What is the Medical Truth Podcast?
Medical Truth Podcast (MTP) is a podcast hosted by James Egidio that is an uncensored platform that features guests and topics from all areas of the healthcare industry, such as doctors, nurses, medical specialists, authors, scientists, nutritionists, researchers, professor’s, attorney’s and even former patient’s that discuss their work and experience related to the healthcare industry in the United States.
Medical Truth Podcast (MTP) is a podcast that bridges the gap between expert guests with years of experience and knowledge in their field. You, the listener, With factual information that educates and informs you, the listener, to improve your overall health rather than information based on speculation, censorship, lies, hype, and a particular interest in the medical establishment, pharmaceutical, and insurance industry.
Medical Truth Podcast (MTP) is a podcast that Tells the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth About the American Health Care System!
Medical Truth Podcast is a podcast that allows YOU, the listener, to be a free and critical thinker based on content from expert guests who have years of experience in their chosen field.
What the Medical Truth Podcast is Not
Because I know how important your health is to you, The Medical Truth Podcast does not take a news or journalistic approach by presenting content with gross exaggerations, malice, lies, or parrot information from corrupt bought-off agencies, organizations, inexperienced journalists who have no “Real” Knowledge in the field of medicine or science to get more likes on social media or more podcast downloads or viewers.
The Medical Truth Podcast is not a podcast that is looking to debate, dispute, divide, or deceive you, the listener but only provide accurate and factual information about health and medicine to you, the listener and viewer; we all had enough of that in the last three years.
The Medical Truth Podcast does not present its content based on So-Called “Conspiracy Theories” or Gaslighting but only through guests who are professionals in their given field with years of experience and knowledge.

The Medical Truth Podcast does not give medical advice or encourage you to go against your physician’s orders. The medical truth podcast and its associated content (websites, articles, podcast episodes, and the like) provide general and well-researched content based on experts with years of experience, and the content is not intended. It should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician.
Finally, the Medical Truth Podcast does not debate topics based on politics or political parties since this does not serve you, the listener, very well. Instead, the MTP podcast is a serious podcast with a serious goal, and that goal is to help you, the listener, with factual information so that you can make sound decisions based on your God-given rights and Freedoms.