice that was and we hear the announcement of this Corona virus. And I know at that time, there was a lot of, jokes about it with, on social media, comparing it to, the Corona beer and all this other stuff. And then the media really got a hold of it. And I heard an interview where you said you pretty much says. You start taking out old textbooks and start reading them and started going through and saying something’s wrong here. So let’s start there. Sure.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
So I think the 1st thing to keep in mind is that as a research faculty at a medical school, I was not confident of anything. I didn’t know. Or think that I knew what I was talking about at the beginning of the pandemic. I was as taken aback as everybody else. But my immediate decision was that I had an immunology course a few years ago. Why can’t I get that book out and start reading? Why can’t I teach myself this immunology and see if I can figure out? Who’s lying and who’s not. And that might sound rather arrogant, but you must remember, and I’m sure you do that at the beginning of this pandemic, we were told by everyone that it was a novel virus. And so we know nothing about it. And that key. Admission was what made everything incongruent because in all the previous literature with the discussion of RNA viruses, there was much more of a discussion of general mechanisms by which your immune system rejects foreign genetic material and, the different subtypes of viruses and stuff didn’t matter so much. With regard to the general mechanisms by which your body defends itself from these signals. And so that was the first clue that my nose was pointed in the right place because all of these papers from the 90s and the early 2000s around the original SARS stated very clearly that our immune memory to coronaviruses was broad, that our immune memory to coronavirus was dampened because the body seemed to understand that responding with a strong immune response to something like a coronavirus was the wrong way to go. And this also became corroborated with. With reading about veterinary vaccines in particular, because veterinary vaccines, as you’re probably aware, are much easier to throw out into the market. They’re much easier to get out there. And therefore there’s a lot more anecdotal evidence of vaccine candidates just not working out.
James Egidio:
I do have a question for you. So they did announce it was a novel coronavirus, right? Cause I, I did the same thing you did. I pulled out books. I started reading articles online that were not quite censored yet. And I started reading about a little bit of a history on the coronavirus. And that it had been around since 1963. I read it out of the National Institute of Health’s publication and that some of the vectors and carriers of it are animals, So it wasn’t anything new, The coronavirus wasn’t anything new. And then, we personally experienced it in 2003 and 2004 in the fall of those years. Because that was a flu season. It was a real bad flu season at that time. So the public obviously was blindsided with this announcement by the media, and then of course, as and I know and everybody, the media grabbed the narrative and you had these News reporters, these media people who were trying to control the narrative along with these other pillars that medical pharmaceutical and all this other stuff. So go ahead, you’re back to where you were.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
No. So I think that’s really the heart of this is to understand that in order for the entire mythology of the pandemic to take hold the very 1st thing they had to establish and everybody’s mind was that this was a new thing that nobody had seen it before. And therefore, everybody was equally vulnerable. And that, of course, was a terrible exaggeration, irrespective of how exactly the pathogen was present or not present and how fast it was spreading or where it actually was the idea, the biological concept that there is an RNA virus for which all of us are vulnerable. Because we’ve never seen it before only applies to babies that are born right now. After that you’re already in the world and your immune system is already interacting. And so just the concept of an RNA molecule that’s so novel that our body can’t deal with it is. Ridiculous. And that’s really one side of this two sided mythology. The other side of that mythology, of course, is the idea that an RNA molecule can successfully circle the planet all by itself. And I think that’s probably where. Really the rubber meets the road for me because it took me two and a half years, almost three years to get to the stage where I was sophisticated enough to ask the right question. With regard to 2019 and 2020, what they did to all of us, the smartest doctors, the most intrepid investigators was convinced us to ask the wrong question. And that wrong question is this a natural virus or is this a lab leak? And they made it seem like that was the. That was the heart of the matter. That’s what we really had to figure out. And if we figured out that, and we figured out who did it, then we would solve this mystery and we could set things straight, right? That was the ruse. That was the ruse. Yeah.
James Egidio:
And then if I remember correctly, it wasn’t until I think it was March or well, actually it was April and may going into June, at least where I was located at the time I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada, and they didn’t implement mask mandates. Until like about May, June. So that was a weird tip off that something was not gelling correctly. The other thing too is they always announced and parroted that, that if you contracted the Corona virus, you had a 98. 5 percent chance of survival. And I. I’ve mentioned this so many times on so many different podcast episodes, but I don’t want to get too far ahead because we’re still at the mask mandates. We’re still at the announcement of this and we’re still at the narrative, the media narrative of controlling it. Of controlling the narrative and then the whole thing with the mask and I even have some video footage of some insanity where there was a lot of mixed messages. In fact, I’ll just go ahead and go to one of the this is back in, I believe, 2020 or 21. Hey,
sir. I know you just exited work, but per government’s order, you’re required to wear a mask when you’re out in public. You got it. Perfect. Appreciate it. Thank you, sir. We made the decision collectively with the City Council, with the City Manager and the Public Safety Director, to step up the game a little bit and start to enforce the rules and regulations. And part of that enforcement is going out into the streets and talking to folks, but utilizing education as the key, education and persuasion. Hey sir, just to inform you, per government’s order, you’re required to wear a face mask in the city of West Hollywood and Brooklyn. Thank you, sir. We just came to inform you per government’s order, once you are in a public setting, you are required to put on a face mask. It’s a good thing. Good thing, of course. We should know that we have to wear a mask. We don’t want to give out citations, but for people who absolutely refuse to wear a mask I can guarantee you they are gonna receive a citation. The first offense is$250 with a$50 administration administrative fee for a grand total of$300 anytime outside in public. We need to really have model. We’re shooting citations now in West Hollywood, or 300 bucks a pop,
Dr. J.J. Couey:
yeah, go ahead, spectacular example of the kind of consensus that they created very early. So they force people to choose whether they wanted to conform or not. And that was very different than. The biological impetus for wearing a mask has to protect yourself from droplets on other people. So I think that the thing that has become more apparent to me in retrospect is that is, is that the censorship and this kind of behavior, which you just highlighted, which is that they didn’t start with masks right away. They actually said masks don’t work at first. Then they said they do work. Then they enforced it over the top. That I think is part of the ruse. If they hadn’t been prudent about it, and they had been honest about it from the beginning, that wouldn’t have been the pattern. If they would have been honest and prudent about the censorship. The censorship wouldn’t have had the pattern that it did.
James Egidio:
I’ve got another in the opposite of that, of a sheriff and a town in Ohio. And I’ll play that. I’m here today.
We’re our phone, we’re getting calls, we’re getting emails, we’re getting texts. The governor has, I believe he’s just completed the mandatory mask wearing for Butler County, several of the counties in the state of Ohio, it’s going to be mandatory, the mask wearing. And I’m here to we don’t have the orders what he’s put out yet, but I can tell you this that I want to make sure everybody understands. I am not the mask police. I am not going to enforce any mask wearing that is not my responsibility. That is not my job. People should be able to make that choices themselves. I didn’t put this order out, and it’s getting to the point, people are scared, people are calling and asking do we have to wear the mask in our house, in our cars? It’s getting ridiculous at this point. But I believe, as the Sheriff in Butler County, here in Ohio, the economy is starting to try to, Get back to where it was. You can’t go to restaurants and they at one time you were looked down on if you tried to go to church and the churches were closed and it’s totally out of control. It should be left up to the individual if they want to wear a mask. If someone’s sick, I can understand the mask wearing, but for all of us to have your temperature taken to have to wear a mask, Where is it going to stop? We, I’ve checked with some people that I know that work in the hospitals, the hospital staffs. Most hospitals in Ohio have laid people off because of this. They’ve laid people off. You go to the emergency room, you have to wait longer. There’s people that are still not working because of it, and this makes it harder to wear these masks and for everyday citizens that aren’t sick and have no symptoms to have to wear a mask. I’m not a scientist, but I want you to know that the police are busy. Our budgets have been cut, the fire departments, everybody has less just in the past few months. This does not make it better. What you have is don’t call 911 because someone is not wearing a mask. If the health departments want to control and take care of who’s not wearing a mask, let them put a little yellow light on their car and they can stop people and go in. They will not like the response. People are tired. The war out. I think we could have done this in a different way. But make no mistake about it. I as the Butler County Sheriff and not enforcing any mask wearing whatsoever to the public and my deputies will not enforce it. We’ve got more important things to do. It’s all we can do to keep up with fighting crime, locking people up and making sure they’re safe and employees are safe.
James Egidio:
So there
Dr. J.J. Couey:
you go there again, you see the same thing. The idea is to get people to argue about bad thing or bad thing. Should we put sand in sand park or skate parks should be closed down playgrounds and basketball courts. Should we let kids play hockey on ponds in Canada was also a question that was enforced and in a negative sense by the police, they didn’t let kids play hockey on ponds in Canada. We. We created a scenario. Where we were arguing about ridiculous things, so I didn’t argue about the real and that’s really what they got us to do. And the most enticing part of that was the lab leak or natural virus, but it also was lockdowns, masking kids vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, all of these things are potential red herrings, which was from looking at the novel virus with scrutiny.
James Egidio:
It, it created enough division that in fact, on a massive scale to where it put people in a such a quandary that they just couldn’t process the relentless news reports and from the so called experts. I remember Listening to an episode Tucker Carlson and he was interviewing Dr. Scott Atlas and Dr. Scott Atlas was hired by president Trump to pretty much, not so much replace Anthony Fauci, but be part of the hearings and when sitting in on the briefings, I should say, and they would just. totally just scoff at anything that he had to say or present to Burks and to Fauci. So there was just so many red flags that were just going up the whole time that I said. And I’m sure you too said something’s wrong. Something’s definitely wrong here.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
Definitely. But keep in mind, James, they played us really well because they had both sides performing and there was one side that made sense to us a little bit, right? And we were drawn to that side that made sense. And some people were drawn to the side of Tony Fauci, where it’s got to be a natural virus. Those people are crazy. Some people were drawn to this side. And it really depended on who you were tuning into, what your biases were, who you trusted, but there was a story for you to latch on to. Neither one that you latched onto, you were going to lose because they were being led by people who were never going to question the novelty of the virus. Never going to question the idea that we had to do something because it’s an emergency. It’s a national security priority. They weren’t going to question the. The shot at the time when they could have questioned it, and they were never going to question the possibility that a virus could come again because that’s how they plan to do this forever. Yeah. So we’re at 2019, and we’re still trying to frame where I was and where we were. And I think in 2020, in the beginning, it’s important to mention that I got sucked into or invited into or participated in a group called drastic on Twitter. And this group of internet researchers was the group that is credited with finding the publications including a phd thesis and a master’s thesis in chinese that was done on the minors that had originally died in 2012 Exposed to the cave where this the precursors of this virus were supposedly taken and certainly the cave that the W. I. V. in China was most interested in for the most years. And so this group of people, I think, still. I look very I look very skeptically upon because the group kicked me out of the group as soon as I started to speak about the transfection as being a mistake, and they insisted that their group was really focused only on the origins of the virus. And I, at that stage had already progressed far enough to say that I don’t think that answering the source of the virus is going to solve this problem because I think they might have misled us about the source of the virus and they wouldn’t have any of it or anything about transfection or vaccinations. They only wanted to talk about origins and they’re actually still only working on the origins. So that group got me quite distracted and kept me focused on fighting this narrative of a super bio weapon and that everybody was going to die. And this was a worst case scenario because that was a strategy that was employed. And I think everybody who’s listening to this podcast needs to understand that in the darkest corners of the internet and in the secret meetings of the government bureaucracy. And in the meetings behind the scenes at pharmaceutical companies, the assumption was that this was a leak of a virus that had. Potential to kill lots of people and irrespective of whether there was any data for that, everybody needs to understand that the way this whole theater was kicked off. Was triggering all of the pre programmed activity actions and emergency action plans that have been set forth by all these exercises over the last 20 years that, that everybody’s familiar with Event 201, but that’s the last 1 and a series of exercises, which prepared bureaucracies around the world for when this fire alarm gets pulled, right? And this fire alarm got pulled. And everybody did their job, and I think they did their job so well that actually, there was nobody that had the job of verifying whether we should continue to go on with this plan, right? Once the plan was activated, it was like. Now we changed the planet forever. And so that’s, what’s become quite scary to me. And I’m sure to you as well, that when this first started, you would have had a hard time convincing me that we’d be here in 2023, I like no way. But I actually think that the people who planned this knew we would be here in 2023. Yeah.
James Egidio:
It’s interesting you say that because the question was asked to me with my sister in 2020 and in February of 2020, she said to me, and like I said, I still. We’re still actively seeing patients in our clinic before I gave it up in 2020 in December. But she said to me, she says how long do you think this is going to last? And I says do you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to lie to you? And she says, tell me the truth. I said it’s going to last as long as the media wants it to last. They want it to last a year. It’ll last a year, two years, three years. It’s there’s not going to be an end to it. And we can see that now because they even talk about. The, we got into the variants and again, I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves because that came down the pike was the variants and you’re a biologist. The the variants are less lethal,
Dr. J.J. Couey:
right? Oh, they appear to be. The question really becomes, are the variants real? And that’s right. Where my my journey has really peaked. One of the sort of finishing stories there is with my history is that After doing my YouTube and Twitch for about a year, I was lucky enough to get a phone call from Bobby Kennedy asking him, asking me to help him write this Wuhan book that’s coming out in November. And honestly, that, that was when I was challenged to learn the virology at a newer level, at a better level than I had up until that point. Previously I was doing it for myself and I was doing it in the context of immunology, but now Bobby really wanted me to understand for him what was done in every one of these papers. And so I redoubled my effort in terms of trying to scrutinize what they know and what they don’t know what they speculate and what they know, and it became very clear to me that coronavirus biology is a coronaviruses are very enigmatic and very difficult for them to study. And then suddenly in 2020, they seem to claim that they have this fidelity and. And ability to track a coronavirus in a way that they’ve never claimed before. So that’s that to me was when things got really exciting because that’s when my social media contacts started to act weird. And it was really when I started teaching infectious clones and how coronavirus biology is actually done in the laboratory, that people that used to be my allies started to say I was nuts, people that were saying I was nuts now really said I was nuts. And people that weren’t paying attention to me before started calling me crazy. So I knew I was over the target at that point.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. A hundred percent. Dr. David Martin brought up going back to 2019 event 201 and Mickey Willis and Plandemic really laid that out really well. You say, for the person, the non scientist, the person that’s listening. They’ve got to be at this point, hopefully putting the pieces together of the puzzle of this whole puzzle to see what’s going on. When you start talking about vaccine passports and digital passports and so on and so forth now, you’re really getting into a whole host of issues that people get to a point where they’re like, I don’t even want to hear it anymore. Because I did a little research on quantum tattoos, right? And there was a Dr. McHugh who works out of Rice University who had been studying and doing research on quantum tattoos and luciferase dye. And I know there was Dr. Kerry Mahayus and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. They brought this on early on. They mentioned this like right around April or May of 2020. And Lo and behold, when I did my research, I’m looking and I’m citing articles that were written in 2012 and 13 and 14 and up to 2019, a year before the coronavirus outbreak that they were going to be used for. Vaccine passports and Children and pediatric patients. Like you said, there’s this plan that’s been going on for so long for so many years,
Dr. J.J. Couey:
I think that’s the part that people, I think they did very well. In the years up to the pandemic to drive people to think that, for example, agenda 2030 was a conspiracy. U.N. doesn’t really mean anything or that the who doesn’t have any binding powers and so they already started with this dichotomy of, you’re a global conspiracy theorist, or you’re you’re, you watch TV and you believe it. They already started this many years before that. And for sure the part of overplaying this the technology of digital ID and a vaccination ID and vaccine passports, that overplaying of that was also part of the game. It to tire people out, as you said, to get them tired of listening to this stuff. Oh, they’re never going to do that. The idea is to tell you about it now. So that five years from now, it’s an old idea, right? The idea is to not, they don’t want a vaccine passport. Me. They want to vaccine my passport, my kids. This is not a plan even to get my children. Probably it’s to get my grandchildren and your grandchildren. That’s how I think we, we also need to reorganize the way we interpret how we’re being governed, because I think a lot of people think we’re being governed, on a weekly basis or a monthly basis or even a yearly election cycle basis. But these people have been governing Western civilization with a. 15, 20, 30 year time horizon, they already know where they want us to go, where they want to get us because it’s moving a civilization of our size is like a cruise ship. You can’t just turn on a dime. And they’ve had us pointed in this direction for at least 25 or 30 years, my whole lifetime almost. And this direction is a direction where they can govern the globe. You can’t govern the globe with a common language. You can’t govern the globe with a common MTV channel. You can’t cover the globe with a common religion. You govern the globe with a common enemy, a common danger or a common crisis. And that’s why climate change and public health are the two best ways to unite. The world under a global governance structure, and they’ve known that for a while now. Yeah.
James Egidio:
Yeah. I don’t think they’re going to win at this game though, because there’s just too many differences. There’s too much division in terms of how people believe. You look on a global scale at our own government can’t even govern itself. So how are they going to, how are they going to organize people? How are they going to do that? They can’t do it.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
I don’t know. Maybe it’s me. I don’t know. Honestly, I think that’s the crazy part of this is that it does really seem that there are very few alternative interpretations of what’s happening here. If you find the worst recordings from these people, they say the words right out loud. But if you just try to interpret their behavior, it does seem to be there is a movement to dilute national sovereignty to the point of meaninglessness. And. In so doing that what becomes the power structure? The power structure is weaponized piles of money. And so if the U S government is a pile of debt, then that’s not the weaponized pile of money that’s governing us. We have to look for these weaponized piles of money, identify them and then take the power away from them. And right now, because we’re chasing around the origin of a, probably a host of previously existing RNA signals rather than a novel virus. And we’re debating about a war in a country and in mid Asia. We’re not thinking about how to escape from their global governance structure. We’re just chasing down their shiny objects.
James Egidio:
Yeah. And it’s interesting as they continue the narrative with the vaccines and the and getting vaccines and they backed away from the mandatory mandated the mandates.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
But how, yes, they backed away from the mandates because the legal space doesn’t permit it. They would lose but they haven’t backed away from the coercion and you could see awarding the Nobel prize to these 2 biochemists as being coercion. You are basically for anybody that’s unsophisticated enough to understand the biology and the subtle nuances of what informed consent means in the context of transfection. If they see a Nobel prize being awarded to vaccine makers, the average person on the street is not capable of dismissing that, but instead sees. A impenetrable illusion of consensus that they save the world. And that impenetrable illusion of consensus is not easy for the average person to turn away from when everybody on social media agrees when everybody on TV agrees, it’s really hard for average Joe or average Jane to go. I don’t know if I agree. That’s like impossible. That’s what the Ash conformity experiment is all about. And that’s only three people in a room next to you. It’s not people on TV that you respect. It’s not influencers that you follow. It’s not Hollywood stars. You’re in love with, this is just four random people in a room that all say the wrong answer and you have a hard time disagreeing with.
James Egidio:
Yeah. Don’t you think too, though, that you have enough people out there by now that no. Because I see a lot of comments where people say I would never get that shot again. I would never participate in that again. So don’t you think that there’s enough people out there now that are just, they’re not takers anymore. They’re just not going to do it
Dr. J.J. Couey:
anymore. I don’t know. I want to believe you’re right. I don’t know though. I think there are a lot of people out there that would lie about how many they took. I think there are a lot of people out there that are ashamed that they followed the order and are still so afraid and shamed that if another order came about, they still wouldn’t be able to say no. Yeah. I’m very pessimistic because I think people have been so confused and terrified into trusting. The TV that, the, it’s almost like you have to be in person with everybody that you want to convert. And so the only way, podcasts don’t even work. You got to be in person podcast. If you’re open to these ideas, you can find your way out, but most people aren’t open. They don’t even know they’re not open.
James Egidio:
Yeah. But you have enough people the likes of Edward Dowd who wrote cause unknown, I’ve interviewed him. You have Robert F. Kennedy. Yeah. I think you have enough people. Out there, influencers out there that are getting the word. Cause the word does
Dr. J.J. Couey:
spread. My parents don’t talk to me because I am a know it all. My own parents haven’t talked to me for three years because I lost my job and they think I lied to them about why I lost my job. And it’s because I’m a know it all. My brother in Texas doesn’t talk to me anymore because he wanted me to wear two masks when I came to visit him. And I wouldn’t so these people are spectacularly committed to this lie because if they’re not, then their whole worldview will be shaken to admit that they believed a spectacular, it’s too much for them and my parents. Are foregoing seeing their grandchildren for three years under the stipulation that their son is an idiot. I they know that I was hired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And I can only assume that makes them even more certain that I’m an idiot.
James Egidio:
What is it going to take? How
Dr. J.J. Couey:
does it question? I ask almost every day I wake up. But it is really this serious. And so as hopeful as I am I think that we’re in for a long ride yet because the people that are committed are still really committed. Yeah,
James Egidio:
it’s been amazing to have you on on the Medical Truth Podcast. I’d like to continue to up, have you update and come on periodically as well with the release of the book with Robert F. Kennedy as well. Oh, I would love it. That would
Dr. J.J. Couey:
be great. I would love it. That’d be really fun. That would be,
James Egidio:
yeah. Yeah. And I’ll see get you on Substack too as well. I, I know Paul Dr. Paul Alexander. In fact, I actually pulled up this particular article in this, what
Dr. J.J. Couey:
actually plugs this week. It was
James Egidio:
yeah, this is what got my attention. Embarrassed actually. This is what got my attention right here j. Couey lives inside Robert Malone’s head. I love it. Cooey owns Malone and Malone is not ever, will never debate him or talk with him. This is a reason for that. I openly challenge Malone here. Put your testicles on the table.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
Yeah, it’s, it goes over the top a lot, but actually the article is really good. And, it covers my work and the work of my friend, Mark Housatonic. Mark Kulak in in Boston, Massachusetts. And he’s been a great friend and a, and he’s a really skilled historian who started earlier than I did with regard to, to really keeping track of this. And he’s got a really good archive and together him and I have been just trying to run down the stories of these new heroes and try to figure out which one of them is, really a good guy and which one might not be. And I’m as, as open minded as I am, I have to say that I’ve had so many. incongruent interactions with Robert Malone that I have to assume that His he’s got ulterior motives.
James Egidio:
I have to agree with you on that. I, and I, the first time I saw him was on Tucker Carlson and this was like maybe back in what 21, 21, 22, early 22. I
Dr. J.J. Couey:
think something like that. I think 21 was probably when he was first on Tucker, but
James Egidio:
yeah, my theory on that too, is that there’s a lot of people that are on the hook and I even include president Trump on this as well. He was at fault as well. The only person, the true person that really stood up to a lot of this was Robert F. Kennedy is president. Trump kept pushing the vaccine, kept pushing the vaccine. And to this day still does it. In fact, I just posted something on sub stack as to why my question was in the article that I wrote was why president Trump still push the vaccine. And I just don’t think any. One particular politician or anybody is going to save us in this situation. And I say it
Dr. J.J. Couey:
time and time again, that’s really the most important thing to say. No one will, no one politician is going to save us. And we don’t want to live in a country where we need a politician like that to save us.
James Egidio:
No. And I keep saying this to people, listen, we have the God given right not to take this vaccine and to do it. It’s our decision. It’s our body. It’s our choice. And we have to stand up to that. We have to stand up to that. We’re the ones where the power is in the people. There’s more of us than there are of them. Okay, whoever them are. And we all know we’re starting to know who them are. And as time goes on, the dark is going to be overshadowed by the light for sure. It’s just a matter of time and it’s happening and there’s people like you that are very courageous that are coming forward. And I really appreciate your work. And I’m going to continue to put your work out there for sure. You got a fan. Now.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
Thanks very much. James. I’m really happy. I don’t know. It’s been a long, lonely play. I’m sure you felt alone too. It really even when you have these podcasts, it feels like you’re in a wilderness all by yourself. So Yeah, I’m really happy to make another connection like this.
James Egidio:
Absolutely. You got, you have, definitely. Like I said, I’ll have you come on again. Your website is Go ahead. Do you want to share that with them? GigaOMBiological.
Dr. J.J. Couey:
com it’s hard to spell, but you’ll learn it. And I’m also GigaOMBiological on Twitch. Which is a, it’s a weird streaming platform for gamers and for weirdos, but it also keeps me nicely hidden. I also try to post, I’m trying to get into the habit of reposting on Rumble, but that hasn’t really started yet. And I actually, in addition to being on your podcast, was just recently on a podcast with Ahmed Malik. I think you might also have been aware of him. He’s very much like you. And so maybe my message is finally catching on. I’m going to be around in more places, but right now Giga Home Biological is where I stream on Twitch and I’m doing it every night. For about, I don’t know, for 35 nights in a row so far, I’m going to try and keep it up for a few hundred. So it’s worth checking because I’m be there almost every day and this includes today. Yeah, I think it’s just steady pressure. So people like you have to keep going. Oh, yeah, we have to keep sharing each other’s work and, as we keep pushing with steady pressure, I think this thing will keep cracking.
James Egidio:
I will. Definitely. Definitely. Definitely. Thank you so much for coming on to the podcast. I really appreciate it. Dr. Couey. You’re very welcome. It was nice. Thanks. You too, sir. Thanks.
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